First of all, the abortion law must NOT be seen strictly from a medical point of view, but also as a very big responsibility on the part of the state. You will see why.
I do NOT know and have not yet studied the case of Roe v. Wade, but I will do so and write a clear opinion here until next week.
Now I will express my personal opinion.
I believe that the abortion law must be very complex and contain, include and take into account all possible cases and must be correlated with the adoption law. I mean:
I do NOT think that abortion should be free, that is, that anyone can do it without repercussions, but no coercion, but that everything should be taken into account, absolutely all aspects of that woman's life.
I will number with letters so that only what I write can be interpreted.
a) Counseling in schools to prevent the situation in which a young woman becomes pregnant, in which all means of contraception are presented, including the pill of SECOND DAY which does NOT allow the installation of pregnancy when it is not desired and unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred.
This pill should be available in pharmacies and should NOT require a prescription. As far as I know, it takes effect not only 24 hours, but 48 or even 72 hours after unprotected sex. I don't know what it's called anymore, but in Romania it can be bought at pharmacies and it does NOT require a medical prescription, logically, so that anyone can use it immediately if needed. Of course, this pill can NOT be taken permanently, as a means of contraception, but, I repeat, only occasionally when necessary.
So, point A - counseling in schools (and NOT only), contraception and the second day pill, as an immediate means of preventing unwanted pregnancy.
b) If the pregnancy has set in, we come to the abortion chapter, more precisely the reason or reasons why that abortion is desired.
The woman / girl should be counseled alone and / or together with her partner, as the case may be, the parents.
WHY does that person want an abortion?
c) Financial reasons
If the financial reasons are invoked, REALITY in which a woman (usually alone) considers that she CANNOT raise her child, but she wants it, I think that here the state must intervene and help her to get a JOB / qualification (in order to get a better job) in order to keep the pregnancy and be able to manage on its own to maintain and raise it and to sign that it will NEVER give it up for adoption.
If the pregnancy is after a rape, I consider that the victim must have the right to choose whether or not to keep the child.
If she wants an abortion, the cost of the abortion should be paid by the state or, as the case may be, by the rapist.
If she wants to keep the pregnancy, she must also be asked to sign that she will NEVER give it up for adoption. However, all medical expenses during the pregnancy and in the first year of the baby's life should be paid by the state, as a sign of gratitude for the courageous act of the woman, and for the fact that it will never be at the expense of the state until the age adulthood, but only during pregnancy and the first year of life, to monitor the physical and mental situation of a child born of rape.
This does NOT mean that the child has mental problems, because any irregularity can be detected, as you know, during pregnancy, so it is assumed from the start that the child is healthy in all respects and the mother wants him / her to keep.
Also, the rapist should be required by law to pay alimony, even if he is NOT asked (nor should he be asked for consent, just as he did NOT ask for consent to have sex). If he has no income, he will be forced to work in prison in order to pay alimony, or to pay his parents, if they did not know how to educate their son.
Abortion on request if the mother has medical problems that endanger both the life of the mother and the life of the fetus. This is an exclusively medical case, in which only doctors are the ones who can give their consent,
if the mother wants an abortion, but, provided that the doctor assumes and is criminally liable for the medical opinion he presents to the mother, therefore, to be criminally liable both for the life of the mother and for the child.
So, if he has a wrong opinion that endangers the life of the mother or the child, he should be held criminally liable to imprisonment.
If the mother, although she has medical problems (and I give a family example, my sister who, although she had endometriosis, had the courage to have a baby, a super healthy and intelligent boy), decides to keep the pregnancy, then I think in this case as well, the mother deserves to be rewarded and helped by the state with an amount, at the birth of the child and / or, the first 6 months of paid maternity leave, in order to be able to recover.
Also, in this case, of a medical nature, if the mother decides to keep the child, even if she risks her own life giving birth,
never allow the father, whether they are married or not (but he acknowledged paternity) and they separate, to raise the child; to NOT have a custody request in this case from the beginning, precisely because, mother, very conscious, she risked her own life to have that child, so, very logically, it is hers because she also wanted that / those children above her life.
In primul rand, legea avortului NU trebuie vazuta strict din punct de vedere medical, ci si ca o foarte mare responsabilitate din partea statului. Veti vedea de ce.
Acum I will write opinia mea despre legea avortului si apoi la alte lucruri.
In primul rand, parerea mea NU are nicio legatura cu copiii vii si, in niciun caz NU poate fi interpretabila si/sau raportata la my niece sau my nephew. Asta ca sa fie foarte clar!
Si, inca un aspect vreau sa fie foarte clar: eu NU cunosc si inca nu am studiat cazul Roe v. Wade, dar, o voi face si va voi scrie aici o opinie clara pana saptamana viitoare.
Acum voi expune parerea mea personala.
Cred ca legea avortului trebuie sa fie foarte complexa si sa contina, sa cuprinda si sa ia in considerare toate cazurile posibile si, trebuie corelata si cu legea adoptiei. Adica:
NU cred ca avortul trebuie sa fie la liber, adica sa il poata face oricine fara repercusiuni, dar nici o constrangere, ci, totul sa fie luat in considerare, absolut toate aspectele vietii femeii respective.
Am sa numerotez cu litere ca sa NU fie interpretabil decat ad-literam ceea ce eu scriu.
a) Consiliere in scoli pentru a preveni situatia in care o tanara femeie ramane insarcinata, in care sunt prezentate toate mijlocele de contraceptie, inclusiv pilula de of SECOND DAY care NU permite instalarea sarcinii atunci cand nu este dorita si s-a intamplat un act sexual neprotejat.
Aceasta pilula trebuie sa se gaseasca la liber in farmacii si NU trebuie sa necesite retete medicale. Din cate stiu, isi face efectul nu doar 24 de ore, ci 48 sau chiar 72 de ore dupa actul sexual neprotejat. Nu mai stiu cum se numeste dar, in Romania se gaseste de cumparat la farmacii si NU necesita prescriptie medicala, logic, pentru ca oricine sa o poata folosi imediat in necesitate. Desigur, si aceasta pastila NU poate fi luata permanent, ca un mijloc de contraceptie ci, repet, doar ocazional cand este necesar.
Deci, punctul A- consiliere in scoli (si NU numai), mijloace de contraceptie si pilula de a 2-a zi, ca mijloc imediat de prevenire a sarcinii nedorite.
b) Daca sarcina s-a instalat, ajungem la capitolul AVORT, mai exact motivul sau motivele pentru care se doreste acel avort.
Femeia/fata trebuie consiliata singura si/sau impreuna cu partenerul sau, dupa caz, partintii.
DE CE acea persoana vrea avortul?
c) Motive financiare.
Daca sunt invocate motivele financiare, REALE in care o femeie (de obicei singura) considera ca NU isi poate creste copilul, dar si-l doreste, cred ca aici trebuie sa intervina statul si sa o ajute pentru a obtine un JOB/ calificare (pentru a-si putea obtine un job mai bun) in scopul de a pastra sarcina si a fi capabila sa se descurce singura sa il intretina si sa il creasca si, sa semneze ca NU il va da niciodata spre adoptie.
Daca sarcina este in urma unui viol, consider ca victima, trebuie sa aiba dreptul sa aleaga daca doreste sau nu sa pastreze copilul.
Daca doreste avort, costul avortului sa fie platit de catre stat sau, dupa caz, de catre violator.
Daca doreste sa pastreze sarcina, de asemenea, trebuie pusa sa semneze ca NU il va da niciodata in adoptie. Dar, toate cheltuielile medicale pe toata perioada sarcinii si in primul an de viata al bebelusului sa fie platite de catre stat, ca semn de recunostinta pentru actul de curaj al femeii respective, si pentru faptul ca NU va fi niciodata in cheltuiala statului pana la varsta majoratului, ci doar perioada sarcinii si primul an de viata, pentru a monitoriza situatia fizica si psihica a copilului nascut dintr-un viol.
Asta NU inseamna ca acel copil ar fi cu probleme de natura psihica, deoarece orice neregula se poate depista, precum stiti, in perioada sarcinii, deci, se presupune din start ca copilul este sanatos din toate punctele de vedere si mama vrea sa il/o pastreze.
De asemenea, violatorul sa fie obligat prin lege sa ii plateasca pensie alimentara, chiar daca NU este intrebat (si nici NU e cazul sa i se ceara acordul, asa cum nici el NU a cerut acordul de a intretine raporturi sexuale). Daca nu are venituri, sa fie obligat sa munceasca in inchisoare ca sa poata plati pensie alimentara, sau, sa plateasca parintii lui, daca nu au stiut sa-si educe fiul.
e) Motive medicale
Avortul la cerere in cazul in care mama are probleme de natura medicala care pun in pericol, atat viata mamei, cat si viata fatului. Acesta este un caz exclusiv medical, in care doar medicii sunt cei care isi pot da, acordul, in cazul in care mama vrea avort, dar, cu conditia ca, medicul sa isi asume si sa raspunde penal pentru opinia medicala pe care o prezinta mamei, deci, sa raspunda penal atat pentru viata mamei, cat si pentru a copilului.
Deci, daca prezinta o opinie gresita care pericliteaza viata mamei sau a copilului, sa raspunda penal cu inchisoare.