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About the "founding myths of Israeli politics", the content of this book and the star of David

About "The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics", the book by Roger Garaudy; "ALIVE after the fall", a book from which I will publish in another article the so-called prophecy written probably also by a Jew (I bought the book, especially so that I can make it public, you will see WHY); what "connection" has the contents of this book with me, the "prophecy" and the star of David, my necklace, and everything that happened in my life, from six years ago to the present. Of course, in one article I can't tell them all, so here I'm going to quote very important paragraphs from the book, which are very important about the so-called "prophecy" and, by implication, my life.

I quote from the book which is very scientifically, biblically, spiritually documented by this author of objective sincerity and immeasurable courage to write and publish, with great difficulty, this book. I will also quote from the contents of the book on this subject. Now I quote some extremely important paragraphs:

"The truth is on the move, and nothing will stop it."

This quote from the book is very important and with maximum relevance in terms of what happened to my father during Ceausescu's time and, as they used (these psychopaths, great liars, manipulators and murderers, Maticiuc and Constantinescu family's), what happened to my father, in all this story that they invented, betting precisely on a false diagnosis of psychosis (which later, after many years was changed into something else), attributed to my father, by the security of Ceausescu, as very, many Romanians were given this diagnosis of "crazy", and their destinies were ruined, just as this author writes and is known and recognized throughout the world this real fact. Those who received these "diagnoses" were probably among the easiest cases, compared to others who were imprisoned, terrorized and scolded in communist prisons, (the bloodiest being the one in Pitesti, a phenomenon described in the book you see below in pictures and I wrote about it), or, killed by the criminals in power at the time.

"1950-1995 Everywhere in Western countries appears and develops a critical current of thought and opinion on the last world war. It is, almost without exception, about progressive historians, "left-wing" people, most of whom are former communists or socialists. Naturally, as soon as they are recognized as representatives of "historical revisionism", they will be excluded from the parties of origin, will bear various police, administrative-judicial, fiscal, professional pressures.

They were all terrorized, each in the country and at the time,

in much the same way that the Ceausist Security had been terrorizing the Ceausist Security over the last ten or fifteen years.

Of course, there are few who have been labeled or declared "crazy", as in Ceausescu's time.

Anyone who thinks they've exaggerated the count of the victims of Hitlerism is considered anti-Semitic."

read this article, although it is only just beginning; I will make many disclosures in this article entitled My Father. very important and with maximum relevance in terms of what happened to my father during Ceausescu's time. See also the picture, below, with the books that they send it to me, the book entitled MY FATHER.


In the early days of June, R. Garaudy published a brochure entitled "Right to Respond. Answer to the journalistic lining of Abbot Pierre and Roger Garaudy." Garaudy points out that none of his critics disputed the fact that many Zionist bosses of the era collaborated with Hitler, being prepared to draw the jar on their cake, if Germany had won the war. None of these critics have said a word about the terrorism that is being practiced today in Israel. For 50 years now,

the leaders of Israel, regardless of party, have been acting as if they were above international law. Roger Garaudy also talks about the Jewish mafia in the USA and France.

Visiting Israel, Grand Rabbi Situk told Ytzac Shamir (the same man who in 1941 proposed Hitler's alliance) "every French Jew is a representative of Israel, he added, "without bothering that he serves two masters." (Le Monde, 14 July 1990). In Right to Answer, Garaudy also insists on the following ideas;

that the taboo of Nuremberg is a kind of Dreyfus Affair inside out, that all that has been said about his book is not a criticism but a chorus of howls, an ocean of hatred, towards Abbot Pierre, who understood the Bible prophetically, Zionism practices a tribal reading of the Bible as hence the sense of superiority of the Jews over the rest of mankind, from an integrative reading of the Holy Book.

Garaudy also shows that Israel has no future in its brotherly concert with other peoples, as long as it does not give up Zionism, that is, colonialism.

He considers it necessary and urgent to repeal Stalinist Law No. 90-615 of 13 July 1990,

since this law claims that this law cannot be a crime against humanity unless the interests of the Jews are harmed.

In conclusion, Garaudy considers that for the repeal of this totalitarian law, which dogmatically promulgates an official, state truth, the European Court in Strasbourg will have to be referred to it.

Otherwise, anyone will be able to say from now on:

"We know very well WHO COMMANDS and WHO IS teleguiding the Presidents of Republics, Parliaments, Parties, Newschiefs, Churches! Everything must be done so that millions of good-faith French men can free themselves from the slavery of the cerebral holocaust of the post-war era."


"In Jewish prophetic exegesis.

Lecture by Rabbi Elmer Berger, former president of the League for Judaism of the United States: 'It is inadmissible for anyone to claim that the current implantation of the state of Israel is the fulfillment of a biblical prophecy and, consequently, that all actions taken by the Israelis to establish and maintain their state are pre-approved by God. Israel's current policy has destroyed or, at least, clouded the spiritual significance of Israel. I propose to examine two fundamental elements of the prophetic tradition. First, when the Prophets evoked the restoration of Zion, it was not the earth that had a sacred character by itself. The absolute and indisputable criterion of the prophetic concept of Salvation was the restoration of the Alliance with God, at a time when this Alliance had been broken by the king and his people. Miheia says it with all clarity: "Listen to this, you, the heads of the house of Jacob, judges of the house of Israel, you who hate good and love evil, who build Zion with transgressions and Jerusalem with tightness. because of you Zion will be ploughed like a land and Jerusalem will be pretended in a pile of ruins and the temple mount will reach a height covered by forest."

Zion is not holy unless God's law reigns over it. and this does not mean that any law promulgated in Jerusalem is a holy law. It is not only the earth that depends on the respect of the Alliance and its faith in it: the people resettled in Zion are subject to the same demands of justice, justice and fidelity to the Alliance with God.

Zion could not expect a restoration of a people relying on treaties, alliances, military relations of force, or a military hierarchy to attempt to establish its superiority over Israel's neighbors. The prophetic tradition clearly shows that the sanctity of the country does not depend on its soil or that of the people or simply present in this territory. Therefore, the present state of Israel has no right to take the authority to carry out the divine project for a Messianic era. This is a pure demagoguery concerning the sanctity of territory and blood. Neither the people nor the country are holy and deserve no spiritual privilege in the world. Zionist totalitarianism, which seeks to subdue its entire Jewish people, even through violence and force, makes it a people among others and similar to others."

Source: Rabin Elmer Berger, "Prophecy, Zionism and the State of Israel" Ed. American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism.

Why are you so outraged by the real words of a rabbi, I mean, a Jew? Who are you to judge what a rabbi and an author who gathers real information and writes the sources, every quote he publishes in the book that renders the historical truth that an entire world must know, and, anyway, this book has long been published in Lebanon, Brazil, Italy, France, Turkey, us and other countries, and translated into German and Russian. What do I or anyone else in my family have to do with what this author writes or what your rabbis say, or other personalities, historians, who are telling the truth about what has happened in history? I knew you were crazy, the ones who judged like this, but I didn't think you were so crazy that you didn't like the truth written by one of YOUR JEWS (and I took the picture today from the book, the quote translated here, last night), so, it's NOT about any anti-Semitism, as long as it's about what a Jewish rabbi says that's normal, declare such a thing and follow the word of God in the Bible and NOT your psychopathic fantasies based on terror and murder; this and it says in the book: the truth about those who judge the Bible, and if you don't like it, DO NOT read!

You are free to leave from here, because I have never invited you nor have I given you permission to be here, so, you are very illegal here. It's my right to write what I want. That means the freedom of the word I exercise.

Also, I'm NOT the one with the prophetic inventions of evil psychopaths, but YOU! So, I will analyze this so-called "prophecy", from all points of view: both of my personal life in which you have entered without any right, and from the point of view of this author who gathered history, historical truth and biblical prophecies, in this book. Who doesn't like it or is NOT able to understand what I'm doing here, (i.e. I restore my freedom, my fundamental rights, the right to speak freely and express opinions and present things as they were), and also DO NOT understand what it says in this book that I did NOT write, and, he's so crazy as to have the impression that what a Jewish rabbi says, would be my words, or "conspiracy theories," to implant some neurons, that obviously needs.

And, let me clarify one more point before proceeding with the citation of paragraphs from this book, the book which, THEY, Maticiuc father and son and Constantinescu and his wife, SEND THAT TO ME, along with the other books you see from the pictures shown in this article. So, these BIG criminal psychopaths of humanity, who in reality are half a meter tall, but their minds are as dirty as their entire imaginary world, who created this monstrous scenario that an entire world condemns and condemns them, they also put a lady teacher, member of the Greek Catholic church in New York, to give us some gift items, including these books, very carefully selected (only if you read the names of the books, you realize that it was a setup made many years ago and that all they did, was the execution of a scenario in support of Israel and those fanatics Jews (because NOT all Jews think the same, on the contrary, and you will read more in this article) when we helped her move and pack some things.

So, it's not about any conspiracy theory, it's a real theory, with real evidence and people, and real scenarios made by foreign agents, for their benefit and Israel, on the territory of the United States of America, using me as bait, surrogate, call it what you want, for THEIR POLITICAL POWER and FANATICAL "theories" that are the interpretations of the BIBLE as they want, and NOT how GOD WANTS!

I will translate the names of the books, as well as some DVDs. I repeat, you will understand only from the name, what it is about.

In these pictures: Constanta (name of the hometown of The third and current wife of Constantinescu), Memory of the city. Next to this book, it's a diary of someone, with the image of a cat, that is, one of the "roles" that these psychopaths have assigned to me and, as everyone knows, Constantinescu has filled his house with cats; He also made them an Instagram account, as a result of the "fame" they got through fraud and fake, through this media coverage and the Russian roulette game with my life and my family.

And no, it's not about me as a cat, not about my sister, aka number three, in your psychopathy. It is about exclusively the real mistress, now the current wife, Ramona Constantinescu.

And, I've decided: if a real American Counterintelligence Officer, due to, (as is normal in a democratic society) FREEDOM OF SPEECH, can and has the legal right to publish real names from the FBI, Presidents and other real, topical characters in American politics; if the writer Roger Garaudy, could, although with great impediments and, initially, at his own expense, (but, found people willing to help him) to publish the book, THIS BOOK, "founding myths of Israeli politics", although those who did not agree THE TRUTH published in that book tried to ban and intimidate him, and NOT just him, and yet, it was published, and still in many copies and in many languages and countries, then I CAN, both PUBLISH REAL NAMES (especially since it is about my abusers and their accomplices), and I CAN PUBLISH HERE, on MY LEGAL BLOG (blog that is hosted on the platform of a Jewish firm, WIX), for which I PAID in advance for a YEAR, and then in a book, MY FUTURE BOOK, everything about my real life and everything that happened in these six years!

I have a legal right and I will fight anyone for my rights to life, liberty, and all other inalienable rights that have been illegally and completely abnormally stolen from me for the interests of some fanatics and psychopaths. And I'm going to win!

Constanta (name of the hometown of the current wife of Constantinescu)

The MEMORY of the CITY

Journal. Cats by Constantinescu's family

The titles of the books: the Pain Memorial and the Pitesti Phenomenon, a book about which I wrote and explained how they applied the techniques from there, from that book, with everyone, including with my friends online, all of you who read and know what situation I was put in by these psychopaths.

YALTA, RUSSIA'S EUROPE, POLAND, STALIN and the atomic bomb. These are all the titles of the books they sent. You see them in these pictures.

Other titles: The Missing Continent, The Tragedy of the Ages, Don Juans who lead us, WHY is Romania otherwise?, Undergrounds of a myth: Kennedy, Project Apollo, The hole in the flag

Other titles: An ACTOR PREPARES (Stanislavski); Sous La Botte SOVIETIQUE, Ciel Rouge sur la Roumanie; SELECTED AMERICAN VERSE;

Renoir, My father; BETRAYAL of AMERICA, The MAN J.F.K. and THE MYTH

In the first picture, it's about my conversation with a friend who came to us in New York both in 2016, in the spring (and I have an extremely interesting story in this regard and what Codin Maticiuc did then, which I will say soon, with evidence) and in 2017. I asked him to bring me one of my books, written by Jung, Psychological Types, as well as another book, Little Dictionary of Wisdom. With Jung's book I had the picture, because I had done to "show" to Radu Constantinescu, (after I found out that he sees everything in my phone, including pictures) that he has problems and has to go to a psychologist and leave me alone. This was my way of responding to the evil he was doing to me online. And about that I have a story, with other pictures and the fact that, he published his wife's book with some recipes stolen from the Internet, which she prepared, because of the pictures I made from my family's recipe book, as well as a cookbook with recipes from Transylvania, the area where we were born, written by a famous lady, whom my family uses. So he, as a method of revenge on me, because I didn't do what he wanted and he couldn't punish me like he did with his wife (and I'll tell you another thing in the premiere; when they were arguing and see online, she didn't get any more likes in her posts, as in times when he was good to each other; so that was a way to punish her and show her who the "boss" was, and that she, without him, does not represent anything, and he totally destroys her if he wants to. That's why she was rewarded and he, with everything he saw in me, absolutely everything, rebuilt her, re-educated her exactly as he wanted, making her my lookalike, stealing, including ideas, with which he rewarded her, proof, her cookbook), tried to punish me like he did with her, but saw that I do NOT respond to his terrorism, so he did the impossible to hurt and subjugate me, to no avail. That's why they built this story and became more and more immersed in lying.

The requested book was NOT brought to me, as clearly as possible they did not let him bring it to me; Instead, my friend came up with this book that you see in the other picture, Occult Worlds, which, as obviously, they sent to me. Including the publishing house is the one belonging to the Financial Week, the one you see in the picture with Radu Constantinescu, the one he posted in the winter of 2018/2019, during the period when we were gassed daily in our own house, as we are now, at the moment, because now, at the time I write this text (11pm, February 2, 2021), they have started gassing again, at the command of GEORGE SOROS, the one who claims to be the human rights defender, and, whom I denounced to the FBI, together with Maticiuc and Constantinescu.

Why did they send me this book, Occult Worlds? Also to "inform" me that they acted with black magic, all these years, for their evil experiment, called the newer, "prophecy". I also received a real invitation to a secret society, probably of this kind, another proof for law enforcement that those who acted and act on me are part of such an entourage.

I don't negotiate with terrorists or psychopaths! As you "speak", so expect to receive a proper response from me. You want civilization and normality? behave as such; at the moment you're all guilty and fit for jail or death sentence, so, shut up with other threats. if you think it's all about what I write here, you're wrong!

Read the whole article. Worth. I come back with an update, with other information, both to this article and to others.

I quote important phrases from the author's foreword: "Integrisms, generating violence and war, are a deadly disease of our time. This book is part of a trilogy that I have devoted to combating them (...) Announces the heresy of political Zionism which consists in substituting the God of Israel for the State of Israel, transformed into a nuclear aircraft carrier and the submersible of the provisional masters of the world: the United States trying to take over the oil of the Middle East, the nerve of Western-style economic growth; growth pattern which, through the IMF cost the Third World, every two days, the dead equivalent of Hiroshima.

from Lord Balfour who declared, when he gave the Zionists a country that did not belong to him: "little is our interest in the system put into practice in order to keep our oil from the Middle East. The key is that this oil remains accessible." (Kimhe John, Palestine et Israel, ed. Albin Michel, 1973, p.27), a same policy traces the same mission to Israeli Zionist rulers, the one defined by Joseph Luns, former secretary general of NATO: "Israel was the least expensive mercenary in our modern era." (Nadav Shragai, of 13 March 1992). A well-paid mercenary because, for example, between 1951 and 1959, two million Israelis received, per capita, a hundred times more than two billion people in the Third World; and especially a well-protected mercenary: between 1972 and 1996, the United States opposed thirty times their veto, to the United Nations, any condemnation of Israel, while its leaders applied their program of disintegration of all States of the Middle East, a program exhibited by Kivounom magazine in February 1982, during the invade of Lebanon. This policy is based, thanks to the unconditional support of the United States, on the idea that international law is a "piece of paper" (Ben Gurion) and that, for example, United Nations resolutions 242 and 338, which demand that Israel withdraw from the West Bank and the Golan, are doomed to remain the dead letter, as well as the unanimous condemnation of the annexation of Jerusalem, voted by the United States itself. , but excluding any sanction. such a policy whose substance cannot be confessed, requires a camouflage that my book aims to remove. First, an alleged 'theological' justification of aggression through an integrative reading of the revealed texts, turning the myth into history: the great symbol of Abraham's unconditional obedience to the will of God, and his blessing by "all the nations of the earth" transformed into his tribal opposite, the conquered country becoming the "promised country", as in all the peoples of the Middle East, from Mesopotamia to the Hittites and to the Egyptians.

As in the case of Exodus, this eternal symbol of the liberation of peoples from oppression and tyranny, invoked both by the Koran and by the current "theologians of liberation", when addressed to all peoples who believe in the will of a Universal God, it becomes a unique miracle and a privilege that it would have granted, a partial and biased God, of an "elected people", as in all tribal religions and in all nationalisms, which claim to be the "chosen people", whose mission would be to fulfill the will of God: Gesta Dei per Francos for the French, Gott Mit Uns for the Germans, Faire Christ Roi for Franco, In God we trust, for the Americans.

Then a more modern mythology: that of the state of Israel which would be "God's answer to the Holocaust", as if Israel was the only refuge of the victims of Hitler's barbarity, while Itzac Shamir himself (who had offered his alliance to Hitler until his arrest by the English for collaboration with the enemy and for terrorism) writes:" contrary to the general opinion, most of the Israeli immigrants were NOT Holocaust survivors , but Jews from Arab countries, natives of the region" (quoted: Itzac Shamir, Looking back, looking ahead, 1987, p. 574)

The number of victims should therefore have been inflated. For example, the Auschwitz commemorative plaque said, in 19 languages, by 1994: four million victims. The new plates proclaim today "around a million and a half". It must therefore be believed, by the myth of the 6 million, that mankind had witnessed "the greatest genocide in history", forgetting the 60 million Indians in America, the 100 million Blacks, even forgetting Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the 50 million deaths of World War II, of which 17 million Slavs, as if Hitlerism were nothing more than a vast pogrom and not a crime against all humanity. Would we be anti-Semitis if we said that the Jews were very hard hit, but that they weren't the only ones, and that's only because television only talks about these victims, not the others? In addition, in order to complete the camouflage, it was to be, by a theological term: "Holocaust", to give a sacred character to these real massacres, and to be introduced into a kind of divine plan, such as the crucifixion of Jesus. my book has no objective other than to denounce this ideological camouflage of a policy, to prevent it from being confused with the great tradition of the prophets of Israel. Together with my friend Bernard Lecache, founder of L.I.C.A., deported to the same concentration camp as me, I taught our comrades about the grandeur, universalism and liberating power of these Jewish prophets." He also declared that, quote:' political Zionism is at the antipode of the great Jewish prophetism. (...) I hope to make a contribution to the struggle for genuine peace, based on respect for the truth and international law.

Bravely, even in Israel, Jews faithful to their prophets, the "new historians" of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the Israeli partisans of a just peace, after discovering their nefarious character for the state of Israel itself and for world peace, question the "myths" of political Zionism that led to the assassinations committed by Baruch Goldstein in Hebron and Ygal Amir against Prime Minister Ytzak Rabin.

The truth is on the move, and nothing will stop it.

Intellectual terrorism of a "lobby" already denounced by General De Gaulle for his "excessive influence on information" forced me, in France, to proceed to a prepublication of this text in a special issue of a magazine, reserved for subscribers and not put up for public sale. This fact, an expression of the situation existing in France, seems to have retained more the attention of commentators than the content of my text. I publish it today, myself, on my own responsibility, in the form of Samizdat, in the strict sense of this term which means in Russian, edited by the author.

Against derailed mythologies, this book will be a new contribution to the critical history of the contemporary world." Roger Garaudy

The repetition of these phrases, as strengths of this writing, belongs to me, quote: "He also declares that, quote:' political Zionism is at the antipode of the great Jewish prophetism. (...) I hope to make a contribution to the struggle for genuine peace, based on respect for the truth and international law. The truth is on the move, and nothing will stop it."

Let's continue reading the book with extraordinarily important and relevant elements. I will go directly to the chronological list, then I will quote the description of the author, and what he had to go through because he published this book which, it seems, according to all the documents, of prestigious newspaper articles around the world, as well as the public statements of high dignitaries or prominent figures, reflect the historical and undisputed truth, as well as the interests of some to hide it.

1945, February, Yalta: The international conference of the "big four" decides slavery for hundreds of millions of people in Eastern Europe and Asia.

1945, June-August: German prisoners of war are denied the status of "prisoners of war". Several million German soldiers and officers thus cease to have the legal status of "prisoners of war" that gave them the right to shelter and food, according to current international regulations. They're given the name FID, meaning "disarmed enemy forces." is thus committed to the responsibility of the four great powers, plus the responsibility and personal honor of the American General Eisenhower.

1945-1948 According to Anglo-American military archives, some 800,000 Germans, prisoners of war without recognized status, are declared "dead for various reasons", which can be controlled by anyone in the registers of most of the Allied camps of German prisoners of war. Partisans of the revisionist historical current consider this in all its gravity. Cf. James Baque, Other Losses, Toronto 1988, or Morts for various reasons, Paris, 1989

1945-1946, Nuremberg International Military Tribunal (TMI) of the victors, judges and condemns the losers. If we make abstraction of the "Stalinist justice" of the 1930s, the Nuremberg process has no historical precedent. Brennus' sword and his vae victis formula! He had lived his life. The slavery of half a century of Eastern Europe and other peoples is imposed and guaranteed by the Anglo-American-Soviet sword. TMI attributes to Germany including the Katyn massacre.

1949, December, Paris. Raul Rassinger publishes Le passage a la ligne, text that will be repeated later in Le monsonge d'Ulisse, volume of memories from the Nazi camps at Buchenwald and Dora. For the first time since the war, someone is telling the story of everyday life in Hitler's camps. Rassinger's prestige and authority put Western official politicians and propagandists (historians, journalists, politicians, church, etc.) to the test. As a result of this book, Rassigner loses his seat as an MP. He will be chased without mercy, and UNTIL his death by French "justice". Vae victis? Error. Rassigner had combated Hitler's Germany with a gun in his hand. Brennus had placed his sword once on the balance that weighed the gold of the losers. The winners of World War II draw the sword and put it on the balance as soon as they can coupe something: from the losers, from the neutrals, even from certain winners.


1950-1995 Everywhere in Western countries appears and develops a critical current of thought and opinion on the last world war. It is, almost without exception, about progressive historians, "left-wing" people, most of whom are former communists or socialists. Naturally, as soon as they are recognized as representatives of "historical revisionism", they will be excluded from the parties of origin, will bear various police, administrative-judicial, fiscal, professional pressures.

They were all terrorized, each in the country and at the time, in much the same way that the Ceausist Security had been terrorizing the Ceausist Security over the last ten or fifteen years. Of course,

there are few who have been labeled or declared "crazy", as in Ceausescu's time. Anyone who thinks they've exaggerated the count of the victims of Hitlerism is considered anti-Semitic. So is the existence of gas chambers, who demand material evidence and technical expertise in this regard, who do not enjoy theatrical statements and testimonies, one more fantastic and aberrant than the other."


"Between 1988 and 1995, three reports of technical expertise finally shattered the myth of the Auschwitz gas chambers: the technical expertise signed by engineer-architect Fred Leuchter, American, builder of gas chambers in the famous prisons of the United States; Polish counter-expertise, under the aegis of the University of Krakow; counter-expertise of the German chemist Rudolf, doctor of the Max Plank Institute in Stuttgart. The common conclusion of these three technical expertises: the current buildings and installations of Auschwitz, presented as gas chambers, which allegedly served the industrial gassing of millions and millions of people, proved technically incompatible with such a destination.

13 July 1990 Francois Mitterand, President of the French Republic, signs Racist and Fascist Law No. 90-615, which is published in the Official Journal the next day, pg. 8333-8334, the Law of Historical Truth, also known as Lex Faurissonnia or the Law of Fabius-Gayssot is countersigned by Prime Minister Michel Rocard, Foreign Minister Roland Dumas, Minister of Justice Pierre Arpaitlange, Minister of Defense Jean-Pierre Chevenement, Interior Minister Pierre Joxe, Minister of Culture Jacques Lang, Secretary of State, Catherine Tasca. law 90-615/90 was passed by 308 Socialist and Communist deputies, of which 306 were absent from the hall at the time of the vote. The law was voted against by 265 deputies, 263 of whom were also absent. In France, laws are passed by a key spin in an electronic box. The identity of the two Social-Communist deputies who spun the 308 keys "for" is not yet known. The two deputies who voted "against" were Luis de Broissia and France Stirbeis. She was the only member of the National Front at the time. She did everything she could to prevent the law from being passed, but she could NOT prevent her colleague Broissia from playing the comedy of democracy, which is to spin 264 of the 265 "against" keys. Note: the way things turn around in a Western democracy; the number of signatories of the law for promulgation is double that of those who actually voted for this law.

1995, Dec. publishing house La VIEILE Taupe, domiciled near the Romanian Library in Paris, publishes in confidential edition, Les MYTHES FUNDATEURS DE LA politique ISRAELIANE, by Roger Garaudy. The book is distributed within a group of subscribers and friends. A certain number of copies is sent to personalities from different countries.

2 February 1996. The start of the Garaudy business. La Croix newspaper publishes an inquisitorial article entitled "Terminal Garaudy"

March 1996. Corlet, who had printed the confidential edition of Garaudy's book, refuses to print the samizdat public edition (11 March). No reasons are given, but everyone knows it's about occult pressures. There will be another printer in the province who will be under the same pressure: at some point none of his regular suppliers want to supply him with paper.

3 April 1996. the official declaration, on behalf of Roger Garaudy, of the first Samizdat book in the history of Western letters, Les mythes founders of the Israeli politics, the Romanian Bookshop is mentioned as a sole depositary. On a special sheet, R. Garaudy pays homage to the Romanian Library and its owner, who opposed not only Ceausescu's communist totalitarianism, but also the French totalitarianism of the Mitterand-Chirac era.

4 April 1996. Roger Garaudy's Samizdat is on free sale at the Romanian Bookshop in Paris. Pressure begins against the library's staff, especially against Mr. George Danescu, founding director and owner.

15 April 1996. Abbot Pierre, the popular figure of French public life, addresses R. Garaudy a letter of solidarity with the founding myths of Israeli politics.

18 April 1996. Press conference at the Imperial Hotel in Paris. Participate R. Garaudy, his lawyer Jacques Verges, George Danescu, journalists from the main French newspapers, diplomats and press attachés, personalities of the Arab world.

19 Aprile 1996. In Paris and throughout France, everyone learns about the appearance of the first Samizsdat in the history of the West. What bothers the hypocritical sensibility of the officials is the parallel of today's France with the Soviet Union during Stalin's time. Garaudy is reproached for questioning long-known "truths." Garauduy rejects dogmatism and calls for free historical debate. He is answered with a fist in his mouth: the debate ended in Nuremberg, according to Law 90-615 of 13 July 1990. The historical truth was definitively oppressed by the American sergeant from Nuremberg: that he enjoys the fact that new and new personalities put the shoulder to the revisionist victory; and that he laments that it was not until 1996 that the world began to understand what he had demonstrated since 1979: the historical lie of gas chambers and gassing genocide. Professor Faurisson recalls that he is the first to demonstrate the technical impossibility of these chemical slaughterhouses, which an entire conclave of French historians answered in the 21 February 1979 issue of Le Monde that "no one should wonder if such a chemical slaughterhouse was technically possible, precisely because the genocide took place"!

The genocide of the Jews and the myth of the Nazi gas chambers are the subject of one and the same historical impossibilities. Faurisson adds that, if he were Jewish, he would be ashamed that for more than half a century, so many Jews propagated or tolerated only the propagation of such an imposture, they assured through the world's largest newspapers and radio and television stations this lie and historical imposter.

20 April 1996. Le Monde newspaper publishes an article in the purest Stalinist style: " Abbot Pierre supports R. Garaudy's negationist aberrations."

21-26 April 1996. The controversy continues between the supporters of R. Garaudy (accused of revisionism) and their opponents, those who care in judges of Visinski, whom everyone calls exterminatists. The former claim that no genocide has taken place, the irrefutable evidence being the comical change, year after year, of the commemorative plaques of Auschwitz. Abbot Pierre insists that the plaque with 6 million victims was replaced by one that mentioned only four million, then another that spoke only of 1.5 million. The current Auschwitz commemorative plaque recalls more than a million victims. Abbot Pierre's comment, on the commemorative plaques, irritates Pierre Adelbaum, president of LICRA (International League Against Racism and Antisemitism, of which Abbot Pierre is still a part).

27 April 1996. The weekly Le Point, publishes a somewhat more documented article on historical revisionism in general and the Garaudy business in particular. The article ends with a few words of Abbot Pierre, who after a first publication in La CROIX filled all the walls and display places in Paris: "It is intolerable not to be able to say a word about the Jewish world throughout history without being immediately labeled as anti-Semiths."

27 April 1996. The great Parisian Rabbi Sitrum accepts the idea of a historical public debate about the reality or falsity of the "Nazi genocide". R. Garaudy, Robert Faurisson, Pierre Guillaume, Serge Thion, George Danescu, Henri Roques, Romanian Libraria, La VIEILLE Taupe publishing house immediately accept Rabbi Sitruk's proposal.

28 April 1996. Without any explanation, Rabbi Situk withdraws the proposal he made the day before. The Romanian bookstore is "visited" by a group of "hot" Zionists, who try to intimidate George Danescu. He challenges courage and tact, managing to ensure unruffled diffusion of Garaudy's book. It is decided to strengthen the guard around the Romanian Library and the person of George Danescu, the most exposed man, on whom the most dirty and cowardly direct attacks are unleashed.

29 April 1996. The daily Liberation announces in large letters that "Abbot Pierre persists and refuses to condemn Garaudy's revisionist thesis." Hounded mercilessly by the younger and more vigorous opponents, Abbot Pierre replies to the LICRA: "Unlike Garaudy, who is always ready to openly debate these issues, you do not accept any dialogue with anyone." in the heat of controversy, Abbot Pierre replies: "Finally, a taboo has fallen! We will not let ourselves, abusively labeled as anti-Jews or anti-Semiths for the simple fact that one of us believes that NOT all Jews have Mozart's musical ear."

30 April-1 May 1996. The French Catholic hierarchy declares that it does not want to interfere in the historical polemic, on the edge of World War II. The next day, however, the Episcopal Conference changed the case and condemned Abbot Pierre in severe terms, asserting that the extermination of the Jews is an archaic fact that cannot be disputed by anyone.

May 2, 1996. It is reported in the press that LICRA has expelled Abbot Pierre from his Honorary Committee. L'Evenement de Jeudi publishes an article under the title "Abbot Pierre jumps to the aid of Le Pen and Faurisson." The Romanian Bookstore in Paris is visited by a new team of thugs. Mr. Danescu is encouraged to resist intimidation and to stay with R. Garaudy. Committees of neighbors and friends are formed that patrol the streets around the bookstore.

9 May 1996. The American Joseph Sobran publishes in The Wanderer an article in favor of Abbot Pierre and R. Garaud, from which we extract: "if he, Abbot Pierre, had denied the divinity of Jesus Christ, all the world press would have cheered him for his remarkable independence of spirit."

23 May 1996. The Liberation newspaper publishes a review of an article in the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, an official of the Egyptian government, which is proud to have published in its pages on the author of a book being pursued in France, pointing out that a terrorist campaign prohibits Garaudy from expressing himself freely, in a country that never ceases to give lessons in democracy.

The Egyptian daily reproaches among other things the newspaper Liberation "Zionist propaganda to which it lends itself" regarding R. Garaudy, while, with regard to the Englishman of uncertain nationality, Salman Rushdie, who allowed himself the most inadmissible blasphemy against the Prophet Mohammed and the Islamic religion, he has nothing but words of praise.

May 29, 1996. All French newspapers announce that Abbot Pierre has left France for good and that he has obtained political asylum in Italy, at the monastery of Praglia.

1-2 June 1996. Le Figaro newspaper comments on an interview that Abbot Pierre gave to the daily Corriere della Serra: " If the French Church has demeaned himself to the point of closing my mouth, it is because a powerful Zionist mafia (lobby) intervened in this regard."

In the early days of June, R. Garaudy published a brochure entitled "Right to Respond. Answer to the journalistic lining of Abbot Pierre and Roger Garaudy." Garaudy points out that none of his critics disputed the fact that many Zionist bosses of the era collaborated with Hitler, being prepared to draw the jar on their cake, if Germany had won the war.

None of these critics have said a word about the terrorism that is being practiced today in Israel. For 50 years now,

the leaders of Israel, regardless of party, have been acting as if they were above international law. Roger Garaudy also talks about the Jewish mafia in the USA and France.

Visiting Israel, Grand Rabbi Situk told Ytzac Shamir (the same man who in 1941 proposed Hitler's alliance) "every French Jew is a representative of Israel, he added, "without bothering that he serves two masters." (Le Monde, 14 July 1990). In Right to Answer, Garaudy also insists on the following ideas; that the taboo of Nuremberg is a kind of Dreyfus Affair inside out, that all that has been said about his book is not a criticism but a chorus of howls, an ocean of hatred, towards Abbot Pierre, who understood the Bible prophetically, Zionism practices a tribal reading of the Bible as hence the sense of superiority of the Jews over the rest of mankind, from an integrative reading of the Holy Book.


Garaudy also shows that Israel has no future in its brotherly concert with other peoples, as long as it does not give up Zionism, that is, colonialism. He considers it necessary and urgent to repeal Stalinist Law No. 90-615 of 13 July 1990, since this law claims that this law cannot be a crime against humanity unless the interests of the Jews are harmed. In conclusion, Garaudy considers that for the repeal of this totalitarian law, which dogmatically promulgates an official, state truth, the European Court in Strasbourg will have to be referred to it. Otherwise, anyone will be able to say from now on:

"We know very well WHO COMMANDS and WHO IS TELEGUIDING the Presidents of Republics, Parliaments, Parties, Newschiefs, Churches!

Everything must be done so that millions of good-faith French men can free themselves from the slavery of the cerebral holocaust of the post-war era."

10 June 1996. The Lausanne Prosecutor's Office ordered the confiscation of the founding myths of Israeli politics, a book that was sold at the time in two Swiss bookstores in Geneva. On the same occasion, various books by Robert Faurisson and other revisionist historians are seized. The Lausanne prosecutor's office thus dictates to the Swiss what to read and what not to read.

26 June 1996. Le Monde newspaper announces that on most public billboards in Paris the following question has been pasted: "what if Abbot Pierre is right?"

27 June 1996. L'Evenement de Jeudi published on the cover the photo of Abbot Pierre under the title:" Holocaust: The Vice of Revisions. It is an exaggeration, the Zionist terror against free thought knows the accents of savageness never seen before, On the same day, the Court of Bordeaux condemns the Library Of Ulise and the bookseller Jean Luc Lundi, the father of 11 children, to a month's suspended prison and to 5000 francs fine for being presented and sold various books that "democracy" French does not support.

1o July 1996. Pierre Guillaume and Roger Garaudy are indicted for having published the first confidential edition of the founding myths of Israeli politics. Separately, R.Garaudy is indicted for printing the public edition of this book, as well as the Right to Answer brochure.

16 July 1996. Attack by a Zionist commando on the Romanian Library in Paris. Three people were injured. George Danescu gets away with various concussions. The place is devastated, several thousand volumes, different computers and other equipment are destroyed. The damage is valued at a very large amount, but the insurance sought nothing. It should be noted that France tolerates and even protects Israeli clandestine troops called BETAR and TAMAR, thus continuing a policy inaugurated by Germany during Hitler's time (cf. E. Ratier, Les Guerriers d'Israel, Paris, 1995). Starting with this date and in response to totalitarianism and intellectual terrorism that reign in France, the old Romanian Library becomes the Romanian Anti-Totalitarian Library. Between 16 July 1996 and 15 February 1998, the Romanian Anti-Totalitarian Bookshop was the subject of twelve attacks and assaults, all of which went unpunished: the "French" police claim they cannot identify the perpetrators.

December 1996. End-of-year balance sheet: one million copies sold in 16 countries.

January-December 1997. Roger Garaudy and Pierre Guillaume are summoned in several rows for the training of the Garaudy Business. The French philosopher insists that France has become a totalitarian country, in which thought is repressed by laws and police measures, just as in the Soviet Union under Stalin, as in Romania under Ana Pauker, Gheorghiu Dej and Ceausescu.

Weekly, the Romanian Library is subjected to two police visits-searches. They're looking for forbidden books, "revisionist" books. Faced with this situation, the bookstore initiates the publication of partial lists of prohibited books, inviting readers to notify the police as soon as such a book falls into their hands. Indeed, the French police of thought banned a lot of books, without publishing, however, the full list of them. Ceausescu's police were suffering from the same amnesia.

13 May 1997. Commando of four Zionist provocateurs at the Romanian Library. George Danescu defends himself with a gun in his hand, managing to identify and put the assailants on the run, without firing a bullet.

"French" police open investigation against the library, not its attackers.

The reader will understand why we use quotation marks when talking about the "French" police.

3 June 1997. A new attack on the Romanian Library and George Danescu. The assailants are identified and delivered to the "French" police who make them escape.

It is believed that Zionists have the status of aliens in France: no one can touch them!

December 1997. Two million copies sold in 24 countries. First in a confidential edition, then in a modest Samizdat sponsored by the Romanian Anti-Totalitarian Bookstore in Paris, the book The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics has since circled the whole world. It is displayed in the windows of bookstores everywhere: in South America, as in North America, in the Philippines, as in Japan or in Iran, in Greece, as in Poland, in Portugal, as in Egypt, Italy or Spain, everywhere. Two years after its first publication, R. Garaudy's book cannot yet be exhibited and sold without risk, either in France, not in Switzerland, in Germany, or in Belgium.

8,9,15 and 16 January 1998. The trial of R. Garaudy and Pierre Guillaume before the 17th Chamber of the Paris Tribunal. The debates went just like the unmaskings from the hospital room of Pitesti Penitentiary, under the baton of the re-educator Chief E. Turcanu, during the time of T. Georgescu and A. Pauker. Roger Garaudy refused "re-education," refused to put ashes in his head, accusing his accusers.

4 February 1998. Paris court: for the attacks and assaults suffered, for the broken bones and the repeated destruction of his library, G. danescu is sentenced to two months suspended prison and fine. France ceases to be a rule of law, the victim is turned into the culprit. Does that make sense to do anything with the Talmud?

26 February 1998. Roger Garaudy and lawyer Jacques Verges launch the book The Freedom Process, dedicated to various judicial setups around the founding myths of Israeli politics. According to this book, the Freedom Process, the law under which Garaudy was to be convicted, is considered to have a racist and fascist character.

27 February 1998. Paris court: Roger Garaudy is sentenced to a fine and pay court costs.

The editor of the first (confidential) edition of the book The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics, i.e. R. Garaudy, is acquitted. during the sentencing, a few dozen of Garaudy's friends and sympathizers were assaulted, or injured, in the middle of the court and under the watchful eyes of the police. Several Arab journalists were seriously injured. Against this unprecedented vandalism, a complaint was filed with the Paris Prosecutor's Office.

March 1998. Almost 2 years after their public appearance, the founding myths of Israeli politics are published in Bucharest, in Romanian.

Despre "Miturile fondatoare ale politicii israeliene", cartea scrisa de Roger Garaudy; "ALIVE after the fall", carte din care voi publica intr-un alt articol asa zisa profetie scrisa probabil tot de un evreu (am cumparat cartea, special ca sa-l pot face public, veti vedea DE CE); ce "legatura" are continutul acestei carti cu mine, "profetia" si steaua lui David, colierul meu, si tot ceea ce s-a intamplat in viata mea, de acum 6 ani si pana in prezent. Desigur, intr-un singur articol nu le pot spune pe toate, asa ca, aici, voi cita paragrafe foarte importante din carte, care au o foarte mare importanta in privinta asa zisei "profetii" si, implicit, cu viata mea.

citez din cartea care este foarte documentata stiintific, biblic, spiritual, al acestui autor de o sinceritate obiectiva si de un curaj incomensurabil pentru a scrie si publica, cu foarte mari greutati, aceasta carte. voi cita si din cuprinsul cartii, referitor la acest subiect. Acum citez cateva paragrafe extrem de importante:

"In exegeza profetica evreiasca.

Conferinta Rabinului Elmer Berger, fost presedinte al Ligii pentru iudaism din Statele Unite: 'Este inadmisibil pentru oricine sa pretinda ca implantarea actuala a statului Israel este implinirea unei profetii biblice si, in consecinta, ca toate actiunile intreprinse de Israelieni pentru instaurarea si mentinerea statului lor sunt dinainte aprobate de Dumnezeu. Politica actuala a lui Israel a distrus sau, cel putin, a intunecat semnificatia spirituala a lui Israel. Imi propun sa examinez doua elemente fundamentale ale traditiei profetice. In primul rand, atunci cand Profetii au evocat restauratia Sionului, nu pamantul era cel care avea prin el insusi un caracter sacru. Criteriul absolut si indiscutabil al conceptiei profetice a Mantuirii era restaurarea Aliantei cu dumnezeu, intr-un timp cand aceasta Alianta fusese rupta de rege si de poporul sau. Miheia o spune cu toata claritatea:" Ascultati aceasta, voi, capetenii ale casei lui Iacob, judecatori ai casei lui Israel, voi cei ce urati binele si iubiti raul, care ziditi Sionul cu faradelegi si Ierusalimul cu strambatati. din pricina voastra Sionul va fi arat cu plugul ca o tarina si Ierusalimul va fi prefacut intr-un morman de ruine si muntele templului va ajunge o inaltime acoperita de padure."

Sionul nu este sfant decat daca Legea lui Dumnezeu domneste asupra sa. si aceasta nu inseamna ca orice lege promulgata la Ierusalim este o lege sfanta. Nu doar pamantul depinde de respectarea Aliantei si de credinta in aceasta: poporul reinstalat in Sion este supus acelorasi exigente de justitie, de dreptate si de fidelitate fata de Alianta cu Dumnezeu.

Sionul nu putea astepta o restauratie a unui popor sprijinindu-se pe tratate, pe aliante, pe raporturi militare de forta, sau pe o ierarhie militara prin care sa se incerce stabilirea superioritatii sale asupra vecinilor lui Israel. Traditia profetica arata cu claritate ca sfintenia tarii nu depinde de solul sau si nici cea a poporului sau de simpla prezenta pe acest teritoriu. Asadar, actualul stat al lui Israel nu are niciun drept de a se prevala de infaptuirea proiectului divin pentru o era mesianica. Este vorba aici de o pura demagogie privitoare la sfintenia teritoriului si a sangelui.Nici poporul si nici tara nu sunt sfinte si nu merita niciun privilegiu spiritual din lume.

Totalitarismul sionist care cauta sa-si supuna intregul popor evreu, chiar prin violenta si forta, face ca acesta sa fie un popor printre altele si asemanator altora."

Sursa: Rabin Elmer Berger,"Prophecy, Zionism and the state of Israel" Ed. American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism.

De ce va scandalizati asa de cuvintele reale spuse de un rabin, adica, de un evreu? Cine sunteti voi sa judecati stramb ceea ce spune un rabin si un autor care strange informatii reale si scrie si sursele, la fiecare citat pe care il publica in cartea care reda adevarul istoric pe care o intreaga lume trebuie sa il cunoasca, si, oricum, aceasta carte a fost demult publicata si in Liban, Brazilia, Italia, Franta, Turcia, US si alte tari, si tradusa in limbile germana si rusa. Ce legatura am eu sau altcineva din familia mea, cu ceea ce scrie acest autor sau ceea ce spun rabinii vostri, sau alte personalitati, istorici, care redau adevarul despre ceea ce s-a intamplat in istorie? Stiam ca sunteti nebuni, cei care judecati asa, dar nu credeam ca sunteti chiar atat de nebuni incat sa nu va convina nici adevarul scris de un evreu de-al vostru (si am facut si poza azi din carte, la citatul tradus aici, azi noapte), deci, NU este vorba despre niciun antisemitism, atata vreme cat este vorba despre ceea ce spune un rabin evreu care este normal, declara asa ceva si urmeaza cuvantul lui Dumnezeu din Biblie si NU fanteziile voastre psihopate bazate pe teroare si crima; asta si scrie in carte: adevarul despre cei care judeca stramb Biblia, si, daca nu va convine, NU cititi! Sunteti liberi sa plecati de aici, deoarece NU v-am invitat niciodata si nici NU v-am dat acordul sa fiti aici, asa ca, sunteti in foarte mare ilegalitate aici. E dreptul meu sa scriu ceea ce vreau. Aceasta inseamna libertatea cuvantului pe care mi-o exercit.

De asemenea, NU eu sunt cea cu inventiile profetice de psihopati evil, ci voi! Asa ca, eu voi analiza aceasta asa zisa "profetie", din toate punctele de vedere: atat a vietii mele personale in care v-ati bagat fara niciun drept, cat si din punctul de vedere al acestui autor care a adunat istoria, adevarul istoric si profetiile biblice, in aceasta carte. Cui nu-i convine sau NU e capabil sa inteleaga ce fac eu aici, (adica imi restaurez libertatea, drepturile mele fundamentale, dreptul de a vorbi liber si de a exprima opinii si de a prezenta lucrurile asa cum au fost), si, de asemenea, NU intelege ce scrie in aceasta carte pe care NU eu am scris-o, si, e atat de nebun incat sa aiba impresia ca ceea ce declara un rabin evreu, ar fi cuvintele mele, sau "teorii ale conspiratiei", sa-si implanteze niste neuroni, ca in mod evident are nevoie.

Si, sa mai lamuresc un aspect inainte de a continua cu citarea paragrafelor din aceasta carte, carte pe care, ei, Maticiuc tatal si fiul, Constantinescu si nevasta sa, mi-au TRIMIS-O, impreuna cu celelalte carti pe care le vedeti din pozele expuse in acest articol. Deci, acesti MARI PSIHOPATI CRIMINALI ai umanitatii, care, in realitate sunt de jumate de metru inaltime, dar mintea le este murdara cat intreaga lor lume imaginara, care au creat acest scenariu monstruos pe care o intreaga lume il condamna si ii condamna pe ei, de asemenea, au pus-o pe o doamna profesoara, membra a bisericii greco-catolice din New York, sa ne dea niste obiecte cadou, printre care si aceste carti, foarte atent selectate (doar daca cititi numele cartilor, realizati ca a fost vorba despre o inscenare facuta cu multi ani in urma si ca tot ceea ce ei au facut, a fost executarea unui scenariu in sprijinul Israelului si a acelor fanatici Jews (deoarece NU toti evreii gandesc la fel, din contra, si veti citi mai multe in acest articol) atunci cand noi am ajutat-o sa se mute si sa isi impacheteze niste lucruri.

Deci, NU este vorba despre nicio teorie a conspiratiei, este o teorie adevarata, cu probe si oameni reali, si scenarii reale intocmite de catre agenti straini, in folosul lor si al Israelului, pe teritoriul Statelor Unite ale Americii, folosindu-ma pe mine ca momeala, surogat, spuneti-i cum vreti, pentru puterea lor politica si teoriile fanatice care sunt interpretarile Bibliei asa cum ei vor, si NU cum Dumnezeu vrea.

Sa traduc numele cartilor, precum si a unor DVD uri. Repet, veti intelege doar din nume, despre ce e vorba.

In aceste poze: Constanta (numele orasului natal al celei de a treia si actuala nevasta a lui Constantinescu), Memoria orasului.

Langa aceasta carte, e un jurnal al cuiva, cu imaginea unei pisici, adica unul dintre "rolurile" pe care acesti psihopati mi l-au alocat si, precum stie toata lumea, Constantinescu si-a umplut casa de pisici; le-a facut si cont de instagram, ca urmare a "faimei" pe care ei au capatat-o prin frauda si fals, prin aceasta mediatizare si jocul de-a ruleta ruseasca cu viata mea si a familiei mele. si NU, NU este vorba nici despre mine ca pisica, nici despre sora mea, aka numarul trei, in psihopatia voastra. Este vorba despre exclusiv amanta reala, devenita actuala nevasta, Ramona Constantinescu.

Si, m-am decis: daca un real ofiter de contrainformatii american, datorita, (cum e normal intr-o societate democratica) FREEDOM OF SPEECH, adica LIBERTATEA CUVANTULUI, poate si are dreptul legal de a publica nume reale din FBI, Presedinti si alte personaje reale, de actualitate, din politica Americana; daca scriitorul Roger Garaudy, a putut, desi cu foarte mari impedimente si, initial, pe cheltuiala lui proprie, (dar, a gasit oameni dispusi sa il ajute) sa publice cartea, desi cei carora NU le-a convenit ADEVARUL publicat in acea carte au incercat sa il interzica si sa il intimideze, si NU doar pe el, si totusi, a fost publicata, si inca in multe exemplare si in multe limbi si tari, atunci si eu pot, atat sa public nume reale (cu atat mai mult ca este vorba despre abuzatorii mei si complicii lor), cat si pot sa public aici, pe blogul meu legal, (blog care este gazduit pe platforma unei firme de evrei, WIX) pentru care am si platit in avans pentru un an, si ulterior intr-o carte, totul despre viata mea reala si tot ceea ce s-a intamplat in acesti sase ani! Am dreptul legal si ma voi lupta cu oricine pentru drepturile mele la viata, libertate, si toate celelalte drepturi inalienabile care mi-au fost furate in mod ilegal si complet anormal pentru interesele unora fanatici si psihopati. Si voi castiga!

Titlurile cartilor: Memorialul durerii si Fenomenul Pitesti, carte despre care am scris si am explicat cum au aplicat tehnicile de acolo, cu toata lumea, inclusiv cu prietenii mei din online, voi, toti care cititi si stiti in ce situatie am fost pusa de acesti psihopati. Yalta, Russia's Europe, Poland, Stalin si bomba atomica. Toate astea sunt titlurile cartilor trimise de ei. Le vedeti in aceste poze.

Alte titluri: An ACTOR PREPARES (Stanislavski); Sous La Botte SOVIETIQUE, Ciel Rouge sur la Roumanie; SELECTED AMERICAN VERSE; Renoir, My father; BETRAYAL of AMERICA, The MAN J.F.K. and THE MYTH

In prima poza, este vorba despre conversatia mea cu un prieten care a venit la noi la New York atat in 2016, in primavara (si am o poveste extrem de interesanta in acest sens si ce a facut Codin Maticiuc atunci, pe care o voi spune curand, cu dovezi), cat si in 2017. L-am rugat sa imi aduca una dintre cartile mele, scrisa de Jung, Tipuri Psihologice, precum si o alta carte, Mic dictionar al intelepciunii. Cu cartea lui Jung aveam poza, deoarece, facusem ca sa ii "arat" lui to Radu Constantinescu, (dupa ce am aflat ca vede tot ce este in telefonul meu, inclusiv poze) ca are probleme si trebuie sa mearga la un psiholog si sa ma lase in pace. Aceasta era modalitatea mea de a-i raspunde raului pe care el mi-l facea online. Si despre asta am o poveste, cu alte poze si cu faptul ca, el i-a publicat nevestei lui cartea cu cateva retete furate de pe internet, pe care ea le-a pregatit, datorita pozelor pe care eu le-am facut din caietul de retete al familiei mele, precum si a unei carte de bucate cu retete din Transilvania, zona in care ne-am nascut, scrisa de o renumita doamna, pe care, familia mea o foloseste. Deci, el, ca metoda de razbunare pe mine, deoarece NU faceam ce vroia el si NU ma putea pedepsi cum facea cu nevasta sa (si va spun un alt lucru in premiera; atunci cand erau certati si se vedea in online, ea NU mai primea like uri la postarile ei, ca si in perioadele cand era bine intre ei; deci asta era o metoda de a o pedepsi si de a-i arata cine e "seful", si ca ea, fara el, NU reprezinta nimic, iar el o distruge total daca vrea. Tocmai de aceea ea a fost recompensata si el, cu tot ceea ce a vazut la mine, absolut tot, a reconstruit-o pe ea, a reeducat-o exact cum a vrut el, facand-o o sosie a mea, furand, inclusiv idei, cu care a recompensat-o, dovada, cartea ei de bucate), a incercat sa ma pedepseasca cum a facut-o cu ea, dar a vazut ca eu NU raspund terorismului lui, asa ca a facut imposibilul ca sa ma raneasca si sa ma subjuge, fara niciun rezultat. De aceea ei au construit aceasta poveste si s-au afundat tot mai mult si mai mult in minciuna.

Cartea ceruta NU mi-a fost adusa, in mod cat se poate de clar ei NU l-au lasat sa mi-o aduca; in schimb, prietenul meu a venit cu aceasta carte pe care o vedeti in cealalta poza, Lumi Oculte, pe care, in mod cat se poate de evident, ei mi-au trimis-o mie. Inclusiv editura este cea apartinand Saptamana Financiara, cea pe care o vedeti si in poza cu Radu Constantinescu, cea pe care a postat-o in iarna lui 2018/2019, in perioada cand eram gazati zilnic in propria casa, asa cum suntem si acum, in momentul de fata, deoarece acum, la ora la care scriu acest text (11 pm, February 2, 2021), au reinceput cu gazarea, la comanda lui GEORGE SOROS, cel care se pretinde aparatorul Drepturilor Omului, si, pe care l-am denuntat la FBI impreuna cu Maticiuc si Constantinescu.

De ce mi-au trimis aceasta carte, Lumi Oculte? Tot ca sa ma "informeze" ca asupra mea ei au actionat cu magie neagra, in toti acesti ani, pentru experimentul lor malefic, zis mai nou, "profetie". Am primit si o invitatie reala la o societate secreta, probabil de acest gen, o alta dovada pentru law enforcement ca, cei care au actionat si actioneaza asupra mea, fac parte din astfel de anturaj.

Cititi tot articolul. Merita. Revin cu un update, cu alte informatii, atat la acest articol, cat si la altele.

Citez fraze importante din prefata autorului: "Integrismele, generatoare de violente si razboi, sunt o maladie mortala a timpurilor noastre. Aceasta carte face parte dintr-o trilogie pe care eu am consacrat-o combaterii lor (...) Anunta erezia sionismului politic care consta in substituirea Dumnezeului lui Israel cu Statul lui Israel, transformat in portavion nuclear si in submersibil al stapanilor provizorii ai lumii: Statele Unite care incearca sa ia in stapanire petrolul din Orientul Mijlociu, nerv al cresterii economice de tip occidental; model de crestere care, prin intermediul FMI costa Lumea a Treia, la fiecare doua zile, echivalentul in morti al Hiroshimei.

de la lordul Balfour care declara, atunci cand dadea sionistilor o tara care NU ii apartinea:"putin ne intereseaza sistemul pus in practica pentru ca sa ne pastram petrolul din Orientul Mijlociu. Esential este ca acest petrol sa ramana accesibil." (Kimhe John, Palestine et Israel, ed. Albin Michel, 1973, p.27), o aceeasi politica traseaza o aceeasi misiune conducatorilor sionisti israelieni, cea pe care a definit-o Joseph Luns, fost secretar general al NATO: "Israelul a fost mercenarul cel mai putin costisitor din epoca noastra moderna." (Nadav Shragai, din 13 Martie 1992). Un mercenar totusi bine platit pentru ca, de exemplu, intre 1951 si 1959, doua milioane de israelieni au primit, pe cap de locuitor, de o suta de ori mai mult decat doua miliarde de oameni din Lumea a Treia; si mai ales un mercenar bine protejat: intre 1972 si 1996, Statele Unite au opus de treizeci de ori veto-ul lor, la Natiunile Unite, oricarei condamnari a Israelului, in timp ce conducatorii acestuia aplicau programul lor de dezintegrare a tuturor statelor din Orientul Mijlociu, program expus de revista Kivounim in februarie 1982, pe vremea invadarii Libanului. Aceasta politica se intemeiaza, gratie sprijinului neconditionat al Statelor Unite, pe ideea ca legea internationala este o "bucata de hartie" (Ben Gurion) si ca, de exemplu, rezolutiile 242 si 338 ale Natiunilor Unite, care cer ca Israelul sa se retraga din Cisiordania si din Golan, sunt sortite sa ramana litera moarta, ca si condamnarea unanima a anexarii Ierusalimului, votata chiar de Statele Unite, dar excluzand orice sanctiune. o astfel de politica a carui fond nu poate fi marturisit, necesita o camuflare pe care cartea mea isi propune sa o inlature. Mai intai, o pretinsa justificare 'teologica" a agresiunilor printr-o lectura integrista a textelor revelate, transformand mitul in istorie: maretul simbol al supunerii neconditionate a lui Avraam vointei lui Dumnezeu, si binecuvantarea sa de catre "toate neamurile pamantului" transformata in contrariul sau tribal, tara cucerita devenind "tara promisa", ca la toate popoarele Orientului Mijlociu, din mesopotamia pana la hititi si la egipteni.

La fel ca si in cazul Exodului, acest etern simbol al eliberarii popoarelor de opresiune si tiranie, invocat atat de Coran, cat si de actualii "teologi ai eliberarii", atunci cand se adreseaza tuturor popoarelor ce cred in vointa unui Dumnezeu Universal, el devine un miracol unic si un privilegiu pe care l-ar fi acordat, un Dumnezeu partial si partinitor, al unui "popor ales", ca in toate religiile tribale si in toate nationalismele, care pretind a fi "poporul ales", a carui misiune ar fi sa implineasca vointa lui Dumnezeu: Gesta Dei per Francos pentru francezi, Gott mit UNS pentru germani, Faire Christ Roi pentru Franco, In God we trust, pentru Americani. Apoi o mitologie mai moderna: cea a statului Israel care ar fi "raspunsul lui Dumnezeu la Holocaust", ca si cum Israel era singurul refugiu al victimelor barbariei lui Hitler, in timp ce Itzac Shamir insusi (care ii oferise alianta sa lui Hitler pana la arestarea sa de catre englezi pentru colaborare cu dusmanul si pentru terorism) scrie:" contrar opiniei generale, cea mai mare parte a imigrantilor israelieni NU erau supravietuitorii Holocaustului, ci evrei din tarile arabe, bastinasi din regiune" (citat: Itzac Shamir, Looking back, looking ahead, 1987, p. 574) Trebuia deci umflat numarul victimelor. De exemplu, pe placa comemorativa de la Auschwitz spunea, in 19 limbi, pana in 1994: patru milioane de victime. Noile placi proclama astazi:"in jur de un milion si jumatate". Trebuia deci facut sa se creada, prin mitul celor 6 milioane, ca omenirea asistase la "cel mai mare genocid din istorie", uitand cele 60 de milioane de Indieni din America, cele 100 de milioane de Negri, uitand chiar si de Hiroshima si Nagasaki, si cele 50 de milioane de morti ai celui de-al doilea razboi mondial, din care 17 milioane de slavi, ca si cum hitlerismul n-ar fi fost decat un vast pogrom si nu o crima impotriva intregii umanitati. Am fi oare antisemiti daca am spune ca evreii au fost foarte dur loviti, dar ca NU au fost singurii, si asta numai pentru ca televiziunea nu vorbeste decat despre aceste victime, nu si despre celelalte? In plus, pentru a completa camuflajul, trebuia, printr-un termen teologic: "Holocaust", sa se dea un caracter sacru acestor masacre reale, si sa fie introduse intr-un fel de plan divin, ca de exemplu crucificarea lui Isus. cartea mea nu are alt obiectiv decat de a denunta acest camuflaj ideologic al unei politici, pentru a impiedica sa fie confundata cu mareata traditie a profetilor lui Israel. Impreuna cu prietenul meu Bernard Lecache, fondator al L.I.C.A, deportat in acelasi lagar de concentrare ca si mine, i-am invatat pe tovarasii nostri despre grandoarea, universalismul si puterea eliberatoare a acestor profeti evrei." Tot el autorul, declara ca, citez:' sionismul politic este la antipodul marelui profetism evreiesc.(...) Sper sa aduc o contributie la lupta pentru o pace veritabila, bazata pe respectul adevarului si al legii internationale. In mod curajos, chiar in Israel, evrei credinciosi profetilor lor, "noii istorici" de la Universitatea ebraica din Ierusalim, si partizanii israelieni ai unei paci juste, dupa descoperirea caracterului lor nefast pentru statul Israel insusi si pentru pacea lumii, isi pun intrebari asupra "miturilor" sionismului politic care au condus la asasinatele comise de Baruch Goldstein la Hebron si de Ygal Amir impotriva primului ministru Ytzak Rabin.

Adevarul s-a pus in miscare, si nimic NU il va putea opri.

Terorismul intelectual al unui "lobby" deja denuntat de generalul De Gaulle pentru "influenta sa excesiva asupra informatiei" m-a silit, in Franta, sa procedez la o prepublicare a acestui text intr-un numar special al unei reviste, rezervat abonatilor si nepus in vanzare publica. Acest fapt, expresie a situatiei existente in Franta, pare sa fi retinut mai mult atentia comentatorilor decat continutul textului meu. Il public astazi, eu insumi, pe propria mea raspundere, sub forma de Samizdat, in sensul strict al acestui termen care inseamna in rusa, editat de autor. Impotriva mitologiilor deraiate, aceasta carte va fi o noua contributie la istoria critica a lumii contemporane." Roger Garaudy

Repetarea acestor fraze, ca puncte forte a acestei scrieri, imi apartine, citez: "Tot el autorul, declara ca, citez:' sionismul politic este la antipodul marelui profetism evreiesc.(...) Sper sa aduc o contributie la lupta pentru o pace veritabila, bazata pe respectul adevarului si al legii internationale. Adevarul s-a pus in miscare, si nimic NU il va putea opri."

Sa continuam lecturarea cartii cu elemente extraordinar de importante si relevante. Voi trece direct la list cronologic, apoi voi cita descrierea autorului, si prin ce a fost nevoit sa treaca deoarece a publicat aceasta carte care, se pare, conform tuturor documentelor, articolelor din ziare prestigioase din intreaga lume, precum si a declaratiilor publice ale unor inalti demnitari sau figuri proeminente, reflecta adevarul istoric si de necontestat, precum si interesele unora de al ascunde.

1945, Februarie, Yalta: Conferinta internationala a "celor patru mari" hotareste sclavia pentru sute de milioane de oameni din Europa de Est si Asia.

1945, iunie-august: prizonierilor de razboi germani li se refuza statutul de "prizonieri de razboi". Mai multe milioane de soldati si ofiteri germani inceteaza astfel de a mai avea statutul juridic de "prizonieri de razboi" care le dadea dreptul la adapost si mancare, potrivit reglementarilor internationale in vigoare. Li se da numele de FID, adica "forte inamice dezarmate". este angajata astfel responsabilitatea celor patru mari puteri, plus responsabilitatea si onoarea personala a Generalului American Eisenhower.

1945-1948 Potrivit arhivelor militare anglo-americane, aproximativ 800.000 de germani, prizonieri de razboi fara statut recunoscut, sunt declarati "morti din diverse motive", lucru care poate fi controlat de oricine in registrele celor mai multe dintre lagarele aliate de prizonieri-neprizonieri germani de razboi. Partizanii curentului istoric revizionist considera acest lucru in toata gravitatea lui. Cf. James Baque, Other Loses, Toronto 1988, sau Morts pour des raisons diverses, Paris, 1989

1945-1946, Nuremberg Tribunalul Militar International (TMI) al invingatorilor, ii judeca si ii condamna pe invinsi. Daca facem abstractie de "justitita stalinista" din anii '30, procesul de la Nuremberg nu are niciun precedent istoric. Sabia lui Brennus si formula sa Vae victis! isi traisera traiul. Sclavia de o jumatate de secol a Europei de Est si a altor popoare este impusa si garantata de sabia anglo-americano-sovietica. TMI atribuie Germaniei inclusiv masacrul de la Katyn.

1949, Decembrie, Paris. Raul Rassinger publica Le passage a la ligne, text ce va fi reluat mai tairziu in Le mensonge d’Ulisse, volum de amintiri din lagarele naziste de la Buchenwald si Dora. Pentru prima oara dupa razboi, cineva povesteste cinstit viata de zi cu zi in lagarele hitleriste. Prestigiul si autoritatea lui Rassinger pun la grea incercare politrucii si propagandistii oficiali occidentali (istorici, ziaristi, politicieni, bisericesti, etc). Ca urmare a acestei carti, Rassigner pierde fotoliul sau de deputat. Va fi urmarit fara crutare, si UNTIL his moarte de “justitia” franceza. Vae victis? Eroare. Rassigner combatuse Germania hitlerista cu arma in mana. Brennus isi pusese sabia o singura data pe balanta ce cantarea aurul invinsilor. Castigatorii celui de-al ii-lea razboi mondial scot sabia si o pun pe balanta de indata ce mai pot ciupi ceva: de pe invinsi, de pe neutri, ba chiar si de pe anumiti castigatori.


Acest citat din carte este foarte important si cu relevanta maxima in ceea ce priveste ceea ce s-a intamplat cu tatal meu in perioada lui Ceausescu si, cum ei au folosit (acesti psihopati, mari mincinosi, manipulatori si criminali, Maticiuc si Constantinescu family's), ceea ce i s-a intamplat tatalui meu, in toata aceasta poveste pe care ei au inventat-o, mizand tocmai pe un diagnostic fals de psihoza (care ulterior, dupa foarte multi ani a fost schimbat in altceva), atribuit tatalui meu, de catre securitatea lui Ceausescu, asa cum foarte, foarte multor romani li s-a pus acest diagnostic de "crazy", si le-au fost ruinate destinele, exact cum scrie acest autor si este stiut si recunoscut in intreaga lume acest fapt real. Cei care au primit aceste "diagnostice", probabil au fost printre cele mai usoare cazuri, comparativ cu altii care au fost inchisi, terorizati si schingiuiti in inchisorile comuniste, (cea mai sangeroasa fiind cea din Pitesti, fenomen descris in cartea pe care o vedeti mai jos in poze si am si scris despre ea), sau, omorati de catre criminalii de la putere la acea vreme. cititi acest articol, aveti linkul postat aici, la varianta scrisa in limba engleza. Desi este abia la inceput; voi face multe dezvaluiri in acest articol intitulat Tatal meu, foarte important si cu revelanta maxima in ceea ce priveste ceea ce s-a intamplat cu tatal meu in perioada lui Ceausescu. Vedeti si poza, mai jos, cu cartile pe care ei mi le-au trimis, cartea intitulata MY FATHER.

1950-1995 Pretutindeni in tarile occidentale apare si se dezvolta un curent critic de gandire si opinie cu privire la ultimul razboi mondial. Este vorba, aproape fara exceptie despre istorici progresisti, oameni “de stanga”, cei mai multi dintre ei fiind fosti comunisti sau socialisti. Natural, de indata ce vor fi recunoscuti ca reprezentanti ai “revizionismului istoric”, vor fi exclusi din partidele de origine, vor suporta diverse presiuni politienesti, administrativ-judecatoresti, fiscale, profesionale.

Toti au fost terorizati, fiecare in tara si la momentul respectiv, cam in acelasi fel in care teroriza Securitatea ceausista in ultimii ei zece sau cincisprezece ani.

Bineinteles, nu putini sunt aceia care au fost etichetati sau declarati “nebuni”, ca pe vremea lui Ceausescu. Oricine crede ca s-a exagerat cu numaratoarea victimelor hitlerismului este considerat antisemit. Tot asa cu cei care se indoiesc de existenta camerelor de gazare, care cer probe materiale si o expertiza tehnica in acest sens, care nu se multunesc cu declaratii si marturii teatrale, una mai fantastica si mai aberanta decat alta.


Intre 1988 si 1995, trei rapoarte de expertiza tehnica au spulberat definitiv mitul camerelor de gazare de la Auschwitz: expertiza tehnica semnata de inginerul-arhitect Fred Leuchter, american, constructor de camere de gazare in faimoasele inchisori din Statele Unite; contraexpertiza poloneza, sub egida Universitatii din Cracovia; contra-contra-expertiza chimistului german Rudolf, doctor al Institutului Max Plank din Stuttgart. Concluzia comuna a acestor trei expertize tehnice: cladirile si instalatiile actuale de la Auschwitz, prezentate drept camere de gazare, care ar fi servit chipurile la gazarea industriala a milioane si milioane de oameni, s-au dovedit incompatibile din punct de vedere tehnic, cu o astfel de destinatie.

13 Iulie 1990 Francois Mitterand, presedinte al Republicii Franceze, semneaza Legea rasista si fascista no 90-615, care se publica in Jurnalul oficial a doua zi, pg. 8333-8334, Legea adevarului istoric, cunoscuta si sub numele de Lex Faurissonnia sau legea Fabius-Gayssot este contrasemnata de Primul Ministru Michel Rocard, Ministrul de Externe Roland Dumas, Ministrul Justitiei Pierre Arpaitlange, Ministrul Apararii Jean-Pierre Chevenement, Ministrul de Interne Pierre Joxe, Ministrul Culturii Jacques Lang, Secretar de Stat, Catherine Tasca. legea 90-615/90 a fost votata de 308 deputati socialisti si comunisti, dintre care 306 au fost absenti din sala in momentul votului. Contra acestei legi au votat 265 deputati, dintre care 263 au fost de asemenea absenti. In Franta, legile se voteaza printr-o invartire de cheie intr-o cutie electronica. NU se cunoaste inca identitatea celor doi deputati socialo-comunisti care au invartit cele 308 chei "pentru". Cei doi deputati care au votat "contra" au fost Luis de Broissia si France Stirbois. Aceasta era la ora respectiva unicul deputat al Frontului National. Ea a facut tot ce a putut pentru a impiedica adoptarea legii, insa NU l-a putut impiedica pe colegul ei Broissia sa joace comedia democratiei, adica sa invarta 264 din cele 265 de chei "against". De remarcat: modul in care se invart lucrurile intr-o democratie occidentala; numarul semnatarilor legii in vederea promulgarii este dublu fata de cei care au votat efectiv aceasta lege.

1995, decembrie. editura La VIEILE Taupe, domiciliata in apropierea Librariei Romanesti din Paris, publica in editie confidentiala, Les MYTHES FONDATEURS DE LA politique ISRAELIENNE, de Roger Garaudy. Cartea este distribuita in cadrul unui cerc restrands de abonati si prieteni. Un anumit numar de exemplare este expediat unor personalitati din diverse tari.

2 Februarie 1996. Debutul afacerii Garaudy. Ziarul La Croix publica un articol inchizitorial intitulat "Terminal Garaudy"

Martie 1996. Tipografia Corlet, care tiparise editia confidentiala a cartii lui Garaudy, refuza sa mai tipareasca editia publica samizdat (11 Martie). Nu se dau motive, dar toata lumea stie ca este vorba de presiuni oculte. Se va face apel la un alt tipograf, in provincie, care va fi supus acelorasi presiuni: la un moment dat nici unul dintre furnizorii lui obisnuiti nu mai vrea sa-l aprovizioneze cu hartie.

3 Aprilie 1996. declaratia oficiala, in numele lui Roger Garaudy, a primei carti Samizdat din istoria literelor occidentale, Les mythes fondateurs de la politique israelienne, Libraria Romaneasca este mentionata ca depozitar unic. Pe o foaie speciala, R. Garaudy adreseaza un omagiu Librariei Romanesti si proprietarului acestuia, care s-a opus nu numai totalitarismului comunist al lui Ceausescu, ci si totalitarismului francez din epoca Mitterand-Chirac.

4 Aprilie 1996. Samizdatul lui Roger Garaudy este pus in vanzare libera la Libraria Romaneasca din Paris. Incep presiunile impotriva personalului librariei, mai ales contra domnului George Danescu, director fondator si proprietar.

15 Aprilie 1996. Abatele Pierre, figura populara a vietii publice franceze, adreseaza lui R. Garaudy o scrisoare de solidaritate cu Miturile fondatoare ale politicii israeliene.

18 Aprilie 1996. Conferinta de presa la Hotelul Imperial din Paris. Participa R. Garaudy, avocatul sau Jacques Verges, George Danescu, jurnalisti de la principalele ziare frantuzesti, diplomati si atasati de presa, personalitati ale lumii arabe.

19 Aprile 1996. La Paris si in intreaga Franta, toata lumea afla despre aparitia primului Samizsdat din istoria Occidentului. Ceea ce deranjeaza sensibilitatea ipocrita a oficialitatilor este punerea in paralela a Frantei de astazi cu Uniunea Sovietica din timpul lui Stalin. Lui Garaudy i se reproseaza punerea in discutie a unor "adevaruri" de mult stiute. Garauduy respinge dogmatismul si cere dezbaterea istorica libera. I se raspunde cu pumnul in gura: dezbaterea s-a incheiat la Nuremberg, potrivit legii 90-615 din 13 Iulie 1990. Adevarul istoric a fost definitiv oprimat de sergent american de la Nuremberg: ca se bucura de faptul ca noi si noi personalitati pun umarul la victoria revizionista; si ca deplange faptul ca abia in 1996 lumea incepuse sa inteleaga ceea ce el a demonstrat inca din 1979: minciuna istorica a camerelor de gazare si a genocidului prin gazare. profesorul Faurisson reaminteste ca el este primul care a demonstrat imposibilitatea tehnica a acestor abatoare chimice, lucru la care un intreg conclav de de istorici francezi i-au raspuns in numarul din 21 Februarie 1979 al ziarului Le Monde ca "nimeni nu trebuie sa se intrebe daca un astfel de abator chimic a fost posibil din punct de vedere tehnic, tocmai fiindca genocidul a avut loc"!

Genocidul evreilor si mitul camerelor naziste de gazare fac obiectul uneia si aceleiasi imposturi istorice. Faurisson adauga ca, daca ar fi fost evreu, i-ar fi rusine ca vreme de mai bine de o jumatate de secol, atatia si atatia Evrei au propagat sau au tolerat numai propagarea unei asemenea imposturi, au cautionat prin cele mai mari ziare si posturi de radio si televiziune din lume aceasta minciuna si impostura istorica.

20 Aprilie 1996. Ziarul Le Monde publica un articol in cel mai pur stil stalinist: " Abatele Pierre sustine aberatiile negationiste ale lui R. Garaudy."

21-26 Aprilie 1996. Continua controversa intre sustinatorii lui R. Garaudy (acuzati de revizionism) si adversarii lor, cei care se erijeaza in judecatori a la Visinski, carora toata lumea le spune exterminationisti. Primii sustin ca nu a avut loc niciun genocid, proba irefutabila fiind schimbarea comica, an de an, a placilor comemorative de la Auschwitz. Abatele Pierre insista asupra faptului ca placa cu 6 milioane de victime a fost inlocuita cu una ce nu mai mentiona decat patru milioane, apoi cu alta care vorbea numai de 1,5 milioane. Actuala placa comemorativa de la Auschwitz aminteste peste un milion de victime. Comentariul Abatelui Pierre, pe marginea placilor comemorative, irita teribil pe Pierre Adelbaum, presedintele LICRA (Liga Internationala contra Rasismului si a Antisemitismului, din al carei Prezidiu de Onoare Abatele Pierre face inca si el parte).

27 Aprilie 1996. Saptamanalul Le Point, publica un articol ceva mai documentat asupra revizionismului istoric in general si a afacerii Garaudy in special. Articolul se incheie cu cateva cuvinte ale Abatelui Pierre, care dupa o prima publicare in La CROIX au umplut toate zidurile si locurile de afisaj din Paris:" Este intolerabil sa nu putem spune o vorba despre lumea evreiasca de-a lungul istoriei fara sa fim imediat etichetati drept antisemiti."

27 Aprilie 1996. Marele Rabin parizian Sitruk accepta ideea unei dezbateri istorice publice cu privire la realitatea sau falsitatea "genocidului nazist". R. Garaudy, Robert Faurisson, Pierre Guillaume, Serge Thion, George Danescu, Henri Roques, Libraria Romaneasca, editura La VIEILLE Taupe accepta imediat propunerea Rabinului Sitruk.

28 Aprilie 1996. Fara sa dea vreo explicatie, Rabinul Sitruk retrage propunerea facuta cu o zi inainte. Libraria Romaneasca este "vizitata" de un grup de sionisti "infierbantati", care incearca sa-l intimideze pe george Danescu. Acesta face proba de curaj si de tact, reusind sa asigure IMPERTURBABLE, UNRUFFLED diffusion cartii lui Garaudy. Se decide intarirea pazei in jurul Librariei Romanesti si a persoanei lui George Danescu, omul cel mai expus, asupra caruia se dezlantuiesc atacurile directe cele mai murdare si mai lase.

29 Aprilie 1996. Cotidianul Liberation anunta cu litere mari ca "Abatele Pierre persista si refuza sa condamne tezele revizioniste ale lui Garaudy."Haituit fara mila de mai tinerii si mai vigurosii sai adversari, abatele Pierre raspunde celor de la LICRA: "Spre deosebire de Garaudy, care este mereu gata sa dezbata deschis aceste probleme, voi nu acceptati niciun fel de dialog cu nimeni." in focul controversei, abatele Pierre raspunde: "In sfarsit, un tabu a cazut! Nu ne vom mai lasa, etichetati in mod abuziv drept antievrei sau antisemiti pentru simplul fapt ca cineva dintre noi considera ca NU toti evreii au urechea muzicala a lui Mozart."

30 Aprilie- 1 Mai 1996. Ierarhia catolica franceza declara ca nu vrea a se amesteca in polemica istorica, pe marginea celui de-al II-lea Razboi Mondial. A doua zi insa, Conferinta Episcopala schimba macazul si-l condamna pe Abatele Pierre in termeni severi, afirmand ca exterminarea Evreilor este un fapt arhicunoscut, care nu poate fi contestat de nimeni.

2 mai 1996. Se anunta in presa ca LICRA l-a expulzat pe Abatele Pierre din Comitetul sau de onoare. L'Evenement de Jeudi publica un articol sub titlul "Abatele Pierre sare in ajutorul lui Le Pen si al lui Faurisson." Libraria Romaneasca din Paris este vizitata de o noua echipa de batausi. domnul Danescu este incurajat sa reziste intimidarilor si sa ramana alaturi de R. Garaudy. Se formeaza comitete de vecini si prieteni care patruleaza pe strazile din jurul librariei.

9 Mai 1996. Americanul Joseph Sobran publica in ziarul The Wanderer un articol in favoarea Abatelui Pierre si a lui R. Garaud, din care extragem: "daca el, Abatele Pierre, ar fi negat divinitatea Domnului Iisus Christos, toata presa lumii l-ar fi aclamat pentru remarcabila sa independenta de spirit."

23 Mai 1996. Ziarul Liberation publica o recenzie pe marginea unui articol din ziarul egiptean Al-Ahram, oficios al guvernului egiptean, care se declara mandru de a fi publicat in paginile sale pe autorul unei carti puse sub urmarire in Franta, subliniind ca o campanie terorista interzice lui Garaudy sa se exprime liber, intr-o tara care nu inceteaza sa dea lectii de democratie. cotidianul egiptean reproseaza intre altele ziarului Liberation " propaganda sionista la care se preteaza" cu privire la R. Garaudy, in vreme ce, cu privire la englezul de nationalitate incerta, Salman Rushdie, care si-a permis cele mai inadmisibile blasfemii la adresa profetului Mahomed si a religiei islamice, el nu are decat cuvinte de lauda.

29 mai 1996. Toate ziarele franceze anunta ca Abatele Pierre a parasit definitiv Franta si ca a obtinut azil politic in Italia, la manastirea din Praglia.

1-2 Iunie 1996. Ziarul Le Figaro comenteaza un interviu pe care Abatele Pierre l-a acordat cotidianului Corriere della Serra: "Daca Biserica Franceza s-a injosit pana la a-mi inchide gura, este pentru ca o puternica mafie (lobby) sionista a intervenit in acest sens."

In primele zile din iunie, R. Garaudy publica o brosura intitulata "Dreptul de a raspunde. Raspuns la linsarea ziaristica a Abatelui Pierre si a lui Roger Garaudy." Garaudy arata ca nici unul dintre criticii lui nu a contestat faptul ca multi sefi sionisti ai epocii au colaborat cu Hitler, fiind pregatiti sa traga binisor jarul pe turta lor, in cazul in care Germania ar fi castigat razboiul. Nici unul dintre acesti critici nu a suflat un cuvintel despre terorismul care se practica astazi in Israel. De 50 de ani incoace,

conducatorii Israelului, indiferent de partid se comporta ca si cum ar fi deasupra legilor internationale.

Roger Garaudy mai vorbeste despre mafia evreiasca din USA si din Franta.

Aflat in vizita in Israel, Marele Rabin Sitruk a declarat lui Ytzac Shamir (acelasi om care in 1941 i-a propus alianta lui Hitler) "fiecare evreu francez este un reprezentant al lui Israel, a mai adaugat: "fara sa-si bata capul ca slujeste la doi stapani." (Le Monde, 14 Iulie 1990). In Dreptul de raspunde, Garaudy mai insista asupra urmatoarelor idei: ca tabu-ul Nurembergului este un soi de Afacere Dreyfus pe dos,

ca tot ceea ce s-a spus despre cartea sa este nu e o critica ci un cor de urlete, un ocean de ura, fata de Abatele Pierre, care a inteles Biblia in mod profetic, sionismul practica o lectura tribala a Bibliei ca de aici provine sentimentul de superioritate al evreilor asupra restului omenirii, dintr-o lectura integrista a Cartii Sfinte.

Garaudy mai arata ca Israelul nu are niciun viitor in concertul fratesc cu celelalte popoare, atata timp cat nu renunta la sionism, adica la colonialism.

El considera necesara si urgenta abrogarea legii staliniste nr. 90-615 din 13 Iulie 1990, intrucat aceasta lege pretinde ca nu poate fi vorba de o crima impotriva umanitatii decat daca sunt lezate interesele evreilor.

In incheiere, Garaudy considera ca pentru abrogarea acestei legi totalitare, care promulga dogmatic un adevar oficial, de stat, va trebui sesizata Curtea Europeana de la Strasbourg. Altfel, oricine va putea spune de acum inainte:

"Stim foarte bine CINE COMANDA si CINE TELEGHIDEAZA Presedintii de Republici, de Parlamente, de Partide, Sefii de ziare, de Biserici!

Trebuie facut totul pentru ca milioanele de francezi de buna credinta sa se elibereze de sclavajul holocaustului cerebral din epoca postbelica."

10 Iunie 1996. Parchetul din Lausanne ordona confiscarea Miturilor fondatoare ale politicii israeliene, carte care se vindea la vremea respectiva in doua librarii elvetiene din Geneva. Cu aceeasi ocazie sunt confiscate diverse carti de Robert Faurisson si alti istorici revizionisti. Parchetul din Lausanne dicteaza astfel elvetienilor ce sa citeasca si ce sa nu citeasca.

26 Iunie 1996. Ziarul Le Monde anunta ca pe mai toate panourile de afisaj public din Paris a fost lipita urmatoarea intrebare: "si daca Abatele Pierre are dreptate?"

27 Iunie 1996. L'Evenement de Jeudi publica pe coperta fotografia Abatelui Pierre sub titlul:" Holocauste: La victoire de revisionistes. Este vorba despre o exagerare, teroarea sionista contra gandirii libere cunoaste accente de salbaticie nemaivazute inca pana acum, In aceeasi zi, Tribunalul din Bordeaux condamna Libraria Ulise si pe librarul Jean Luc Lundi, parintele a 11 copii, la o luna de inchisoare cu suspendare si la 5000 de franci amenda pentru faptul de a fi prezentat si vandut diverse carti pe care "democratia" franceza NU le suporta.

1o Iulie 1996. Pierre Guillaume si Roger Garaudy sunt inculpati pentru faptul de a f publicat prima editie, confidentiala, a Miturilor fondatoare ale politicii israeliene. In mod separat, R.Garaudy este inculpat pentru faptul de a fi tiparit editia publica a acestei carti, precum si brosura Dreptul de a raspunde.

16 Iulie 1996. Atentat comis de un comando sionist asupra Librariei Romanesti din Paris. Trei persoane au fost ranite. George Danescu scapa cu diverse contuzii. Localul este devastat, cateva mii de volume, diferite computere si alta aparatura sunt distruse. Pagubele sunt evaluate la o suma foarte mare, dar asigurarile nu au platit nimic. De remarcat ca Franta tolereaza si chiar protejeaza trupe clandestine israeliene numite BETAR si TAGAR, continuand astfel o politica inaugurata de Germania pe vremea lui Hitler (cf. E. Ratier, Les Guerriers d'Israel, Paris, 1995). Incepand cu aceasta data si in semn de raspuns la totalitarismul si la terorismul intelectual ce domnesc in Franta, vechea Librarie Romaneasca devine Libraria Romaneasca Antitotalitara. Intre 16 Iulie 1996 si 15 Februarie 1998, Libraria Romaneasca Antitotalitara a facut obiectul a douasprezece atentate si agresiuni, toate ramase nepedepsite: politia "franceza" pretinde ca nu-i poate identifica pe faptasi.

Decembrie 1996. Bilant de sfarsit de an: un milion de exemplare vandute in 16 tari.

Ianuarie-Decembrie 1997. Roger Garaudy si Pierre Guillaume sunt convocati in mai multe randuri pentru instructia Afacerii Garaudy. Filozoful francez insista asupra faptului ca Franta a devenit o tara totalitara, in care gandirea e reprimata prin legi si masuri politienesti, intocmai ca in Uniunea Sovietica sub Stalin, ca in Romania sub Ana Pauker, Gheorghiu Dej si Ceausescu.

Saptamanal, Libraria romaneasca este supusa la doua vizite-perchezitii politienesti. Se cauta carti interzise, carti "revizioniste". Confruntata cu aceasta situatie, libraria initiaza publicarea de liste partiale de carti interzise, invitand cititorii sa anunte politia de indata ce le pica in mana o astfel de carte. Intr-adevar, politia franceza a gandirii a interzis o multime de carti, fara sa publice, insa, lista completa a acestora. De aceeasi amnezie suferea si politia lui Ceausescu.

13 Mai 1997. Comando de patru provocatori sionisti la Libraria Romaneasca. George Danescu se apara cu arma in mana, reusind sa-i identifice si sa-i puna pe fuga pe agresori, fara sa traga niciun glont. Politia "franceza" deschide ancheta contra librariei, nu contra agresorilor acesteia.

Cititorul va intelege DE CE folosim ghilimelele atunci cand vorbim de politia "franceza".

3 Iunie 1997. Un nou atentat contra Librariei Romanesti si a lui George danescu. Agresorii sunt identificati si livrati politiei "franceze" care ii face scapati. Se crede ideea ca sionistii au statut de extraterestrii in Franta: nimeni nu se poate atinge de ei!

Decembrie 1997. Doua milioane de exemplare vandute in 24 de tari. Aparuta mai intai in editie confidentiala, apoi intr-un modest Samizdat patronat de Libraria Romaneasca Antitotalitara din Paris, cartea Miturile fondatoare ale politicii israeliene a facut intre timp ocolul intregii lumi. Ea este expusa in vitrinele librariilor de pretutindeni: in America de Sud, ca si in America de Nord, in Filipine, ca si in Japonia sau in Iran, in Grecia, ca si in Polonia, in Portugalia, ca si in Egipt, Italia sau Spania, pretutindeni. Doi ani dupa prima ei publicare, cartea lui R. Garaudy nu poate inca fi expusa si vanduta fara riscuri, nici in Franta, nici in Elvetia, nici in Germania, nici in Belgia.

8,9,15 si 16 Ianuarie 1998. Procesul lui R. Garaudy si Pierre Guillaume in fata celei de-a XVII a Camere a Tribunalului din Paris. Dezbaterile au decurs intocmai precum demascarile de la camera spital a Penitenciarului Pitesti, sub bagheta reeducatorului sef E. Turcanu, pe vremea lui T. Georgescu si a A. Pauker. Roger Garaudy a refuzat "reeducarea", a refuzat sa-si puna cenusa in cap, acuzandu-i pe acuzatorii sai.

4 Februarie 1998. Tribunalul de la Paris: pentru atentatele si agresiunile suferite, pentru oasele rupte si distrugerea in repetate randuri a librariei sale, G. danescu este condamnat la doua luni inchisoare cu suspendare si amenda. Franta inceteaza a mai fi un stat de drept, victima este transformata in vinovat. Sa aiba logica asta vreo legatura cu Talmudul?

26 Februarie 1998. Roger Garaudy impreuna cu avocatul Jacques Verges lanseaza cartea Procesul Libertatii, consacrata diverselor inscenari judiciare in jurul Miturilor fondatoare ale politicii israeliene. Potrivit acestei carti, Procesul Libertatii, legea in virtutea careia Garaudy avea sa fie condamnat, este considerata ca avand un caracter rasist si fascist.

27 Februarie 1998. Tribunalul din Paris: Roger Garaudy este condamnat cu amenda si la plata court costs.

Editorul primei editii (confidentiale), a cartii Miturile fondatoare ale politicii israeliene, adica R. Garaudy, este achitat. cu ocazia pronuntarii sentintei cateva zeci dintre prietenii si simpatizantii lui Garaudy au fost agresati, sau raniti, in plin tribunal si sub ochii ingaduitori ai politiei. Au fost grav raniti mai multi ziaristi arabi. Contra acestui vandalism fara preedent, s-a depus plangere la Parchetul din Paris.

Martie 1998. La aproape 2 ani de la aparitia lor publica, Miturile fondatoare ale politicii israeliene sunt publicate la Bucuresti, in limba romana.


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