UNDRESS clothes! UNDRESS and the mouth of the world!
That you know is there for you. Because YOU bought it. NO PRICE. That's exactly why she's PRICELESS.
Maybe on a friend's recommendation. Or maybe you were made a gift.
Long ago.
You kept it in the drawer. A long time. With the label on it. You wanted to wear it because you liked it, but you never dressed it. At first it's like you get angry. It seemed hard to get regarded from the outside. Then you discovered that she had personality. Looking at it, smelling it, grabbing it, you even tried it. And you decided that you touched a sensitive rope, that it was your favorite. That she's loyal and that she hasn't messed with other clothing items.
That she had her personality. And that's what fascinate you.
How she stood good there.
And yet it made you open the drawer. Daily. More often. But you didn't say anything to her. Never. But you started to love her.
By the day you were discovering something that was attracting you...
Then you decided it was time to dress it up. But you didn't ask her if she was ready to go out in the world. You thought she'd be extremely happy to wear it, to make it known to the whole world. But she, she freaked out. He was getting used to you watching her, admiring her, even throwing a more unfriendly glimpse into the days when you were tired or sad. But she always understood you. She knew you had your life. And she had hers. Unique.
But when the miracle happened, it was totally messed up...
UNDRESS clothes! UNDRESS and the mouth of the world! GET DRESSED with ME! LIKE YOUR WONDER!
Oana Stavila
New York, 2018
all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.
also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.
Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.
Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.
toate pozele imi apartin si sunt facute de mine; screenshots care privesc viata mea si acest nedorit eveniment care s-a desfasurat si se desfasoara fara acordul meu, si au legatura directa cu ceea ce s-a intamplat, sunt facute de mine si, sunt mai mult decat indreptatita sa le folosesc, deoarece eu NU am fost nici intrebata, nici nu mi s-a cerut acordul pentru ca, o lume intreaga sa intre cu bocancii in viata mea privata.
de asemenea, toate textele de pe acest blog sunt scrise de mine, acolo unde am citat, am indicat sursa, autorul si chiar am pus link unde e cazul si am gasit asa ceva. Nu autorizez pe nimeni, nici sa publice aceste texte, decat distribuirea integrala a articolului de aici, de pe blogul meu, pe paginile de socializare, sau, cu acordul meu explicit; nici sa se inspire, nici sa faca filme sau sa scrie carti despre viata mea.
Cine face asta, fara acordul meu, va fi actionat in instanta, conform drepturilor legale.
Cine doreste sa publice o carte sau sa faca un film despre viata mea, este rugat sa ma contacteze la adresa de email: , aici, sau pe paginile de socializare care, toate sunt cu numele meu real.