GASLIGHTING, THREATS, ABUSES and... will you cherry me?
started, written, on December 12, 2020, update on February 6, 2021
They use and attack what is dearest or closer to you.
For example, if you have children, he'll tell you that you're not fit to be a mother, that you shouldn't have had children, and so on. Or it exposes you, how much harm you're doing to your children through your existence. He's going to attack you right through that context that he knows is important to you.
JUNE 28, 2019. I called the German police the same day that CM posted this image, related to the image from the picture I made in the house where we live (in the common room to which they gave us access in 2019) what they ordered the owner of the house to put: a metal bar, the "object" in the article writes by the New York Times, distributed by AS, son of GS, about the so-called beating they wanted to apply (according to the picture of CM you see here) or my sister, or niece. With this kind of "information", codes and "communication", more precisely, terror, threats, violation of the most fundamental human rights, organized crimes, I had to live day by day, from the summer of 2018 until now.
I WISH YOU THE SAME, Mr. M! Exactly like in this picture with YOU and YOUR GRANDDAUGHTER! as YOU threaten me, put me and my family in this situation, without ANY RIGHT, without knowing ME! For YOUR FAMILY!
The FAKES and ABUSES of Romanian MILITIA, DJ Stalin aka RFC
LOOK what HE DID! He changed the date the picture was taken, which was August 29, 2015, the date we went and bought our first furniture in New York. This is extremely CLEAR PROOF of HOW they have done all these years: lying, stealing, abusing, terrorizing and killing innocent people for their interests and for those who have been paying them for six years to do all these things, in the eyes of the whole world, who is being lied to and shocked by the scale of these actions of this subspecies of people, if they can be called that. He was also the one who later changed my settings so that I could not see the date when I took the pictures and many other things that I found out later or, I do not know, even today. He did exactly what he wanted, on my social media accounts, in my devices, my laptop, without me knowing anything. I noticed this "movement" with this date, just because, he did not bother too much to delete it and write it as he wanted, but wrote it on top of the other, which is why I noticed and made screenshot. You can see it too. It's visible with open eye, it's more than OBVIOUS that it's the new date OVERLAP. HE also immediately posted on Facebook, in an interview HE gave in a space with white furniture, the same genre posed by me in the store where we bought furniture (bedroom bed, mattress and two bedside tables).
El a schimbat data la care a fost facuta poza, adica 29 august 2015, data la care am fost si ne-am cumparat primul mobilier in New York. Aceasta este o DOVADA extrem de CLARA a modului in care ei au procedat in toti acesti ani: mintind, furand, abuzand, terorizand si omorand oameni nevinovati pentru interesele lor si ale celor care ii platesc de 6 ani de zile sa faca toate aceste lucruri, sub ochii intregii lumi, care este mintita si socata de amploarea acestor actiuni ale acestei subspecii de oameni, daca pot fi numiti asa.
Tot el a fost cel care mi-a modificat ulterior setarile ca sa NU se mai vada data la care eu faceam pozele si multe alte lucruri de care am aflat ulterior sau, nu le cunosc, nici in prezent. El a facut exact ce a vrut, pe conturile mele de social media, in device urile mele, laptopul meu, fara ca eu sa stiu nimic. Am observat aceasta "miscare" cu aceasta data, doar fiindca, nu s-a obosit prea tare sa o stearga si sa o scrie asa cum a vrut, ci a scris-o peste cealalta, tocmai de aceea am si observat si am facut screenshot. Puteti vedea si dvs. E vizibil, cu ochiul liber, ca este SUPRAPUSA (overlap) noua data. De asemenea, el s-a postat imediat pe facebook, intr-un interviu dat de el, intr-un spatiu cu mobilier alb, acelasi gen pozat de mine in magazinul de unde noi am cumparat mobilier (pat de dormitor, saltea si doua noptiere).
I will present to you some recent posts (to translate) of a highly educated person from Romania. So, I quote from the posts of a former foreign minister, I think, an intelligent, valuable man, who, like some others in Romania, was in prison, also because of counterfeit, politically motivated files. Clearly, someone imposed these posts on him and he had to post them, at the behest of some in Romania, you know better than me, who:
" In the matter of human trafficking, Mr. Zuckerman to tell us what the U.S. is doing, not what Romania is doing. If we don't dry the spring, we'll empty the jug for nothing. A. Zuckerman says that, in violation of international law, in Romania, the U.S. has been acting since 1990 to liquidate left-wing leaders. that's right, is it?"
and, another post, also about it, about the former left-wing leader of the Social Democratic Party, Dragnea, who, too, has been in prison for a long time, for some insignificant and falsified reason of course, because they had, it seems, nothing else to condemn him. I quote:
"only Dragnea released was missing, that spoils them, all of them, playing death, which is as real as it gets!"
So, does the whole of Romania know about this "play" of some, with the death with which we are threatened and I have been threatened every day from 2018, here? KNOWS!
Does the whole of Romania know that this is about human trafficking, that is, me and my family, exactly one of the points expressed in the complaint to the FBI? KNOWS!
In a few lines, the story known by the whole of Romania and NOT ONLY!
This is an indisputable proof before the law that Romania allows itself to argue and hold America accountable, regarding me and my family who have been for so many years and we are trafficked by these psychopaths to you, for your personal purposes, of a group, sociopath who, interprets my normal life, as "biblical prophecies" after which to realize fanaticism. Romania will have to answer to the law to whom, whose people (and for what purpose) from America launches such serious accusations online, on Facebook, regarding human trafficking and real death threats!
That's real evidence before the law! and to whom does he transmit that "code" in which they will give "advice", as they have been doing for years manipulating and lying; and you're going to have to answer these questions to the FBI.
Am sunat la Politia germana in aceeasi zi in care CM a postat aceasta imagine, corelata cu imaginea din poza pe care eu am facut-o in casa in care locuim (in incaperea comuna la care noua ei ne-au dat acces in 2019) ceea ce ei au dat ordin proprietarului casei sa puna: o bara de metal, "obiectul" din articolul scrie de New York Times, distribuit de AS, fiul lui GS, despre asa zisa bataie pe care ei voiau sa o aplice (conform pozei lui CM pe care o vedeti aici) ori surorii, ori nepoatei mele. Cu acest gen de "informatii", coduri si "comunicare", mai exact, teroare, amenintari, incalcarea celor mai fundamentale drepturi ale omului, am fost nevoita sa traiesc zi de zi, din vara lui 2018 si pana in prezent.
Am sa va prezint cateva postari (sa vi le traduc) recente ale unei persoane foarte educate din Romania. Apoi voi continua cu dovezile si descrierea evenimentelor. Deci, va citez din postarile unui fost ministru, de externe, cred, un om inteligent, valoros, care, ca si alti cativa din Romania, a fost in puscarie, tot din cauza unor dosare contrafacute, motivate politic. In mod clar, cineva i-a impus aceste postari si el a fost nevoit sa le posteze, la comanda unora din Romania, stiti dvs mai bine decat mine, cine:
" In materia traficului de persoane, domnul Zuckerman sa ne spuna ce face SUA, nu ce sa faca Romania. Daca nu secam izvorul, degeaba golim ulciorul. A. Zuckerman spune ca, incalcand dreptul international, in Romania, SUA actioneaza, din 1990, pentru lichidarea liderilor de stanga. chiar asa, o fi?"
si, tot o postare, tot despre asta, referitoare la fostul lider de stanga, din Partidul Social Democrat, Dragnea, care, si el, este deja de mult timp la inchisoare, dintr-un motiv insignifiant si falsificat desigur, deoarece nu au avut, se pare, cu ce altceva sa-l condamne. Citez:" numai Dragnea eliberat mai lipsea, ca le strica, tuturor, joaca de-a moartea, care e cat se poate de reala!"
Deci, stie toata Romania despre aceasta "joaca" a unora, cu moartea cu care noi suntem amenintati si eu am fost amenintata zi de zi din 2018, incoace? STIE!
Stie intreaga Romanie ca e vorba despre trafic de persoane, adica eu si familia mea, exact unul dintre punctele exprimate in complaint catre FBI? STIE!
In cateva randuri, povestea stiuta de intreaga Romanie, si nu numai.
Aceasta reprezinta o proba indubitabila in fata legii, ca Romania isi permite sa certe si sa traga la raspundere America, in privinta mea si a familiei mele care am fost de atatia ani si suntem traficati de catre acesti psihopati catre dvs, pentru scopurile dvs personale, ale unui grup, sociopat care, interpreteaza viata normala a mea, ca fiind "profetii biblice" dupa care sa-si realizeze fanatismul. Romania va trebui sa raspunda in fata legii cui, caror persoane (si in ce scop) from America lanseaza astfel de acuzatii grave in online, pe facebook, in privinta traficului de persoane si a amenintarilor reale cu moartea!
Aceastea sunt adevarate probe in fata legii! si, cui ii transmite acel "cod" in care va da "sfaturi", asa cum ei fac de ani de zile manipuland si mintind; iar dvs va trebui sa raspundeti la FBI la aceste intrebari.
all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.
also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.
Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.
Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.
toate pozele imi apartin si sunt facute de mine; screenshots care privesc viata mea si acest nedorit eveniment care s-a desfasurat si se desfasoara fara acordul meu, si au legatura directa cu ceea ce s-a intamplat, sunt facute de mine si, sunt mai mult decat indreptatita sa le folosesc, deoarece eu NU am fost nici intrebata, nici nu mi s-a cerut acordul pentru ca, o lume intreaga sa intre cu bocancii in viata mea privata.
de asemenea, toate textele de pe acest blog sunt scrise de mine, acolo unde am citat, am indicat sursa, autorul si chiar am pus link unde e cazul si am gasit asa ceva. Nu autorizez pe nimeni, nici sa publice aceste texte, decat distribuirea integrala a articolului de aici, de pe blogul meu, pe paginile de socializare, sau, cu acordul meu explicit; nici sa se inspire, nici sa faca filme sau sa scrie carti despre viata mea.
Cine face asta, fara acordul meu, va fi actionat in instanta, conform drepturilor legale.