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They met in customs. Customs, the synonym of border...

And yet they didn't pay customs... Or did they pay?!

They don't know either. Or do THEY know?!

Budapest, 2002

The fact is, SHE didn't want to leave her universe. And HE didn't want to enter her world, into her life; HE knew he wanted to become HER LIFE...

Despite their desire, LOVE has shown them that it has no boundaries.

They've traveled miles...

She was so beautiful, her eyes sparkled... She knew she was seductive, she had just caught a lock of hair with her magic bobby pins, yes, the pearl clip that kept her rebellious curls from invading her face, a kind of self-confidence barometer, although it could not be said that she needed it, however, that little pearl object gave her the conviction that she was irresistible. And so it was...

When she met in the crowd his gaze (sight) that was targeting, charm her, already felt that she trusted him, she knew that she would leave with him.

Maybe for one night, maybe forever.

She felt so much warmth, love, and she had been so afraid before... What madness! The encounter with destiny, with the one that would change her life completely. How do you do that? why? She had asked herself so many questions. How she had agreed to meet a stranger and go to meet him all the way to the border...

I mean, they made a pact. The pact of two stubborn people who had communicated extremely little by phone and that sounded like this: she does not want to leave the country, but goes to the border to meet him and clears the situation in which she had entered without her will (clears up the situation she had unwittingly entered); he comes to meet her, but waits for her in customs.

She, who didn't go alone in bars, clubs or restaurants.

She, who was always waiting to be conquered...

She, who had never pick up, accosted and had never fought for a man...

It seemed to her beneath her dignity as a woman.

And yet, what had caused her to accept or even propose this option when she had been invited directly to him?

She wasn't afraid of flying. Clearly, no. But then what was she afraid of? Was her fear of the unknown or that she might fall in love? No, that's stupid! She said to herself: no, I'm not going to fall in love just because I like his voice! And yet, what vibrations... but he's still a jerk with those challenges! And on top of that, I have to prove to him that there are quality women in the nation to which I belong!

I, the great patriot, the defender of national pride... Well, I'm telling myself, come on, let's just do it for yourself, for your reputation and your hubris, pride.

But if you only meet him for these reasons, for a few minutes to clear things up and save your dignity, why did you spend so many hours wondering what to wear and prepare for the meeting of life?

And again other questions...

All the way was that she'd been thinking about. Good thing she wasn't driving, and the driver was respecting her silence. She wasn't in the mood to have conversations of convenience. She could contemplate the landscapes and get lost in reverie…

No, definitely no, she's not going with him, she was determined! That's what she kept saying. Then why did she go beyond all her principles and beliefs when she saw him? Why did she forget everything? Why did take her mouth off and say yes, when he proposed to her again, but this time in reality, to go with him? She'd never done that before... And yet, what made her so easily give her passport?

She had told herself that he inspired her so much confidence and something else, but she didn't know what. he intrigued her, but she was determined not to give in and come back tomorrow. Then they'll see...

And she calls her mother to tell her she's leaving with him, the unknown known... from a few minutes or maybe by forever! And that's how the adventure of her life began.

He's gallantly driving her in his fancy, powerful car at the same time. But she wasn't interested in his car, and he wasn't the type to astound. He was an extremely modest, kind, polite, fascinating and... fascinated by her. They both seemed to be floating, or at least she felt that way. She abandoned herself completely in a pleasure never felt before.

She was plunging into the car seat and she didn't even know when they were at their destination. He, his tender caress, the way he spoke to her, his gaze, the darkness, the speed, the lights of the other cars participating in the traffic, the warmth, his perfume, hers, theirs, his divine music, his calm and candor, those child's eyes in which she found and lost herself at the same time, the timbre of his voice and his smile, all this, charmed her, created an indescribable atmosphere.

She didn't even know what they were talking about; maybe, she just thought they'd talk... maybe they had just whispered something in a language invented ad-hoc, in that moment, by them and for them, or maybe they had just savored the moments, but both were very smiling, joyful, confident and glad to have met. They were radiating happiness.

They checked into an imposing hotel, then went down for dinner. Face to face, eyes to eye, they looked at each other with admiration, they discovered each other, they sipped their eyes and they couldn't get enough of each other.

They were in a trance, that state of bliss that only lovers have.

How did they become so familiar? It's like they've known each other all their lives, or from another life...

They weren't hungry at all. She fed on (with) his words, and he seemed to feed with (on) her gaze.

They were silent or talking, it didn't matter. It was like all their senses were being untied. There were no questions. No answers. Everything became love, trust, certainty.

However, she found for a few seconds the power to wonder when he had ordered in her place: How does he know what I like, what I want to eat?

But she quickly passed this thought because she felt that, somehow, he knew everything about her.

Fascination. Magic. PERFECTION OR NOT. Still, both aware of their story.



S-au intalnit in vama. Vama, sinonimul granitei...

Si totusi NU au platit vama... Sau au platit?!

Nici ei nu stiu. Sau stiu?!

Cert este ca EA nu voia sa-si paraseasca universul ei. Iar EL nu isi dorea sa intre in lumea ei, in viata ei; stia ca vrea sa devina VIATA ei ...

In pofida dorintei lor, IUBIREA le-a demonstrat ca nu are granite.

Au parcurs kilometri ...

Ea era atat de frumoasa, ochii ii scanteiau ... Stia ca e seducatoare, doar isi prinsese o suvita de par cu agrafa ei fermecata, da, agrafa cu perle care ii tinea buclele rebele sa nu-i invadeze fata, un fel de barometru al increderii in sine, desi nu se putea spune ca avea nevoie de asta, totusi, acel micut obiect perlat ii dadea convingerea ca este irezistibila.

Si asa si era...

Cand intalni in multimea de oameni privirea lui care o tintuia ... deja simtea ca are incredere in el ... stia ca va pleca cu el.

Poate pentru o noapte, poate pentru totdeauna.

Simtea atata caldura, iubire, si ii fusese atat de teama inainte ... ce nebunie! Intalnirea cu destinul, cu cel care avea sa-i schimbe viata complet ... Cum? De ce? Isi pusese atat de multe intrebari ... Cum acceptase sa se intalneasca cu un necunoscut si sa mearga pentru a-l cunoaste tocmai la granita ... adica, facusera un pact. Pactul a doi incapatanati care comunicasera telefonic extrem de putin si care suna cam asa: ea nu vrea sa plece din tara, dar merge pana la granita pentru a-l cunoaste si lamuri situatia in care intrase fara voia ei, el vine sa o intalneasca, dar o asteapta in vama.

Ea care nici in baruri, cluburi sau restaurante nu mersese singura ...

Ea care intotdeauna astepta sa fie cucerita ...

Ea care nu "agatase" si nu se luptase niciodata pentru un barbat ...

I se parea sub demnitatea ei de femeie. Si totusi, ce o determinase sa accepte sau chiar sa propuna aceasta varianta atunci cand fusese invitata direct la el? Doar nu ii era frica de zbor. Clar, nu. Dar atunci de ce ii era frica? Era teama de necunoscut sau de faptul ca ar putea sa se indragosteasca? Nu, ce prostie! Isi zise: nu, nu o sa ma indragostesc doar fiindca imi place vocea lui! Si totusi, ce vibratii ... dar tot un nesuferit e cu provocarile alea! Si pe deasupra mai si trebuie sa-i demonstrez ca exista femei de calitate in natia careia-i apartin!

Eu, marea patrioata, aparatoarea mandriei nationale ... Ei, imi spun, hai, lasa ca o faci si pentru tine, pentru reputatia si orgoliul tau ...

Dar daca te intalnesti cu el doar din aceste motive, pret de cateva minute ca sa clarifici lucrurile si sa-ti salvezi demnitatea, de ce ai petrecut atatea ore intrebandu-te cu ce sa te imbraci si te-ai pregatit ca pentru intalnirea vietii? Si iarasi alte intrebari ...

Tot drumul doar la asta se gandise. Ce bine ca nu conducea, iar soferul ii respecta tacerea. Nu avea niciun chef sa faca conversatii de complezenta. Putea contempla peisajele si sa se piarda in reverie ...

Nu, categoric nu, nu va pleca cu el, era hotarata! Asta isi tot repetase in gand. Si atunci de ce trecuse peste toate principiile si crezurile ei atunci cand il vazuse? De ce uitase de toate? De ce o luase gura pe dinainte si spusese DA, atunci cand el ii propusese din nou, dar de data asta in realitate, sa mearga cu el? Nu mai facuse asta niciodata... Si totusi, ce o determinase sa-i dea cu atata usurinta pasaportul? Isi spusese ca ii inspira atat de multa incredere si inca ceva, dar nu stia ce... o intriga, dar era hotarata sa nu-i cedeze si sa se intoarca maine ... Apoi vor mai vedea ...

Si isi suna mama sa-i spuna ca pleaca cu el, necunoscutul cunoscut ... de cateva minute sau poate dintotdeauna!

Si asa incepu aventura vietii ei.

El o conduse galant in masina-i luxoasa si puternica in acelasi timp. Dar ea nu era interesata de bolidul lui, iar el nu era genul care sa epateze. Era un tip extrem de modest, bun, politicos, fascinant si... fascinat de ea. Amandoi pareau ca plutesc, sau cel putin asa simtea. Ea se abandona complet intr-o placere nemaisimtita pana atunci. Se cufunda in scaunul masinii si nici nu stiu cand ajunsera la destinatie. El, mangaierea lui tandra, felul in care-i vorbea, privirea lui, intunericul, viteza, luminile celorlalte masini participante la trafic, caldura, parfumul lui, al ei, al lor intrepatruns, muzica divina, calmul si candoarea lui, ochii aceia de copil in care se regasea si se pierdea in acelasi timp, timbrul vocii si zambetul lui, toate astea o fermecau, creau o atmosfera de nedescris...

Nici nu mai stia despre ce vorbisera... poate doar i se paruse ca ar fi vorbit... poate ca doar isi soptisera ceva intr-o limba inventata ad-hoc de ei si pentru ei ... sau poate doar savurasera clipele, dar ambii erau foarte surazatori, increzatori si bucurosi ca s-au intalnit. Radiau de fericire.

S-au cazat la un hotel impozant, apoi au coborat sa ia cina. Fata in fata, ochi in ochi, se priveau cu admiratie, se descopereau, se sorbeau din priviri si nu se mai saturau unul de celalalt. Erau in transa, acea stare de beatitudine pe care doar indragostitii o au.

Cum devenisera atat de familiari? Parca se cunosteau de-o viata, sau dintr-o alta viata...

Nu le era deloc foame. Ea se hranea cu cuvintele lui, iar el parea sa se hraneasca cu privirea ei. Taceau sau vorbeau, nici nu conta. Parca li se dezlegasera toate simturile. Nici intrebari nu mai erau. Nici raspunsuri. Totul devenea iubire, incredere, certitudine.

Totusi, ea isi regasi pentru cateva secunde puterea de a se intreba atunci cand el comandase in locul ei: De unde stie ce-mi place, ce-mi doresc sa mananc? Dar ii trecu repede acest gand razlet deoarece simtea ca, oarecum, el stia totul despre ea.



FOR YOU , by OanaS.

Din viitoarea carte,

DanteleDeDileme. CrosetDeDragoste


all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.

also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.

Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.

Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.

Nota: coperta acestui articol NU imi apartine; este o fotografie, cred, preluata de pe WIX, gazda blogului meu. Multumesc Wix!

toate pozele imi apartin si sunt facute de mine; screenshots care privesc viata mea si acest nedorit eveniment care s-a desfasurat si se desfasoara fara acordul meu, si au legatura directa cu ceea ce s-a intamplat, sunt facute de mine si, sunt mai mult decat indreptatita sa le folosesc, deoarece eu NU am fost nici intrebata, nici nu mi s-a cerut acordul pentru ca, o lume intreaga sa intre cu bocancii in viata mea privata.

de asemenea, toate textele de pe acest blog sunt scrise de mine, acolo unde am citat, am indicat sursa, autorul si chiar am pus link unde e cazul si am gasit asa ceva. Nu autorizez pe nimeni, nici sa publice aceste texte, decat distribuirea integrala a articolului de aici, de pe blogul meu, pe paginile de socializare, sau, cu acordul meu explicit; nici sa se inspire, nici sa faca filme sau sa scrie carti despre viata mea.

Cine face asta, fara acordul meu, va fi actionat in instanta, conform drepturilor legale.

Cine doreste sa publice o carte sau sa faca un film despre viata mea, este rugat sa ma contacteze la adresa de email: , aici, sau pe paginile de socializare care, toate sunt cu numele meu real.

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