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Me and one of my employee, in my store DONNA I, 2003

to understand the story of the train, more precisely the myth created on the edge of this story (which I must admit I thought very, very much what the probability of "connection" would have with me, until I realize about causality and what it represents I admit that I "squeezed my brain" to understand and discover the story and what it refers to. I laughed a lot when I understood what could be the only so-called connection with me, this story, which, I think you will do the same, although the images below, posted on the Twitter pages of the Americans, images taken by me through screenshots, represent a very cruel reality of the train, tram, bus, subway (tell it how you want), because it is about the life of people, the life given by God that CANNOT be taken by any human being, without being totally punished, in this world, and in another life / lives. It is very clear that the main biblical command is NOT TO KILL .

I will NOT explain those posts in any way, I am convinced that everyone understands them (and for Romanians I will make a translation later) and that, moreover, no one wants to remember that period of last year, the period COVID 19 in full action.

You wonder what has the picture on display here, the one in which I am with a person, my dear friend, who was my employee, was part of the first team; she was one of the people with whom I arranged the goods and participated in the inauguration of my first store, DONNA I, in October 2002. Well, she is the "culprit" (and I put the necessary quotes, because I do NOT blame her , you will also see why), for the story of the train, which, some psychopaths, took over, like all their lies, absurdities, or like all my jokes or sarcasm, and turned them into an unreal story about me, completely inconsistent, non-compliant with reality. And, in many other articles, both new and less recent, I will describe in detail the real story of my life around which a large conglomeration of lies was woven. Some articles, more precisely fragments - because they are not complete -, partially seen, can give the impression of something completely other than reality. Why? because this is my way of writing. The blog and these articles were NOT created to expose my life to the public and even less for someone to take over my writings and ideas as a source of inspiration for books, movies, plays, etc., what happened is it seems, all over the world.

You wonder what has to do with the link here: very big, and I will ask you to read this article very carefully, because it is about the reality of what happened

and the ideas of the two described in the article, namely Constantinescu and Lucian N, (my ex-boyfriend), created, it seems (and from Lucian knowing him, I was expecting something like that) in order to destroy me.


pentru a intelege povestea trenului, mai exact mitul creat pe marginea acestei povesti (la care trebuie sa recunosc ca m-am gandit foarte, foarte mult ce probabilitate de "legatura" ar avea cu mine, pana sa imi dau seama despre cauzalitate si ce reprezinta. Recunosc ca mi-am "stors creierii" ca sa inteleg si sa descopar povestea si la ce anume se refera.

Am ras foarte mult cand am inteles care ar putea fi unica asa zisa legatura cu mine, aceasta poveste, ceea ce, cred ca o sa faceti si dvs,

desi, imaginile de mai jos (adica mai sus, in acest caz), postate pe paginile de twitter ale americanilor, imagini preluate de mine prin screenshoturi, reprezinta o foarte cruda realitate a trenului, tramvaiului, autobuzului, metroului (spuneti-i it cum vreti), deoarece este vorba despre viata oamenilor, viata daruita de Dumnezeu care NU poate fi luata de nicio fiinta omeneasca, fara a fi pedepsit total, in aceasta lume, si in alta viata/vieti. Se stie foarte clar ca porunca principala biblica este SA NU UCIZI.

NU am sa explic in niciun fel acele postari, sunt convinsa ca le intelege toata lumea (iar pentru Romani voi face ulterior o traducere) si ca, mai mult, nimeni NU vrea sa isi mai aminteasca acea perioada a anului trecut, perioada COVID 19 in plina actiune.

Va intrebati ce legatura are poza expusa aici, cea in care eu sunt alaturi de o persoana, prietena draga, care a fost angajata mea, a facut parte chiar din prima echipa; a fost una dintre persoanele cu ajutorul carora am aranjat marfurile si a participat la inaugurarea primului meu magazin, DONNA I, in octombrie 2002. Ei bine, ea este cea "vinovata" (si am pus ghilimelele de rigoare, deoarece NU ii atribui nicio vina, veti vedea si de ce), for de povestea trenului, pe care, niste psihopati, au preluat-o, ca toate minciunile lor, absurditatile, sau ca si toate glumele sau sarcasmul meu, si le-au transformat intr-o poveste ireala despre mine, complet neconforma inconsistent, non-compliant cu realitatea. Si, in multe alte articole, atat noi, cat si mai putin recente, voi descrie amanuntit povestea reala a vietii mele in jurul careia s-a tesut un mare conglomerat de minciuni.

Unele articole, mai exact fragmente -deoarece nu sunt complete-, vazute partial, pot sa dea impresia a complet altceva, decat realitatea.

De ce? pentru ca acesta este modul meu de a scrie. Blogul (si aceste articole) NU a fost creat pentru a-mi expune viata public si, cu atat mai putin ca cineva sa preia scrierile si ideile mea ca sursa de inspiratie pentru carti, filme, piese de teatru, etc, ceea ce s-a intamplat, se pare, in lumea intreaga.

Va intrebati ce legatura are cu link ul pus aici: foarte big, si am sa va rog sa cititi acest articol cu foarte mare atentie, deoarece e vorba despre realitatea celor intamplate.

si, ideile celor doi descrisi in articol, adica Constantinescu si Lucian N, (fostul meu prieten), create, se pare (si de la Lucian cunoscandu-l, ma asteptam la asa ceva) cu scopul de a ma distruge.


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