THIS IS THE PICTURE. August 2015, New York
August 2015, New York. After WE made LOVE.
Proof dated August 27, 2015, RFC's birthday, (that is, just a few days after my arrival in New York) that, I quote their director-accomplice: "a friend, poker player, called me. says to me: you bragged last night that you passed (that you are) on day three, and look that on the news in poker news YOU do NOT appear among the Romanians left in the game.
I was wrong, my friend, when in January 2014, when I first participated, I gave my French passport. So, that's it. I'm switched to France. But I'll fix it quickly."
So, because of this photo of my husband, after we made love, this director and the whole of Romania, he knew what the truth was, the truth written in many other posts of yours, which you find both on Facebook and in this article. This is once again, clear proof that their story that they tried to inoculating in people's minds is not only implausible, but also wanted to hide the whole reality of their real reason for being here and, which I have revealed, of course, with the information from you, that is, your public posts (which is why I thank you) , as well as their posts (of those who plotted this criminal psychopathy). And, moreover, this is proof of the moment he started spying on me on Facebook: January 2014. I didn't know he was spying on me ever since, but, I now understood everything that happened all that year, starting with the organization, by to me, of the events in the commercial center where we had the shops: events on the occasion of Valentine's Day, February 14th and, on the occasion of March 8th, on Women's Day. This event was organized over a period of 3 days: 6, 7 and 8 March 2014.
And, what I understand now, from that number 3, is that, in fact, at the time, they had allocated to me the number 3, me being the highest, according to my parents, number 1 and number 2. Later, they gave me the number 6, the number of the devil, because this number is allocated to one that they really consider the devil (although those who initiated such a thing are the devil in person) and, who uses me (mainly) and my family, believing that he earns something. At the moment he won only because he used me, even though I didn't allow him anything. They're a group of psychopaths fighting for power. They'll lose everything. Without me, they'll have nothing, ever. He won't win anything, on the contrary, the moment he makes one more mistake, he loses everything: power, and, depending on what he does, that will be "rewarded".
I know, it's the field of psychiatry, the passage written above, the one in green, but, these people really interpret it that way. It was hard to understand how it works, but most of you who read me, you know what I'm saying is true. Moreover, last year, also because of them and, in order to save my family from death, I agreed to go to the psychologist, solely because of this: to PROTECT THEM and to SAVE THEIR LIVES.
I also have evidence that even my family was made to send me to a psychologist; I understood it was for their own good and I complied, just out of LOVE for them. Moreover, when I contacted the Police in Germany, also to protect them (following posts by CM, Mr. GS's son, AS, as well as the scenario made by the owner of the house where we live -on their command-, IN the house where we live, all in conjunction to create a huge fear for me that THEY will do something bad to my sister or niece, when, in fact, they wanted to destroy family relationships, and ruin my niece's graduation celebration, which, I didn't know was taking place that day, but they, they knew, that's why they chose that day. You'll see the pictures in one of the articles.
And that's what their idea was, so I wouldn't be believed, just used by them, and people would think I am crazy, not to give credence to the TRUTH, and so that they wouldn't be punished according to the law. They never imagined that I would understand so much, given the real situation, in which no one speaks directly to me, except in codes and images, and in no way did they imagine that I would personally go to the FBI to file a complaint against them, which is why the Romanian security (militia), at the command of M and GS, framed me a so-called file to hurt me, after six years they used me and my life and, in addition, my family.
Even so, I was NOT left alone, because they did NOT agree that the psychologist told them the TRUTH and she KNEW that I have absolutely NO problem with it. On the contrary, she appreciated me sincerely and appreciated all my attitude and thinking. Thank you so much! She knows who!
Read all the articles above and you will understand. Some of them I'm still working on, so I haven't posted them on social media, but, even so, I invite you to read them. I will fill them out, even today and these days, and publish them.
Here you will find very important NEWS:
and also here:
READ THIS, please:
also this one:
This one, my reality, their SCENARIO, made by the CLOWNS CM and RFC:
I have another one:
and this one too, is very important:
Thank you for reading me and being close to me and my family!
Dovada clara din data de 27 August 2015, ziua de nastere a lui RFC, (adica la doar cateva zile dupa sosirea mea la New York) ca, RFC NU era deloc in favorurile mele, adica NU era deloc dorit in viata mea, din contra, era invitat sa plece definitiv (asa cum a fost intotdeauna si cat timp noi am locuit in Romania) din viata mea si a sotului meu, si, il citez pe regizorul-complice al lor: "m-a sunat un prieten, pokerist si el. imi zice: te laudai aseara ca ai trecut (ca esti) in ziua trei si uite ca pe stirile din pokernews tu NU apari printre romanii ramasi in joc. Am gresit prietene, atunci cand in Ianuarie 2014, la prima mea participare la un ept, am dat pasaportul meu frantuzesc. Deci, asta e. Sunt trecut la Franta. Dar voi repara asta repede."
Deci, datorita acestei fotografii cu sotul meu, dupa ce am facut dragoste, acest regizor si intreaga Romanie, stia care este adevarul, adevar scris in multe alte postari de ale voastre, pe care le regasiti atat pe Facebook, cat si in acest articol. Aceasta este inca o data, dovada clara a faptului ca, povestea lor pe care au incercat sa o innoculeze in mintile oamenilor, este nu doar neverosimila, ci si s-a vrut a ascunde intreaga realitate a motivului lor real pentru care ei sunt aici si, pe care eu l-am deconspirat, desigur, cu informatiile de la voi, adica, postarile voastre publice (fapt pentru care va multumesc), precum si postarile lor (ale celor care au pus la cale aceasta psihopatie criminala).
Si, mai mult, aceasta reprezinta dovada momentului in care a inceput sa ma spioneze pe facebook: ianuarie 2014. Nu am stiut ca de atunci ma spioneaza, dar, am inteles acum tot ceea ce s-a petrecut in tot acel an, incepand with organizarea, by catre mine, a evenimentelor din centrul comerical unde noi aveam magazinele: evenimente cu ocazia zilei Indragostitilor, de 14 februarie si, cu ocazia 8 Martie, de ziua femeii. Acest eveniment l-am organizat pe o perioada de 3 zile: 6, 7 si 8 Martie 2014.
Si, ce am mai inteles acum, din acea cifra 3, e ca, de fapt, la vremea respectiva, ei imi alocasera mie numarul 3, eu fiind cea mai mare, dupa parintii mei, numarul 1 si numarul 2. Ulterior, ei mi-au dat numarul 6, numarul diavolului, deoarece acest numar ii este alocat unuia pe care ei chiar il considera diavol (desi cei care au initiat asa ceva sunt diavolul in persoana) si, care se foloseste de mine (in principal) si de familia mea, crezand ca castiga ceva. Momentan a castigat doar fiindca s-a folosit de mine, desi NU i-am permis nimic. Ei sunt un grup de psihopati care se lupta pentru putere. Vor pierde tot. Fara mine, NU vor avea nimic, niciodata. Nu va castiga nimic, din contra, in momentul in care mai face o singura greseala, va pierde tot: putere, si, in functie de ceea ce va face, asta i se va "rasplati".
Stiu, e de domeniul psihiatriei pasajul scris deasupra, cel in verde, dar, acesti oameni chiar asa interpreteaza lucrurile. A fost greu sa inteleg cum functioneaza, dar, majoritatea dintre dvs care ma cititi, stiti ca ceea ce eu spun, este adevarat. Mai mult, anul trecut, tot din cauza lor si, pentru ca sa-mi salvez familia de la moarte, am acceptat sa merg la psiholog, exclusiv din aceasta cauza: pentru a-i PROTEJA si pentru a le SALVA VIATA.
Am si DOVEZI ca, chiar familia mea a fost pusa sa ma trimita la psiholog; am inteles ca e pentru binele lor si m-am conformat, doar din DRAGOSTE pentru ei. Mai mult, in momentul in care am contactat POLITIA din Germania, tot pentru a-i proteja (in urma unor postari ale lui CM, ale fiului domnului GS, AS, precum si a scenariului facut de proprietar -la comanda lor-, in casa in care locuim, toate coroborate pentru a-mi crea mie o frica imensa ca surorii sau nepoatei mele ii vor face ceva rau, cand, de fapt, ei vroiau distrugerea relatiilor familiale, si sa-i ruineze nepoatei mele festivitatea de absolvire, festivitate care, eu nu stiam ca are loc in acea zi, dar ei, stiau, tocmai de aceea au si ales acea zi. Veti vedea pozele intr-unul din articole.
Si, tocmai asta a fost si ideea lor, ca sa nu fiu crezuta, doar folosita de ei, iar lumea sa ma creada nebuna, pentru a NU da crezare ADEVARULUI si pentru ca ei sa nu fie pedepsiti conform legii. NU si-au imaginat niciodata ca voi intelege atat de mult, data fiind situatia reala, in care nimeni NU vorbeste direct cu mine, decat in coduri si imagini, si, in niciun caz NU si-au imaginat ca voi merge personal la FBI ca sa depun plangere impotriva lor, tocmai de aceea, securitatea (militia) romana, la comanda lui M si GS, imi insceneaza un asa zis dosar pentru a-mi face rau, dupa ce, 6 ani s-au folosit de mine si de viata mea si, in plus, de familia mea.
si asa, NU am fost lasata in pace, deoarece NU le-a convenit ca doamna psiholog le-a spus ADEVARUL si STIA ca NU am absolut NICIO problema in acest sens. Si am fost la mai multe sedinte, si am discutat foarte deschis cu ea. Din contra, ea m-a apreciat sincer si, a apreciat toata atitudinea si gandirea mea. Multumesc din tot sufletul! Stie EA cine e!
Cititi toate articolele de mai sus si veti intelege. La unele inca lucrez, asa ca nu le-am publicat pe paginile de socializare, dar, si asa, va invit sa le cititi. le voi completa, chiar azi si zilele acestea, si le voi publica.
Va MULTUMESC ca ma cititi si ca sunteti aproape de mine si familia mea! NIHIL SINE DEO!
NEW YORK, 3 Ianuarie 2021