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started, written, on March 24, 2020, update on February 6, 2021

This is a REVELATION of a previous occurrence that I haven't thought about in a long time; In fact, I think I've only told anyone once, but today, it's very meaningful.

If I could ever imagine that someone would take this real story out of my life and turn it into reality, I would have said that never is possible!

This is a story that should be a relatively pleasant memory, although what happened then became the quintessence, or the starting point for what has now become my life.

And when I think that in fact the person who knew this incident because of the fact that he stole my PRIVACY, violated my RIGHT to FREEDOM and ANTICIPATED EXACTLY what will be my reaction in the spotlight... becomes almost INCREDIBLE!

Strange! some things have come to my mind that have something very much to do with the present.

My childhood and teenage years... that's where EVERYTHING goes!

Near the block where i lived at the time, there was a vacant land; I think it was huge. I don't know its surface, but now a park has been built there.

Back in my childhood, that's where the circus shows were held when they got to town.

The CIRCUS is here! CIRCUS has arrived!

Shout the happy children in front of the block!

meaning at present; I think of fanaticism, numerology, faith, mysticism, madness, power, malice, hatred,

Why me? Why was I "chosen" for this terrible experiment?

Now, after I found out about PROPHECY, about the movie that they, the psychopaths, were inspired by, everything got a different meaning, a different understanding.

I'm a middle school student. So, I was in the sixth grade, or the seventh grade.

I'm going with my sister, younger than me, (she's in elementary school), to the circus, just the two of us. There, the usual moments, with animals, acrobatics, jokes. At some point, the light goes out and only some very strong reflectors light up, right in the area where we were sitting. Basically, we were in the light of the ramp, with all eyes on us. A lot of people. And, it starts... "the circus." The lights come on, the clown, which you must find at any circus, a gentleman, very small in height, what we people call dwarf, he approaches me, begins to converse and invites me with my sister to the circus arena, in the form of his "wife", me, and my sister, being smaller, the role of our child.

I REFUSED him, CATEGORICALLY, me being a shy, serious child, who I didn't even want to be in the spotlight, much less play the role of my sister's mother (at that age), and the "wife" of a clown, for the amusement of the entire audience.

If you did not understand who did this, imaginary-real, in all this experiment as real as possible, in the sense of real, disastrous involvements in our lives, otherwise, in fact, everything unfolding exclusively virtual, as far as I'm concerned, and in the "relationship" with me (which I know you all know), I tell you now, but you know the CLOWN, C.M.!

From that circus show I walked away embarrassed by the fact that I was chosen, (when in fact there were a lot of mothers with children, and the right age to be mothers), but more horrified by the way people were pushing me or calling me to go on stage with him.

From this sad, macabre "show" in which this clown committed crimes and stole very dear people from me, family, I stand with my head up to all of you, those who try to judge me without knowing me and without knowing the truth and reality of what happened.

To better understand the staging of the "talented" (note the quotes), actor and clown, CM, I invite you to read all my articles, including future ones, because I will write an article dedicated to each member of my family, to understand who my family really is, and one about our ancestors, part of the family tree (what I know), as well as a very important one , already published: DREAMS. I wrote it a long time ago, but I'm going to add content, now that I've found out about the "prophecy", which can't be real, at least not about me and my family. you'll find out why.

In Romania, you can't even tell your own dreams on the phone, someone, that ideas come to them, a son of a security militia, with actor's sails, to destroy your life, based on dreams you had and, betting on the reactions they think you have (as in childhood age) in adulthood, after "making" your psychological profile on the basis of which he creates his scenario to lie to an entire world.

CLOWN, you are under God's punishment with your whole family!

Don't upset him and watch what you do from now on!

Essential: Happy people don't think they're GOD!



all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.

also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.

Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.

Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.


ACEASTA ESTE O REVELATIE a UNEI INTAMPLARI ANTERIOARE la care demult nu m-am mai gandit; de fapt, cred ca o singura data am povestit-o cuiva, dar azi, are o mare insemnatate.

Daca mi-as fi putut imagina vreodata ca CINEVA va lua aceasta poveste REALA din viata mea si o va transforma in realitate, as fi zis ca NICIODATA NU E POSIBIL asa ceva!

Aceasta este o poveste care ar trebui sa fie o amintire relativ placuta, desi ceea ce s-a intamplat atunci, a devenit chintesenta, sau punctul de plecare spre ceea ce a devenit acum viata mea.

Si cand ma gandesc ca de fapt persoana care A STIUT aceasta intamplare datorita faptului ca MI-A FURAT INTIMITATEA, mi-a incalcat DREPTUL la LIBERTATE si a ANTICIPAT EXACT care va fi reactia mea in lumina reflectoarelor... devine aproape INCREDIBIL!

Ciudat! Mi-au venit in minte unele lucruri intamplate in trecut care au o foarte mare legatura cu prezentul.

Anii copilariei si adolescentei mele... de acolo pleaca TOTUL!

Langa blocul in care locuiam la vremea respectiva, era un teren viran; mie mi se parea urias. Nu ii cunosc suprafata, dar acum s-a construit un parculet acolo.

Pe vremea copilariei mele, acolo se tineau spectacolele de circ atunci cand ajungeau in oras.

A sosit CIRCUL! A sosit CIRCUL! striga copiii in fata blocului fericiti...

insemnatate in prezent; ma gandesc la fanatism, numerologie, credinta, misticism, nebunie, putere, rautate, ura,

DE CE eu? De ce am fost "aleasa" pentru acest teribil experiment?

Acum, dupa ce am aflat despre PROFETIE, despre filmul dupa care ei, psihopatii, s-au inspirat, totul capata alt sens, alt inteles.

Sunt eleva in clasele gimnaziale.

Deci, eram in clasa a 6-a, sau a 7-a. Merg impreuna cu sora mea, mai mica decat mine, (ea fiind in clasele primare), la circ, doar noi doua. Acolo, momentele obisnuite, cu animale, acrobatii, glume.

La un moment dat, se stinge lumina si se aprind doar niste reflectoare foarte puternice, exact in zona in care noi eram asezate. Practic, eram in lumina rampei, cu toti ochii indreptati asupra noastra. Enorm de multa lume. Si, incepe... "circul". Se aprind luminile, clovnul pe care il gasesti obligatoriu la orice circ, un domn, foarte mic de inaltime, ceea ce noi, oamenii, il numim pitic, se apropie de mine, incepe sa converseze si ma invita impreuna cu sora mea tocmai in arena circului, sub forma de "sotie" a lui, pe mine, iar sora mea, fiind mai mica, rolul copilului nostru.

L-am REFUZAT CATEGORIC, eu fiind un copil timid, serios, care nu mi-am dorit nici sa fiu in lumina reflectoarelor, cu atat mai putin sa joc rolul mamei surorii mele (la acea varsta), si a "sotiei" unui clovn, pentru distractia intregii audiente.

Daca nu ati inteles cine a facut asta, in mod imaginar-real, in tot acest experiment cat se poate de real, in sensul de implicari reale, dezastruoase in viata noastra, in rest, de fapt, totul desfasurandu-se exclusiv virtual, in ceea ce ma priveste, si in "relatia" cu mine (ceea ce stiu ca stiti cu totii), va spun acum, dar il cunoasteti pe CLOVNUL Codin M!

De la acel spectacol de circ am plecat jenata de faptul ca am fost aleasa, (cand de fapt erau o multime de mame cu copii, si cu varsta potrivita pentru a fi mame), dar, mai oripilata de felul in care oamenii ma impingeau sau imi strigau sa merg pe scena alaturi de el.

De la acest "spectacol" trist, macabru, in care, acest CLOVN a comis crime si mi-a furat oameni foarte dragi, familie, stau cu capul sus fata de voi toti, cei care incercati sa ma judecati fara sa ma cunoasteti si fara sa stiti adevarul si realitatea celor intamplate.

Pentru a intelege si mai bine punerea in scena a "talentatului" (remarcati ghilimelele), actor si CLOVN, Maticiuc, va invit sa imi cititi toate articolele, inclusiv cele viitoare, deoarece voi scrie cate un articol dedicat fiecarui membru al familiei mele, ca sa intelegeti cine e cu adevarat familia mea, si unul despre stramosii nostri, parte din arborele genealogic (ceea ce stiu), precum si unul foarte important, deja publicat: VISELE. L-am scris mai demult, dar am sa adaug continut, acum ca am aflat si eu despre "profetia" care nu poate fi reala, cel putin nu in privinta mea si a familiei mele. veti afla si de ce.

In Romania, NU poti nici sa iti povestesti la telefon propriile vise, cuiva, ca ii vin idei vreun fiu de securist, cu veleitati de actor, sa iti distruga viata, in baza unor vise pe care le-ai avut si, mizand pe reactiile pe care crede ca le ai (ca si la varsta copilariei) la varsta adulta, dupa ce iti "face" profilul psihologic in baza caruia isi creeaza scenariul pentru a minti o lume intreaga.

CLOVNULE, esti sub pedeapsa lui Dumnezeu cu toata familia ta! NU il mai supara si vezi ce faci de acum inainte!



toate pozele imi apartin si sunt facute de mine; screenshots care privesc viata mea si acest nedorit eveniment care s-a desfasurat si se desfasoara fara acordul meu, si au legatura directa cu ceea ce s-a intamplat, sunt facute de mine si, sunt mai mult decat indreptatita sa le folosesc, deoarece eu NU am fost nici intrebata, nici nu mi s-a cerut acordul pentru ca, o lume intreaga sa intre cu bocancii in viata mea privata.

de asemenea, toate textele de pe acest blog sunt scrise de mine, acolo unde am citat, am indicat sursa, autorul si chiar am pus link unde e cazul si am gasit asa ceva. Nu autorizez pe nimeni, nici sa publice aceste texte, decat distribuirea integrala a articolului de aici, de pe blogul meu, pe paginile de socializare, sau, cu acordul meu explicit; nici sa se inspire, nici sa faca filme sau sa scrie carti despre viata mea.

Cine face asta, fara acordul meu, va fi actionat in instanta, conform drepturilor legale.

Cine doreste sa publice o carte sau sa faca un film despre viata mea, este rugat sa ma contacteze la adresa de email: , aici, sau pe paginile de socializare care, toate sunt cu numele meu real.

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