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FBI NEW YORK. REAL COMPLAINT against Romanians: Maticiuc (number 4&8) and Constantinescu (number 5)

FBI The REAL COMPLAINT against Romanians Maticiuc and Constantinescu

started, written, on January 10, 2021, update on February 6, 2021

In this photo, me and him, in Zaza club; came after my invitation. That's when I actually met him, on June 27, 2014.

Sunday, February 28, 2021


I was personally at the FBI on October 2, 2020 to denounce my abusers and my family’s abusers, Radu F Constantinescu and his wife, Ramona Constantinescu, Maticiuc family, Ioan Maticiuc (Jewish spy and former intelligence officer from the time of Ceausescu, who worked in Arab countries) and his son, Codin Maticiuc, as well as, most importantly, the one for whom they work and knows the whole of Romania, GEORGE SOROS, the one who runs Romania, the one who created the parallel state in Romania, the synonym of the American Deep State.

These are the murderers and abusers, of mine and my family (my father, mother, sister, niece and nephew, my husband), the ones who killed two members of my family: my grandmother, in Romania, and my nephew's father, in a prison in Germany, after they set him up; And I was given a form that I filled out, and on December 17, 2021, I filed the complaint, at you, at the FBI headquarters in New York.

Also, before I went to your headquarters in New York, where I live, I sent another complaint to you, online, through TIPS, in August 2020. I also have a lot of evidence that I've made countless calls to the FBI, including FBI headquarters in Washington, I've sent online messages to the Department of Justice, on September 24, 2020, to NYC Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams, other lawyers (Solomon Wisenberg) and prestigious law firms -Cohen Milstein- (at a firm I was in person, at The GRIGOROPOULOS LAW GROUP where I spoke with managing attorney CHRISSY Grigoropoulos), phone calls to all of them, as well as direct messages on twitter to Soros, calls to the Romanian consulate, email to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, emails to the German BND (because my mother, sister and her children live in Germany), calls to the Republican Party to whom I have exposed the situation, email to the British Embassy to seek political asylum, because they constantly started threatening me with prison, and, from the beginning, since 2014 they have committed illegalities in Romania, (including they entered our apartment there illegally, in 2016, without a warrant) to secure their own back in case I understand what is really going on and reveal the truth and I will denounce them to the FBI and all the competent bodies (as the whole of Romania knows, and I hold screenshots of articles that write very clearly how they abuse and frame false files to all those who "disturb" them telling the truth) in what was to be for them international espionage, CORRUPT activities in states, governments or in law enforcement, computer crimes with INTRUSIONS into computer networks, particularly those associated with NATIONAL SECURITY that involve FOREIGN POWERS, HATE CRIMES, HUMAN TRAFFICKING (in which I, mainly, but also my family, were trafficked by these people from the Deep Romanian State, with the consent of the Romanian State, the Romanian Intelligence Service, with the consent of the President in office K. Iohannis, Soros' puppet, -to whom I wrote messages directly on Instagram and Facebook and I did not receive any reply, although SRI, the Romanian Intelligence Service has the obligation and duty to protect the citizens, especially since I asked them for help.

Since space does not allow me to describe in detail what has happened all these years, I will ask you to visit my personal blog

http: //, I wrote much of what happened, presenting evidence and, where I will fill in daily, (until you contact me directly) with new details.

I want to make one more very important statement; date that I have been terrorized a lot in these years, especially since 2018, and because I've been able to understand the real reason behind these abuses and murders only last year, I was overwhelmed by the task of putting it into a succinct and coherent storyline for you, the FBI, so, the form of the complaint filed with you, I also said that I will complete it later, so, I also send you this complaint in which I give you much more information and, I invite you to read my blog for a clear picture of this real story of slavery in the form of an involuntary servitude under the threat and terrorism of these people who have violated all international human rights to use me and my family as an experiment-surrogate for various political characters, to quote Soros, who, with the "power of imagination", "fights against dictatorship".

I would also like to mention that it is President Trump who obstructed Justice, along with others, of course, to protect those guilty of ORGANIZED CRIME, TERRORISM, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, PUBLIC CORRUPTION, INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS, the Maticiuc family, the Constantinescu family and others.

It is a real, incredible, unique story in the world, in which, the criminals named above, invented this story, using a so-called CODEWORDS (and there are many examples published in my articles, on my personal blog), and not only by words, but also by graphics, pictures, as well as through any and anyone who has come into contact with me, to MASK the ILLEGALITY of THEIR ACTIONS, on me and on my family and, in order to be able to forge everything as they want, so as not to be credible, that after the end of the live experiment, (when they want, after they have achieved their goals of power and, implicitly those of domination, financial and political), seen by the whole population (both those who know us, real or virtual, since it all started virtually, through Facebook, and then it spread, both on other social media platforms, Instagram, Twitter, and, very seriously, in our real life, completely influencing it after the madness in their minds and according to the political-social events both national and international), as well as those around the world informed by them, to try to present me as a person with mental problems, as, in many cases, the Jewish mafia that runs the world, used.

How did I really learn about those who rule the world and, by implication, all the events in the world? From Roger Garaudy's book known and sold worldwide in millions of copies, The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics, in which he explains everything that ordinary people didn't know about what was really going on in the world, who makes the decisions in reality and, I quote from the book itself, "We know very well WHO COMMANDS and WHO is teleguiding the Presidents of Republics, Parliaments, Parties, Newschiefs, Churches!", the Israeli Mafia, which, author Roger Garaudy had the extraordinary courage to REVEAL (as I do now, by publishing the truth on my blog and on Facebook) and, who was threatened, terrorized, both he and those who supported him, a victim of them who did NOT want the truth to be known to the whole world , comparable to me, but still different, even if they put real obstacles, however, his abusers did not stand behind him, in his house, real, with the means and techniques of interception of today, as they stand, even in the present, my abusers, read everything I write, and, extremely seriously, clear proof of their mental illness and monstrosity of which they give proof of, interpret everything that I write, (only they know in what manner), and then, command decisions and impose on the world their own ideas that destroy the world, me being, for them, a predecessor-experiment on a personal and family level, as a level of terror to stay in the house, and to convince my family to stay home , forced by death threats, what they did with this virus around the world.

Please with all my heart, help me and my entire family, who have been more than abused, terrorized (DEPRIVE of rights, including medical)

In the relationship with the person that I DENOUNCE here, Radu F Constantinescu whom I met personally in June 2014 when he came to Cluj, the city where I lived at the time, as well as with the other person that I denounced to the FBI, Codin Maticiuc, there are some messages on the Facebook Messanger in which we communicated. You can read them all on my blog; are already exposed and, I will translate them tomorrow.


FBI, August 2020, online TIPS; FBI, October 2, 2020 and December 17, 2020, number 1103 is the number of the agent who took my complaint, when I personally deposited it at the FBI NEW YORK headquarters; by phone, many times, at FBI, Department of Justice, BND, New York Police Department, Republican Party, New York Public Advocate (exact date you find it published on my blog), etc.


all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.

also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.

Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.

Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.

Am fost personal la FBI in data de 2 Octombrie 2020 pentru a-i denunta pe abuzatorii mei si pe abuzatorii familiei mele Radu F. Constantinescu, familia Maticiuc, Ioan Maticiuc (spion evreu si fost ofiter de informatii de pe vremea lui Ceausescu, care a lucrat in tari arabe) si fiul lui, Codin Maticiuc, precum si, cel mai important, cel pentru care ei lucreaza si stie intreaga Romanie, GEORGE SOROS, cel care conduce Romania, cel care a creat statul paralel in Romania, sinonimul Deep State-ului American. Acestia sunt criminalii si abuzatorii, ai mei si ai familiei mele (tata, mama, sora mea, nepoata si nepotul meu, sotul meu), cei care mi-au ucis 2 membri ai familiei: pe bunica mea, in romania, si pe tatal nepotului meu, intr-o inchisoare din Germania, asta dupa ce ei i-au inscenat ceva; si mi s-a dat un formular pe care l-am completat si, in data de 17 Decembrie 2021, am depus plangerea, at dvs, la sediul FBI din New York.

De asemenea, inainte de a merge la sediul dvs din New York, oras in care locuiesc, am trimis alta plangere catre dvs, online, prin TIPS, in luna august 2020. De asemenea, am foarte multe dovezi ca am dat nenumarate telefoane catre FBI, inclusiv sediul FBI din Washington, am trimis mesaje on line catre Departamentul de Justitie, in September 24, 2020, catre NYC Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams, alti avocati (Solomon Wisenberg) si firme de avocatura prestigioase -Cohen Milstein- (la o firma am fost in persoana,

), telefoane catre toti acestia, precum si mesaje directe pe twitter catre Soros, telefoane la consulatul Romaniei, email catre Ministerul Romanian de Externe, emailuri catre BND Germania (deoarece mama mea, sora si copii ei traiesc in Germania), telefoane catre Partidul Republican caruia i-am expus situatia, email catre Ambasada Marii Britanii pentru a cere azil politic, deoarece ei constant au inceput sa ma ameninte cu inchisoarea, si, inca de la inceput, din anul 2014 au comis ilegalitati in Romania, (inclusiv au intrat ilegal in apartamentul nostru de acolo, in 2016, fara mandat) pentru a-si asigura propriul lor spate in cazul in care eu voi intelege ceea ce se intampla cu adevarat si deconspira adevarul si ii voi denunta la FBI si la toate organele competente (asa cum stie intreaga Romanie, si detin screenshot uri ale unor articole in care se scrie foarte clar cum ei abuzeaza si insceneaza dosare false tuturor celor care ii "deranjeaza" spunand adevarul) in ceea ce urma a fi pentru ei spionaj international, CORRUPT activities in state, governments or in law enforcement, computer crimes with INTRUSIONS into computer networks, particularly those associated with NATIONAL SECURITY that involve FOREIGN POWERS, HATE CRIMES, HUMAN TRAFFICKING (in care eu, in principal, dar si familia mea, am fost traficati de catte aceste persoane din Deep State ul Romanesc, cu acordul Statului Roman, al Serviciul Roman de Informatii, cu consimtamantul Presedintelui lui in functie K. Iohannis, marioneta lui Soros, -carora le-am scris si lor mesaje direct pe Instagram si pe Facebook si NU am primit niciun raspuns, desi atat SRI, Serviciul Roman de Informatii are obligatia si datoria sa protejeze cetatenii, mai ales ca le-am cerut ajutorul-). Deoarece spatiul nu imi permite sa va descriu in amanuntime ceea ce s-a intamplat in toti acesti ani, am sa va rog sa accesati blogul meu personal, http://

unde, am scris mare parte din ceea ce s-a intamplat, prezentand dovezi si, unde voi completa zilnic, (pana cand ma veti contacta direct, sper, saptamana viitoare) cu noi detalii. Vreau sa mai fac o precizare foarte importanta; datorita faptului ca am fost terorizata foarte mult in acesti ani, in special din anul 2018, precum si datorita faptului ca am reusit sa inteleg care e adevaratul motiv care se ascunde in spatele acestor abuzuri si crime abia anul trecut, I was overwhelmed by the task of putting it into a succint and coherent storyline for you, the FBI, asa ca, forma plangerii depusa, at dvs, am si spus ca o voi completa ulterior, drept pentru care, va trimit si acest complaint in care va dau mult mai multe informatii si, va invit sa citit blogul meu pentru o imagine cat se poate de clara a acestei povesti reale de sclavie sub forma unei involuntary servitude sub amenintarea si terorismul acestor persoane care au incalcat toate drepturile umane internationale pentru a se folosi de mine si de familia mea pe post de experiment-surogate pentru diverse personaje politice, ca sa-l citez pe Soros, care, cu "puterea imaginatiei, lupta impotriva dictaturii".

De asemenea, tin sa mentionez ca presedintele Trump este cel care a obstructionat Justitia, impreuna cu altii, desigur, pentru a-i proteja pe vinovatii de CRIMA ORGANIZATA, TERORISM, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, PUBLIC CORRUPTION, INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS, familia Maticiuc, familia Constantinescu si altii.

Este o poveste reala, incredibila, unica in lume, in care, criminalii numiti mai sus, au inventat aceasta poveste, folosind un asa numit CODEWORDS (si sunt foarte multe exemple publicate in articolele mele, pe blogul meu personal), si nu doar prin cuvinte, ci si prin grafica, poze, cat si prin orice si oricine care a intrat in contact cu mine, pentru a masca ilegalitatea actiunilor lor, asupra mea si asupra familiei mele si, pentru a putea falsifica totul dupa cum vor ei, pentru a nu fi eu credibila, ca, dupa terminarea experimentului viu, (atunci cand ei vor, dupa ce si-au realizat obiectivele de putere si, implicit cele de dominatie, financiare si politice), vazut de toata populatia (atat cei care ne cunosc, real sau virtual, deoarece totul a inceput virtual, prin intermediul Facebook, iar apoi s-a extins, atat pe alte platforme de socializare, Instagram, Twitter, si, foarte grav, in viata noastra reala, influentand-o complet dupa nebunia din mintea lor si in functie de evenimentele politico-sociale atat nationale, cat si internationale), cat si de cei din lumea intreaga informati de ei, sa incerce sa ma prezinte ca fiind o persoana cu probleme de natura psihica, asa cum, in multe cazuri, mafia evreiasca care conduce lumea, a folosit. De unde am aflat cu adevarat despre cei care conduc lumea si, implicit, toate evenimentele din lume? Din cartea cunoscuta si vanduta in toata lumea in milioane de exemplare a lui Roger Garaudy, The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics, in care el explica tot ceea ce oamenii obisnuiti nu stiau despre ceea ce se petrece cu adevarat in lume, cine ia deciziile in realitate si, citez chiar din carte, "We know very well WHO COMMANDS and WHO is teleguiding the Presidents of Republics, Parliaments, Parties, Newschiefs, Churches!", Mafia Israeliana, pe care, autorul Roger Garaudy a avut extraordinarul curaj sa o REVEAL (asa cum fac si eu acum si pana acum, prin publicarea adevarului pe blogul meu si pe Facebook) si, care a fost amenintat, terorizat, atat el, cat si cei care l-au sustinut, o victima a acestora care NU doreau ca adevarul sa fie cunoscut lumii intregi, comparabil cu mine, dar totusi diferit, chiar daca i-au pus piedici reale, totusi, abuzatorii lui NU stateau in spatele lui, in casa lui, real, cu mijloacele si tehnicile de interceptare din ziua de azi, asa cum ei stau, even in prezent, abuzatorii mei, citesc tot ceea ce eu scriu, si, extrem de grav, dovada clara a bolii lor psihice si a monstruozitatii de care ei dau dovada of, interpreteaza tot ceea ce eu scriu, (doar ei stiu in ce maniera), iar mai apoi, comanda decizii si impun lumii propriile lor idei care distrug lumea, eu fiind, pentru ei, un predecesor-experiment la nivel personal si familial, ca nivel de teroare pentru a sta in casa, si pentru a-mi convinge familia sa stea acasa, fortata de amenintarile cu moartea, ceea ce ei au facut cu acest virus in lumea intreaga.

Va rog din tot sufletul meu, ajutati-ma real pe mine si intreaga mea familie, care au fost mai mult decat abuzati, terorizati ( privati de drepturi, inclusiv medicale)


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