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Dovezi REALE, actiuni REALE ale mele in JUSTITIA si PRESA Americana, Germana si Romana.

All you see, that is "CANCELED CALL" represents the real interference, the real obstruction and the obstacles put by the Romanian State which, through the psychopaths Maticiuc and Constantinescu who are individuals, and DO NOT hold any office in the Romanian State, have obtained, illegally, through fraud, lies and manipulation, from people who rule America, that Deep State formed mainly from the Israeli Mafia that claims to rule and control the world, the "right" (in quotation marks, of course, that what they do have no legal and real right) to intervene in the presidential elections of America, to put presidents, through fraud and the "imagination" that some of them need and also declare it publicly, and to lead American and International politics through abuses, the terror and the boundless threats they have committed against me and my family for seven years.

For espionage and real intervention in the interference of a sovereign state, for undermining the power of the state and imposing their personal will, of this group of notorious criminals, they must be punished, both these Romanians and the Jews who are behind this heinous and criminal operation, according to the legislation in effect.

According to all the evidence published by themselves and their cronies, they entered America illegally via the Internet, with the aim and interest of putting Trump in office as president, which they did, on the orders of other Jews, because we are talking about two interest groups fighting for power, this being in reality exclusively their struggle for financial power and interest in the world: progressives (a global form of communism), aka neo-Marxists led by Soros, the left wing, and the colonial Zionists, that is Rothschild, Roth and others, which, works according to the principle, quote:' following the model of the divine promise contained in the Bible, Genocide is an element of ideological justification for the creation of the state of Israel".

This really means obstruction of justice in America, lack of any democracy and law, real terrorism practiced by force and with the dictatorial imposition of personal and organized criminal group purposes, under the "protection" of the state, as well as the functions occupied in the State at the time by former President Trump, (i.e., September, October and other months), Republicans, etc., as well as the full violation of the Constitution of America and all fundamental human rights.



That is why I have also sought political asylum, and another reason is that the agreement between America and Romania according to the laws, in force, effect, (which, through these persons, Maticiuc and Constantinescu, although they do not hold any official quality in the state apparatus, have done exactly as Mr. Soros and his accomplices do, illegally, abusing and hiding behind the Governments they profit from, which is obviously the definition of terrorism)


all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.

also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.

Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.

Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.

Tocmai de aceea am si cerut azil politic, iar un alt motiv este ca, intelegerea dintre America si Romania conform legilor, in vigoare, (care, prin aceste persoane, Maticiuc si Constantinescu, desi nici ei NU detin nicio calitate oficiala in aparatul statal, au procedat exact cum procedeaza domnul Soros si complicii sai, ilegal, abuzand si ascunzandu-se in spatele Guvernelor de care profita, ceea ce in mod evident este definitia terorismului)

Tot ce vedeti, ca este "CANCELED CALL" reprezinta amestecul real, obstructia reala si piedicile puse de catre Statul Roman care, prin psihopatii Maticiuc si Constantinescu care sunt persoane individuals, si NU detin nicio functie in Statul Romanian, au obtinut, ilegal, prin frauda, minciuni si manipulare, din partea unor persoane care conduc America, acel Deep State format in special din Mafia Israeliana care pretinde ca conduce si controleaza lumea, "dreptul" (in ghilimele, desigur, ca ceea ce ei fac NU au niciun drept legal si real) de a interveni in alegerile presedintiale din America, de a pune presedinti, prin frauda si "imaginatia"de care au nevoie unii dintre ei si o mai si declara public, si de a conduce politica Americana si Internationala prin abuzurile, teroarea si amenintarile fara limite pe care ei le-au comis asupra mea si a familiei mele de 7 ani de zile. Pentru spionaj si interventie reala in amestecul unui stat suveran, pentru subminarea puterii de stat si a impunerii vointei lor personale, a acestui grup de infractori notorii, ei trebuie sa fie pedepsiti, atat acesti romanians, cat si evreii care sunt in spatele acestei operatiuni odioase si criminale, conform legislatiei in effect.

Conform tuturor dovezilor publicate chiar de ei si acolitii lor, ei au intrat ilegal in America prin internet, cu scopul si interesul de a-l pune in functia de Presedinte pe Trump, ceea ce ei au si facut, la ordinele unor alti evrei, deoarece e vorba despre doua grupuri de interese care se lupta pentru putere, aceasta fiind in realitate exclusiv lupta lor pentru puterea financiara si de interes asupra lumii: progresistii (o forma globala a comunismului), aka neo-marxistii in frunte cu Soros, aripa stanga, si sionistii colonialisti, adica Rothschild, Roth si altii, care,

functioneaza dupa principiul, citez:'dupa modelul promisiunii divine continute in Biblie, Genocidul este un element de justificare ideologica pentru crearea statului Israel'.

Aceasta inseamna cu adevarat obstructionarea justitiei in America, lipsa oricarei democratii si a legii, adevaratul terorism practicat cu forta si cu impunerea dictatoriala a scopurilor personale si de grup infractional organizat, sub "protectia" statului, precum si a functiilor ocupate in Stat la acea vreme de catre fostul Presedinte Trump, (adica, septembrie, octombrie si celelalte luni), Republicani, etc, precum si violarea deplina a Constitutiei Americii si a tuturor drepturilor fundamentale ale omului.


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