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David de ROTHSCHILD, ME, CODE WORDS of communication and SYMBOLISM

What ethnicity are the Rothschilds? "The Rothschild family is a European family of German Jewish origin that established European banking and finance houses from the late eighteenth century. The Rothschild family was founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the "founding father of international finance".

"Rothschild Name Meaning

German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): habitational name from a house distinguished with a red sign (Middle High German rot 'red' + schilt 'sign', 'shield'), the earliest recorded example dating from the 13th century."

I will start with the first picture and its message: "The earth is given into the hand of the WICKED" First of all, by presenting this picture, those who posted it (at your initiative, I think, due to what followed), wanted to show me who are the ones who lead the world and who are 'on MY BACK', of this laptop, phone, and my whole life, and they make decisions inspired by what I write, do, and my past. The word "WICKED" was written in yellow-gold, meaning the color used that symbolizes Romania and the fact that my family and I come from there. and, for those who do NOT know, besides the fact that you used salt as a symbolic element because the city where I was born has that very famous salt mine, as well as many salt lakes, the origins of my grandparents (from my father, but also from my mother's grandfather) are from the Carpathian Mountains - Rosia Montana (RED MOUNTAINS) area, the famous gold mine in Transylvania. and, of course, let's not forget that my mother's grandfather was a bank inspector (the one in the picture, dressed in a military hussar uniform, with a bayonet), another symbolic "element" associated with GOLD! Of course, this word, "WICKED", given what I read in the online press, also represents The ROTHSCHILD family and everyone in that picture, NOT just me and my family who were forced into this "equation". and, with predilection and, in reality, this word represents those who falsify, lie and manipulate the whole action for years, the Romanian spies Maticiuc and Constantinescu, and who, lead and have led in reality the whole action and lead it and influence none other than George Soros. So, let's NOT forget that, the one who leads Romania, -after the public statement in the show of the show director Mircea Badea, from Antena 3, a Romanian news station affiliated with CNN, on October 21, 2020, a video I posted on Facebook, is GEORGE SOROS, the one you can see in this picture, the first on the right, right next to BLACK POPE, in reality, Maticiuc and Constantinescu family's being those who run Romania and Soros. George SOROS, being the reason why these Romanian psychopaths did everything they did all these years, using me and my family.

And the ones on the left have the image of the devil on the back, and the ones on the right, the eye, another symbol used by you and, unfortunately for me that I accepted that logo for my advertising agency, also used by me, as a logo in blue color. So, after the position in the picture and all the other elements (including what I'm going to write), my theory about the Rothschild family being split in two is real.

Also, the main element in the picture becomes CESARE BORGIA, name written both in the position of David De Rothschild, and in Adolfo Nicolas, aka Black Pope, positioned in the center, ie the top, the first, dressed in church clothes of GOLD color and, which holds in his hand a painting with Jesus (with a frame, accidentally or not, GOLD color) and, surprisingly, on that painting with Jesus is also written CESARE BORGIA and not Jesus!

And, probably NOT accidentally, that painting is very similar to the one I asked my grandmother to send me, the frame and size being identical to the painting I have here in New York, brought from Romania, the one with Saint Rita. And, still NOT by chance, Saint Rita and her life about which I wrote publicly, on Facebook and about which I declared that I believe in her, is another "element" after which these psychopaths were "guided", leading the whole illegal action on me, towards similarities with her life. you will see what it is about in the analysis of the most recent picture posted by David de Rothschild on TWITTER.

why Cesare Borgia in both the picture of David de Rothschild and the one with the Black Pope holding the picture of Jesus in his hand? I did not find any information that David de Rothschild had any blood ties with Cesare Borgia, instead, I found those articles that say very clearly about the connection between the Rothschild family and the Vatican, they being the ones who lead them. Here are the links to the articles that were also published on my Facebook page:

voi incepe cu prima poza si mesajul ei:" The earth is given into the hand of the WICKED"

In primul rand, prin prezentarea acestei poze cei care au postat-o (la initiativa ta, cred, datorita a ceea ce a urmat), au vrut ca sa mi se prezinte cine sunt cei care conduc lumea si care sunt 'IN MY BACK', a acestui laptop, telefon, si a intregii mele vieti, si ei iau decizii inspirati de ceea ce eu scriu, fac, precum si, de trecutul meu.

cuvantul "WICKED" a fost scris cu galben-gold, adica culoarea folosita care simbolizeaza Romania si faptul ca eu si familia mea provenim de acolo. si, pentru cei care NU stiu, pe langa faptul ca ati folosit sarea ca element simbolic deoarece orasul in care m-am nascut are acea mina de sare foarte vestita, precum si multe lacuri sarate, originile bunicilor mei (din partea tatalui, dar si din partea bunicului mamei mele) sunt din Muntii Carpati- zona Rosia montana, faimoasa mina de aur din Transilvania. si, desigur, sa nu uitam ca bunicul mamei mele a fost inspector de banca (cel din poza, imbracat in uniforma militara de husar, cu baioneta), un alt "element" simbolic asociat GOLD!

Desigur, acest cuvant, "WICKED", dat fiind ceeea ce am citit in presa on line, reprezinta si familia voastra si pe toti cei din acea poza, NU doar pe mine si familia mea care am fost bagati fortat in aceasta "ecuatie".

si, cu predilectie si, in realitate, acest cuvant ii reprezinta pe cei care falsifica, mint si manipuleaza intreaga actiune de ani de zile, romanii spioni Maticiuc si Constantinescu, si care, conduc si au condus in realitate toata actiunea si il conduc si influenteaza pe nimeni altul decat George Soros.

Deci, sa NU uitam ca, cel care conduce Romania,-dupa declaratia publica in emisiunea realizatorului de emisiuni Mircea Badea, de la Antena 3, post de stiri romanesc afiliat CNN, la data de 21 Octombrie 2020, video pe care l-am publicat pe Facebook-, este GEORGE SOROS, cel pe care il puteti vedea in aceasta poza, primul din partea dreapta, chiar de langa BLACK POPE, in realitate, familiile Maticiuc si Constantinescu sunt cei care conduc Romania si pe Soros.

George Soros, fiind si motivul pentru care acesti psihopati Romani au facut tot ceea ce au facut in toti acesti ani, folosindu-se de mine si de familia mea.

si, cei asezati in partea stanga, au in spate imaginea diavolului, iar cei din dreapta, ochiul, un alt simbol folosit de voi si, din nefericire pentru mine ca am acceptat acea sigla pentru agentia mea de publicitate, folosit si de mine ca logo in culoare albastra.

Deci, dupa pozitia din poza si toate celelalte elemente (inclusiv ceea ce urmeaza sa mai scriu), teoria mea despre familia Rothschild ca este divizata in doua, este reala. De asemenea, elementul principal din poza devine CESARE BORGIA, nume scris atat la pozitia David De Rothschild, cat si at Adolfo Nicolas, aka Black Pope, pozitionat in centru, adica varful, primul, imbracat in vesminte bisericesti de culoare GOLD si, care tine in mana un tablou cu Iisus (cu o rama, intamplator sau nu, de culoare GOLD) si, surprinzator, pe acel tablou cu Iisus scrie tot CESARE BORGIA si nu Iisus!

Si, probabil tot NU intamplator, acel tablou seamana foarte mult cu cel pe care am rugat-o pe bunica mea sa mi-l trimita, rama si dimensiunea fiind identica cu tabloul pe care il am aici, la New York, adus din Romania, cel cu Sfanta Rita. Si, tot NU intamplator, Sfanta Rita si viata ei despre care eu am scris public, pe facebook si despre care am declarat ca eu cred in ea, este un alt "element" dupa care s-au "ghidat" acesti psihopati, conducand intreaga actiune ilegala asupra mea, inspre similitudini cu viata ei. veti vedea despre ce e vorba la analiza celei mai recente poze postata de David de Rothschild.

de ce Cesare Borgia atat la poza lui David de Rothschild, cat si la cea cu Black Pope care tine in mana poza cu Iisus? Nu am gasit nicio informatie cum ca, David de rothschild ar avea vreo legatura de sange cu Cesare Borgia, in schimb, am gasit acele articole care spun foarte clar despre conectia dintre familia Rothschild si Vatican, ei fiind cei care ii conduc. Aveti aici, mai sus, la versiunea in limba engleza, linkurile articolelor care au fost si publicate pe pagina mea de Facebook.


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