And NO, it's NOT about gaslighting, it's about REAL GAS.
started, written, on 17 January 2021, update on 6 February 2021
inceput, scris in 17 Ianuarie 2021, update in 6 Februarie 2021
What do you think these pictures represented by this Romanian man, participating like many others in this unique world and inhumane "experiment"? The evidence that Romanian people, like the Americans, knew that we were gassed in the winter of 2018/2019 in our own home, in New York, for no reason other than the very serious psychopathy of some, their cruelty and madness without limits.
Because my husband is a Star Wars fan and he has a Darth Vader T-shirt, a T-shirt that you see him wearing in the picture of us, they made that representation of this Star Wars character "cooled" from the inhaled gases; I had very serious reactions, as you will see in the pictures below, whole wipes with blood that flowed from my nose, vomiting, I could not breathe; I'd open all the windows in the middle of winter and sit dressed, or, I'd go outside, in front of the house and sit there, even wrapped in a blanket, just so I could breathe.
I don't even know when I slept during that period and how I managed to get over it (also in November 2, 2018, my grandmother died, because of THEM), at the same time protecting my family and, I also had the strength and courage to go to Europe to visit them and make sure they were okay. That's while they, the culprits, the initiators and the other unbalanced participants in this horror, were having fun and posting. I don't even want to describe everything I've been through because of these Godless psychopaths. I only thank God that I am alive, healthy, very strong, that we have all overcome them well, and that the guilty will pay for their crimes.
Ce credeti ca reprezinta aceste poze postate de acest barbat roman, participant ca si multi altii la acest unic in lume si inuman "experiment"? Dovezile ca Romanian people, ca si Americanii, de altfel, stiau ca noi eram gazati in iarna lui 2018/2019, in propria noastra locuinta din New York, fara niciun motiv altul decat psihopatia foarte grava a unora, cruzimea si nebunia lor fara limite.
Deoarece sotul meu e fan Star Wars si are un tricou cu Darth Vader, tricou cu care il vedeti imbracat in poza cu noi, au facut acea reprezentare a acestui personaj din Star Wars "racit" de la gazele inhalate; eu am avut reactii foarte serioase si grave, precum veti vedea in pozele de mai jos, servetele intregi cu sange care mi-a curs din nas, varsaturi, nu puteam respira; deschideam toate geamurile in plina iarna si stateam imbracata, sau, ieseam afara, in fata casei si stateam acolo, chiar si invelita si in patura, doar pentru a putea respira. Nu stiu nici cand am dormit in acea perioada si cum am reusit sa trec peste (de asemenea, in 2 Noiembrie 2018, bunica mea a MURIT din CAUZA LOR), in acelasi timp protejandu-mi familia si, am mai avut si puterea si curajul sa merg in Europa sa ii vizitez si sa ma asigur ca ei sunt bine. Asta in timp ce ei, vinovatii, initiatorii si ceilalti dezaxati participanti la aceasta oroare, se distrau si faceau postari. Nici nu vreau inca sa descriu prin tot ce am trecut din cauza acestor psihopati fara Dumnezeu. II multumesc doar lui Dumnezeu ca sunt vie, sanatoasa, foarte puternica, ca am depasit cu bine cu totii, si ca cei vinovati, vor plati pentru crimele lor.
What do you think this picture represents? One of my blonde cousins, C. and her husband at the time when they were probably told, by MATICIUC and Constantinescu of course, that she is no longer allowed to host us at their place, and she complied, did exactly as they ordered her. I mean, the moment I really couldn't because of the gas, and I really needed to rest, to recover, I asked her to take us in to visit them, to stay with her for a few days. We slept at their place one night and, in the morning, before my husband went to work, she told me that I could not stay because they were busy; I mean, the psychopaths ordered them to send us home, just to fulfill their terrorist and very sick plans.
We also went and slept a few nights in hotels, for the same reason. I also kept the receipts, so I could have them as evidence.
Ce credeti ca reprezinta aceasta poza? Pe una din verisoarele mele blonde. C. si sotul ei la momentul la care, probabil, li s-a transmis, de catre Constantinescu si Maticiuc, desigur, ca NU mai are voie sa ne gazduiasca la ei, iar ea s-a conformat, a facut exact cum ei i-au ordonat. Adica, in momentul in care chiar nu mai puteam din cauza gazelor, si trebuia neaparat sa ma odihnesc, sa imi revin, am rugat-o sa ne primeasca la ei "in vizita", sa stau cu ea cateva zile. Noi am dormit la ei o singura noapte si, dimineata, inainte sa mearga sotul meu la serviciu, ea mi-a spus ca nu pot ramane ca ei sunt ocupati; adica, psihopatii le-au comandat sa ne trimita acasa, doar ca sa-si indeplineasca ei planurile teroriste si foarte bolnave.
De asemenea, noi am fost si am dormit cateva nopti la hoteluri, din aceeasi, cauza. Am pastrat si chitantele, pentru a le avea ca proba.
"Premature putrefaction"; this is what it says on the newspaper page, held by Radu Constantinescu in the hand
my blood