Europe. Romania. Turda. The continent. Country of origin. Hometown, The CITY where I was born
Europe. Romania. Turda. The continent. Country of origin. Hometown, The CITY where I was born
this article is not complete. both pictures, information and a description of the city will be published
I was born, raised and studied in Turda, a city in the heart of Transylvania (you have all heard of the famous DRACULA from Transylvania or ARDEAL, as the Romanians call it), a very famous province and rich in natural resources in Romania, the hometown being itself a land of inestimable value, within the city, which dates from the Daco-Roman era (there is also a site where you can see the ruins of the old town, very close to the street where I grew up, and a history museum, also in a historic building, where you can find the history of the city)
is a city in Cluj County, Transylvania, Romania. It is located in the southeastern part of the county, 34.2 km (21.3 mi) from the county seat, Cluj-Napoca, to which it is connected by the European route E81, and 6.7 km (4.2 mi) from nearby Câmpia Turzii.
The city consists of three neighborhoods: Turda Veche, Turda Nouă, and Oprișani. It is traversed from west to east by the Arieș River and north to south by its tributary, Valea Racilor.
M-am nascut, am crescut si studiat in Turda, un oras din inima Transilvaniei (cu totii ati auzit de celebrul DRACULA din Transilvania sau ARDEAL, cum ii spun Romanii), o provincie foarte renumita si bogata in resurse naturale din Romania, orasul natal fiind el insusi un pamant de o inestimabila valoare, in interiorul orasului,
care dateaza din epoca daco-romana (exista si un site unde se pot vedea ruinele vechiului oras, foarte aproape de strada unde am copilarit, si un muzeu de istorie, de asemenea, intr-o cladire istorica, unde se poate afla istoria orasului)