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I want to BREATH

I want to BREATH. IT's MY RIGHT, MY GOD's CHOICE, not yours, NOT to judge me, or to take it from me! YOU are ONLY HUMAN WHO, in every moment, GOD can put you where you belong: in 'TERRA', under the ground!


The science is made to HELP LIFE, NOT to kill people!

The GOD let you invent the science to HELP PEOPLE, NOT to murder people!

The GOD let you invent the science to HELP PLANET, NOT to killed it!

The GOD let you invent the science NOT for your power, and greedy, NOT to build terror, panic and fear!

MY DREAMS WILL COME TRUE, no matter your 'desire', and you know it!

That's what some people are circulating everywhere; if it is just a political 'response' of those who want not to lose power or get it, it is very serious that you have come to use death, the launch of viruses, to gain power and try to impose control over other people. You want experiments and science? that's very good. I have the idea for your very good living, undisturbed by the rest of the population, plebs that 'disturbing', because of which, the planet 'is not clean'. I hope you've noticed the quotes. And from this point, the idea opens up in several sub points.

Why do you think people have to die for the planet to 'clean', to "breathe", while people can no longer breathe, because of this virus produced in your laboratories, as well as because of the imposed masks?

Why do you have to spend millions, billions of dollars on political shows, while the planet, the one that interests you more than human life, 'in the name of science', (although science, like you, are God's creation, whether you believe it or not; but I know you believe and fear more than a person declared Christian, religious, because you are the ones who created many sects; you are the ones who use 'magic powers' to do experiments or to achieve the goals), it is the one that malnourished and poorly developed?

Introduction to the world of PURPLE DEAL by Oana S.
What does The Real Purple Deal mean and WHY was it created? Because ... imagination, COVID 19, Coronavirus, Trump Virus, China virus, Hoax virus, tell him how you want, jokingly or seriously, but, REAL, to CONTRIBUTE to YOUR good and to the education of those who HAVE NOT access to it or, I do not know.
So many conspiracy theories, PRO theories
and against, when, in fact, EVERYTHING is about the STRUGGLE for POWER, MONEY, SUPREME, POLITICS! "Political" beliefs, in fact, are NOT political, because NOTHING seems to be done about HUMANITY, for PEOPLE and WITH PEOPLE, but only about fools, with fools and with the super rich who, in their boundless greed, do NOT put any price on humanity.
What are we talking about? Everything is like in FASHION, or, we can call it OLD FASHION or OLD FASHIONED, as we MUST all be: EDUCATE; educated to respect each other; educated not to be fooled by others;
I have always said EVERYWHERE, TO EVERYONE and ANYTIME that, in fashion, there is NOTHING that can be invented. You can no longer invent colors, buttons, feathers, synthetic or natural fibers and all the other accessories that today are part of fashion, just as NO ONE can invent NEW MODELS of dresses, blouses, skirts, hats, pants, jackets, etc. EVERYTHING WAS INVENTED A LONG TIME AGO, long before we knew what the world meant or existed on this planet. Who TODAY, says that he is a fashion designer, or declares himself pompously fashion designer, super-extra-mega-fabulous that he 'invented' something in a field where NOTHING can be invented anymore (like eco fashion, like dressing in toilet paper has already been "invented"), he is just a braggart. Being a fashion designer is a job like any other, in which you follow certain patterns already established and invented by others. Yes, I admit, and here it comes true creation, it is about imagination, good taste, refinement, talent in combining colors and fabrics, dexterity and all this leading to that essential uniqueness in the creative process.
Man destroys ecosystems. We saw this ABERATION represented during the "lockdown" period by pictures or videos that SHOWED US how clear the waters became and how happy they 'floated' in the clear waters, the dolphins. Of course, of course I love dolphins, I just DON'T love sharks, mice or bats.

I saw a lot of UNCONSCIOUS FOOLS who were happy to post such things, instead about the mass killing of the POPULATION under the pretext of "cleaning" the planet. Well, hey, "smart people", you who post something like that and are brainwashed, WHY do you accept CUTTING FORESTS, SELLING NATURAL RESOURCES for NOTHING just to THOSE who will brainwash you by saying that IT IS BETTER PEOPLE TO DIE for " to reborn the planet "! If they want to revive the planet, to defend the ecosystem.
WHY is there a struggle for power, for your life and for your death, ours, for all those used by them to gain POWER? I have a proposal, in fact several, and, as you can see, this article is actually composed of several parts because, in my humble opinion and experience, I do not want to bore anyone with too long stories that, maybe I'll kidnap you from time precious spent in the company of loved ones, family, those who really matter. I love dolphins, seals, the animal kingdom, plants, etc, but ... WHY DID PEOPLE HAVE TO DIE for some to show us that "the ecosystem has cleaned up", that "the planet has become cleaner"? As I said above, everything, at least in certain areas, has already been INVENTED and NO ONE can claim the 'right' to say that it is innovative, inventive. Humanity has been smart, much smarter than we are, the fast-food, fast-sex, fast-everything generation, those who today claim to want the good of humanity, claim to be smart, but no longer have time, because time has compressed into the internet life that is neither normal nor real, nor should it represent us and, even less, in no way should it in any way influence our lives.

WHY people "have to" die,

for us to see on the internet, virtually, (because otherwise we can NOT afford and anyway we are NOT left, because it was lock down or will be!) that dolphins swim happily in clear waters while our elders, those who KNOW what does life mean WITHOUT google, WITHOUT internet, WITHOUT social media, who worked the land, those who invented everything, everything we use today, who raised us beautifully, who knew how to love and appreciate REAL life, with good or bad, but, WITHOUT the intervention of the artificial in our lives, THEY DIED, WERE INJECTED and KILLED or intentionally left to die, were buried UNCHRISTIAN, or burned, as only those during the bubonic plague were, but instead , we are told that "the virus does NOT pass through a mask" from the suffocating canvas, just as the entire system of TERROR and FEAR, CREATED INTENTIONALLY to put mastery and control over the human mind and all that means being and dignity human?

Are we all the same? NOT! and we all agree with that, although we are all created the same, we have the same organs and the same percentage of water and blood in the body!

Have you received a DEROGATION from wearing a mask if you have asthma or other respiratory problems? NOT! Because those who IMPOSE, forced these absurd rules do NOT think of you, of me, of us! I have ONE PROPOSAL, but in fact more, which you will read on this blog, in "THE REAL PURPLE DEAL!" Do you know? I write ONLY what I feel and think, I do NOT write at anyone's command, and on top of that I write from IMPULSE! And now I have a very crazy, but very REAL IDEA that we can all put into practice; hard, very hard, but better than the gloomy perspective that is 'offered' to us, because SOLUTIONS NO one offers us, than the much too breathless story of "wearing a mask, social distance and hand washing"! First of all, social distancing (a higher expression would have been wanted, but it is extremely incorrect, elaborated in the laboratories of human psychology) is a term that from the beginning indicates a human distance from our fellows; socialization is part of us, of humanity; without it, we are ALONE, unadaptable beings who can only watch happy dolphins swimming in clear waters, while WE, HUMANITY, can no longer live, we can no longer breathe FREE, we can no longer express FREE because so some have decided, and others, brainwashed who, instead of swimming with dolphins, perform; I understand that you want to call it short-term medical distancing, but you CANNOT INOCULATE in the collective consciousness FEAR about people, FEAR towards your own family (for hypochondriacs, or much too protective). Man destroys ecosystems

This is what some people carry everywhere; if it is just a political 'response' of those who want not to lose power or gain it, it is very serious that you have come to use death, the launch of viruses, to gain power and try to impose control on other people. Do you want experiments and science? very good. I have the idea for your very good life, undisturbed by the rest of the population, people who 'bother', because of which, the planet 'is not clean'. I hope you noticed the quotation marks. And from this point, the idea opens in several sub-points. Why do you think people have to die for the planet to 'clean up', to 'breathe', while people can no longer breathe, due to this virus produced in your laboratories, as well as due to the imposed masks? WHY do you have to spend millions, billions of dollars on political shows, while the planet, the one that interests you more than human life, 'in the name of science', even though science, like you, is God's creation, whether you believe it or not; but I know that you believe and are more afraid than a person declared a Christian, religious, because you are the ones who created many sects; Are you the one who uses the 'powers of magic' to experiment or achieve your goals), is it the one who suffers, along with the malnourished and underdeveloped population?

Introducere in lumea PURPLE DEAL by Oana S.

Ce inseamna The Real Purple Deal si DE CE a fost creata? Deoarece ... imaginatie, COVID 19, Coronavirus, Trump Virus, China virus, Hoax virus, spuneti-i cum vreti, in gluma sau in serios, dar, REAL, pentru a CONTRIBUI la binele TAU si la educatia celor care NU au avut acces la ea sau, nu stiu

Atat de multe teorii ale conspiratiei, teorii pro si contra, cand, de fapt TOTUL este despre LUPTA pentru PUTERE, BANI, SUPREMATIE, POLITICA! Convingerile "politice", de fapt NU sunt politice, deoarece NIMIC NU mai pare facut despre OMENIRE, pentru OAMENI si CU OAMENI, ci doar despre prosti, cu prosti si cu cei super bogati care, in lacomia lor nemarginita, NU mai pun niciun pret pe umanitate.

Despre ce vorbim? Totul e ca in moda, FASHION, sau, putem sa o spunem OLD FASHION sau OLD FASHIONED, asa cum ar TREBUI sa fim cu totii: EDUCATI; educati pentru a ne respecta unii pe altii; educati pentru a NU putea fi prostiti;

Intotdeauna am spus ORIUNDE, ORICUI si ORICAND ca, in moda, NU mai exista nimic care sa poata fi inventat. Nu mai poti inventa culorile, nasturii, penele, fibrele sintetice sau naturale si toate celelalte accesorii care azi, sunt parte din moda, asa cum NIMENI NU mai poate inventa NOI MODELE de rochii, bluze, fuste, palarii, pantaloni, sacouri, etc. TOTUL a fost INVENTAT DEMULT, cu mult inainte ca noi sa avem habar ce inseamna lumea sau sa existam pe aceasta planeta. Cine AZI, spune ca este creator de moda, sau se declara pompos fashion designer, super-extra-mega-fabulos ca a 'inventat' ceva intr-un domeniu in care NU se mai poate inventa NIMIC (ca si moda eco, ca a te imbraca in hartie igienica a fost deja 'inventat"), este doar un laudaros. A fi creator de moda este o meserie ca oricare alta, in care mergi pe anumite tipare deja stabilite si inventate de altii. Da, recunosc, si aici vine adevarata creatie, e vorba despre imaginatie, bun gust, rafinament, talent in combinarea culorilor si a tesaturilor, dexteritate si, toate astea ducand la acea unicitate esentiala in procesul creator.

Omul distruge ecosistemele. Am vazut aceasta ABERATIE reprezentata in perioada "lockdown" prin poze sau filmulete care NE ARATAU cat au devenit de "clare" apele si cat de fericiti 'zburda' in apele stravezii, delfinii. Desigur, normal ca iubesc delfinii, ca doar NU o sa iubesc rechinii, soarecii sau liliecii. Am vazut o multime de PROSTI INCONSTIENTI care erau fericiti sa posteze astfel de lucruri, in schimb despre UCIDEREA in masa a POPULATIEI sub pretextul "curatirii" planetei. Pai, bai, "desteptilor", voi cei care postati asa ceva si sunteti spalati pe creier, DE CE acceptati TAIEREA PADURILOR, VANZAREA RESURSELOR NATURALE pe NIMIC tocamai catre CEI care va spala creierul spunandu-va ca E MAI BINE SA MOARA OAMENI pentru "a renaste planeta"! Daca ei vor sa renasca planeta, sa apere ecosistemul.

DE CE exista lupta pentru putere, pe viata si pe moartea voastra, a noastra, a tuturor celor folositi de ei pentru a obtine PUTEREA? Am o propunere, de fapt mai multe, si, precum vedeti, acest articol este de fapt compus din mai multe parti deoarece, dupa umila mea parere si experienta, nu vreau sa plictisesc pe nimeni cu povesti prea lungi care, poate va rapesc din timpul pretios petrecut in compania persoanelor iubite, a familiei, a celor care cu adevarat conteaza. Iubesc delfinii, focile, regnul animal, vegetal, etc, dar... DE CE A TREBUIT SA MOARA OAMENI pentru ca unii sa ne arate ca "ecosistemul s-a curatat", ca "planeta a devenit mai curata"? Asa cum spuneam mai sus, totul, cel putin in anumite domenii, a fost deja INVENTAT si NIMENI NU isi mai poate aroga 'dreptul' de a spune ca este inovator, inventator. Omenirea a fost desteapta, mult mai desteapta decat suntem noi, generatia fast-food, fast-sex, fast-everything, cei care azi pretindem ca vrem binele omenirii, pretindem ca suntem destepti, dar nu mai avem timp, deoarece timpul s-a comprimat in viata internauta care NU e nici normala, nici reala, si nici NU ar trebui sa ne reprezinte si, cu atat mai putin, in niciun caz NU ar trebui sub nicio forma sa ne influenteze vietile.

DE CE "trebuie" sa moara oameni pentru ca noi sa vedem pe internet, virtual, (deoarece altfel NU ne permitem si oricum NU suntem lasati, pentru ca era lock down sau va mai fi!) ca delfinii inoata veseli in ape limpezi in timp ce batranii nostri, cei care STIU ce inseamna viata FARA google, FARA internet, FARA social media, care au muncit pamantul, cei care au inventat totul, tot ceea ce noi azi folosim, care ne-au crescut frumos, care au stiut sa iubeasca si sa pretuiasca viata REAL, cu bune sau rele, dar, FARA interventia artificialului in viata noastra, AU MURIT, au fost INJECTATI si OMORATI sau lasati intentionat sa moara, au fost INGROPATI NECRESTINESTE, sau arsi, cum doar cei din perioada ciumei bubonice au mai fost, dar, in schimb, noua ni se spune ca "virusul NU trece printr-o masca" din panza care ne sufoca, exact ca intregul sistem de TEROARE si FRICA, CREAT INTENTIONAT pentru a pune stapanire si control asupra mintii umane si a tot ceea ce inseamna fiinta si demnitate umana?

Noi toti suntem la fel? NU! si toti sunt de acord cu asta, desi toti suntem creati la fel, avem aceleasi organe si acelasi procentaj de apa si sange in corp!

Ai primit o DEROGARE de la purtarea mastii daca ai astm sau alte probleme respiratorii? NU!

Pentru ca cei care IMPUN, fortat aceste reguli absurde NU se gandesc la tine, la mine, la noi!

Am O PROPUNERE, dar de fapt mai multe, pe care le veti citi pe acest blog, in "THE REAL PURPLE DEAL!" Stiti? Eu scriu DOAR ceea ce simt si gandesc, NU scriu la comanda nimanui, si, pe deasupra scriu din IMPULS! Iar acum mi-a venit o IDEE foarte nastrusnica, dar foarte REALA pe care noi, cu totii, o putem pune in practica; greu, foarte greu, dar mai bine decat perspectiva sumbra care ni se 'ofera', deoarece SOLUTII NU ne ofera nimeni, decat povestea mult prea rasuflata cu "purtati masca, distantare sociala si spalatul pe maini"! In primul rand, distantarea sociala (s-o fi vrut o expresie mai elevata, dar este extrem de incorecta, elaborata in laboratoarele psihologiei umane) este un termen care din start ne indica o distantare umana fata de semenii nostri; socializarea face parte din noi, din umanitate; fara ea, suntem SINGURI, fiinte inadaptabile care pot doar privi delfinii fericiti cum inoata in apele limpezi, in timp ce NOI, UMANITATE, NU mai traim, NU mai putem respira LIBER, NU ne mai putem exprima LIBER deoarece asa au hotarat unii, iar altii, spalati pe creier care, in loc sa inoate alaturi de delfini, executa; inteleg sa vrei sa o numesti distantare medicala de scurta durata, dar NU poti INOCULA in constiinta colectiva TEAMA fata de oameni, TEAMA fata de propria familie (pentru ipohondrici, sau mult prea ocrotitori). Man destroys ecosystems

Versiunea in limba Romana Asta este ceea ce unii vehiculeaza peste tot; daca este doar un 'raspuns' politic al celor care vor sa nu piarda puterea sau sa o obtina, este foarte grav ca ati ajuns sa folositi moartea, lansarea de virusi, pentru a obtine putere si sa incercati impunerea controlului asupra altor oameni. Vreti experimente si stiinta? foarte bine. Am ideea pentru traiul dvs foarte bun, nederanjat de restul populatiei, plebs care 'deranjeaza', din cauza careia, planeta 'nu este curata'. Sper ca ati observat ghilimelele. Si din acest punct, ideea se deschide in mai multe subpuncte. De ce considerati ca trebuie sa moara oameni pentru ca planeta sa se 'curete', sa "respire", in timp ce oamenii nu mai pot sa respire, datorita acestui virus produs in laboratoarele dvs, precum si datorita mastilor impuse? DE ce trebuie sa cheltuiti milioane, miliarde de dolari pentru show-uri politice, in timp ce, planeta, cea care va intereseaza mai mult decat viata umana, 'in numele stiintei', desi stiinta, ca si dvs, sunteti creatia lui Dumnezeu, indiferent daca credeti sau nu; dar stiu ca credeti si va e frica mai mult decat unei persoane declarate crestina, religioasa, deoarece dvs sunteti cei care ati creat multe secte; dvs sunteti cei care folositi 'puterile magiei' pentru a face experimente sau a va obtine scopurile), este cea care sufera, impreuna cu populatia subnutrita si slab dezvoltata?

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