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My first husband: the SON of a Romanian Security OFFICER, Colonel VUSCAN, PACEPA's 'MAN'.

My first husband: son of a Romanian Security officer, colonel, Pacepa's "MAN", killed by militiamen like Ioan Maticiuc the old man, after Pacepa's escape from Romania.

Yes, that Pacepa, the famous Pacepa you've all heard of!

From my future book:


Inferno. Enigma.

This is a very short chapter. And it's good to be so, because it's a sad story about "so NO". Because the good growth of a young lady in a spirit of the past century, manners, common sense, education, youth, innocence, intelligence, purity and last but not least beauty, can attract many predators, of the most diverse species. No, I'm not going to try to profile each one, I won't even bother to find them phantasmagoric names that "look good"...

Don't even expect me to say the famous sentence: "All men are pigs." No, because it's not like that. And only those women who have never met and don't know what a real man means can make that statement. Ok, I started it, okay. I've already disappointed everyone, both women and men.

Amor, amor... that's the song I listen to, hum and I want to dance while I write this text. Excuse me, I really need to dance a little. The rhythm calls me and sweetens my thoughts... that's what I'm happy about, because as I said, it's hard to play, to believe, to imagine...

For a few days or weeks it's been written in my mind, at the most inappropriate times, but, the story doesn't want to be on paper... I will force my thoughts and order the words to fulfill their purpose, because I am convinced that they will use all a lot of young girls and their parents, because yes, they address the ladies with predilection. Especially those who are faced with an important choice in life: MARRIAGE.

FIRST MARRIAGE. For some lucky ones, and last. Rarely, extremely rare these days.

But today again I'm going to disappointed you because I'm not going to talk about love. And, isn't it? Only those founded on the basis of true love can survive happily ever after, although love does not come to be a certainty for this.

I'll talk about the one made of... mistake, although this word is not the right one in this case either. Maybe by the end of the chapter I'll find a suitable word, or I'll invent one if it doesn't exist.

A she already described above (a miss, lady with good education), to which we add the inherent naivety of the age of 23 and a he older by about 10 years, the obsessed and eager for the love of the young girl. They happen to know each other at a party. He falls in love with her on the spot and seeks to get her attention at all costs. She doesn't even like him, but she's polite and agrees to talk to him and drive her home by car. Serious mistake. She can't even imagine what this man is capable of to marry her. She, a young woman who did not lack suitors but did not think about marriage, although flattered by such a situation (even if she did not like him), she categorically refused him.

He deftly, the perfect psychopath, insisted that she give him another date.

She, out of pity for refusing him and seeing how disappointed he was, had accepted. She told herself that there was nothing he could do to her on the date, that she would spend a few minutes talking to him, and then everyone would continue their life.

But it wasn't meant to be, at least for the few months that their marriage lasted, which is how long they lived together... She was tricked and fell into his net.

And no, don't imagine that there were scenes of sexual harassment, there weren't even touching, but he just stole his ID fooling her into showing it to him, under some pretext, and he was letting her know that he was filing the marriage papers. She panics, but still does not lose her temper and, in the hope of recovering her ID card and changing his opinion about the marriage with which she was NOT in agreement under any circumstances, accepts a second meeting and says nothing at home about what happened to her.

Instead, find out with amazement that...

What do you think this text written by me and published on Facebook in October 2017 means? My real life story, the story of the first marriage after which the psychopath Codin Maticiuc built his script with the other psychopaths, lying to everyone that he wants to marry me, creating the disgusting public story so-called "love", when in reality it was a story of terror and that by terror to make me seem crazy, using noble feelings that he is NOT able , (because monsters can NOT love, and they do not know what this feeling means), in which it brought me to the attention of Hollywood and the whole world, in which I had to lie that I love him, when in reality I was nauseous only when I saw him on Instagram, and of him and the whole unfolding of scenario in which both Romanians and Americans were used for the monstrous pleasure of psychopaths and to torment me.

What does this real life story of mine mean?

Exactly my real life, the principle on which they built their script (I will develop the subject during the day) and, script, on which the film 365 was built.

Identical: FORCING A WOMAN (by kidnapping and keeping her in the house by dispossessing her PERSONAL DOCUMENTS, i.e. me) to marry and fall in love with a man.

I'll come back with additions

Primul meu sot: fiul unui ofiter din Securitatea Romanians, colonelul VUSCAN, "omul" lui Pacepa, omorat de catre militienii cei ca Maticiuc batranul, dupa fuga lui Pacepa din Romania.

Da, ACEL PACEPA, FAIMOSUL PACEPA de care ati auzit cu totii!


Infernul. Enigma

Acesta este un capitol foarte scurt. Si e bine sa fie asa, deoarece este o poveste trista despre "ASA NU". Deoarece BUNA CRESTERE a unei domnisoare intr-un spirit de secol trecut, manierele, bunul simt, educatia, tineretea, inocenta, inteligenta, puritatea si nu in ultimul rand frumusetea, pot atrage foarte multi pradatori, dintre cele mai diverse specii.

Nu, nu voi incerca sa le fac un profil fiecaruia in parte, nici macar nu ma voi obosi sa le gasesc denumiri fantasmagorice care "sa dea bine"...

Nici nu va asteptati sa va zic celebra propozitie:"Toti barbatii sunt porci." Nu, pentru ca NU e asa. Si doar acele femei care nu au intalnit vreodata si nu stiu ce inseamna un BARBAT ADEVARAT, pot sa faca afirmatia asta.

Ok. Am inceput bine. Deja am dezamagit pe toata lumea, deopotriva femeile si barbatii.

Amor, amor...asta e melodia pe care o ascult, fredonez si mai ca-mi vine sa dansez in timp ce scriu acest text.

Ma scuzati, chiar trebuie sa dansez putin. Ritmul ma cheama si imi mai indulceste gandurile... asta ma bucura, deoarece asa cum va ziceam, este greu de redat, de crezut, de imaginat...

De cateva zile sau saptamani se tot scrie in minte, in cele mai nepotrivite momente, dar nu vrea sa se astearna pe hartie...

O sa fortez gandurile si o sa ordon cuvintelor sa-si indeplineasca rostul lor, deoarece, sunt convinsa ca o sa foloseasca multor tinere fete si parintilor lor, deoarece da, se adreseaza cu predilectie domnisoarelor. In special celor care sunt in fata unei alegeri importante in viata: casatoria. Prima casatorie.

Pentru unele norocoase si ultima. Rar, extrem de rar in zilele noastre. Dar azi iarasi o sa va dezamagesc deoarece nu voi vorbi despre dragoste. Si, nu-i asa? Doar cele intemeiate in baza unei iubiri adevarate pot rezista pana la adanci batraneti, desi nici dragostea nu ajunge sa fie o certitudine pentru acest lucru.

Voi vorbi despre cea facuta din ... greseala, desi nici acest cuvant nu este potrivit in acest caz. Poate pana la sfarsitul capitolului ii voi gasi unul potrivit, sau ii voi inventa unul daca nu exista.

O ea descrisa deja mai sus (domnisoara cu buna crestere), la care-i adaugam si naivitatea inerenta varstei de 23 de ani si un el mai mare cu vreo 10 ani, obsedatul si dornicul de iubirea tinerei fete. Se cunosc intamplator la o petrecere. El se indragosteste pe loc si cauta sa-oi intre in gratii cu orice pret. Ea nici macar NU il place, dar este politicoasa si accepta sa converseze cu el si sa o conduca acasa cu masina. Grava greseala. Nici macar nu-si poate imagina de ce este in stare barbatul pentru a se casatori cu ea. O cere de nevasta chiar atunci, in prima seara in care s-au cunoscut. Ea, o tanara care NU ducea lipsa de pretendenti, dar nici nu se gandea chiar la o casatorie, desi flatata de o asa situatie (chiar daca nu-l placea), il REFUZA CATEGORIC.

El, abil PSIHOPATUL perfect, insista sa-i mai acorde o intalnire.

Ea, din mila pentru ca-l refuzase si vazuse cat era de dezamagit, acceptase. Isi spuse ca nu are ce sa se intample rau, ca va sta cateva minute de vorba cu el, iar apoi fiecare isi va continua firul vietii.

Dar n-a fost sa fie asa, cel putin pentru trei luni cat a "durat" casnicia lor, adica cat au locuit impreuna... Ea a fost pacalita si a cazut in plasa lui.

Si NU, nu va imaginati ca ar fi existat scene de hartuire sexuala, nu au existat nici macar atingeri, ci pur si simplu el ii fura buletinul de identitate, prostind-o sa i-l arate cu un anumit pretext si o anunta ca depune actele pentru CASATORIE.

Ea se panicheaza, dar totusi NU isi pierde cumpatul si, in speranta recuperarii actului de identitate si schimbarii opiniei acestuia, accepta o a doua intalnire si NU spune nimic acasa despre ceea ce i s-a intamplat.

Primul meu sot: fiul unui ofiter din Securitatea Romanians, colonelul VUSCAN, "omul" lui Pacepa, omorat de catre militienii cei ca Maticiuc batranul, dupa fuga lui Pacepa din Romania.

Da, ACEL PACEPA, FAIMOSUL PACEPA de care ati auzit cu totii!

Ce credeti ca inseamna acest text scris de mine si publicat pe Facebook in Octombrie 2017? Povestea mea reala de viata, povestea primei casatorii dupa care psihopatul Codin Maticiuc si-a construit scenariul impreuna cu ceilalalti psihopati, mintindu-i pe toti ca el vrea sa se casatoreasca cu mine, creand dezgustatoarea poveste publica asa zisa "de iubire", cand in realitate era o poveste de teroare si ca prin teroare sa ma faca sa par o nebuna, folosindu-se de sentimente nobile de care NU e in stare, (deoarece monstrii NU pot iubi, si ei NU stiu ceea ce inseamna acest sentiment), in care m-a adus pe mine in atentia Hollywoodului si a lumii intregi, in care am fost nevoita sa mint ca il iubesc, cand, in realitate, mi-era greata doar cand il vedeam pe Instagram, si de el si de intreaga desfasurare de scenariu in care atat Romanians cat si Americanii erau folositi pentru placerea monstruoasa a unor psihopati si pentru a ma chinui pe mine. Ce inseamna aceasta poveste reala de viata a mea?

Exact viata mea reala, principiul pe care ei si-au construit scenariul (am sa dezvolt subiectul in cursul zilei) si, scenariu, pe care s-a construit filmul 365.

Identic: fortarea (prin rapire si a o tine in casa prin deposedarea de actele ei personale) femeii (adica eu), de a se casatori si de a se indragosti de un barbat.

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