Nimic din ce a existat, NU a existat!
Dar cum as putea face aceasta afirmatie negand insasi existenta mea?
Cum as putea spune ca nu a existat ROMANIA, patria mea iubita?
Tara unde m-am nascut, am trait si m-am format?
Tara in care s-au nascut, s-au format si traiesc parintii si bunicii mei?
Cum as putea spune ca nu au existat ROMANII, prietenii si rudele mele, familia mea, semenii mei, cand si aici, la New York am cautat compania si prietenia conationalilor mei?
Cum si-ar putea imagina sau crede cineva ca m-as putea dezice de TATAL MEU care traieste in Romania sau de BUNICA MEA care traieste in Romania de 94 de ani?
Cum si-ar putea imagina sau crede cineva ca as putea vreodata ...
"Nimic din ce a existat, nu a existat!", insemna ATUNCI, in 2018, MULT BUN SIMT, BUNA CRESTERE si, in primul rand, DORINTA de a NU face rau CELOR care mi-au facut MULT RAU, adica, TACEREA MEA in a NU relata PUBLIC TOT ceea ce EI AU FACUT atat cu mine, cat si cu familia mea, dar, ATENTIE, asta NU insemna si NU inseamna NICIODATA permisiunea mea de a ne FACE rau, asa CUM AU PROCEDAT de ATUNCI si pana in prezent, azi, 27 Aprilie 2020.
Existential - act de constiinta romaneasca.
am atat de multe de spus despre Romania. si despre oamenii ei. si despre unii SPECIALI la care ma gandesc zi de zi. si mi-e asa un dor de Romania.
Cum as putea spune ca nu au existat anii (deja) petrecuti in SUA, tara adoptiva pe care o iubesc si ii sunt profund recunoscatoare ca traiesc aici?
Cum as putea spune ca nu a existat New York-ul, cand de fapt EXISTA acum si aici, il ador, cand de fapt a devenit parte din viata mea, prezentul meu?
Nothing that existed, there was! But how can I make this statement by denying my own existence?
How could I say that there was no ROMANIA, my beloved homeland?
The country where I was born, lived and formed?
The country where my parents and grandparents were born, formed and live?
How could I say that there were no ROMANIANS, my friends and relatives, my family, my people, when and here in New York I searched for the company and friendship of my country people (countrymen)?
How could anyone imagine or believe that I could disavow my father who lives in Romania or my grandmother who has lived in Romania for 94 years? How could anyone imagine or believe that I could ever...
"Nothing that existed, did not exist!", meant THEN, in 2018, MUCH COMMON SENSE, GOOD growth and, first of all, THE DESIRE NOT to warm those who HAVE DONE ME MUCH harm, that is, I mean, MY SILENCE IN NOT PUBLICLY REPORTING EVERYTHING THEY DID to ME and my family, but, beware, that doesn’t mean and NEVER meant my permission to hurt us, as they have been done since then and until now, today, April 27, 2020.
Existential - act of Romanian consciousness.
I have so much to say about Romania. And her people. and some SPECIALS that I think about every day. And I miss Romania so much.
How could I say that there were no years (already) spent in the U.S., the adoptive country that I love and I am deeply grateful to that I live here?
How could I say that there wasn't New York, when in fact EXIST now and here, I adore it, when it actually became part of my life, my present?
It will follow, but anyway, NOW you UNDERSTAND that everything EXISTED, but, MORE IMPORTANTLY, there will be, all of us, ME AND MY FAMILY WILL EXIST!
all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.
also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.
Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.
Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.
toate pozele imi apartin si sunt facute de mine; screenshots care privesc viata mea si acest nedorit eveniment care s-a desfasurat si se desfasoara fara acordul meu, si au legatura directa cu ceea ce s-a intamplat, sunt facute de mine si, sunt mai mult decat indreptatita sa le folosesc, deoarece eu NU am fost nici intrebata, nici nu mi s-a cerut acordul pentru ca, o lume intreaga sa intre cu bocancii in viata mea privata.
de asemenea, toate textele de pe acest blog sunt scrise de mine, acolo unde am citat, am indicat sursa, autorul si chiar am pus link unde e cazul si am gasit asa ceva. Nu autorizez pe nimeni, nici sa publice aceste texte, decat distribuirea integrala a articolului de aici, de pe blogul meu, pe paginile de socializare, sau, cu acordul meu explicit; nici sa se inspire, nici sa faca filme sau sa scrie carti despre viata mea.
Cine face asta, fara acordul meu, va fi actionat in instanta, conform drepturilor legale.