I will translate a text from October 21, 2017, the exact period when Codin Maticiuc plays the role of lover who wants to marry me and I found out about his father (information in a post on FACEBOOK)
so, October 21, 2017: "Ok. This is the last post I make for you, but still "with a padlock "(meaning in private, on FB), in the spirit of "only me". I would also say "I swear on red" (it is a Romanian expression on which I used BANTERING STYLE -as I often use in response to stupidity, lying, falsehood, hatred and narcissism and especially in these years, due to the situation in which I was put illegally, without my consent, by these psychopaths counterfeiters!-, as a "response REPLY" to a post by director Dan Chisu, co-director of Codin Maticiuc and Constantinescu), but it's not appropriate.
However, I still reserve the right to return to this post if, for various reasons, I don't succeed now to include everything I have to say.
First of all, you can say anything about me, you can laugh as much as you want, you can say that I am physically ugly (however, beauty is often a nuisance or a curse), but you can NOT say that my soul is ugly. OK? I DO NOT allow this to anyone.Let it be clear, simply because it is NOT true! You don't know me, no matter how much you analyze me, even ALSO MY breath, you did NOT sit in front of me in FLESH and BONES to feel me, you did NOT "see" my soul, even if you devoured every word of me or reaction through some devices.
(this was a response first of all to Codin Maticiuc's psychopathic nonsense and to what he posted, as well as to the whole bullying and gaslighting in 2016-2017, since I realized that CM, together with RFC are accomplices in to make fun of me, mocking me online in an organized group turned into a group infringement of the law, criminal, by Romanians, at their command)
I do NOT judge and I do NOT hate anyone, everything I want is NOT to be interpreted and misinterpreted my words and public posts. Probably if I DIDN'T write "just for me" (ie the Facebook setting with a padlock, ONLY ME), and I did it (I wrote) organized in a blog, I would NOT get here. It seems that those who have chosen this way (to write on a blog) can say ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING and about anyone, any stupidity, aberration, fantasy, they can judge, denigrate, because, isn't it... they are bloggers, writers, etc. I, it seems that I don't even have the most basic right, to know THE TRUTH and to be face to face with a person who will tell me what is happening and WHY this is happening.
OK. Keep the truth to yourself, but DO NOT ask me to believe in HATS (caps) inscribed with NEW YORK and messages of support, even if they come from very important people, dear to me, because we do not enter the realm of divinity, where we can talk about faith and absolute love in something that is NOT palpable, but yet we feel, believe, and abandon ourselves.
(by important people, dear to me, to understand international celebrities from Hollywood, as well as celebrities from Romania who were all involved in making posts about me!)
I recognize that the same feeling can be born towards a person, even at first sight, without knowing why, how or with what force, but I am not talking about that now, or I do not want to open this subject. Even if ...
Anyway, I wanted to express for the last time my willingness to communicate openly, in person, with someone. If I was in another situation today (I was referring to the financial one), I didn't hesitate, at once, immediately, to get on a plane and solve the situation. That is why I tell you that now I will find a job (and no one will intervene there, I hope!), In a few months my Green Card will come, so I will be able to go to Romania.
OK. I understand. Why don't I have the same right as everyone else?? Shall we stand face to face? I don't understand that!!! "
who are the main culprits (besides those already very well known, they will have the opportunity to defend themselves in court, so I suggest you look for lawyers, as I do, now and, I have already done it a long time ago, but, as David Rothschild of New York wrote very truthfully, in the post I posted below, I quote,
"Of course, the Trump regime was transparent when it worked for THEIR AGENDA: THEY BLOCKED MEDIA & LAWYERS & LAWMAKERS from actually ENGAGING WITH & HELPING THEIR VICTIMS ", those in power have obstructed both the judiciary and the media, but I have all the legal evidence necessary to prove this fact.
And in Romania, obviously, Maticiuc and Constantinescu are the ones who have obstructed the media, family, relatives, friends, absolutely everything, lying all over the world to hide their own facts.
So, dear lawyers around the world, especially those specializing in international law and violation of fundamental human rights, today and tomorrow you will receive emails from me in which I ask you, wholeheartedly (with many details and absolutely everything you want to be available) to help me in the most complex case of corruption, crime organized, unique in the world, which has ever taken place, organized under the most absurd and improbable scenarios. You know there are complaints to the FBI, the Department of Justice, and a lot of other evidence, and today I'm going to send it to other institutions of justice. This case will certainly be won and will represent the triumph of truth and justice against the evil that has been done to me, but with your mind and knowledge shone in the law, it can be correlated (with the evidence brought by me and with witnesses who, if they are true Americans, but also HUMANS, in the first place, they will have the courage to tell the truth and they will get involved to destroy the evil that is being done in a controlled and organized way against humanity) with the evil that has been done against HUMANITY. thank you in advance.
I invite you to read the following posts that I will make, being of major importance (with related explanations) and will demonstrate how, and in what way I was forced by circumstances and by these Romanian psychopaths, due to the public exposure to which they exposed me (as you can see that I wrote in this post as well) -and thanks to the theater they played-, to write the same text of mine, in two different ways, only because Codin Maticiuc plays the role of in love with me and, for to become credible in front of gullible people, as well as to try to "prove" my so-called "madness" in front of the whole world, to the real version of the text written by me, publicly on Facebook, did 'ugly', that is, he did NOT agree with how I wrote it and that I do NOT respond to his posts, so in order to better understand what he wanted from me, I modified the text, giving him the impression that I wrote it for him and that, as I would have been 'in love' with him too.
Parenthesis due to news: I don't care what FAKE NEWS you send, anyway EVERYTHING the Republicans led by David Rothschild and Soros write is false, they are the perpetrators of this serious situation in which they brought America and without me being any mixture, try to get rid of me through illegalities!
I'm not interested in the fake "news" about the Supreme Court. it has NOTHING to do with me anyway! I will sue all the guilty in court and NOT just in America, and at all the International Courts of Justice. Those of you who are guilty, no matter who you are, will pay for everything you have done. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? your manipulations, after translating a few lines written by me in 2017 that clearly denote your corruption and madness and that help me win this process, say it all once again: namely, that YOU ARE EXTREMELY GUILTY,YOU FEEL GUILTY, and YOU ARE VERY GUILTY (and all these writings of mine prove the immensity and duration of the horror you committed illegally and immorally, without my consent, on me) and the fact that you are very, very, very afraid! and you have WHY! Keep going and DON'T bother me with your illegal aberrations that have NOTHING to do with me! When I finish everything I have to translate, write and send to lawyers, you will hide in the forest in fear of the LAW!
and one more thing: that you want to change BIDEN, and the one who plays his role, does NOT understand this, it is NOT my business! He will convince himself that what I am saying is true!
Am sa traduc un text din Octombrie 21, 2017, exact perioada cand Codin Maticiuc juca rolul de indragostit care vrea sa se casatoreasca cu mine si, am aflat despre tatal lui (informatii intr-o postare de pe FB)
deci, 21 Octombrie 2017
" Ok. Asta e ultima postare pe care o fac pentru voi, dar totusi "cu lacatel" (adica in privat, pe FB), in spiritul "only me". As zice si "jur pe rosu" (este o expresie romaneasca pe care am folosit-o bantering style -asa cum folosesc deseori ca raspuns la prostie, minciuna, falsitate, ura si narcisism si, in mod special in acesti ani, datorita situatiei in care am fost pusa ilegal, fara acordul meu, de catre acesti psihopati falsificatori!- ca "raspuns" la o postare a regizorului Dan Chisu, coautor al regiei lui CMaticiuc si Constantinescu), dar nu e potrivit.
Imi rezerv totusi dreptul de a reveni la aceasta postare daca, din diverse motive, nu reusesc acum sa cuprind tot ceea ce am de spus.
In primul rand, poti spune orice despre mine, poti rade cat vrei, poti zice ca sunt urata fizic (oricum frumusetea este de multe ori o pacoste or un blestem), dar NU poti zice ca sufletul meu este urat. OK? Asta NU permit NIMANUI. Sa fie clar, pur si simplu pentru ca NU este adevarat! NU ma cunosti, oricat mi-ai analiza, chiar sirespiratia, NU ai stat in fata mea in CARNE si OASE ca sa ma simti, NU mi-ai "vazut" sufletul, chiar daca mi-ai devorat fiecare cuvant sau reactie prin niste device uri.
(asta a fost un raspuns in primul rand la ineptiile psihopate ale lui Codin Maticiuc si la ceea ce el posta, precum si la intreg bullyingul si gaslighting ul din anii 2016-2017, de cand am realizat ca CM, impreuna cu RFC sunt complici in a-si bate joc de mine, mocking me online intr-un grup organizat devenit grup infringement of the law, criminal, de romani, la comanda lor)
NU judec si NU urasc pe nimeni, tot ce imi doresc ea sa NU mai fie interpretate si rastalmacite cuvintele si postarile mele publice. Probabil daca NU scriam "doar pentru mine" (adica setarea de Facebook cu lacatel, ONLY ME), si o faceam (scriam) organizat intr-un blog, NU se ajungea aici. Se pare ca cei care au ales aceasta modalitate (de a scrie pe un blog) pot spune ABSOLUT ORICE si despre oricine, orice prostie, aberatie, fantezie, pot sa judece, sa denigreze, pentru ca, nu-i asa...sunt bloggeri, scriitori, etc. Eu, se pare ca nici macar nu am cel mai elementar drept, acela de a cunoaste ADEVARUL si de a sta fata in fata cu o persoana care sa-mi spuna ce se intampla si WHY se intampla asta. E ok. Pastrati adevarul pentru voi, dar NU imi cereti sa cred in HATS (sepci) inscriptionate cu NEW YORK si mesaje de sustinere, chiar daca vin din partea unor persoane foarte importante, dragi mie, pentru ca nu intram pe taramul divinitatii, acolo unde putem vorbi despre credinta si iubirea absoluta in ceva ce NU este palpabil, dar totusi simtim, credem si ne abandonam.
(prin persoane importante, dragi mie, sa intelegeti vedete internationale de la Hollywood, precum si vedete din Romania care erau cu toti implicati sa faca postari referitoare la mine!)
paranteza datorita stirilor: NU imi pasa ce stiri fals trimiteti, oricum TOT ceea ce scriu Republicanii condusi de David rothschild si Soros, este fals, ei fiind autorii acestei grave situatii in care ei au adus America si, fara ca eu sa am vreo vina sau vreun amestec, incearca sa se debaraseze de mine prin ilegalitati! Nu ma intereseaza de "stirea" falsa despre Curtea Suprema. oricum NU are nicio legatura cu mine! Eu va voi actiona pe toti vinovatii in instanta si NU doar in America, si la toate Curtile Internatinale de Justitie. Cei care sunteti vinovati, indiferent cine sunteti, veti plati pentru tot ceea ce ati facut. CAPISCI? manipularile voastre, dupa traducerea a cateva randuri scrise de mine in 2017 care denota foarte clar coruptia si nebunia voastra si, care ma ajuta sa castig acest proces, spune inca o data totul: si anume, faptul ca sunteti extrem de vinovati, va simtiti vinovati si foarte culpabili (si toate aceste scrieri ale mele demonstreaza imensitatea si durata ororii pe care voi ati comis-o ilegal si imoral, fara acordul meu, asupra mea) si, faptul ca va e foarte, foarte, foarte frica! si aveti de ce! Continui si NU ma mai deranjati cu aberatiile voastre ilegale si care NU au nicio legatura cu mine! Cand voi termina tot ceea ce am de tradus, scris si trimis la avocati, va veti ascunde in padure de frica in fata legii!
si inca ceva: ca vreti sa-l schimbati pe BIDEN, iar cel care joaca rolul lui, NU intelege asta, NU e treaba mea! Se va convinge singur ca este adevarat ce eu spun!