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LACES of DILEMMAS. CROCHET of LOVE or Love Crochet. Lace dilemmas by OANA S.



also "KNOWN" as "HER EMAILS"

Love crochet. Lace dilemmas. Do you know what I wish for today, my birthday? My heart would have wanted us to be together And today, and for your birthday... I decided to write to you again and even tell you the truth, even though you don't deserve it, after everything you did yesterday... you did your best to trample on my soul and my feelings and, without false modesty, I don't think I deserve that! Satisfied? I do not think! If so, it means that I would have been wrong about you, which is unlikely... I feel that you have been unhappy, deceived in waiting so many times, you have suffered too much. I know you don't trust... I felt your suffering through every pore but, at the same time, I know that you have a great soul. I know that not everyone can reach it... I know how much you struggled, how much you worked for every thing you made it well, find out that for all this I feel for you and from you (and here I mean all the good things, not the evil ones, because you have enough of these too... I did not answer you with evil, to the evil you did to me. If I had curbed the immeasurable pride I have, it would have come to ruin. There are many things I want to tell you. I woke up early this morning with this thought. Do you know I dreamed of you? For the first time really, as I dreamed with open eyes I did it several times. I will write to you today, I will complete with everything I feel I have to tell you. August 24, 2014, Cluj-Napoca This text will be published somewhere, sometime, in my first and maybe only book... If you like it, I'm waiting for your comments! If you don't like it, I'm waiting for your criticism! To you, Oana Stavila

Love crochet. Lace dilemmas.
Is difficult.
to you, and me...
I understand your disappointments, fears, doubts, uncertainties.
I have mine too, and right now, you made me step back, fold, and no, not because of the words,
 beautiful by the way, or
because I would not agree with those statements (but I will return to them), but because of the intense feelings you have already had with another woman...

I don't want and I never wanted to intervene in the life of a happy couple and I consider that I didn't do that, and I never want to have a conscience loaded with something like that. 
I don't want to build my happiness on the altar of someone else's unhappiness !!!
Me, never, and when I say that, that's it.

So, I NEVER fought for a man (and here I do not mean the idea of ​​fighting for a man, boyfriend or husband, when he becomes mine, this is another story and here there is no question of fighting until to the supreme sacrifice to defend my territory, which is perfectly normal, I believe in a couple, but even here it would be an essential condition: namely, that of having the conviction that my partner loves me and does not stay with me, for other reasons)... but, always, I was the conquered one... 

if there were doubts, ambiguities, if I felt hesitations, even if I created them voluntarily to elucidate the mystery, I gave up, I LEFT.
does not count.
Now I'm talking about a behavioral past long hidden in the corners of oblivion...

You know, I'd like to reveal some more of my thoughts to you, but I'm afraid of your reaction, precisely because I love you and I don't want you to suffer...
And then if I've been to this chapter, why don't I tell you that I'm 'afraid' of you, in the good sense of the word, but you know that, of course.
I also wondered how I would react when we see each other and, surprise... what do you think was the answer?
WITHOUT WORDS, I would just smile.

Now you have filled my heart with happiness, and I want this very, very much !!!
But if I won't be able to talk for a lifetime, but just to love you, to kiss you, to look at you and hug you, and to nestle in your arms, waiting to be caressed, to feel protected and loved?

But what if I don't get up to live up to your expectations?
 ... now I said that too, I'm sorry, but it crossed my mind (not now, that's right)...
But I don't want to ruin this special moment...
I feel so good now, so calm, all that is missing is eye contact to read everything in my eyes. 
then you will have the certainty and security you need...

But I don't want to ruin this special moment...
I feel so good now, so calm, all that is missing is eye contact to read everything in my eyes... then you will have the certainty and security you need...

I found some quotes that I will partially reproduce.
I think you will like.
"I like the verb 'to feel': to feel a smell, to feel the sound of the rain splashing on your face, to feel the pen laying the thought on a blank sheet, to feel the smell of the loved one, to feel his voice and his gaze. 'To feel' is an emotional verb that unites you with, who feels you. "

And I have another.
"The simplest modesty is to appear naked in front of others.
It is so difficult for us to be true to each other... 
We are afraid that we are misunderstood, or that we seem too easy,
within reach of those who look at us. We never expose ourselves. Because we lack the strength to be true, to accept our limits, and then to understand them, and to transform them, in this way, into strength of character. 

I like SIMPLICITY, when it is accompanied by humility. 

I like people who know how to feel the storms on their own skin, who know how to understand the scent of things, to understand their essence. "


I don't want to say big words, but I think that the moment you feel that you have found your soul mate, and you feel that from all corners of your being, you don't want to change anything about him / her (maybe just bring a plus or help him to rediscover the good things that belong to him).

I'm already starting to be less consistent. Fatigue has its say. Today I went through states of maximum intensity, plus I have been connected for so many hours...
I breathed and lived only through you, with you... it's an ineffable feeling...
and then I did something so new to myself; I wrote all day! 
I'm not a writer and I'm out of words now, but because of fatigue, don't believe anything else.

I suggest you do an imagination exercise... lie down in bed and let your thoughts fly, without telling us what we're thinking... I want to feel what you're sending me, okay?

written on
Cluj-Napoca, August 20, 2014

Extracte din viitoarea mea carte: Croset de dragoste. Dantele de dileme.

Stii ce mi-as fi dorit azi, de ziua mea? Inima mea ar fi vrut sa fim impreuna...

si azi, si de ziua ta...

M-am decis sa-ti scriu din nou si chiar sa-ti spun adevarul, desi nu meriti asta...

dupa tot ceea ce ai facut ieri, ai facut tot posibilul sa calci in picioare sufletul si sentimentele mele si, fara falsa modestie, nu cred ca merit asta!

Satisfacut? Nu cred! Daca ar fi asa, inseamna ca m-as fi inselat eu in privinta ta, ceea ce e putin probabil...

simt ca ai fost nefericit, inselat in asteptari de atatea ori, ai suferit prea mult...

stiu ca tu nu ai incredere...

ti-am simtit suferinta prin toti porii...dar, in acelasi timp, stiu ca ai un suflet mare

stiu ca nu oricine poate ajunge la el..

stiu cat te-ai zbatut, cat ai muncit pentru fiecare lucru pe care l-ai realizat

ei, afla ca pt toate acestea pe care le simt pt tine si din tine (si aici ma refer la toate lucrurile bune, nu la cele malefice, pentru ca ai si din astea destule...

nu ti-am raspuns cu rau, raului pe care mi l-ai facut.

Daca as fi dat frau orgoliului nemasurat pe care il detin, ar fi iesit prapad...

Sunt multe lucruri pe care vreau sa ti le spun...

m-am trezit azi dimineata devreme cu acest gand. Stii ca te-am visat? Pentru prima oara cu adevarat, ca de visat cu ochii deschisi am facut-o de mai multe ori...

O sa-ti mai scriu azi, o sa completez cu tot ceea ce simt ca trebuie sa-ti spun.

24 August 2014, Cluj-Napoca

Acest text va fi publicat undeva, candva, in prima si poate singura mea carte...

Daca va place, astept comentariile voastre!

Daca nu va place, astept critica voastra!

A Dvs,

Oana Stavila

Croset de dragoste. Dantele de dileme.

E greu.

si tie, si mie...

iti inteleg deziluziile, temerile, indoielile, incertitudinile.

si eu le am pe ale chiar in momentul de fata, m-ai facut sa fac pasi in spate, sa ma nu, nu din cauza cuvintelor,

frumoase de altfel, sau

din cauza ca n-as fi de acord cu afirmatiile respective (dar o sa revin la ele), ci din cauza trairilor intense pe care tu le-ai avut deja alaturi de alta femeie...

eu nu vreau si nu am vrut niciodata sa intervin in viata unui cuplu fericit si consider ca nu am facut nici nu vreau vreodata sa am constiinta incarcata cu asa ceva. Eu nu vreau sa-mi construiesc fericirea pe altarul nefericirii altcuiva!!!

Eu, niciodata, si cand zic asta, that's it.

Deci, NICIODATA nu am luptat pentru vreun barbat (si aici nu ma refer la ideea de a lupta pt barbatul, iubitul sau sotul, in momentul in care devine al meu, asta e alta poveste si aici nici nu se pune problema de a lupta pana la sacrificiul suprem pt a-mi apara teritoriul , lucru perfect normal cred intr-un cuplu, dar, si aici ar fi o conditie anume, aceea de a avea convingerea ca partenerul ma iubeste si nu sta alaturi de mine, din alte considerente), intotdeauna, eu am fost cea cucerita... daca au existat dubii, neclaritati, daca am simtit ezitari, chiar daca eu le-am creat voluntar pentru a elucida misterul, am RENUNTAT, am PARASIT.

nu conta...

Acum vorbesc de un trecut comportamental demult ascuns in cotloanele uitarii...

Stii, as vrea sa-ti mai dezvalui niste ganduri de-ale mele, dar mi-e teama de reactia ta, tocmai pentru ca te iubesc si nu vreau sa suferi ...

S-apoi daca tot am trecut la acest capitol, de ce sa nu-ti spun ca 'mi-e frica' de tine, in sensul bun al cuvantului...dar tu stii asta, bineinteles.

m-am intrebat si cum as reactiona cand ne, crezi ca a fost raspunsul?

FARA CUVINTE, doar as zambi...

Acum mi-ai umplut inima de eu imi doresc asta foarte, foarte mult !!!

Dar daca n-o sa fiu in stare sa vorbesc o viata intreaga, ci doar sa te iubesc, sa te sarut, sa te privesc si sa te sa ma cuibaresc in bratele tale, asteptand sa fiu mangaiata, sa ma simt protejata si


Dar daca, nu o sa ma ridic, la inaltimea asteptarilor tale...?

...acum am zis-o si pe asta, imi pare rau, dar mi-a trecut prin cap (nu acum, e drept)...

Dar nu vreau sa stric momentul asta special...

te simt acum atat de bine, atat de linistit...lipseste doar contactul vizual pentru a citi totul in ochii mei...atunci vei avea certitudinea si siguranta de care ai nevoie...

Am gasit niste citate pe care o sa le redau partial...cred ca o sa-ti placa...

"Imi place verbul 'a simti': a simti un miros, a simti sunetul ploii care te stropeste pe fata, a simti pixul cum asterne gandul pe o foaie goala, a simti mirosul fiintei iubite,

a ii simti vocea si privirea. ' A simti ' e un verb emotiv, care te uneste cu, cine te simte. "

Si mai am unul...

" Cea mai simpla modestie este sa aparem goi in fata celorlalti...Ne este atat de greu sa fim adevarati unii cu altii... Ne este teama ca suntem gresit intelesi, sau ca parem prea usuratici,

la indemana celor ce ne privesc. Nu ne expunem niciodata. Pentru ca ne lipseste taria de a fi adevarati, de a ne accepta limitele, pentru ca apoi sa ni le intelegem, si sa ni le transformam, in felul acesta,in tarie de caracter. Mie imi place SIMPLITATEA, atunci cand e insotita de umilinta. Imi plac oamenii care stiu sa simta furtunile pe propria piele, care stiu sa desluseasca parfumul lucrurilor, sa le inteleaga esenta."


Nu vreau sa spun vorbe mari, dar cred ca in momentul in care simti ca ti-ai gasit sufletul simti asta din toti rarunchii fiintei tale, nu iti doresti sa schimbi nimic la el/ea ( poate doar sa aduci un plus sau sa-l ajuti sa-si re/descopere lucrurile bune care ii apartin ).

Deja incep sa nu mai fiu asa coerenta. Oboseala isi spune cuvantul. Azi am trecut prin stari de intensitate maxima, plus ca sunt conectata de atatea respirat si trait doar prin tine, cu tine...e un sentiment inefabil...

si apoi am facut ceva atat de nou pentru mine; am scris toata ziua! Eu nu sunt scriitoare si am ramas acum out of words , dar din cauza oboselii, sa nu crezi altceva

Iti propun sa facem un exercitiu de ne intindem in pat si sa lasam gandurile sa zburde, fara sa ne spunem la ce ne vreau sa simt ce-mi transmiti, ok?

scrisa la

Cluj-Napoca, 20 august 2014


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