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The DREAMS: the scene of the apocalypse. Is it going to be real? VISELE: scena apocalipsei.

started, written, on March 22, 2020, update on February 6, 2021

Same vacant land from the previous story. If you haven't read it, I invite you. In a way, it has to do with what happened recently in my life.


Let's go back... So, the same vacant land where THE CIRCUS of the previous dream took place, becomes the PLACE of ACTION, only this time it appears in my dream.





all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me. but HERE, in this picture is THEIR CIRCUS, the proof of their crimes.

also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this.

I do NOT authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts on their blogs, nor to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life, without my authorization. Whoever does this will be sued, according to legal rights.

I live downtown, I'm in high school, but I dream about my old apartment and the street I lived on a few years ago.

In fact, what I see is a scene that seems apocalyptic. And IT REALLY IS. People run down the wide street crazy, all over the place, not knowing what to do and where to go, the buildings collapse, the sky is dark, when reddish, cloudy...

I, all of a sudden, become, in all that uproar, screaming, smoke, destruction, despair, the woman who takes control as if with the help of a supernatural force and people begin to gather around me, and I lead them to that piece of land.

Instinctively, I knew that's where we're all saved, that that's where I have to lead them and get us all to be saved.

We run over there, some I grab their hands, I pull, drag them after me, because in the dream, they're so confused, they don't know where to go.

Buildings collapse, cars collide, stop, and above all these things comes Satan who wants to stop us, so that we don't get where I knew that I MUST LEAD ALL THE PEOPLE TO BE SAVED: on that land.

The one walk step for step behind me, pursuit mainly me, but he can't reach me, he can't touch me!

The other people, many, he destroys them only in his anger too great, that he knows that there is a savior, that is, me, the one who helps the world and tries to save as many as possible.

With all the forces, we get there, in front of the vacant land, where, surprise, suddenly appeared a building made especially for us, the rescued who had arrived there; a kind of Noah's Ark for those protected by God!

Interestingly, it appeared out of the blue, a building that was just walls and where you could see the open sky, without a roof, as if an unseen hand had built it without us seeing it, became the place where I knew, instinctively, that we all had to go, so that the devil could not harm us, and to be saved.

I managed to gather a lot of people, all those saved from the apocalyptic disaster that all mankind knows about and, that we see transposed into movies or anyone imagines.

But what's even more interesting is that even though we were all scared, even though we saw the one who was watching us, we knew, both us and him that he couldn't hurt us, he couldn't do anything wrong!

Because that building was the only one that was under divine protection and could NOT touch it!

He could see us, but that's it! Nothing more!

and he followed me with his eyes, he was above that place where we were, but he knew that he could never do anything to me, ever, that I AM PROTECTED from GOD; even now I see it, because this dream, along with a few others, seemed so real, that I could never forget them. And the description of the action is far too devoid of the real feelings of those dreams.

In fact, that's what happened. After a very short period of time, the sky lit up, he disappeared, and in his place, God appeared.

Another simple dream, in which God knocks on my door. yes, you read it right: GOD knock on my door, at the door of our apartment, the one where I lived with my family.

Same period of my life.

Another divine dream. Simple, extremely simple and clean.

I live downtown. Someone's knocking on my door. Open. A gentle figure, a wiry, skinny old man with white hair and beard, dressed in long white clothes. I open the door; he smiles at me, I smile at him and, identical to the other dream, instinctively I know he is God. He doesn't introduce himself, he just smiles broadly at me and, in a very warm and gentle voice and with an angelic look, he tells me that everything will be fine for us and to trust him, in me. So. The simplest and most beautiful dream I've ever had. And now I see him in front of me.

This is a relatively simplistic way of playing these dreams. And all I have shared with a few people close to me and I have even asked for the opinion of a few priests, both Greek Catholics and Orthodox.

The scene of the Apocalypse. Will it be REAL?!

We'll see, the fact is, these psychopaths who built this UNSEEN SITUATION ever, built this general psychosis that they involved a lot of people in, just to break out a war. Whether it's real, or, in this medical form of virus, that's exactly what's happening around the world right now.

These are the forces of evil! That DEVIL from my DREAM!

And anyone who thinks otherwise, after reading these articles and understands, logically, gradually, after what they have guided themselves, and have made me both psychological profile, and have used real events from my life (see article THE CLOWN, Families noble Romanians and others), as well as these dreams, because these were dreams, not fantasies, means or that it does not see reality or that they are forced and part of that evil that wants to destroy humanity.

I'm HERE to STOP this, if really because of this dream, they put me in this situation, because my real role is the same one in the dream and by no means another! under no circumstances as a tool of evil!

if not, it means anyway that the fanatical prophecy of psychopaths, will never be able to be implemented. And you'll read in other articles what it's all about and you'll understand.

WE, AMERICANS, because this is where THE CIRCUS took place and it takes places, we'll SEE!


December 23, 2020

THEIR SHOW, THEIR CIRCUS, in those pictures from 2019


all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.

also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.

Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.

Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.


Acelasi teren viran din povestirea anterioara. Daca nu ati citit-o, va invit. Intr-un fel, are legatura cu ceea ce s-a intamplat recent in viata mea.

Sa revenim... deci, acelasi teren viran in care s-a desfasurat CIRCUL din visul anterior, devine locul actiunii, doar ca de data asta imi apare in vis.

Locuiesc in centrul orasului, sunt la liceu, dar imi visez vechiul apartament si strada pe care locuiam in urma cu cativa ani.

De fapt, ceea ce vad, este o scena ce pare apocaliptica. Si chiar este. Oamenii fug pe strada larga innebuniti, in toate partile, nestiind ce sa faca si incotro sa mearga, cladirile se prabusesc, cerul este cand intunecat, cand rosiatic, ba innorat...

Eu, devin dintr-o data, in tot acel vacarm, tipete, fum, distrugere, disperare, OMUL, femeia care preia controlul, parca avand ajutorul unei forte supranaturale si, oamenii incep sa se adune in jurul meu, iar eu ii conduc spre acel teren viran.

Instinctiv, eu stiam ca acolo e salvarea noastra, a tuturor, ca acela e locul unde trebuie sa ajungem cu totii pentru a fi salvati.

Fugim intr-acolo, pe unii eu ii prind de maini, ii trag dupa mine, deoarece in vis, ei fiind atat de debusolati, nu mai stiau incotro sa mearga.

Cladirile se prabusesc, masinile se ciocnesc, se opresc, iar deasupra tuturor acestor lucruri, apare Satan care vrea sa ne opreasca, ca sa nu ajungem acolo, unde eu stiam ca TREBUIE sa CONDUC TOTI OAMENII pentru A FI SALVATI.

Cea urmarita in principal, sunt eu, dar pe mine NU ma poate ajunge, NU ma poate atinge!

Pe ceilalti oameni, multi, ii distruge doar in furia-i prea mare, deoarece stie ca exista un salvator, adica eu, cea care ajuta lumea si incearca sa salveze cat mai multi.

Cu toate fortele, ajungem acolo, in fata terenului viran, unde, surpriza, aparuse brusc o cladire facuta special pentru noi, cei salvati care ajunseseram acolo; un fel de Arca lui Noe pentru cei protejati de Dumnezeu!

Interesant este faptul ca, aparuta din senin, o cladire care era doar pereti si de unde se putea vedea cerul liber, fara acoperis, de parca o mana nevazuta o construise fara ca noi sa vedem, a devenit locul unde eu stiam, instinctiv, ca trebuie sa ajungem cu totii, pentru ca diavolul sa nu poata sa ne faca rau, si pentru a fi salvati. Am reusit sa adun multa lume, toti cei salvati din dezastrul apocaliptic despre care stie intreaga omenire si, pe care il vedem transpus in filme sau si-l imagineaza oricine.

Dar ceea ce este si mai interesant, e faptul ca, desi speriati cu totii, desi il vedeam pe cel care ne urmarea, cum ne privea, stiam atat noi, cat si el, ca NU ne poate face nimic rau! Deoarece acea cladire ERA SINGURA care era sub protectie divina si NU se putea atinge de ea!

Ne putea vedea, dar atat! Nimic mai mult!

si ma urmarea cu privirea, era deasupra acelui loc unde ne aflam, dar stia ca NU imi poate face nimic, niciodata, ca I AM protejata de Dumnezeu; even acum il vad, deoarece acest vis, impreuna cu alte cateva, pareau ceva atat de real, incat nu le-am putut uita niciodata. Si descrierea actiunii, este mult prea lipsita de realele feelings din timpul acelor vise.

Intra-devar asa s-a si intamplat. Dupa o foarte scurta perioada de timp, cerul s-a luminat, el a disparut, iar in locul lui si-a facut aparitia Dumnezeu.

UN ALT VIS simplu, in care imi bate la usa Dumnezeu. Da, ati citit bine, la usa apartamentului nostru, cel in care locuiam cu familia mea.

Aceeasi perioada a vietii mele. Ceea ce nu am specificat inca, e faptul ca atunci ma gandeam sa ma indrept spre calugarie; da, chiar mi-a trecut acest gand prin minte o buna bucata de timp.

Un alt vis DIVIN. SIMPLU, extrem de simplu si curat.

Locuiesc in centru. Cineva imi bate la usa. Deschid. O figura blajina, un batran firav, slab, cu par si barba alba, imbracat in haine lungi albe. Deschid usa; imi zambeste, ii zambesc si, identic cu celalalt vis, instonctiv stiu ca este Dumnezeu. El nu se prezinta, doar imi vorbeste larg si, cu o voce foarte calda si blanda, imi spune ca totul va fi bine pentru noi si sa am incredere, in el, in mine. Atat. Cel mai simplu si frumos vis pe care l-am avut vreodata. Si acum il vad in fata mea.

Acesta este un mod relativ simplist de a reda aceste vise. Si toate, eu le-am impartasit catorva persoane apropiate si le-am cerut chiar si opinia catorva preoti, atat greco-catolici, cat si ortodocsi.


Scena Apocalipsei. Va fi REALA?! Vom vedea; cert este ca, acesti psihopati care au construit aceasta situatie nemaintalnita vreodata, au construit aceasta psihoza generala in care ei au implicat multa lume, doar pentru a izbucni un razboi. Fie el real, sau, sub aceasta forma medicala, virusologica, adica exact ceea ce se intampla acum in intreaga lume.

Acestia sunt fortele raului! Acel Diavol din acest vis.

Si oricine crede altceva, dupa ce citeste aceste articole si intelege, logic, gradual, dupa ce s-au ghidat si mi-au facut atat profilul psihologic, cat si s-au folosit de intamplari reale din viata mea (vezi articolul Clovnul, Familiile Nobile Romane, si altele), precum si de aceste vise, deoarece aceastea au fost vise, nu fantezii, inseamna ori ca NU vede realitatea ori ca este fortat si face parte din acel rau care vrea sa distruga umanitatea.

Sunt aici sa opresc asta, daca intr-adevar din cauza acestui vis ei m-au pus in aceasta situatie, deoarece rolul meu real este cel identic din vis si, in niciun caz altul! sub nicio forma ca unealta a raului!

daca nu, oricum inseamna ca profetia fanatica a psihopatilor, NU va putea niciodata sa se puna in aplicare. Si veti citi in alte articole despre ce e vorba si veti intelege.


toate pozele imi apartin si sunt facute de mine; screenshots care privesc viata mea si acest nedorit eveniment care s-a desfasurat si se desfasoara fara acordul meu, si au legatura directa cu ceea ce s-a intamplat, sunt facute de mine si, sunt mai mult decat indreptatita sa le folosesc, deoarece eu NU am fost nici intrebata, nici nu mi s-a cerut acordul pentru ca, o lume intreaga sa intre cu bocancii in viata mea privata.

de asemenea, toate textele de pe acest blog sunt scrise de mine, acolo unde am citat, am indicat sursa, autorul si chiar am pus link unde e cazul si am gasit asa ceva. Nu autorizez pe nimeni, nici sa publice aceste texte, decat distribuirea integrala a articolului de aici, de pe blogul meu, pe paginile de socializare, sau, cu acordul meu explicit; nici sa se inspire, nici sa faca filme sau sa scrie carti despre viata mea.

Cine face asta, fara acordul meu, va fi actionat in instanta, conform drepturilor legale.

Cine doreste sa publice o carte sau sa faca un film despre viata mea, este rugat sa ma contacteze la adresa de email: , aici, sau pe paginile de socializare care, toate sunt cu numele meu real.

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