"WOMAN READING". Femeia lectura
In this photo, me and him, in Zaza club, came after my invitation. That's when I actually met him, on June 27, 2014
"As a man and a reader, you can't wait to put your belly on the book. Every page you're about to read is different, depending on how you did on the previous page.
Unlike a regular reading, where you know how many pages you have left, the woman's reading can end suddenly, but, just like when they read any book, two men who 'read' the same woman, don't understand the same thing from her. Some understand less. others more. And others nothing.
The woman is an expensive book. Wrapped in leather. If she keeps it well, she can go through her hands and many minds, staying very current. Very demanding, the reading woman can change the action, the characters or even the language in which it is written.
Any male reader in women will tell you that there are many pages that you have to go through twice. And in those pages, she stays quiet. However (or perhaps precisely because of them) a good woman has the same effect as a good book. You don't let her out of your hand anymore! If it caught you from the first pages, you neglect any other duties. You're neglecting your friends. You're not leaving the house until you're done. at least one chapter. You sink into it like a different reality. A reality that interferes, jams or even cancels any trace of reality that we all know.
The woman reading is the reality that only you know. You're taking her to lunch. in the car. in bed. even in the bathtub. unlike other books, you're not afraid of it being wet. the chair on which you sat your glass and the book now has two glasses.
A few days a month, the woman's reading is very contradictory. You're not allowed to go into its depths and that's not DISQUIET you.
For ERUDITE it is important to know that the reading woman detests Comparative Literature!
Quite frankly, NEITHER we are not interested in comparison with other readers. We don't want to know which one of them was reading faster, or whether they were following the lines with their finger, or who was halfway there, and who finished it in one night. twice.
The reading woman often takes pictures like bookmarks. so you know where you left off. No matter how good you are, parallel readings are a big challenge!
because the lessons you learn from one book don't fit into the other and, in general, you're too exhausted, intellectually, of course, to resist in the long run.”
"Ca barbat si cititor, abia astepti sa te pui cu burta pe carte. Fiecare pagina pe care urmeaza sa o citesti e diferita, in functie de cum te-ai descurcat la pagina anterioara. Unlike de o lectura obisnuita, unde stii cate pagini mai ai, femeia lectura se poate termina suddenly, dar, la fel ca atunci cand citesc orice carte, doi barbati care "citesc" aceeasi femeie, nu inteleg acelasi lucru din ea.
Cu toate acestea (sau poate tocmai datorita lor) o femeie buna are acelasi efect cu o carte buna. You nu o her mai lasi din mana!
Daca it te-a prins de la primele pagini, iti neglijezi orice alte indatoriri. Iti neglijezi prietenii. Nu pleci din casa pana nu termini. macar un capitol.
Te adancesti in ea ca intr-o altfel de realitate. O realitate care interfereaza, bruiaza sau chiar anuleaza orice urma a realitatii pe care o stim toti.
Femeia lectura e realitatea pe care o stii doar tu. O iei cu tine la masa. in masina. in pat. chiar si in cada.
spre deosebire de alte carti, nu ti-e frica niciun pic ca s-ar putea uda. scaunelul pe care iti asezai paharul si cartea are acum doua pahare.
Cateva zile pe luna, femeia lectura e foarte contradictorie. Nu ai voie sa intri in profunzimile ei si asta nu te nelinisteste.
Pentru eruditi este important de stiut ca femeia lectura detesta Literatura Comparata! la drept vorbind, nici pe noi nu ne intereseaza comparatia cu alti cititori. Nu vrem sa stim nici care dintre ei citea mai repede, nici daca urmareau randurile cu degetul, si nici cine a ramas la jumatate, si cine a terminat-o intr-o singura noapte. de doua ori.
Femeia lectura face adesea fotografii ca niste semne de carte. pentru ca tu sa stii unde ai ramas. oricat esti de bun, lecturile paralele sunt o mare provocare!
pentru ca lectiile pe care le inveti dintr-o carte, nu se potrivesc in cealalta si, in general, esti prea epuizat, intelectual, desigur, ca sa rezisti pe termen lung."
in the pictures, he, along with my friend from Vienna, writing for me the text and autograph that you see in the other picture, on the book I asked her to buy, knowing that what it says there is about me. Not all of it, he mixed other, older texts of his with the new texts he imagined, inspired by me. He was given full access to do what he wanted, besides being able to fix things as best they could be credible and others to believe them, because they need to believe in such fanatical follies.
in poze, el, impreuna cu prietena mea din Viena, scriind pentru mine textul si autograful pe care il vedeti in poza cealalta, pe cartea pe care am rugat-o pe ea sa o cumpere, stiind ca ceea ce scrie acolo, e despre mine. NU tot, a amestecat si alte texte de-ale lui, mai vechi, printre textele noi, imaginate de el, inspirate de mine. I s-a dat acces total sa faca ce vrea, pe langa a putea fixed lucrurile cat mai bine ca ei sa fie credibili si, altii sa ii creada, deoarece au nevoie sa creada in astfel de nebunii fanatice.
written in November 4, 2020, updated in February 6, 2021