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And NO, it's NOT about gaslighting, it's about REAL GAS.

started, written, on 17 January 2021, update on 6 February 2021

inceput, scris in 17 Ianuarie 2021, update in 6 Februarie 2021

What do you think these pictures represented by this Romanian man, participating like many others in this unique world and inhumane "experiment"? The evidence that Romanian people, like the Americans, knew that we were gassed in the winter of 2018/2019 in our own home, in New York, for no reason other than the very serious psychopathy of some, their cruelty and madness without limits.

Because my husband is a Star Wars fan and he has a Darth Vader T-shirt, a T-shirt that you see him wearing in the picture of us, they made that representation of this Star Wars character "cooled" from the inhaled gases; I had very serious reactions, as you will see in the pictures below, whole wipes with blood that flowed from my nose, vomiting, I could not breathe; I'd open all the windows in the middle of winter and sit dressed, or, I'd go outside, in front of the house and sit there, even wrapped in a blanket, just so I could breathe.

I don't even know when I slept during that period and how I managed to get over it (also in November 2, 2018, my grandmother died, because of THEM), at the same time protecting my family and, I also had the strength and courage to go to Europe to visit them and make sure they were okay. That's while they, the culprits, the initiators and the other unbalanced participants in this horror, were having fun and posting. I don't even want to describe everything I've been through because of these Godless psychopaths. I only thank God that I am alive, healthy, very strong, that we have all overcome them well, and that the guilty will pay for their crimes.

Ce credeti ca reprezinta aceste poze postate de acest barbat roman, participant ca si multi altii la acest unic in lume si inuman "experiment"? Dovezile ca Romanian people, ca si Americanii, de altfel, stiau ca noi eram gazati in iarna lui 2018/2019, in propria noastra locuinta din New York, fara niciun motiv altul decat psihopatia foarte grava a unora, cruzimea si nebunia lor fara limite.

Deoarece sotul meu e fan Star Wars si are un tricou cu Darth Vader, tricou cu care il vedeti imbracat in poza cu noi, au facut acea reprezentare a acestui personaj din Star Wars "racit" de la gazele inhalate; eu am avut reactii foarte serioase si grave, precum veti vedea in pozele de mai jos, servetele intregi cu sange care mi-a curs din nas, varsaturi, nu puteam respira; deschideam toate geamurile in plina iarna si stateam imbracata, sau, ieseam afara, in fata casei si stateam acolo, chiar si invelita si in patura, doar pentru a putea respira. Nu stiu nici cand am dormit in acea perioada si cum am reusit sa trec peste (de asemenea, in 2 Noiembrie 2018, bunica mea a MURIT din CAUZA LOR), in acelasi timp protejandu-mi familia si, am mai avut si puterea si curajul sa merg in Europa sa ii vizitez si sa ma asigur ca ei sunt bine. Asta in timp ce ei, vinovatii, initiatorii si ceilalti dezaxati participanti la aceasta oroare, se distrau si faceau postari. Nici nu vreau inca sa descriu prin tot ce am trecut din cauza acestor psihopati fara Dumnezeu. II multumesc doar lui Dumnezeu ca sunt vie, sanatoasa, foarte puternica, ca am depasit cu bine cu totii, si ca cei vinovati, vor plati pentru crimele lor.

What do you think this picture represents? One of my blonde cousins, C. and her husband at the time when they were probably told, by MATICIUC and Constantinescu of course, that she is no longer allowed to host us at their place, and she complied, did exactly as they ordered her. I mean, the moment I really couldn't because of the gas, and I really needed to rest, to recover, I asked her to take us in to visit them, to stay with her for a few days. We slept at their place one night and, in the morning, before my husband went to work, she told me that I could not stay because they were busy; I mean, the psychopaths ordered them to send us home, just to fulfill their terrorist and very sick plans.

We also went and slept a few nights in hotels, for the same reason. I also kept the receipts, so I could have them as evidence.

Ce credeti ca reprezinta aceasta poza? Pe una din verisoarele mele blonde. C. si sotul ei la momentul la care, probabil, li s-a transmis, de catre Constantinescu si Maticiuc, desigur, ca NU mai are voie sa ne gazduiasca la ei, iar ea s-a conformat, a facut exact cum ei i-au ordonat. Adica, in momentul in care chiar nu mai puteam din cauza gazelor, si trebuia neaparat sa ma odihnesc, sa imi revin, am rugat-o sa ne primeasca la ei "in vizita", sa stau cu ea cateva zile. Noi am dormit la ei o singura noapte si, dimineata, inainte sa mearga sotul meu la serviciu, ea mi-a spus ca nu pot ramane ca ei sunt ocupati; adica, psihopatii le-au comandat sa ne trimita acasa, doar ca sa-si indeplineasca ei planurile teroriste si foarte bolnave.

De asemenea, noi am fost si am dormit cateva nopti la hoteluri, din aceeasi, cauza. Am pastrat si chitantele, pentru a le avea ca proba.


"Premature putrefaction"; this is what it says on the newspaper page, held by Radu Constantinescu in the hand

my blood

this is a coffee machine, a gift sent to my husband as coming from his friend, in fact, sent by Maticiuc and Constantinescu, through our friend from the church and my husband's colleague, who, like everyone else including my family, were and are forced to play their macabre, grotesque and inhumane game, to serve Mr. George Soros and the Rothschild family, as well as others. So, a coffee machine in the shape of a robot from STAR WARS. see the pictures above with STAR WARS

acesta este un aparat de cafea, cadou trimis sotului meu ca venind din partea prietenului lui, de fapt, trimis de catre Maticiuc si Constantinescu, prin prietenul nostru de la biserica si colegul sotului meu, devenit fortat "al lor", care, ca si toti ceilalti inclusiv familia mea, au fost si sunt fortati sa joace jocul macabru, grotesc si inuman al lor, pentru a-i servi pe domnul George Soros si familia Rothschild, precum si altii. Deci, un aparat de cafea in forma unui robot din STAR WARS. vedeti pozele de mai sus cu STAR WARS

At the same time, this friend, along with his wife, were supposed to be our godparents of religious marriage, but they were stopped, just like my cousin Claudia, along with her husband, in the summer of 2017. They, just like our cousins, knew that we were gassed in our own home, just like all the other members of the Romanian Greek Catholic Church in New York, but, they were NOT left by the psychopathic criminals Maticiuc and Constantinescu (who serve two masters, but in reality, only one, and, they want to destroy some, destroying my family and me) to tell my husband anything; moreover, we went to visit them and, before I told them anything, since I intended to ask for their help, and that we should sleep at least one night at their place, as I asked my cousin, they told us that they have some problems and that they have to do some repairs to the house, or something like that; In short, they invented pretexts so I wouldn't even try to tell them anything, even though they knew what was going on. Later, also because of what was happening, he gave or was forced to quit his good job. This is the "Romanian" community, of "good faith" in America, in fact, controlled by criminal spy mobs and "intelligence services" that are supposed to protect people, NOT experiment on normal and healthy people, for fanatical psychopaths in the Israeli mafia. Instead, I will tell you that there were indeed a few people who really wanted to help me, us, but, they were NOT left by the devils Maticiuc, Constantinescu and SRI.

One is a lady, nurse, a very nice and talkative, noisy lady, ANGELA Czavar (from where do you think? all the way from Constanta; you guessed it, the city where Constantinescu's wife was born; and her husband, HUNGARIAN, like GEORGE SOROS who is BEHIND ALL THIS, the JEWISH MAFIA, like THE ROTHSCHILD FAMILY), member of the Romanian Greek Catholic community, so we met at the church, who became attached (to order or not) to me, but who, the moment she found out, (as absolutely all the Romanians in the Romanian community at the church knew, but now everyone know from NEW YORK and, I think from all over America and the world), what happens to us, I mean, that we are gassed in our own home throughout the winter 2018-2019 (as the gas started and now, at 11.00 pm when I fill out this article), the moment I called her and asked her for help, (without telling her by phone what was happening to me), I mean I asked her to meet and discussed about doctors (because I urgently needed to go to the doctor, given the state of my health), she was the only one who jumped to my aid and wanted to take me to the hospital where she worked and agreed to meet me. Moreover, she told me just then, by telephone, that she had given up going to that church and in that community, and so narrow, by Greek Catholic Romanian parishioners; She didn't give me the real reasons, but she made me understand that she knew what it was about and that the cowardice of the people there, the gossip and the lies convinced her to give up on them, which she really did and kept her word: she didn't go to that church at all and she didn't keep the relationship with them. But later, when I called her, she didn't answer the phone, so she wasn't allowed to help me and take me to the doctors, also by the same psychopaths Romanians, Maticiuc, Constantinescu and SRI. Later, she was sent on a "mission" to our home and, I learned, from the discussions, that she was working at another hospital, a Jewish hospital. So, she was rewarded and promoted to a better position, by the Jewish spies Maticiuc and the Romanian Intelligence Service, the slave of the Jews and all, the mockery of other states and the criminals of their own citizens.

NEW YORK, August 26, 2019

What do you think these pictures from our religious marriage represent in this article? Or my picture from Cluj?

See the Romanian Orthodox church in the pictures, the one we married religiously on August 26, 2019?

There, above the church, you can see the windows, there are apartments and we were supposed to live, to move in December 2018, but again, the devils Maticiuc, Constantinescu and SRI, forced the priests there not to let us move. Even that's what they've been up to, so vile, cruel and mindless they are. I, desperate, in the middle of winter, sought to move out of this house, which has become a horror, for no reason other than the psychopathy and very serious illness of these criminals now recognized around the world, and, I went to the priest there to ask him if he knew any apartments for rent. Incidentally, another priest had just moved out of there, and the apartment where the priest's family had lived was free. A superb apartment with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, kitchen.

Why do you think I put this picture of me, taken in Cluj by my aunt Tuti, daughter of the university professor Rusu, Director of the Gynecology Clinic in Cluj, the one I wrote about in the article Noble Romanian Families? Because this picture was taken when we got back from Pneumology Hospital, the hospital where, I went to the consultation, because I had pneumonia, and she was the one who took me to a doctor, her friend.

I'm going to continue the story of these pictures, as well as other real events.

NEW YORK, AUGUST 26, 2019 Cluj Napoca, 2015

Totodata, acest prieten, Ovidiu, impreuna cu sotia lui, trebuiau sa ne fie nasii de casatorie religioasa, dar, au fost opriti, exact ca si verisoara mea Claudia, impreuna cu sotul ei, in vara lui 2017. Ei, exact ca si verisorii nostri, au stiut ca noi suntem gazati in propria locuinta, exact ca si toti ceilalti membrii ai Bisericii Greco-Catolice Romanian din New York, dar, NU au fost lasati de catre criminalii psihopati Maticiuc si Constantinescu (care servesc la doi stapani, dar, in realitate, doar unuia, si, vor sa ii distruga pe unii, distrugandu-mi familia si pe mine) sa ii spuna nimic sotului meu; mai mult, noi am fost la ei in vizita si, inainte de a le spune eu ceva, deorece intentionam sa le cer ajutorul, si ca noi sa dormim cel putin o noapte la ei, asa cum am rugat-o pe verisoara mea, ne-au spus ca ei au ceva probleme si ca trebuie sa faca ceva reparatii la casa, sau ceva de genul acesta; pe scurt, au inventat pretexte ca sa nici nu incerc sa le spun ceva, desi stiau ceea ce se intampla. Ulterior, tot din cauza a ceea ce se intampla, el si-a dat sau a fost fortat sa isi dea demisia de la job ul bun pe care il avea. Asta este comunitatea "romaneasca", de "buna credinta" din America, de fapt, controlata de mafiotii spioni criminali si de "serviciile de informatii" care ar trebui sa protejeze oamenii, NU sa faca experimente pe oameni normali si sanatosi, pentru psihopatii fanatici din mafia israeliana. In schimb, am sa va relatez faptul ca intr-adevar au fost cateva persoane care in mod real au vrut sa ma ajute, dar, NU au fost lasati de catre diavolii Maticiuc, Constantinescu si SRI.

Una este o doamna, asistenta medicala, o doamna foarte simpatica si guraliva, ANGELA CZAVAR, a carei sot este ungur, ca si GEORGE SOROS, cal care face parte din MAFIA EVREIASCA din spatele acestui “experiment”, ca si familia ROTHSCHILD, (de unde credeti? tocmai din Constanta; ati ghicit, orasul unde s-a nascut nevasta lui Constantinescu), membra a comunitatii greco-catolice romanesti, deci pe care noi am cunoscut-o la biserica, care s-a atasat (la comanda sau nu) de mine, dar, care, in momentul in care a aflat, (asa cum au stiut absolut toti romanians din comunitatea romaneasca de la biserica, dar, acum stiu toti din NEW YORK si, cred ca din intreaga America si lume), ceea ce ni se intampla, adica, ca suntem gazati in propria locuinta in toata iarna 2018-2019 (asa cum au pornit gazele si acum, la ora 11.00 pm cand eu completez acest articol), in momentul in care am sunat-o si i-am cerut ajutorul, (fara sa-i spun telefonic ceea ce mi se intampla), adica am rugat-o sa ne intalnim si am discutat despre doctori (deoarece aveam nevoie urgenta sa merg la doctor, data fiind starea sanatatii mele), a fost singura care a sarit in ajutorul meu si a vrut sa ma duca la spitalul unde ea lucra si a fost de acord sa ne intalnim.

Mai mult, mi-a spus chiar atunci, telefonic, ca a renuntat sa mai mearga la acea biserica si in acea comunitate, si asa restransa, de enoriasi greco-catolici romani; nu mi-a dat motivele reale, dar m-a facut sa inteleg ca stie despre ce e vorba si ca lasitatea oamenilor de acolo, barfele si minciunile au convins-o sa renunte la ei, ceea ce intr-adevar a facut si s-a tinut de cuvant: nu a mai fost deloc la acea biserica si NU a mai pastrat relatia cu ei. Dar, ulterior, cand am sunat-o, NU a mai raspuns la telefon, deci, nici ea NU a fost lasata sa ma ajute si sa ma duca la doctori, tot de catre aceeasi psihopati Romanians, Maticiuc, Constantinescu si SRI. Ulterior, a fost trimisa in "misiune" la noi acasa si, eu am aflat, din discutii, ca lucreaza la un alt spital, spital evreiesc. Deci, a fost recompensata si promovata si ea pe un post mai bun, de catre spionii evrei Maticiuc si Serviciul Roman de Informatii, sclavul evreilor si al tuturor, bataia de joc a altor state si criminalii propriilor lor cetateni.

Putrefactia prematura; asta scrie pe pagina ziarului, tinuta de Radu Constantinescu in mana

Ce credeti ca reprezinta aceste poze de la casatoria noastra religioasa in acest articol? Sau poza mea din Cluj?

vedeti biserica romaneasca ortodoxa din poze, cea la care ne-am casatorit religios in August 26, 2019?

Acolo, deasupra bisericii, sunt apartamente si trebuia sa locuim noi, sa ne mutam in Decembrie 2018, dar, din nou, diavolii Maticiuc, Constantinescu si SRI, au impus preotilor de acolo sa NU ne lase sa mutam. Inclusiv la asta s-au pretat, atat de josnici, cruzi si fara minte ei sunt. Eu, disperata, in plina iarna, am cautat sa ne mutam din aceasta casa, devenita a groazei, fara niciun motiv altul decat psihopatia si boala foarte grava a acestor infractori recunoscuti acum in intreaga lume, si, am fost la preotul de acolo sa il intreb daca stie ceva apartamente de inchiriat. Intamplator, tocmai se mutase alt preot de acolo, iar apartamentul in care locuise familia preotului, era liber. Un apartament superb, cu trei dormitoare, doua bai, living room, bucatarie.

De ce credeti ca am pus aceasta poza cu mine, facuta in Cluj de catre matusa mea Tuti, fiica profesorului universitar Rusu, Directorul Clinicii de ginecologie din Cluj, cea despre care am scris in articolul Familiile Nobile Romane? Deoarece aceasta poza a fost facuta cand ne-am intors de la Spitalul De Pneumologie, spital unde, eu am fost la consultatie, deoarece aveam pneumonie, iar ea a fost cea care m-a dus la o doctorita, prietena de a ei.

Am sa continui povestea acestor poze, precum si alte intamplari reale.

Actuality, this year


all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.

also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.

Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.

Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.


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