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One, Two, Three, at the WALL... STOP! Un', doi, trei, la perete... STOP!


One, two, three, on the wall... STOP! This is a metaphor.

Of course, many do NOT know what this word means, others misuse words that do NOT know the meaning, and others do NOT understand any linguistic artifice.

Very interesting how, however, those who belong to all these categories, still "understand" some metaphors and linguistic artifices when they are written by certain people, -for example, by some sociopaths-, and they also like what they write. Why do I make this statement very important? Because my blog, besides the fact that I hope it is, for everyone to understand (even if some articles are NOT even completed, nor to my liking, so I would NEVER have written them and it would NOT have been a topic on my personal blog, but, life and the situation in which I was forced by psychopaths, whom you all know, -less those who fool you every day that they are innocent, THE "YELLOW", ROMANIANS, Maticiuc and Constantinescu - so this situation forced me to write about this), is also read by specimens without neurons that interpret intentionally or not, wrong and negatively all what I write, influenced by some vicious criminals obsessed with me, whose only purpose in life was and is to analyze in detail my life, starting with 2014, although, as can be seen very clearly from the article

in 2019 I received this letter from THE SOCIETY, I quote: "There has existed for many years an EXCLUSIVE ASSOCIATION, a SECRET SOCIETY, of some of the WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS and POWERFUL PEOPLE. These include renowned ACTORS and MUSICIANS, leading SCIENTISTS and INTELLECTUALS, self-made ENTREPRENEURS and ARTISTS, MILLIONAIRES, professional GAMBLERS, Casanovas, STATESMEN. MANY of THESE PEOPLE YOU WOULD INSTANTLY RECOGNIZE. This association has UNCOVERED some shockingly POWERFUL SECRETS. And they SHARE THESE SECRETS ONLY AMONG THEMSELVES. In fact, these secrets are THE REASON THESE WELL-KNOWN INDIVIDUALS have ACHIEVED GREAT PROSPERITY.", which, then THEY wrote about me, I quote:

"The association has analyzed your profile (you'd be unbelievably flattered if you knew WHO THESE INDIVIDUALS WERE). Please forgive us, but we've DISCOVERED SOMETHING SPECIAL ABOUT YOU.


so, as I said, it is a metaphor that I chose as the title of this article, to exemplify a real case, in my life, of a couple, with an obsessively jealous and possessive man, that is, clearly, sick. It is about Lucian Napeu, the accomplice of the psychopaths Constantinescu and Maticiuc, about whom many friends of mine knew how he behaved.
I wanted this to be an article written in my style, as a writer, without these explanations, and without a name. It seems that, at the moment, due to the harmful interpretations of psychopaths for which these Romanian mentally ill people work, I have to write these explanations, but I will continue the article from which you will understand what this metaphor refers to and that, it is NOT under no circumstances should anyone ever stop me from telling the truth or acting against criminals (this will NOT happen because I am NOT the one to blame, so NO ONE will act against me except, falsely, what will turn against them, anyway!), and, let's NOT forget that there is a lot of evidence of breaking the law by them, for which they will have to answer, before the law, because, I quote: IN AMERICA NO ONE is ABOVE THE LAW ", much less the Romanian spies and criminals who, should NEVER have been illegally connected to my devices to entertain some nineties or younger, psychopaths.


One, two, three, at the wall... STOP!
Have you ever played this game? Definitely yes, some of you. In what period? childhood, adolescence or... adulthood ?!
Do you know that it is played all over the world? in different forms ...
Yes, but it is preferable to play it with other children, when everything is good cheer, energy, light, smiles, fun, in a word... CHILDHOOD!
I remember the restaurant where we played it. In two.

And others, of course! restaurants, clubs... even endless soap operas, something like "Young and restless", only without so many characters... Only us, the main characters... then! And a few others with us. Insignificant. Secondary characters. Viewers.
                        Nothing mattered to you.

You were an , enough YOU, more than the perfect, spotless, righteous "MAIN HERO" who in his endless kindness... "bends" on the others, the great mass of the population to give them "hello"
This "game" is called JEALOUSY and POSSESSIVENESS taken to extremes, as only psychopaths can have!

Now that the filming has resumed, it's completely different, isn't it ?!
Look, really... 

I apologize that I was very successful then, that I was a very young woman, but financially independent, that I had a business and money, and you were... without money! yes, I apologize again that I did my best to make you feel good, that I did my best not to make you feel inferior because of this, because I saw how you feel and, on top of that,
you also embarrassed me and reproached me that I have a successful business and you don't.

I know you were obsessed with this, as well as everything about me. Everywhere you saw men who wanted me, you saw rivals, you saw what wasn't really, or maybe it was, but I didn't see them ...
You fool, what you didn't know, and I hope you learned, it's like a woman when she loves, she's NOT cheating. NEVER.
Then, and if I wanted to, which is EXCLUDED, I would NOT have had the necessary time, because you were omnipresent and you fucking me non stop, if not physically, at least "at the head", that is psychic (al).

Your unjustified crises of jealousy, as well as your possessiveness, made me run away from you. Aberrations, unexpected checks, unfounded accusations, restricting my freedom, your madness, deleting messages from my phone, (love messages from my ex-Italian boyfriend, the one I could marry if I wanted to and if he hadn't insisted and he too much and too early), which did not belong to you and it was not the time for me to give them up,-and not because you would have asked me, no, that you did everything secretly anyway (and you thought that I didn't know who did it), the obsession with finding out the "truth"-, but because I wanted to. 

Un, doi, trei, la perete...STOP! Aceasta este o metafora. Desigur, foarte multi NU stiu ce inseamna acest cuvant, altii folosesc in mod gresit cuvinte carora NU le cunosc sensul, iar altii NU inteleg niciun artificiu lingvistic. Foarte interesant cum totusi, cei care fac parte din toate aceste categorii, "inteleg" totusi unele metafore si artificii lingvistice atunci cand sunt scrise de anumite persoane,-de exemplu, de unii sociopati-, si, le mai si convine ceea ce ei scriu.

De ce fac aceasta precizare foarte importanta? Deoarece blogul meu, pe langa faptul ca sper ca este, pe intelesul tuturor (chiar daca unele articole NU sunt nici finalizate, nici pe placul meu, deci, NU le-as fi scris niciodata si NU ar fi fost subiect pe blogul meu personal, dar, viata si situatia in care am fost pusa fortat de catre psihopatii, pe care ii cunoasteti cu totii, -mai putin pe cei care va pacalesc zi de zi ca ei sunt nevinovati-, deci, aceasta situatie m-a obligat sa scriu despre acest lucru), este citit si by de asemenea specimene fara neuroni care interpreteaza in mod intentionat sau nu, gresit si in mod negativ tot ceea ce eu scriu, influentati fiind de niste ticalosi criminali obsedati de mine, ai caror singur scop in viata a fost si este analizarea in detaliu a vietii mele, incepand cu anul 2014, desi, precum se vede foarte clar din articolul acesta,

pe care va rog sa il traduceti dvs,(ca sa intelegeti ca ABSOLUT TOT ceea ce v-au spus Romanii psihopati spioni si criminali, NU este adevarat, si ca ei sunt AUTORII si VINOVATII a TOT ceea ce au facut asupra mea si asupra familiei mele in decurs de 7 ani), in anul 2019 am primit aceasta scrisoare de la THE SOCIETY, citez: "an EXCLUSIVE ASSOCIATION, a SECRET SOCIETY, of some of the WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS and POWERFUL PEOPLE.", care, atunci scria despre mine, citez: "The association has analyzed your profile..."

cititi mai sus, la varianta in limba engleza, continuarea, sau, direct la articolul respectiv)

deci, cum spuneam, este o metafora pe care am ales-o ca titlu al acestui articol, pentru a exemplifica un caz real, din viata mea, de cuplu, alaturi de un barbat obsesiv de gelos si posesiv, adica, in mod clar, bolnav. Este vorba despre Lucian Napeu, complicele psihopatilor Constantinescu si Maticiuc, despre care multi prieteni de-ai mei stiau cum el se comporta.

Acesta am vrut sa fie un articol scris in stilul meu, scriitoricesc, fara aceste explicatii, si fara nume. Se pare ca, momentan, deocamdata si datorita interpretarilor nocive ale psihopatilor pentru care acesti bolnavi mintal romani lucreaza, sunt nevoita sa scriu aceste explicatii, dar, imi voi continua articolul din care veti intelege la ce se refera aceasta metafora si ca, NU este vorba in niciun caz ca cineva sa ma opreasca vreodata din a spune adevarul sau a actiona impotriva infractorilor (asta NU se va intampla, deoarece NU eu sunt cea culpabila, asa ca, NIMENI NU va actiona impotriva mea, decat, in mod fals, ceea ce se va intoarce impotriva lor, oricum!), si, sa NU uitam ca exista foarte multe dovezi ale incalcarii legii de catre ei, pentru care vor trebui sa raspunda, in fata legii, deoarece, citez: IN AMERICA NO ONE is ABOVE THE LAW", cu atat mai putin spionii si infractorii romani care, NU trebuia niciodata sa fie conectati ilegal la deviceurile mele ca sa-i distreze pe niste nonagenari sau mai tineri, psihopati.

Un', doi, trei, la perete...STOP!

Ati jucat vreodata jocul acesta? Cu siguranta da, unii dintre voi. In ce perioada? copilarie, adolescenta sau... maturitate?!

Stiti ca se joaca pretutindeni pe glob? in diverse forme...

Da, dar e de preferat sa-l joci cu alti copii, atunci cand totul e voie buna, energie, lumina, zambete, distractie, intr-un cuvant... COPILARIE!

Imi amintesc de restaurantul in care l-am jucat. In doi. Si de altele, bineinteles! restaurante, cluburi... chiar si de telenovela fara sfarsit, ceva gen "Tanar si nelinistit", doar ca fara atat de multe personaje... Doar noi, eroii principali ...atunci! Si alti cativa pe langa noi. Nesemnificativ. Personaje secundare. Privitori. Gura casca. Nimic nu conta pentru tine.

Erai arhi suficient TU, mai mult ca perfectul, fara pata, neprihanitul EROU PRINCIPAL care in nesfarsita-i bunatate

Acum, ca s-au reluat filmarile, e cu totul altceva, nu-i asa?!

Uite, pe bune...Imi cer scuze ca atunci eram in plin succes, ca eram o femeie tanara, dar independenta financiar, ca aveam un business si bani, iar tu erai... lefter! da, imi cer scuze din nou ca am facut tot posibilul ca tu sa te simti bine, ca m-am dat peste cap ca sa nu te simti inferior din aceasta cauza. Stiu ca erai obsedat de asta, ca de altfel de tot ceea ce tinea de mine. Peste tot vedeai barbati care ma voiau pe mine, vedeai rivali, vedeai ceea ce nu era de fapt, sau poate era, dar nu-i vedeam eu... Prostule, ce n-ai stiut, si sper c-ai invatat, e ca o femeie cand iubeste, NU inseala. NICIODATA.

S-apoi, si sa fi vrut, ceea ce este EXCLUS, NU as fi avut timpul necesar, pentru ca erai omniprezent si ma mai si f*teai non stop, daca nu fizic, cel putin "la cap".

Crizele tale nejustificate de gelozie, precum si posesivitatea ta m-au facut sa fug de tine. Aberatiile, controalele inopinate, acuzatiile nefondate, ingradirea libertatii mele, nebuniile tale, stergerea mesajelor din telefonul meu, mesaje care nu-ti apartineau si nici nu era vremea ca eu sa renunt la ele, si nu fiindca mi-ai fi cerut tu, nu, ca oricum ai facut totul pe ascuns (si ai crezut ca eu nu am stiut cine a facut-o), obsesia cu aflarea "adevarului".

Visele tale nocturne

A, da, restaurantul! Unul micut, intr-o zona linistita, o afacere de familie, situat relativ aproape de "cuibusorul de nebunii"... se manca cea mai buna ciorba de burta din oras...


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