"A WOMAN like HER does NOT GIVE LOVE to anyone"
" A WOMAN LIKE HER does NOT GIVE LOVE to anyone."
updated February 6, 2021; written December 23, 2020
I will play a text published by another woman, the TV "star", girlfriend with Codin Maticiuc and an actor who resembles Lucian, aka, they made them play my role (she) and him, his. Of course, I didn't understand then some substrates in the text.
I quote: "She lived to extremes. (It's not true, but now I understand that, in fact, I was actually living to extremes because of them!)
Everyone around you was watching how she was and you hated everyone. You even hated the idea that others were happy for a moment with her presence. she also succeeded in inhibiting women and men with her determined eyes in which anyone could see the wild and limitless woman. She knew very well who SHE IS and gave no money on the opinions of society, it seemed to her beliefs of small-hearted people. She had overcome the main problem faced by women, her reputation, and, never trying to defend her honor, that of a woman of principle.
My dear, the man who will know her, who is man enough, will know that a woman like her does not give love to anyone. And if you don't realize that, you can't be her man, not for a moment, the rest are details."
So, they "described" me through this text
I quote my friend, MAGDA, message from June 2016:
"Miracle, when you left, I told you that if you go there, they'll hear a lot of you! I don't know why now I had a very clear déjà vu in which I see you on the screen! And I believe in my visions! I embrace you with longing, my dear woman with the positive to the maximum!"
MY COUSIN CLAUDIA, I quote: "Oh dear, how are you?' I say, "Okay, Clau. You?" She replies, "on the house. I dreamed of you, so happy and beautiful! MOVIE STAR! Beautiful, I dreamt of you."
all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.
also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.
Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.
Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address: oanastavilanewyork@gmail.com, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.
https: //www.oanastavilanewyork.com/
va redau un text publicat de o alta femeie, vedeta, prietena cu Maticiuc si cu un actor care seamana cu Lucian, aka, ei i-au pus sa joace rolul meu (ea) si el, al lui. Desigur, nu am inteles atunci unele substraturi din text. Citez: Ea traia la extreme. (NU e adevarat, dar acum inteleg ca, de fapt, chiar traiam la extreme, din cauza lor!)
Toti din jurul tau observau cum ea era si tu ii urai pe toti. Urai pana si ideea ca altii s-au bucurat pentru o clipa de prezenta ei. reusea, sa inhibe si femei si barbati cu ochii ei hotarati in care oricine putea vedea femeia salbatica si fara limite. Ea stia foarte bine cine SHE IS si nu dadea niciun ban pe parerile societatii, i se pareau convingeri de oameni mici sufleteste. Ea trecuse prea devreme peste problema principala cu care se confrunta femeile, reputatia, si, nu incerca niciodata sa isi apere onoarea, aceea de femeie cu principii. dragul meu, barbatul care o va cunoaste, care e suficient de barbat, va sti ca o femeie ca ea nu daruieste iubire oricui. si, daca nu realizezi asta, n-ai cum sa fii barbatul ei, nici pentru o clipa, restul sunt detalii."
O citez pe prietena mea, mesaj din Iunie 2016: "Miracle, cand ai plecat, ti-am spus ca daca tu mergi acolo, or sa auda multi de tine! Nu stiu de ce acum am avut un deja-vu foarte clar in care te vad pe ecran! Si cred in viziunile mele! Te imbratisez cu dor, draga mea femeie cu pozitiv la cote maxime!"
Verisoara mea Claudia, citez:" Oana draga, ce mai faci?' Eu ii raspund: "Ok, Clau. You?" Ea raspunde:"pe acasa. te-am visat, asa de fericita si frumoasa! MOVIE STAR! Tare frumos, te-am visat."
Nota: toate pozele imi apartin si sunt facute de mine; screenshots care privesc viata mea si acest nedorit eveniment care s-a desfasurat si se desfasoara fara acordul meu, si au legatura directa cu ceea ce s-a intamplat, sunt facute de mine si, sunt mai mult decat indreptatita sa le folosesc, deoarece eu NU am fost nici intrebata, nici nu mi s-a cerut acordul pentru ca, o lume intreaga sa intre cu bocancii in viata mea privata.
de asemenea, toate textele de pe acest blog sunt scrise de mine; acolo unde am citat, am indicat sursa, autorul si chiar am pus link unde e cazul si am gasit asa ceva. Nu autorizez pe nimeni, nici sa publice aceste texte, decat distribuirea integrala a articolului de aici, de pe blogul meu, pe paginile de socializare, sau, cu acordul meu explicit; nici sa se inspire, nici sa faca filme sau sa scrie carti despre viata mea.
Cine face asta, fara acordul meu, va fi actionat in instanta, conform drepturilor legale.
Cine doreste sa publice o carte sau sa faca un film despre viata mea, este rugat sa ma contacteze la adresa de email: oanastavilanewyork@gmail.com , aici, sau pe paginile de socializare care, toate sunt cu numele meu real.