MY GRANDMOTHER: HER WISE and PURE LIFE vs. the death "worthy" of a spy in the movies of the psycho
her wise and pure life vs. the death "worthy" of a spy in the movies of the psychopaths' heads. How the Romanian terrorist spies killed her
This is the incitement to murder and the AUTHOR moral of the crime committed on my grandmother: RADU F. CONSTANTINESCU, and this is the text in which he expresses his hatred towards my grandmother and me and, in which he expresses his desire to SEE MY GRANDMOTHER DEAD (he derogated his criminal intention in front of the Romanians, telling them the lie that it was a joke, the one concerning the desire to see my grandmother dead)
You will see the CONFIRMATION, from the Facebook post of another Romanian, involved in the "country project", that is, their personal, exclusively for their personal benefit and good, of the criminals Maticiuc and Constantinescu!
"the philosopher" PSYCOPATH from their FAKE prophecies!
To understand where the X-mark comes from in SOROS'S ARTICLE, WHO PROVIDES HIS "FANTASIES" and, where the DUPLICATION COMES from and WHO is in reality: Constantinescu's former mistress and current wife, the psycopaths's partner. He says. I quote: "What's the PHOTOSHOP DOING! DOUBLE RAMONA. ok, that can happen
also from alcohol. @greentaste"
OCTOBER 4, 2013
So, they've been experts in photoshop ever since then and, in that simple phrase, you see who they really are. Just think that's how they "spoiled" themselves in public, just a few months after the civil marriage made on his birthday, on August 27, 2013. No, I wasn't in their "interest" at the time, I didn't even know about the existence of his blog. I quote HER:
"ADMINISTERED in small doses, it has an ANTIDEPRESSANT EFFECT, with reduced SIDE EFFECTS. Adobe PHOTOSHOP CS6."
So, THEY HAD JEALOUSY and DEPRESSION ISSUES in their fresh "green taste" marriage from the beginning.
To understand where the numbering comes from, Constantinescu being the number 5!
"FEAR of Tariceanu", aka FEAR of MY UNCLE, my mother's brother.
The article was posted (along with many others that you see here or in other articles, in the run-up to or immediately the crime they committed on my grandmother who, living completely separately, in one part of the house, but in the same house as her boy and daughter-in-law) on the page of Mr. Emanuel-Bogdan Bobic, another character who does NOT know me, but, which, like many others, was asked to participate in this "country project" of Romanian psychopaths and other nationalities, known all over the world.
Why Tariceanu? And why the Liberal Party? Simple: because Tariceanu was the president of the Liberal Party, and my uncle, an important member of the Liberal Party, the Tariceanu wing (at the time), held very important positions in the community, so, 'comparison', the role allocated is more than obvious.
Why were they afraid of my uncle, my mother's brother?
Because they, the criminals of Romania, the known Constantinescu, Maticiuc and all those of the SRI and the Liberal Party, headed by the still-functioning president, Klaus Iohannis, appointed there by electoral fraud, of course, by George Soros and his cronies, can enter prison very easily, if my uncle and his wife, doctor by profession and my grandmother's family doctor, had to, legally, to certified the death of the grandmother and to write the death certificate (realize or find out then what they did, because both the article and their other posts, which I put here, are from that period and, demonstrate ) mobilize and sue them, opening a criminal investigation in the case of the death of my grandmother.
And, we have again "sector 2", that is, George Soros, the one in Codin Maticiuc's story that I translated and posted earlier on Facebook, the one in the story about how he teaches high school students about drugs, at the SOROS's COMMAND (and there is a lot of EVIDENCE in this regard posts by Alexander Soros and George Soros in that period) but, I will come back to this topic, and with the translation and with that post. Now to translate what it says in this post; it's about a Romanian saying. I quote: "The fence is painted outside and inside is the leopard. A truly sincere party." I mean, by the way, on the outside and in the eyes of the world they PRETENDED to be on my uncle's side and that they wanted his good (as THEY LIE to HIM NOW, and, as THEY HAVE ALWAYS DONE, both with my family, with the ones they killed -with my grandmother, with Tudi, with Frank, who was sent on a mission to the front to be killed, because I desperately asked him to contact his superiors in the German Army and protect his niece and my entire family - as well as with my mother, sister, with my cousins Claudia and Anca and their families, with my uncle and his family, with my husband and his families, both from New York and from Romania, with the family in Denmark and all the other relatives and friends to whom I asked or not for help but, they all know what is really happening and are terrorized and/or lied to by these criminals) and, in reality, they killed the grandmother with premeditation, daily, forcing the woman who cared for her, to poison her little by little. It is clear from the posts of this man who wrote about this since the beginning of October 2018, that is, after the return of Codin Maticiuc to Romania, because, even on his birthday, on October 5, 2018 he had been in New York, hoping that I would go with him to Romania.
I'm reposting a passage from the article here
to better understand what this is all about.
All of you must understand that this is NOT just about me and that all of you are in danger and that by accepting their dirty and criminal game of doing us or some members of my family, evil, under the appearance of being on their side, you are doing the same harm to yourself (you will see real explanations and examples here, the coming days); when you understand this and act in reality, instead of listening to their lies and believing that nothing bad will happen to you or your families (as Tudi and Grandma thought and could not ever suspect what is behind this story), then you will know that nothing is random in your lives, not even a trivial coincidence in front of your house or a change in behavior towards you from a known or even relative "caught with something in the crowd" or corruptible. That's how you'll understand (as I understand everything that happened that nothing was coincidence or random, but that it is about some mentally ill sociopaths, criminal maniacs of humanity) that not the heart attack, from 2015, of my grandmother, was NOT by chance, but it was another attempt to murder that did not end with the power of God and with our help, of the family that acted urgently, but, most importantly, that it could NOT act in the hospital on it, because at the Cardiology Clinic where she was operated and put stents, it was the DIRECTOR of the clinic, the husband of a cousin of the mother, university lecturer or university professor, Dr. Capalneanu, brother-in-law of my aunt Tuti, which you know from other articles, for example, from the article Noble Roman Families.
This is the first revelation, in a long string of so-called coincidences that have been going on since 2014.
Another revelation is that, after the murders against my family began, I am more than sure that he was killed (also in the hospital, so still a HIDDEN CRIME), the father of the daugther-in-law of my aunt Tuti, who, inexplicably for everyone, although he lived in Cluj, was taken to a hospital in Dej although the family opposed and, although he was from the family of doctors, his daughter being a specialist doctor specializing in pneumology, and works at a hospital in Germany, his wife is a psychologist and works at the hospital, and his brother-in-law is also a doctor, the director of the psychiatric hospital in Borsa.
How did I understand they killed Grandma? From the "information" they 'provide' me on Facebook and post. Moreover, I was shocked and then I understood what they did (although it seemed like a macabre joke) when I was "asked" on Facebook, the day my grandmother died, (I accessed the account to post and announce for relatives and friends, the death of my grandmother, and to externalize my great suffering, as well as the fact that I could not attend her funeral), if I "want", that they kill my aunt, the wife of my mother's brother, who is a doctor by profession, and who was also my grandmother's family doctor.
That's when I realized what dangerous and psychopathic monsters are hiding behind computers, under the polished image of "benefactors" and who have been used all these years, but, especially since 2018, of all the weaknesses, of the VULNERABILITIES in FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS.
Tomorrow and all the coming days and weeks I'm going to make some sensational revelations in this regard; until then, read the whole article! Thank you!
I repeat: their tactics are divided and conquer, in this case, divide and attack, kill! I've already exposed the tactics they've used, and tomorrow I'm going to post something very interesting about this topic.
I have not written every day, because in the meantime I am very busy with a project very dear to me, because, after so much bad, a good has happened to me and, I am very happy from that point of view;
So, don't be scared, I will continue my work, until the full disclosure of the truth and the bringing to the law of these criminals. I'm not afraid of any, and neither should you! Let me give you one more tip: I watched partly, relatively recently, a film (but I haven't seen it from the beginning, so I don't know its title, although I wish I could see it again from the beginning) in which a hidden killer was on the trail of a student and killed everyone around her; everything being very strange, some even seem natural dead, while he, he was trying to drive her crazy with the traces that he lets her see, but, so that the world does not believe what she tells them she sees.
That's kind of the way it is in my situation, and criminals are the same psychopaths who have fun doing that, except, THESE CRIMINALS, everyone already knows who they are.
1 November 2018, this image representing a lightning bolt, clearly shows that it had been taken on it, with those substances which, it was already known to lead to death, which happened, on the morning of 2 November 2018 being declared the death of my grandmother.
I will also translate the other screenshots that Romanians understand very well.
VIATA EI INTELEAPTA si PURA vs. moartea "demna" de un spion din filmele din capul psihopatilor
Cum romanii spioni teroristi au omorat-o
Aceasta este incitatorul la crima si autorul moral al crimei comise asupra bunicii mele: Radu F. CONSTANTINESCU, iar acesta este textul in care isi exprima ura fata de bunica mea si de mine si, in care isi exprima dorinta de a o vedea moarta (si-a derogat intentia criminala in fata Romani, spunandu-le minciuna ca a fost o gluma, cea referitoare la dorinta de a o vedea moarta pe bunica mea).
Veti vedea confirmarea, din postarea de pe Facebook a unui alt Roman, implicat in "proiectul de tara", adica, al lor personal, exclusiv in folosul si binele lor personal, al criminalilor Maticiuc si Constantinescu!
"Frica de Tariceanu", aka unchiul meu, fratele mamei mele. Articolul a fost postat (impreuna cu multe altele pe care le vedeti aici sau in alte articole, in perioada premergatoare sau imediata crimei pe care ei au comis-o asupra bunicii mele care, locuia complet separat, intr-o parte a casei, dar in aceeasi casa cu baiatul si nora ei) pe pagina domnului Emanuel-Bogdan Bobic, un alt personaj care NU ma cunoaste, dar, care, a fost pus ca si multi altii, sa participe la acest "proiect de tara" al psihopatilor romani si de alte nationalitati, cunoscuti in toata lumea.
De ce Tariceanu? Si de ce Partidul Liberal? Simplu: deoarece Tariceanu a fost presedintele Partidului Liberal, iar unchiul meu, membru important al Partidului Liberal, aripa Tariceanu (la acea vreme), a detinut functii foarte importante in comunitate, deci, 'comparatia', rolul alocat este mai mult decat evident.
De ce le era frica de unchiul meu, aka Tariceanu?
Deoarece ei, criminalii din Romania, cunoscutii Constantinescu, Maticiuc si toti cei din SRI si Partidul Liberal, in frunte cu presedintele in functie inca, Klaus Iohannis, numiti acolo prin frauda electorala, desigur, de catre George Soros si acolitii lui, pot intra in puscarie foarte usor, daca unchiul meu si sotia lui, medic de profesie si medicul de familie al bunicii mele, a trebuit, legal, sa constate decesul bunicii si sa scrie certificatul de deces (realiza sau afla atunci ceea ce ei au facut, deoarece atat articolul, cat si celelalte postari ale lor, pe care eu le-am pus aici, sunt din acea perioada si, demonstreaza ) se mobilizeaza si ii da in judecata, deschizand o ancheta penala in cazul mortii bunicii mele.
Si, avem din nou "sector 2", adica George Soros, cel din povestea lui Codin Maticiuc pe care am tradus-o si postat-o mai demult pe Facebook, cel din povestea depre cum ii invata el pe elevii de liceu despre droguri, dar, voi reveni la acest subiect, si cu traducerea si cu postarea respectiva. Acum sa traduc ceea ce scrie in aceasta postare; este vorba despre o zicala romaneasca. Citez:" Afara e vopsit gardul si inauntru e leopardul. Un partid cu adevarat sincer". Adica, pe intelesul tuturor, in exterior si de ochii lumii ei se prefaceau ca sunt de partea unchiului meu si ca ii vroiau binele (asa cum il mint si acum, si, asa cum ei au procedat dintotdeauna, atat cu familia mea, cu cei pe care ei i-au omorat -cu bunica, cu Tudi, cu Frank, care a fost trimis in misiune pe front pentru a fi omorat, deoarece eu l-am rugat disperata sa ia legatura cu superiorii lui din Armata Germana si sa isi protejeze nepoata si intreaga mea familie- cat si cu mama, sora mea, verisoarele mele Claudia si Anca si familiile lor, cu unchiul meu si familia lui, cu sotul meu si familiile lui, atat din New York, cat si din Romania, cu familia din Danemarca si cu toate celelalte rude si prieteni carora eu le-am cerut sau nu ajutorul, dar, ei toti stiu ceea ce se intampla in realitate si sunt terorizati si/sau mintiti de catre acesti criminali) si, in realitate, ei o omorau cu premeditare pe bunica, zilnic, fortand-o pe femeia care o ingrijea, sa o otraveasca putin cate putin. Se vede clar din postarile acestul domn care scria despre acest lucru inca de pe la inceputul lunii octombrie 2018, adica, dupa reintoarcerea lui Codin Maticiuc in Romania, deoarece, inclusiv de ziua lui, in 5 Octombrie 2018 fusese la New York, sperand ca eu voi merge cu el in Romania.
Repostez aici un pasaj din articolul
pentru a intelege mai bine despre ce e vorba. Voi toti trebuie sa intelegeti ca aceasta NU este doar despre mine si ca voi toti, sunteti in pericol si ca, acceptand jocul lor murdar si criminal de a ne face mie sau unor membri ai familiei mele, rau, sub aparenta de a fi de partea lor, va faceti si voua insiva acelasi rau (veti vedea explicatii si exemple reale aici, zilele viitoare); cand veti intelege acest lucru si veti actiona in realitate, in loc sa le ascultati minciunile si sa credeti ca voua sau familiilor voastre NU vi se va intampla nimic rau (asa cum au crezut si Tudi si bunica si nici NU au putut banui vreodata ceea ce se ascunde in spatele acestei povesti), atunci veti sti ca nimic nu e intamplator in vietile voastre, nici chiar o banala coincidenta din fata casei voastre sau o modificare de comportament fata de voi din partea unui cunoscut sau chiar ruda "prinsa cu ceva la inghesuiala" sau coruptibila. Asa veti intelege (cum am inteles si eu tot ceea ce s-a intamplat ca nimic NU a fost coincidenta sau intamplator, ci ca e vorba despre niste sociopati bolnavi psihic, maniaci criminali ai umanitatii) ca nici unicul, infarct, din 2015, al bunicii mele, NU a fost intamplator, ci a fost o alta tentativa de crima care NU s-a finalizat cu puterea lui Dumnezeu si cu ajutorul nostru, al familiei care am actionat de urgenta, dar, cel mai important, ca NU s-a putut actiona in spital asupra ei, deoarece la Clinica de Cardiologie unde a fost operata si i s-au pus stenturi, it era director al clinicii, sotul unei verisoare de a mamei, conferentiar universitar sau profesor universitar, doctorul Capalneanu, cumnatul matusii mele Tuti, pe care o cunoasteti din alte articole, de exemplu, din articolul Familiile Nobile Romane.
Aceasta e prima revelatie, dintr-un sir lung de asa zise coincidente care se tot intampla din 2014 incoace.
O alta revelatie este faptul ca, dupa ce au inceput crimele impotriva familiei mele, sunt mai mult decat sigura ca a fost omorat (tot in spital, deci tot o HIDDEN CRIME), tatal nurorii matusii mele Tuti, care, in mod inexplicabil pentru toata lumea, desi locuia in Cluj, a fost dus la un spital din Dej desi familia s-a opus si, desi era din familie de medici, fiica fiind medic specialist cu specializare pneumologie, si lucreaza la un spital din Germania, sotia este psiholog si lucreaza la spital, iar cumnatul lui este tot medic, directorul spitalului de psihiatrie din Borsa.
Va repet: tactica lor este dezbina si cucereste, in acest caz, dezbina si ataca, omoara! V-am mai expus tacticile folosite de ei, iar maine va voi posta ceva foarte interesant despre acest subiect. Nu am mai scris zilnic, deoarece intre timp sunt foarte ocupata cu un proiect foarte drag mie, deoarece, dupa atat de mult rau, mi s-a intamplat si un bine si, sunt foarte fericita din acel punct de vedere; asa ca, nu va speriati, eu imi voi continua activitatea inceputa, pana la dezvaluirea completa a adevarului si la aducerea in fata legii a acestor criminali. NU imi este frica de niciunul, si nici voua NU trebuie sa va fie! Sa va mai dau un pont: am vizionat partial, relativ recent un film (dar nu l-am vazut de la inceput, asa ca NU ii cunosc titlul, desi as vrea ca sa il pot vedea din nou de la inceput) in care un criminal ascuns era pe urmele unei studente si ii omora pe toti din jurul ei; totul fiind foarte ciudat, unele parand chiar morti naturale, in timp ce el, pe ea incerca sa o innebuneasca cu urmele pe care el le lasa ca ea sa le vada, dar, ca lumea sa nu creada ce ea le spune ca vede. Cam asa ceva este si in situatia mea, iar criminalii sunt aceeasi psihopati care se distreaza facand asta, doar ca, pe astia, deja ii stie toata lumea cine ei sunt.
1 Noiembrie 2018, aceasta imagine reprezentand un fulger, arata clar ca se actionase asupra ei, cu substantele respective care, se stia deja ca vor duce la deces, ceea ce s-a si intamplat, in dimineata lui 2 Noiembrie 2018 fiind declarat decesul bunicii mele. Voi traduce de asemenea si celelalte screenshots pe care Romanii le inteleg foarte bine.
Ca sa intelegeti de unde provine marcajul cu X din articolul lui Soros, cine ii furnizeaza "fanteziile" si, de unde provine dedublarea si cine se dedubleaza in realitate: fosta amanta si actuala nevasta a lui Constantinescu, partenera psihopatului.
ca sa intelegeti de unde provine numerotarea, CONSTANTINESCU fiind numarul 5.
Ce face photoshopul! Dublu Ramona. Bine, asta se poate intampla si de la alcool. gust verde
4 Octombrie 2013. Deci, ei erau experti in fotoshop inca de pe atunci si, in aceasta simpla fraza vedeti cine sunt ei cu adevarat. Ganditi-va doar ca asa ei "se rasfatau" ei in public, la doar cateva luni de la casatoria civila facuta de ziua lui, in 27 August 2013. NU, eu NU eram in "interesul" lor in acea perioada, nici macar NU stiam de existenta blogului lui.
O citez pe ea:
"Administrat in doze mici, are un efect antidepresiv, cu efecte secundare reduse. Adobe Photoshop CS6."
Deci, ei aveau probleme de gelozie si de depresie in proaspata lor casnicie, inca de la inceput.
all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.
also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.
Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.