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MY FATHER, young, working, strong, loving, handsome and taking care of me

The pictures of this article are black and white, because only these I have with me and, for safety reasons, given the notoriety of the situation in which we were put, without our will and consent. So, no more interpretations.

My father, young, working, strong, loving, handsome and taking care of me.

Read this ARTICLE; very important and with maximum revelation in terms of what happened to my father during Ceausescu's time.

I'll quote the most important passage:

"1950-1995 Everywhere in Western countries appears and develops a critical current of thought and opinion on the last world war. It is, almost without exception, about progressive historians, "left-wing" people, most of whom are former communists or socialists. Naturally, as soon as they are recognized as representatives of "historical revisionism", they will be excluded from the parties of origin, will bear various police, administrative-judicial, fiscal, professional pressures.

They were all terrorized, each in the country and at the time, in much the same way that the Ceausescu Security had been terrorizing the Ceausescu Security over the last ten or fifteen years.

Of course, there are few who have been labeled or declared "crazy", as in Ceausescu's time.

Anyone who thinks they've exaggerated the count of the victims of Hitlerism

is considered anti-Semitic.

So is the existence of gas chambers, who demand material evidence and technical expertise in this regard, who do not enjoy theatrical statements and testimonies, one more fantastic and aberrant than the other. "

this is my father's job, with post-high school studies of 3 years college (for professional engineer are made 5 years): TECHNICAL EXPERT, ENGINEER, specializing in BUILDING MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY, plus, Stefan Gheorghiu Party Academy, an academy to which, had no access only to communist party cadres (that was the only party in Romania then) and not any party member. I don't know much about it, but I read recently, also through your willingness to post things unknown to us, young people, other generations.

I took the picture of the translation right from the dictionary, so there was no doubt about the translation.

He had the position of HEAD of OFFICE at the SUPPLY SERVICE.

And, both according to my mother, (and from other people), I understood that some wanted to put him in the position of DEPUTY DIRECTOR of the factory where he worked.

"They were all terrorized, each in the country and at the time, in much the same way that the Ceausescu Security had been terrorizing the Ceausescu Security over the last ten or fifteen years.

Of course, there are few who have been labeled or declared "crazy", as in Ceausescu's time."

"Do you remember Adrian Fulea? A little, probably. He was a young man of a brilliant perspective and mind. So good, he was sent to Canada to specialize to become one of our future nuclear technology experts. But you weren't interested in that. You wanted to recruit him to give you some trite information, of daily occurrence about his Canadian teachers. The man turned you down because he wasn't interested in your foolishness, nonsense and that's why you canceled his visa. He didn't come back right away because he wanted to finish his studies. But he didn't run away or stay there. In his stupidity, he believed that he would make a career in Romania and that he would help his country. You guys had other plans. You didn't let him pursue his career and you sent him to be an assistant professor and carry the briefcase to a man who knew ten times less than him. He got mad and wrote a letter of protest. You reprimanded him in a workman's meeting. He began to shout that it's NOT normal and that they're all impostors, led by "comrade", who completely misspelled a formula in some scientific study written by someone else.

You kicked him out. You pressured his wife to get a divorce, took his child and turned him into an unemployed man.

When he started writing to Ceausescu and threatened to come out in front of the official column, you admitted him to psychiatry. Neuroleptics and electric shocks until his "claiming delirium" heals. You had a diagnosis for that. The only country in the world where there's this disease. (in quotes disease, you understand, of course)

Then you jump him from home and admit him every August 23rd, every visit of a head of state, every public event. Other neuroleptics, other electric shocks. When I met him in 2000, only if you read his file and saw the official papers in it, you might have thought that the man standing in front of you had once been a doctor of nuclear physics.

Patriotism in the highest form. What does Aurel Rogojan say in the newspaper Event of the Day? "Devoted to national causes."


all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.

also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.

Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.

Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.

Pozele acestui articol sunt alb negru, deoarece, doar acestea le am la mine si, din motive de siguranta, data fiind notorietatea situatiei in care am fost pusi, fara voia si acceptul nostru. Asa ca, fara alte interpretari.

Tatal meu, tanar, frumos, lucrand, puternic, iubitor si avand grija de mine.

cititi acest articol:

foarte important si cu revelanta maxima in ceea ce priveste ceea ce s-a intamplat cu tatal meu in perioada lui Ceausescu.

Voi cita cel mai important pasaj: "1950-1995 Pretutindeni in tarile occidentale apare si se dezvolta un curent critic de gandire si opinie cu privire la ultimul razboi mondial. Este vorba, aproape fara exceptie despre istorici progresisti, oameni “de stanga”, cei mai multi dintre ei fiind fosti comunisti sau socialisti. Natural, de indata ce vor fi recunoscuti ca reprezentanti ai “revizionismului istoric”, vor fi exclusi din partidele de origine, vor suporta diverse presiuni politienesti, administrativ-judecatoresti, fiscale, profesionale.

Toti au fost terorizati, fiecare in tara si la momentul respectiv, cam in acelasi fel in care teroriza Securitatea ceausista in ultimii ei zece sau cincisprezece ani.

Bineinteles, nu putini sunt aceia care au fost etichetati sau declarati “nebuni”, ca pe vremea lui Ceausescu.

Oricine crede ca s-a exagerat cu numaratoarea victimelor hitlerismului este considerat antisemit.

Tot asa cu cei care se indoiesc de existenta camerelor de gazare, care cer probe materiale si o expertiza tehnica in acest sens, care nu se multunesc cu declaratii si marturii teatrale, una mai fantastica si mai aberanta decat alta."

"Pe Adrian Fulea ti-l aduci aminte? Putin, probabil. Era un tanar de o perspectiva si o minte sclipitoare. Atat de bun, incat a fost trimis in Canada la specializare pentru a deveni unul dintre viitorii nostri experti in zona tehnologiilor nucleare. Dar pe voi weren't interested in that. Ati vrut sa-l recrutati ca sa va dea niste informatii banale, of daily occurrence despre profesorii lui canadieni. Omul v-a refuzat pentru ca NU il interesau prostiile foolishness voastre si din cauza asta i-ati anulat viza. NU s-a intors imediat pentru ca dorea sa-si termine studiile. Dar nici nu a fugit si nici nu a ramas acolo. In prostia lui, credea ca va face cariera in Romania si ca isi va ajuta tara. Voi aveati alte planuri. Nu l-ati lasat sa-si urmeze cariera si l-ati trimis sa fie asistent universitar si sa care servieta unuia care stia de zece ori mai putin ca el.

S-a enervat si a scris o scrisoare de protest. L-ati mustrat intr-o sedinta a oamenilor muncii. A inceput sa vocifereze ca NU e normal si ca toti sunt niste impostori, in frunte cu "tovarasa", care a gresit complet o formula in nu stiu ce studiu stiintific scris de altcineva. L-ati dat afara. Ati presat-o pe nevasta-sa sa divorteze, i-ati luat copilul si l-ati transformat in somer.

Cand a inceput sa-i scrie lui Ceausescu si a amenintat ca iese in fata coloanei oficiale, l-ati internat la psihiatrie. Neuroleptice si socuri electrice pana cand i se vindeca "delirul revendicativ". Aveati si un diagnostic pentru asa ceva. Singura tara din lume unde exista 'boala' asta. (in ghilimele boala, ati inteles, desigur)

Apoi il saltati de acasa si-l internati de fiecare 23 August, la fiecare vizita a vreunui sef de stat, la fiecare manifestare publica. Alte neuroleptice, alte socuri electrice. Cand l-am cunoscut eu, in 2000, doar daca ii citeai dosarul si vedeai actele oficiale din el, ai fi putut crede ca omul care statea in fata ta fusese candva doctor in fizica nucleara.

Patriotismul in cea mai inalta forma. Cum zice Aurel Rogojan in ziarul Evenimentul Zilei? "Devotat cauzelor nationale."

Aceasta este meseria tatalui meu, cu studii post liceale de 3 ani colegiu (pentru inginer professional se fac 5 ani): TEHNICAL EXPERT, ENGINEER, cu specializarea in tehnologia materialelor de constructii, plus, Academia de partid Stefan Gheorghiu, o academie la care, NU aveau acces decat cadrele de partid comunist (ca acela era singurul partid din Romania atunci) si nu orice membru de partid. Nu cunosc prea multe despre asta, dar am citit recent, tot prin bunavointa voastra de a posta lucruri nestiute de noi astia tineri, alte generatii. Am facut poza traducerii chiar din dictionar, pentru a nu exista dubii in privinta traducerii.

written: January 11, 2021, UPDATED: February 6, 2021


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