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"my girl friend", in fact, their friend

aceasta este "prietena" mea, de fapt, a lor, din Austria.

written on December 22, 2020, updated in February 6, 2021

My " girl friend" who, in fact was his friend.

in the pictures, he, along with my friend from Vienna, writing for me the text and autograph that you see in the other picture, on the book I asked her to buy, UNCENSORED, knowing that what it says there is about me. Not all of it, he mixed other, older texts of his with the new texts he imagined, inspired by me. Read this article:

that Hungarian-Jewish-Gypsy "friend", B, aka Sukar Suno, wrote what was ordered by CM and RF Constantinescu (in photo with my "friend"), i.e. they are anti-Semitic, liars, and, logically, (and I think you stand well with logic and you should give me justice in everything I wrote here, even if you do not agree or you have interests or financial promises from CM who, is able to sell the whole of Romania to get rid of prison) , namely, tried and succeeded, (all through a crass manipulation and people very mentally ill), to write some lies and reverse the truth (i.e. that gaslight) to hurt my husband, by those willful intentional words about what my husband would have said about the Jews. Why do they say he did it? Because these psychopaths tried in 2016 to kill him, as you know and I presented you with documents, posts of the director, CM's friend who, I quote: "don't make movies to make money, make money to make more movies.", post made on August 24, 2016 (the date of my birth, so, very clearly, through their connection to the Internet and the espionage practiced in the USA on me and God knows only what they did , with the false pretext that they presented!, i.e. me, post made from Spain, Barcelona, aka, the country preferred by the RFC, so he played the role of RFC, from the table of cards, with cards in hand, and with a trophy near, on his right side), but they did not succeed, because he was saved by me and the doctors at the Jewish hospital (so their lie was NOT taken into account , and not plausible, for any normal person in the head and with logic!) And now, also LOGIC i ask you: if she's Hungarian, Jewish, Gypsy, and, I thought she was my friend, and I was in her house, and she was in my house, I even borrowed her with money when she asked me, even though I didn't have any money, but I gave her the only money I had (and that's another real story and , the director still writes about this money; so, again, she was made by them to ask me for money, then to write what she and he wrote, that is exactly the reality turned upside down, as they have done with all my life in these years), how could I offend my friend, saying something ugly (as she wrote that my husband would have said) about the nation of which she belongs? Logically, is this how you "treat" your friends, telling them that other people say about them that, quote, "bad smell"? Let's be serious; even children can't believe such inventions, but people with logic? and, let's assume by absurdity that I would have said such a thing. Logically, anyone who would have felt offended (as her entire gaslight message made by CM and his friends sounds like) would have reacted naturally and normally, face to face, when I supposedly told her something like that, no way after years, when I was on another continent and she had the task of writing that message manufactured by psychopaths for their purposes, one of them being to kill my husband! 

So who is racist or does not help gypsies (Roma people)? the lies of PSYCHOPATHS DO NOT KNOW LIMITS!

My husband and I, in Pata Rât in Cluj, where we took, donated to the community there, personal things, duvets, pillows, blanket, bed linings, pots, computers, clothes, those there, during a very difficult period of our lives, after we no longer had business in Romania, also by "amiability" (courtesy, in quotation marks, of course) human scum that you already know.

The long text written by the one with whom we went to help these Roma communities, I will translate it another day.

You see us in these pictures, too. I've also done filming and talking to them in their homes.

Deci, CINE este rasist sau nu ajuta ȚIGANII (Romii)? MINCIUNILE PSIHOPAȚILOR NU CUNOSC LIMITE! Eu și soțul meu, in Pata Rât din Cluj, unde am dus lucruri personale, plapume, perne, paturi, garnituri de pat, vase, computere, haine, celor de acolo, intr-o perioada FOARTE GREA a vieții noastre, după ce NU mai aveam business in România, tot prin “amabilitatea” scursurilor umane pe care le cunoasteti deja.

Textul lung scris de cel cu care noi am fost sa ajutam aceste comunitati de romi, il voi traduce in alta zi. Ne vedeti si in aceste poze. Am facut si filmari si am vorbit cu ei, in casele lor.


all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.

also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.

Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.

Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.

Asa zisa "prietena", se da de gol singura si scrie, citez:"sa fii constienta, din cauza psihopatului s-a creat prietenia noastra"

acea "friend" unguroaico-evreica-tiganca, B, aka Sukar Suno, a scris ceea ce i s-a comandat de catre CM si Constantinescu, adica ei sunt antisemitici, mincinosi, si, logic, (si cred ca stati bine cu logica si ar trebui sa imi dati dreptate in tot ceea ce am scris aici, chiar daca nu va convina sau aveti interese sau promisiuni financiare din partea lui CM care, e in stare sa vanda intreaga Romanie pentru a scapa de inchisoare), si anume, a incercat si a si reusit, (totul printr-o crasa manipulare si oameni foarte mentally ill), sa scrie niste minciuni si sa inverseze adevarul (adica acel gaslight) sa ii faca rau sotului meu, prin acele voit intentionate cuvinte despre ceea ce ar fi spus sotul meu despre evrei. De ce spun ca a reusit? Pentru ca acesti psihopati au incercat in 2016, sa il omoare, precum stiti si v-am prezentat documente, postari ale regizorului, prietenul lui CM care, il citez:" nu face filme ca sa faca bani, face bani ca sa faca mai multe filme.", postare facuta la data de August 24, 2016 (data nasterii mele, deci, foarte clar, prin conectia lor la internet si spionajul practicat in USA asupra mea si a Dumnezeu stie doar ceea ce ei au facut, cu pretextul fals pe care ei l-au prezentat!, adica eu, postare facuta din Spain, barcelona, aka, tara preferata de RFC, deci el jucand rolul lui RFC, de la masa de joc de carti, cu carti in mana, si cu un trofeu langa, in partea lui dreapta), dar NU au reusit, deoarece a fost salvat de mine si de doctorii de la spitalul evreiesc (asa ca minciuna lor NU a fost luata in seama, si nici plauzibila, pentru orice persoana normala la cap si cu logica!) Si acum, tot LOGIC va intreb: daca ea este unguroaica, evreica, tiganca, si, eu o consideram prietena mea, si am fost si in casa ei, si ea la mine in casa, chiar am imprumutat-o si cu bani cand mi-a cerut, desi eu NU aveam bani, dar i-am dat singurii bani pe care ii aveam (si asta e o alta poveste reala si, tot regizorul scrie despre acesti bani; deci, din nou, ea a fost pusa de ei sa imi ceara bani, pentru ca apoi sa scrie ce ea si el a scris, adica exact realitatea intoarsa pe dos, cum ei au facut cu toata viata mea in acesti ani), cum as putea eu sa imi jignesc my friend, spunand ceva urat (asa cum ea a scris ca ar fi spus sotul meu) despre natia din care face parte? Logic, asa va "tratati" prietenii, spunandu-le ca alte persoane spun despre ei ca, citez, "miros urat"? Sa fim seriosi; nici copiii nu pot crede asemenea inventii, dar oamenii cu logica? si, sa presupunem prin absurd ca as fi spus asa ceva. Logic, orice persoana care s-ar fi simtit ofensata (asa cum suna intregul ei mesaj gaslight made by CM and his friends), ar fi reactionat firesc si normal, fata in fata, atunci cand se presupune ca i-as fi spus asa ceva, in niciun caz dupa ani, cand eu eram pe alt continent si ea a avut sarcina de a scrie acel mesaj fabricat de psihopati pentru scopurile lor, unul dintre ele fiind acela de a-l omora pe sotul meu!

NOTA: toate pozele imi apartin si sunt facute de mine; screenshots care privesc viata mea si acest nedorit eveniment care s-a desfasurat si se desfasoara fara acordul meu, si au legatura directa cu ceea ce s-a intamplat, sunt facute de mine si, sunt mai mult decat indreptatita sa le folosesc, deoarece eu NU am fost nici intrebata, nici nu mi s-a cerut acordul pentru ca o lume intreaga sa intre cu bocancii in viata mea privata.

de asemenea, toate textele de pe acest blog sunt scrise de mine, acolo unde am citat, am indicat sursa, autorul si chiar am pus link unde e cazul si am gasit asa ceva. Nu autorizez pe nimeni, nici sa publice aceste texte, decat distribuirea integrala a articolului de aici, de pe blogul meu, pe paginile de socializare, sau, cu acordul meu explicit; nici sa se inspire, nici sa faca filme sau sa scrie carti despre viata mea. Cine face asta, fara acordul meu, va fi actionat in instanta, conform drepturilor legale.

Cine doreste sa publice o carte sau sa faca un film despre viata mea, este rugat sa ma contacteze la adresa de email: , aici, sau pe paginile de socializare care, toate sunt cu numele meu real.


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