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Good morning! This is an unusual type of complaint, because I am in a unique situation in the world, unprecedented; there is also a similar case that was made public by himself, ROGER GARAUDY, author of a book called The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics, oppressed, terrorized and threatened with death, carried by lawsuits, all because he published sweeping truths about the Israeli mafia, as he calls it in the book; however, his situation is incomparably less serious than mine, because, on me, they abuse me in reality, interfering in my real life, and not only mine, but also in the life of my family, spying on me illegally and being connected through the Internet to all that means communication: mobile phones, social media pages, and, including in the house, through cameras, through and with the help of the American Government led by them, without them holding public office.

You understand, it's about the so-called Shadow Government, that DEEP STATE - corrupt, illegal and vilan- that Mr. Trump was saying publicly. It's about Mr. George Soros, the one who's funding you, the founder of the Open Society and yours. Why do I write directly to you? Because I want you to let him know this (there will be others, and not only to you, but also to those who want to destroy George Soros for the illegal acts and corruption that he has committed over the years), as well as the fact that I have reported him to the FBI and I will do it internationally, by acting in court at the Higher Courts of Justice and at all international for in the world.

I give him a choice, even though he didn't give me a choice, he has NOT asked my consent for all the abuses committed against me and my family all these years, he has NOT asked my consent to make public my story, both the unreal one, told by my abusers, the Romanians psychopaths, and the real one, (which, constrained by this situation in which I am put without my consent, I have to publish it), and to expose it to the whole world, "elites", to all those who wanted to know:

either he contacts me through you and he will come to the FBI to prove his innocence, if he considers himself innocent, which means that the law will say its word, without anyone's intervention, because the case will be revealed to the general public, not only to the very many who already know it, and, his accomplices, the initiators of this "project-experiment" of the Jews, of abusing an individual, (i.e. mine and my family), will be blamed for all that they have done, or, however I will bring him before the law, with the help of his enemies who want him in prison, where all the criminals of humanity belong, all the more so that they think they are superior, 'above any international law', to quote Garaudy, while praising ridicule, raising in glory the lie and falsehood, posing publicly in philanthropists and defenders of fundamental human rights and freedoms. If they live in lies, falsehood and in their sick imagination, unchecked by no one, it is their problem, but to do it at home, in particular, in front of the television, or with their own families, but, not to allow themselves, without any right that they believe themselves gods on earth, with the right of life and death on the population, endangering lives and healthy people, abusing them for no reason, destroying their lives, killing people for no reason, controlling them day and night and terrorizing them.

So, I want to make a complaint that includes, I think, all violations of human rights, and I want you to help me, real, if you really exist legally and real for people, even though you will get orders and you will be told a lie, that I have mental problems, do not believe such a thing, because, you are lied to, as the entire population of the globe is lied to in many respects, but, and as are lied to all those who know about my case become world notoriety at a certain level, at the command of George Soros and The Democrats. If there really are laws in America and the one who sponsors you is a man of judgment, in particular, I tell you that it is NOT, (because he is able to do such a thing), but, let's see how he presents himself in front of his employees and the world, because my case will be publicized real.

I sent emails last year to several famous publications, famous newspapers, which, proof of astonishing corruption, were NOT allowed to act.

I denounced Mr. George Soros to the FBI on December 17, 2020, along with some Romanians who have been working for him for years because he abuses me and my family in the most inhumane and unimaginable way. If you can believe it, what I repeat, it is unimaginable that it can exist in a so-called democratic society, in America, here we are already talking about dictatorship, the establishment of a dictatorship unprecedented in human history as, only in the former communist states where Mr. Soros comes from, Hungary, and, the neighboring country from which I come, Romania, where you probably heard of the dictator Ceausescu, was there.

Of course, there are others involved, and Trump is the main culprit in America, who, instead of doing justice and let justice do its job, OBSTRUCTED the entire complaint and action I've taken to the F.B.I., where, I've also sent TIPS, but I've also been filed the complaint myself, this, after seeing that all my real actions for getting out of this situation where I am, me and my family, of slavery, in the most famous city in the world, New York, (where people should be free, in all respects), and NOT just slavery, but also terrorized and, gassed in their own dwelling, as only Jews were, even by these Jews, because Mr. Soros is Jewish, if you can believe so.

It's obviously about mental illness that these people have developed over time, as a result of the traumas of their own lives or probably inherited. I urgently need help, because it's about the life of my family, my father who lives in Romania, in a nursing home where he is very well cared for, but, they also tried to kill him by poisoning with various substances, as they did with my grandmother, a fact described in the complaint to the FBI; it is about the life of my family living in Germany, my mother, my sister and her children, terrorized also by these beasts with the face of human, and, by my own life and my husband. They also threaten me with prison, even though I have never done anything,

just because I had and have the courage, to DENOUNCES THEM and to ask that my rights and freedoms be respected.

Also, in addition to the evidence I have with all the actual actions I have taken: complaint to the FBI, and telephone, several times, via the Internet, TIPS, as well as real, in person, at the New York headquarters; complaint to BND GERMANY, the German Intelligence Service, sent from Apple headquarters in the Mall in Queens, with WI FI APPLE, complaint to the U.S. Department of Justice, and online, and by phone, complaint to NYPD, Ridgewood Police, where they were NOT allowed to receive the official complaint, also at Trump's command, but I have proof that I was there, because I asked for a paper and they gave me, with their data, the New York Police and, I gave it, for identification and to remain in the police server, proof that I was there, my permanent residency document; direct complaint, telephone to the Republican Party, online complaint to the New York Lawyer, complaint to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, direct messages via WhatsApp to Romanian news televisions, to Romanian journalists, to the Judge of the Supreme Court of Justice of Romania, to lawyers, including to the famous lawyer Solomon Wisemberg who, he was the only one who had the courage to tell me, in a telephone conversation, SUBSEQUENT sending an email by me, that, he can't represent me because it's a case involving the Government of the United States, that is, corruption at that level and, that the company doesn't allow him to sue the Government, but, there are many lawyers who work on this and sue Governments and corrupt people no matter what they're called and at what level. What I'm telling you is at the highest possible level as a social level, because it's about those who rule the world, about the old and known families, about the Israeli mafia that rules the world and imposes presidents, governments, those who think they're above any human law that they don't respect, because they think they're intangible in their madness and because they're cold-blooded criminals of humanity, who kill people as a sport, as usual and, by what they have done with me all these years, thanks exclusively to the psychopathic criminals Romanians Constantinescu and Jew, because a Romanian family named Maticiuc, are Jewish spies and they run Romania from the shadows in complicity with George Soros, but in reality with other Jews with famous names, like Rothschild, who, they know my situation very well, just like everyone else involved around the world. Moreover,

I asked for political asylum in England, by email, and they responded, positively, encouragingly.

All the conversations I've written about have obviously been recorded, so


although they had to, and should, especially since it's LAW ENFORCEMENT that has to protect people's lives, and famous newspapers (The NEW YORK TIMES, POLITICO, WASHINGTON POST, NEW YORK POST, etc) that, at any event, are obliged to make journalistic investigations and, usually, they fight and pay colossal sums for the uniqueness of an event of such an AMPLITUDE, FAR-REACHING or, act immediately and send journalists and, are obliged, I believe, by LAW, to notify the police when they are notified that someone's life is in danger (although it was and is about extremely serious things regarding the lives of innocent people and children, abused by some terrorist criminals who sit in their chairs and torment and kill people as they feel like and, in particular they have fixation with the figures, numbers, seems a reminiscence or revenge on the whole world, those who are NOT of Jewish origin), EXCEPT to that email sent to the EMBASSY of ENGLAND and, by telephone, Lawyer Solomon Wisemberg, very, very clear evidence of the Israeli mafia's intervention and the involvement of the U.S. Government, in my case, I mean, as real as possible, my case is REAL, and they try to hide their facts, because, besides the fact that I can leave them without budgets, both the individual and the Government, to obtain sentences on hundreds of millions or billions of dollars, because it is 7 years of incredible abuses, crimes and murders and to bankrupt both the budget of Romania and that of America, Great Britain and ISRAEL.


Because the situation is a special one, as I told you, it cannot be described in a few words and it is not a common crime. The ones I wrote above, they use the Intelligence Services, both Romanian and American, so specialized professionals to do good to humanity, who chose that profession to serve the people and the State, who, should protect citizens and NOT allow psychopaths, mentally decompensated and fanatical criminals, to command and use them to torment citizens for years! What you've seen happen to President Trump and how he's been treated publicly and harassed, as well as election fraud, is the action of this "committee" of organized crime that's also acting on me and, everything that happens to me, has close and direct connection to American, international politics and the American presidential election. That is why I have also sought political asylum, and another reason is that the agreement between America and Romania according to the laws, in force, effect, which, through these persons, Maticiuc and Constantinescu (although they do not hold any official quality in the state apparatus, have done exactly as Mr. Soros and his accomplices do, illegally, abusing and hiding behind the Governments they profit from, which is obviously the definition of terrorism)

Of course, the limits no longer exist, for them human lives are zero compared to their political interests and games and especially profits. I'm caught in the traps, put by others, since 2014 since I lived in Romania, my native country, and, later, here in the USA. I've overcome many humiliations caused by these demons, which, they started with online bullying and gaslighting, in addition to their real actions, which, at first glance, seemed coincidental, that's because they were and are made in the way that spies work, because the main culprit, Maticiuc Ioan, father of Codin Maticiuc, one of those I denounced at the FBI, is of Jewish origin and former spy for Israel, that's from what I read in the press, an online public article that I make available to you in full and translated, if you want, article that I also filed with the FBI. But even that doesn't matter anymore, but now it's all about our lives, as well as the fact that we're gassed in our own home, right now, at the moment when I write to you and, you will understand the 'reason' invoked by them, (which goes far beyond the mysteries of psychiatry by the scale and monstrosity of individual and group madness, and I put in quotation marks the reason, because in reality there is no reason other than the madness and infringement of the law, of those who are more than ordinary criminals, which is why the world calls them devils) of my articles from my personal blog, to which I provide the links below:

the REAL NAME of the next article is: HOW TO DESTROY a ‘PIECE” or, SOCIOPATHS from ROMANIA CONSTITUED in an ORGANIZED CRIMINAL GROUP, NOT my loving husband 1


all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.

also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.

Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.

Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.


Good morning! Aceasta este un tip de plangere neobisnuita, deoarece eu sunt intr-o situatie unica in lume, fara precedent; mai exista un caz similar care a fost facut public de catre el insusi, ROGER GARAUDY, autorul unei carti numita Miturile fondatoare ale politicii israeliene, opresat, terorizat si amenintat cu moartea, purtat prin procese, totul din cauza ca a publicat adevaruri zdrobitoare despre mafia Israeliana, asa cum o numeste el in carte; totusi, situatia lui este incomparabil mai putin grava decat a mea, deoarece, pe mine, ei ma abuzeaza in realitate, intervenind in viata mea reala, si NU doar a mea, ci si in viata familiei mele, spionandu-ma ilegal si fiind legati prin internet la tot ce inseamna comunicare: telefonie mobila, pagini de social media, si, inclusiv in casa, prin camere de luat vederi, prin si cu ajutorul Guvernului American condus de ei, fara ca ei sa detina functii publice.

Ati inteles, este vorba despre asa zisul Guvern din umbra, acel DEEP STATE, corupt, ilegal si vilan, de care spunea domnul Trump public. Este vorba despre domnul George Soros, cel care va finanteaza, fondatorul Open Society si al dvs. DE ce va scriu direct dvs? Deoarece vreau sa ii aduceti la cunostinta acest demers (vor urma si altele, si NU doar la dvs, ci si la cei care vor sa il distruga pe George Soros pentru faptele ilegale si de coruptie pe care el le-a comis in decursul anilor), precum si faptul ca l-am denuntat real la FBI si o voi face si international, prin actionarea in instanta la curtile Superioare de Justitie si la toate forurile internationale din lume.

Ii dau de ales, chiar daca el nu mi-a dat de ales, NU mi-a cerut acordul pentru toate abuzurile comise asupra mea si a familiei mele in toti acesti ani, NU mi-a cerut acordul nici pentru a face publica povestea mea, atat cea nereala, spusa de abuzatorii mei, psihopatii romani, cat si cea reala, (pe care, constransa de aceasta situatie in care sunt pusa fara acordul meu, sunt nevoita sa o public), si a o expune lumii intregi, "elitelor", tuturor celor care ei au vrut sa afle: ori ma contacteaza prin dvs si va veni la FBI sa isi demonstreze nevinovatia, daca se considera nevinovat, asta insemnand ca legea, isi va spune cuvantul, fara interventiile nimanui, deoarece cazul va fi dezvaluit publicului larg, nu doar celor foarte multi deja care it cunosc, si, complicii lui, initiatorii acestui "proiect- experiment"al evreilor, de abuzare a unei persoane, (adica a mea si a familiei mele), vor fi acuzati pentru tot ceea ce ei au facut, ori, oricum il voi aduce eu in fata legii, cu ajutorul dusmanilor lui care il vor in inchisoare, acolo unde tuturor criminalilor umanitatii le e locul, cu atat mai mult ca ei se cred superiori, "deasupra oricaror legi internationale", ca sa il citez pe Garaudy, in timp ce frizeaza ridicolul, ridicand in slavi minciuna si falsitatea, pozand public in filantropi si aparatori ai drepturilor si libertatilor fundamentale ale omului. Daca ei traiesc in minciuna, falsitate si in imaginatia lor bolnava, necontrolata de nimeni, este problema lor, dar sa o faca la ei acasa, in particular, in fata televizorului, sau cu propriile lor familii, dar, sa NU isi permita, fara niciun drept sa se creada zei pe pamant, cu drept de viata si de moarte asupra populatiei, periclitand vieti si oameni sanatosi, abuzandu-i fara motiv, distrugandu-le vietile, omorand oameni fara niciun motiv, controlandu-i zi si noapte si terorizandu-i.

Deci, vreau sa fac o plangere in care sunt cuprinse, cred, toate violarile dreptului omului, si vreau sa ma ajutati, real, daca existati intr-adevar legal si real pentru oameni, desi veti primi ordine si vi se va spune vreo minciuna, cum ca eu as avea probleme de natura psihica, sa NU credeti asa ceva, deoarece, sunteti mintiti, asa cum este mintita intreaga populatie a globului in multe privinte, dar, si cum sunt mintiti toti cei care stiu despre cazul meu devenit de notorietate mondiala la un anumit nivel, la comanda lui George Soros si a Democratilor. Daca intr-adevar exista legi in America si cel care va sponsorizeaza este un om cu judecata, (in particular, va spun ca NU e, deoarece e in stare sa faca asa ceva), dar, sa vedem cum se prezinta in fata angajatilor lui si a lumii, deoarece cazul meu va fi mediatizat real. Am trimis emailuri anul trecut mai multor publicatii, ziare renumite, care, dovada a coruptiei uluitoare, NU au fost lasate sa actioneze. L-am denuntat, la FBI in data de 17 Decembrie 2020, pe domnul George Soros, impreuna cu niste romanians care lucreaza pentru el de ani de zile deoarece ma abuzeaza pe mine si familia mea, in cele mai inumane si inimaginabil mod. Daca va vine sa credeti, ceea ce repet, este inimaginabil ca poate exista intr-o societate asa zisa democratica, in America, aici vorbim deja despre dictatura, instaurarea unei dictaturi fara precedent in istoria omenirii cum, doar in statele foste comuniste de unde domnul Soros provine, Ungaria, si, tara invecinata din care eu provin, Romania, unde probabil ati auzit de dictatorul Ceausescu, mai era. Desigur, sunt si altii implicati, iar Trump este principalul vinovat din America, care, in loc sa faca dreptate si sa lase justitia sa isi faca treaba, a obstructionat intreaga sesizare si actiune facuta de mine atat la FBI, unde, am trimis si TIPS, dar am fost si depus plangerea personal, asta, dupa ce am vazut ca toate actiunile mele reale pentru iesirea din aceasta situatie in care sunt, eu si familia mea, de sclavagism, in cel mai faimos oras din lume, New York, (unde oamenii ar trebui sa fie liberi, din toate punctele de vedere), si NU doar sclagism, dar si terorizati si, gazati in propria locuinta, asa cum doar evreii au fost, chiar de catre acesti evrei, deoarece domnul Soros este evreu, daca puteti crede asa ceva. Este in mod evident vorba despre boli psihice pe care aceste persoane le-au dezvoltat in timp, ca urmare a traumelor propriilor lor vieti sau, probabil ca le au mostenite. Am nevoie urgenta de ajutor, deoarece este vorba despre viata familiei mele, a tatalui meu care locuieste in Romania, intr-un azil unde este foarte bine ingrijit, dar, ei au mai atentat si au vrut sa-l omoare prin otravire cu diverse substante, asa cum au facut-o si cu bunica mea, fapt descris in plangerea catre FBI; este vorba despre viata familiei mele care locuieste in Germania, mama, sora mea si copiii ei, terorizati, de asemenea de aceste bestii cu chip de human, si, de propria mea viata si a sotului meu. Ei ma ameninta inclusiv cu inchisoarea, desi eu NU am facut nimic niciodata, doar pentru faptul ca am avut si am curajul, sa ii DENUNT si sa cer sa imi fie respectate drepturile si libertatile. De asemenea, pe langa dovezile pe care le detin cu toate actiunile reale intreprinse de mine: plangere la FBI, si telefonica, de mai multe ori, prin internet, TIPS, cat si real, in persoana, la sediul din New York; plangere catre BND GERMANY, Serviciul de Informatii German, trimisa din sediul APPLE din Mall ul din Queens, cu WI FI APPLE, plangere catre Departamentul de Justitie USA, si on line, si telefonic, plangere la Politia din Ridgewood, unde NU au fost lasati sa primeasca plangerea oficiala, tot la comanda lui TRUMP, dar am dovada ca am fost acolo, deoarece am cerut o hartie si ei mi-au dat, cu datele lor, a politiei din New York si, le-am dat, pentru identificare si pentru a ramane in serverul Politiei, dovada ca am fost acolo, actul meu de rezidenta permanenta; plangere directa, telefonica la Partidul Republican, plangere on line catre Avocatul din New York, plangere catre Ministerul de Externe al Romaniei, mesaje directe prin WhatsApp catre televiziuni de stiri din Romania, catre jurnalisti Romani, catre Judecatoare a Curtii Supreme de Justitie din Romania, catre avocati,

inclusiv catre celebrul avocat Solomon Wisemberg care, a fost singurul care a avut curajul sa imi spuna, intr-o conversatie telefonica, SUBSEQUENT trimiterii unui email de catre mine, ca, nu ma poate reprezenta deoarece este vorba despre un caz care implica Guvernul Statelor Unite, adica, coruptia de la acel nivel si, ca, compania nu ii permite sa dea in judecata Guvernul, dar, sunt multi avocati care lucreaza in acest sens si dau in judecata Guverne si oameni corupti indiferent cum se numesc ei si la ce nivel. Ceea ce va povestesc eu, este la cel mai inalt nivel posibil ca nivel social, deoarece este vorba despre cei care conduc lumea, despre vechile si cunoscutele familii, despre mafia israeliana care conduce lumea si impune presedinti, guverne, cei care se cred mai presus de orice lege umana pe care ei nu o respecta, deoarece se cred intangibili, in nebunia lor si, deoarece sunt niste criminali cu sange rece ai umanitatii, care omoara oameni ca pe un sport, ca pe ceva uzual si, care, prin ceea ce ei au facut cu mine in toti acesti ani, datorita exclusiv psihopatilor criminali Romanians Constantinescu si Jew, deoarece o familie de Romanian pe numele de Maticiuc, sunt spioni evrei si ei conduc Romania din umbra in complicitate cu George Soros, dar, in realitate si cu alti evrei cu nume renumite, ca si Rothschild, care, ei stiu foarte bine situatia mea, exact ca toti ceilalti implicati din toata lumea.

Mai mult, am cerut azil politic Angliei, printr-un email si ei mi-au raspuns, pozitiv, incurajator. Toate convorbirile de care v-am scris, in mod evident, au fost inregistrate, deci, exista dovezi, ca ei NU mi-au raspuns oficial, desi trebuia, si should, cu atat mai mult ca e vorba de LAW ENFORCEMENT care trebuie sa protejeze viata oamenilor, si de ziare renumite care, la orice eveniment sunt obligate sa faca investigations jurnalistice si, de obicei, se lupta si platesc sume colosale pentru unicitatea unui eveniment de o asemenea AMPLITUDE, FAR-REACHING sau, actioneaza imediat si trimit jurnalisti si, sunt obligati cred, prin lege, sa anunte organele de politie cand sunt anuntati ca viata cuiva este in pericol (desi era si este vorba despre lucruri extrem de serioase in ceea ce priveste viata unor oameni si copii nevinovati, abuzati de niste teroristi criminali care stau in fotoliile lor si chinuie si omoara oameni dupa cum au chef si, in special ei au fixatie cu cifrele, numbers, pare o reminiscenta sau o razbunare pe intreaga lume, pe cei care NU sunt de origine evrei) decat la acel email trimis Ambasadei Angliei si, telefonic, domnul avocat Solomon Wisemberg, dovezi foarte, foarte clare a interventiei mafiei israeliene si a implicarii Guvernului SUA, in cazul meu, adica, cat se poate de real, cazul meu este REAL, iar ei incearca sa isi ascunda faptele, deoarece, pe langa faptul ca pot sa-i las fara bugete, atat pe persoana fizica, cat si Guvernamentale, sa obtin sentinte pe sute de milioane sau miliarde de dolari, deoarece e vorba de 7 ani de abuzuri incredibile, crimes si de murders si sa falimentez atat bugetul Romaniei, cat si cel al Americii, Marii Britanii, si al Israelului.


Deoarece situatia este una speciala, asa cum v-am spus, NU se poate descrie in cateva cuvinte si nu este vorba despre o infractiune obisnuita. Cei de care v-am scris mai sus, se folosesc de Serviciile de Informatii, atat Romanian, cat si Americane, deci de profesionisti specializati pentru a face bine umanitatii, care si-au ales acea profesie pentru a fi in slujba oamenilor si a Statului, care, ar trebui sa protejeze cetatenii si NU sa permita unor psihopati, decompensati psihic si fanatici criminali, sa ii comande si sa ii foloseasca pentru a chinui cetatenii ani de zile! Ceea ce ati vazut ca i s-a intamplat domnului Presedinte Trump si cum a fost tratat public si hartuit, precum si fraudarea alegerilor, este actiunea acestui "comitet" de crima organizata care actioneaza si asupra mea si, tot ceea ce mi se intampla mie, are stransa si directa legatura cu politica Americana, internationala si cu alegerile presedintiale din America. Tocmai de aceea am si cerut azil politic, iar un alt motiv este ca, intelegerea dintre America si Romania conform legilor, in vigoare, effect, care, prin aceste persoane, Maticiuc si Constantinescu (desi nici ei NU detin nicio calitate oficiala in aparatul statal, au procedat exact cum procedeaza domnul Soros si complicii sai, ilegal, abuzand si ascunzandu-se in spatele Guvernelor de care profita, ceea ce in mod evident este definitia terorismului)

Desigur, limitele nu mai exista demult, pentru ei vietile omenesti sunt zero fata de interesele si jocurile lor politice si, in special profiturile. I'm caught in capcanele, put by altii, inca din 2014 de cand locuiam in Romania, tara natala, si, ulterior, aici, in USA. Am trecut peste multe umilinte cauzate de acesti demoni, care, au inceput si cu bullying online si gaslighting, pe langa actiunile lor reale, care, la prima vedere, pareau coincidente, asta deoarece erau si sunt realizate in asemenea maniera in care lucreaza spionii, deoarece principalul vinovat, Maticiuc Ioan, tatal lui Codin Maticiuc, unul dintre cei pe care i-am denuntat la FBI, este de origine evreu si fost spion pentru Israel, asta din ce am citit in presa, un articol public online pe care vi-l pun la dispozitie in intregime si tradus, daca doriti, articol pe care l-am si depus la FBI. Dar, nici macar asta nu mai conteaza, ci acum conteaza exclusiv vietile noastre, precum si faptul ca suntem gazati in propria locuinta, chiar acum, in momentul in care va scriu si, veti intelege 'motivul' invocat de ei, (care depaseste cu multe tainele psihiatriei prin amploarea si monstruozitatea nebuniei individuale si de grup, si pun in ghilimele motiv, deoarece in realitate NU exista niciun motiv altul decat nebunia si infringement of the law, a celor care sunt mai mult decat criminali obisnuiti, tocmai de aceea, lumea ii numeste diavoli) din articolele mele carora va pun la dispozitie linkurile de mai jos (de fapt le vedeti mai sus, la sectiunea in limba engleza)


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