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Once upon a time... a little girl, by the name of caress, CRINA. yes, that was the name her father addressed to her mother in the name of the purest LOVE.

Her father was and is an extremely romantic, intelligent and beautiful man; all the women turned their heads after him on the street, that kind, beautiful as an actor, kind-hearted as warm bread, and clean in heart and consciousness, like clear spring water.

Of course, a specimen as rare as he was (to be understood that his daughter, his daughters, that he has two, were very proud of him), could only fall in love with a suitable lady: beautiful, smart, with a chosen, elevated education, received from her distinguished family, good (mandatory), and... naïve and inexperienced (as girls are, do well at the age of the married).

Presentations being made (even if not in detail), let's move on to the subject.

With a very important mention: their worlds (read their families) were so different, but that did not stop them from loving each other... And still with what passion and fire... A TRUE LOVE, PURE as all people want and yearn for it!

Of course, at that time there was no internet in the country where they lived, (a wonderful country in Europe, a country where the people there love and think is blessed by God, gifted with many riches and natural resources, with people in their vast majority warm, kind and peaceful, wanting peace and hospitable), but, for some luckier, the phone exists in their homes (as in her case), and letters, not to mention, the classic method of communication, but so useful and well received especially by impatient lovers.

So, young woman in love, benefited greatly from the evidence of love expressed both in writing and auditory (even if - and I will reveal a secret - sometimes she had to hide under the duvet to listen to her lover, when he called her, and be able to express her feelings, not wanting to be heard by those in the house), while the young man in love could not hide from his colleagues when he called from there, from his office.

And so he decided to write to her. When he was only with himself and his feelings. And he called her in his loving imagination, probably because of her fine, white skin, her sincerity and purity, her warmth of soul, her candor, her naivety, her beauty and the special fragrance of the skin that she had inspired near her and that he wanted to print in his soul, also pure, he had told her, CRINA.

He adored her. And her, him.

And they were so beautiful, young, happy and in love, and they believed in their unique love. And perhaps in the fairy scene, magical and the euphoria of their love, he invites her at some point, after he had courted her for a long time, and he had declared his love for the whole life (which was and is true) and was determined to propose to her.

In his sister's apartment, there, the young woman, virgin, righteous, let herself be loved by the one who would become her husband, the ONLY MAN of her life, in this world, and, since that night of love, remained fulfilled with the first fruit of their love. And so began the story of the child born of TRUE, PURE LOVE... CRINA

The name CRINA comes from the lily flower, a symbol of marriage, being a tradition belonging to ancient Greece; symbol of purity, elegant, but reflecting the delicate gentleness; symbol of sovereignty, entered Europe as a royal flower, in past eras, the lily was granted to people of status, nobles and sovereigns precisely as a symbol of trust and unconditional love. This symbolism was then moved into the sentimental setting, where the lily given to a woman indicates an immense, immeasurable love; also symbolizes purity, physical, moral and spiritual cleanliness; it is also a heraldic symbol, being among the symbols of the noble foundation and the rulers, and about the people named CRINA, it is said that they have a lot of self-confidence, that they are self-critical and that they want to be very good in many areas, that they have high standards and, that they are generally very strong.

Everything, absolutely everything I've written and written, is true, and the fact that I have the courage to write publicly about my past, about my family, to describe relationships that anyone can read, that means they're real, and, I have a lot of people who can confirm what I've written. My parents, they're exemplary people, of a very pure soul; My mother, she's a saint in life, just like my grandmother was. They are the only two people in my life for whom "put my hands in the fire" (that's an expression, don't ever interpret this one again) that they never had any other man but their own husband, that is, my grandfather and father. I don't know how many can say the same about their mothers or grandmothers.

Also, repeating the same expression, they, but also for my father, do the same thing, when I refer to their honesty and fairness, an example of morality rarely seen.

And, that was seen in my growth, ours; clear example being the huge gesture that I do not know how many would make in front of such an amount, to attract attention and repay the amount received, by mistake, or, because that is what the Virgin Mary wanted to send me a huge amount that, at the time, I could buy some apartments or houses.

A fost odata ca niciodata ... o fetita pe numele de alint, CRINA.

Da, asta era numele cu care tatal ei i se adresa mamei ei, in numele celei mai pure IUBIRI.

TATAL ei era si este un barbat extrem de romantic, inteligent si frumos; toate femeile intorceau capul dupa el pe strada, genul acela, frumos ca un actor, bun la suflet ca painea calda si curat in inima si constiinta ca apa limpede de izvor.

Bineinteles ca un specimen asa rarisim cum era el (a se subintelege ca fie-sa, fiicele, ca are doua, erau foarte mandre de el), nu putea sa se indragosteasca decat de o domnisoara pe masura: frumoasa, desteapta, cu o educatie aleasa primita din familia-i distinsa, cuminte (obligatoriu), si... cam naiva si fara experienta (asa cum le sta bine fetelor la varsta maritisului).

Prezentarile fiind facute (chiar daca nu in amanuntime), sa trecem la subiect.

Cu o mentiune foarte importanta: lumile lor (a se citi familiile lor) erau atat de diferite, dar asta nu i-a impiedicat sa se iubeasca ... si inca cu ce patima si foc...

O IUBIRE ADEVARATA, PURA cum toti oamenii isi doresc si tanjesc dupa asa ceva!

Bineinteles, la vremea respectiva nu exista internet in tara in care locuiau, (o tara minunata din Europa, o tara pe care oamenii de acolo o iubesc si cred ca este binecuvantata de Dumnezeu, daruita cu multe bogatii si resurse naturale, cu oameni in marea lor majoritate calzi, buni si pasnici, doritori de pace si ospitalieri), dar, pentru unii mai norocosi, telefonul exista in casele lor, iar de scrisori, nici nu mai vorbim, metoda clasica de comunicare, dar atat de utila si de bine primita in special de indragostitii nerabdatori ...

Asa ca tanara indragostita beneficia din plin de dovezile de iubire exprimate atat in scris, cat si auditiv (chiar daca - si va dezvalui un secret - uneori era nevoita sa se ascunda sub plapuma ca sa-si asculte iubitul si sa poata sa-si exprime sentimentele, nedorind sa-i fie auzite de catre cei din casa), in timp ce tanarul indragostit nu prea se putea ascunde de colegii de birou atunci cand suna de acolo...

Si asa decise sa-i scrie. Cand era el cu el si sentimentele lui. Si o botezase in imaginatia plina de iubire , probabil datorita carnatiei albe, a sinceritatii si puritatii ei, a caldurii sufletesti, a candorii, a naivitatii, a frumusetii ei si a parfumului deosebit al pielii pe care il inspirase in apropierea ei si pe care dorea sa si-l imprime in sufletul lui de asemenea pur, ii spusese CRINA.


Si erau atat de frumosi, tineri, fericiti si indragostiti si CREDEAU in iubirea lor UNICA.

Si, probabil in feeria si euforia iubirii lor, o invita la un moment dat, dupa ce o curtase vreme indelungata, ii declarase iubire pentru toata viata (fapt care a fost si este adevarat) si era hotarat sa o ceara de sotie, in apartamentul surorii lui.

Acolo, tanara neprihanita se lasa iubita de cel care urma sa ii devina sot, unicul barbat din viata ei, si, inca din acea noapte de dragoste, ramase implinita cu primul fruct al iubirii lor.

Si asa incepea povestea copilei nascuta din dragoste adevarata, pura... CRINA

Numele CRINA provine de la floarea de crin, un simbol al casatoriei, fiind o traditie ce apartine Greciei antice; simbolul puritatii, elegant, dar reflectand blandetea delicata; simbol al suveranitatii, a intrat in Europa ca floare regala, in epocile trecute, crinul se daruia oamenilor cu statut, nobililor si suveranilor tocmai ca simbol al increderii si al iubirii neconditionate. Acest simbolism a fost mutat apoi in cadrul sentimental, unde crinul daruit unei femei indica o iubire imensa, incomensurabila; simbolizeaza si puritatea, curatenia fizica, morala si spirituala; e si un simbol heraldic, aflandu-se printre simbolurile stemei nobile si ale conducatorilor, si despre persoanele cu numele de CRINA, se spune ca au foarte multa incredere in sine, ca sunt autocritice si ca isi doresc sa fie foarte bune in multe domenii, ca au standarde inalte si, ca sunt in general foarte puternice.

Tot, absolut tot ceea ce eu am scris si scriu, este adevarat, iar faptul ca am curajul sa scriu public despre trecutul meu, despre familia mea, sa descriu relatii pe care oricine poate sa le citeasca, asta inseamna ca sunt reale, si, am multe persoane care pot sa confirme ceea ce eu am scris. Parintii mei, sunt niste oameni exemplari,of a soul very pure; mama mea, este o sfanta in viata, exact ca si cum bunica mea era. Ele sunt singurele doua persoane din viata mea pentru care "pun mainile in foc" (asta e o expresie, sa n-o mai interpretati si pe asta) ca niciodata nu au avut alt barbat in afara de propriul lor sot, adica, bunicul si tatal meu. Nu stiu cati pot spune acelasi lucru despre mamele sau bunicile lor.

De asemenea, repetand aceeasi expresie, tot ele, dar si pentru tatal meu, fac acelasi lucru, cand ma refer la cinstea si corectitudinea lor, un exemplu de moralitate rar intalnit. Si, asta s-a vazut in cresterea mea, a noastra; exemplu clar fiind gestul urias pe care nu stiu cati l-ar face in fata unei asemenea sume, de a atrage atentia si rambursa suma primita, din greseala, sau, fiindca asa a vrut atunci Fecioara Maria sa-mi trimita o suma uriasa pe care, la vremea respectiva, puteam cumpara cateva apartamente sau case.

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