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MY MOTHER, young, beautiful, strong, working, loving and taking care of us.

The pictures of this article are black and white, because only these I have with me and, for safety reasons, given the notoriety of the situation in which we were put, without our will and consent. So, no more interpretations.

My mother, young, beautiful, working, strong, loving and taking care of us. In this photo she and I are at a Christmas celebration, from kindergarten where she worked as in all her activity of REGISTER NURSE.

Her family, our roots. Find out more, here:

my mother saved and cared for many lives, brought children into the world, took care of children, newborns and mothers, through the profession she chose, that of helping, healing, caring and bringing people into the world.

Why did I start with this and why do I want to expose my mother's professional activity? because besides family, childhood friends, school, high school, college colleagues (college that she did in Cluj, specialization obstetrics gynecology) and everyone in our home town who knew her family, she worked in a few places where she also had colleagues, collectively and, all these people (and there are many, of the order of hundreds), they can confirm who is the mother in all the qualities listed. After finishing high school, she took an exam at the Faculty of Medicine in Cluj, because she wanted to become a dentist, but, although she had a high grade, she did not succeed, because in Ceausescu's time it was very, very difficult to enter the Faculty of Medicine. So, that she wouldn't stay home for a year, until the next exam, she went to the College of Medicine, where she got obstetrics-gynecology specialization.

Because she liked what she was learning, as well as her chosen specialization, she decided that she no longer wanted to continue to be a dentist and, so, her first job was at the municipal hospital in home town, where she worked with the doctor gynecologist, the director of the hospital and the father of her best friend from high school, Mihaela M. who, married, is a scientist in Bucharest and lives near Romanian Television. I don't know her name after marriage, but I knew her personally, because when she came to visit her parents, she visited us too.

This family of the director of the hospital, the father of her best friend, as well as everyone good from the city, and many from Cluj, thanks to my grandmother, through relatives and friends there, can give you details about our mother and family. At the hospital she worked in the operating room and, because she worked shifts, including at night, after my birth, she changed her job and got a job as a nurse at the kindergarten "House of Dwarfs" in the city.

I opened their Facebook page, where, I have now seen fondly, some of the people I have known since childhood and who were my mother's colleagues: educator, accountant, cooks, auxiliary staff, etc.

This kindergarten I think was the largest in the city, because it has two buildings, many classes and a lot of staff and they worked from morning to afternoon. My mother, along with two other nurses, looked after both the children and the staff there.

HER, and her beauty, outside and inside

my mother, with her brother and their mother

After my sister started going to school, she moved to, today it's called a family doctor's office, but in Ceausescu's time it was called 'circa', a subdivision of the hospital, by regions of the city, where she resumed her specialization in obstetrics gynecology and, where she worked with Hungarian Dr. Horvath, many years, until we moved to the house, in the center of the city, near the Army House and the Headquarters of Security, on the street parallel to that of our grandmother, where today other part of my family live. There, she worked with other doctors, and also at the polyclinic of the city. You can ask, for veracity, about the professionalism and seriousness of my mother, as well as about the courage and all the work she has done for years.

Our family apartment was with four rooms, kitchen, a pantry, two bathrooms, two balconies, three closets located on the two hall way, basement and garage.

Also at this address, I owned a garage, bought by me, registered in my name, as well as my car, personal property, a red Ford Mondeo.

The absurd game and all the lies woven by the Romanians psychopaths, it's not just wobbling, but are null. what I have to say next it'll blow them away completely, but today, I'm just talking about mom, so you understand very clearly how you were being lied to. And, IF about my mother you've been lied to, I think it's very easy to understand that you've been lied to about all of us. What I told you, that their whole script was based on stories taken from everywhere, from everyone they found out about, and the psychopathic spy C. Maticiuc, initially lied to them, or even blackmailed them afterwards.

And, guaranteed some people they, the gang, blackmailed. I'll write about it.

what I told you, that their whole scenario was based on stories taken from everywhere, which they subsequently fabricated as they wanted and, they imagined, (without knowing me, without being psychologists) what they wanted, believing that they could create a psychological profile that they could present to others.

First of all they are the ones who were completely wrong about me, because my behavior and my mind, is not composed of fringes of stories instilled from the words of several people or, prefabricated to "give the profile" good to sell to some suckers (as they consider you), while they hate me deeply because, with me, they do not go any lies and I dismantle them already for years, with evidence and witnesses, even if they are blackmailed by psychopaths.

That was the architectural plan, that was until I started modifying it (and the new plan is found at City Town Hall), when my mother was at the hospital, my father at my grandparents and my sister on vacation, I think.

I, alone at home, called a friend, neighbor and schoolmate, who helped me to tear down the walls between the kitchen and the hallway, I hired a plumber who also moved the gas pipe (because I changed the position of the stove), this being the first modification made to the apartment. Grandma was the only one who saw the changes every day, because my colleague was her neighbor, and she brought us food. Later, with the help of my sister, I completely changed the architecture of the apartment. I don't think it's appropriate to go into technical or design details now.

and I want to mention that only Grandma knew what I was doing in the house; When everyone came home, they had a surprise, it was all changed.

So, my mother's job is called REGISTER NURSE.

Also, in addition to the job of REGISTER NURSE, so that we can grow up in the best financial conditions, mother took another job, in all the years until she moved to Germany.

At both addresses where we lived, (and now the most interesting part), my mother had the function of administrator of the buildings in which we lived, that means the accounting of all the apartments for all the utilities that benefit all tenants of a building, taking all bills of water, gas, sanitation, electricity, cleaning, tax increases, taxes, etc. All these invoices she raises personally, monthly, and then calculates them separately for each apartment, depending on the number of people in a house in that month, the area of the house, the number of rooms, etc. She also made the expense tables, did meetings with all the tenants and, she was the one who collected everyone's money and deposited it monthly and made the related payments.

All documents, from the 1980s to the 2000s, exist, are drawn up by her, with her writing and signature, because then they were done by hand, and the calculations were done with the pen, the head and possibly a machine with which she made calculations, by no means computer.

In all these more than 20 years of accounting and administration, there is not the slightest mistake; MY MOTHER being an EXAMPLE of FAIRNESS, MODESTY and SINCERITY, a FACT certainly recognized by all the members of the respective buildings who, because they had to pay monthly expenses, came to us in the house, where my mother or I, (when she was not home), we collected the money and gave them the receipt.

So, an example of morality, honesty and fairness achieved in more than 20 years of accounting activity, verifiable (because the documents, they have an obligation to keep them for a few decades), means something very important.

What I write here are exact data, for correct information and, through this real example of work and life without stain, with honor, honesty, courage, love, giving and all the positive qualities, integrity, which a lot of people can confirm about her and our family.

Thank you to the BND and Mrs. Angela Merkel, and ALL the stuff from the hospitals, to my powerful and admirable sister and her family, for the PROTECTION of my mother and the whole family.

Please take care of my mother to receive the best medical care, because she really is a very clean person in ALL RESPECTS and who does NOT deserve to go through this situation.

I also want to ask the PAPA for help, to intervene in the help of my mother, my family and mine. With gratitude and thanks on my knees, I thank you in advance, both you and the Archbishop of New York and all the Catholic and Orthodox priests who pray every day for us, for me and my family.

my mother, her grandmother, me and my father, 1976

Their wedding and part of the family: two grandmothers, sister, brothers, sister-in-law, Godparents, aunts, cousin

Her and I

Varianta in limba romana

Pozele acestui articol sunt alb negru, deoarece, doar acestea le am la mine si, din motive de siguranta, data fiind notorietatea situatiei in care am fost pusi, fara voia si acceptul nostru. Asa ca, fara alte interpretari. Mama mea, tanara, frumoasa, lucrand, puternica, iubitoare si avand grija de noi. In aceasta fotografie ea si cu mine suntem la o serbare de Craciun, de la gradinita unde ea a lucrat ca si in toata activitatea ei de asistenta medicala principala (REGISTER NURSE).

mama mea a salvat si ingrijit multe vieti, a adus pe lume copii, a avut grija de copii, nou-nascuti si mame, prin profesia pe care si-a ales-o, aceea de a ajuta, vindeca, ingriji si de a aduce pe lume oameni.

Voi traduce intreg textul scris mai sus in limba engleza.

unde ea a lucrat si cu alti doctori, si, de asemenea, la policlinica.

Revin cu completari. multumesc


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