Personal Lawyer FBI
I'm writing again, with the request to help me bring those guilty of crimes and violations of the law and all the abuses committed against me and my family for seven years. I wrote the previous messages in great desperation. In the meantime, I haven't contacted you, because we bought a house, we moved, and since then, we've been renovating, redecorating and arranging things in order, so I didn't have the necessary time to do it in writing, written form, much more explicit of my situation. I hope that in the meantime you have got a real idea, reading my blog, (and NOT the fake one with which the services operate at the command of the Zionists and not only, the guilty, starting with the families of Romanians Maticiuc and Constantinescu who invented this inhuman "project-experiment" for which they were also remunerated -and in this respect I will ask in court the evidence of their income from 2014 to the present , the acquisition of real estate, property, etc., because I plan to claim damages from all their personal wealth, plus compensation from the country ROMANIA, the Romanian Intelligence Service and all those guilty, no matter who they are, as a natural person, institution or state, -that being on your advice and opinion on which people and states-) but, there are still many essential elements that need to be exposed. We are also completely controlled, further by these psychopathic criminals who should be long ago in prison and, I have many new, real elements, of the new house where, of course, we have been "visited" by those who act in bad faith on me and my family for years, in command.
Buna ziua,
domnule avocat.
Va scriu din nou, cu rugamintea de a ma ajuta sa ii aduc pe cei vinovati de crime si de incalcarea legii si de toate abuzurile comise impotriva mea si a familiei mele de 7 ani de zile. Am scris mesajele anterioare la mare disperare. Intre timp, nu v-am mai contactat, deoarece, ne-am cumparat o casa, ne-am mutat si, de atunci, tot renovam, redecorez si aranjez lucrurile in ordine, asa ca, nu am reusit sa ma mai ocup si de forma in scris, mult mai explicita a situatiei mele. Sper ca intre timp v-ati facut o idee reala, citind blogul meu, (si NU cea falsa cu care actioneaza serviciile la comanda sionistilor si nu numai, a celor vinovati, incepand cu familiile de romani Maticiuc si Constantinescu care au inventat acest inuman "proiect-experiment" pentru care ei au fost si remunerati -si in acest sens eu voi cere in instanta dovezile veniturilor lor din 2014 si pana in prezent, achizitia de imobile, bunuri, etc, deoarece am de gand sa le cer daune toata averea lor personala, plus despagubiri din partea tarii ROMANIA, a Serviciului Roman de Informatii si a tuturor celor vinovati, indiferent cine sunt, ca persoana fizica, institutie sau stat, -asta fiind la sfatul si opinia dvs asupra caror persoane si state-) dar, inca exista multe elemente esentiale care trebuiesc expuse. De asemenea, suntem controlati informational complet, in continuare de acesti psihopati criminali care ar trebui sa fie demult in inchisoare si, am multe elemente noi, reale, din noua casa unde, desigur, am fost "vizitati" de catre cei care actioneaza in bad asupra mea si a familiei mele de ani de zile, la comanda.
sold as a slave as a psychological and social surrogate experiment and, the source of inspiration for Zionist Jews, George Soros, (Hungarian Jew who rules Romania, who created there the parallel state, correspondent of the American Deep State) and others, who use everything I do, write and live, from 2014 (when I was still in Romania) and until now, for political and fanatical-religious purposes , with very serious interference in my life and my family, everything, under the "wand" of the Secret Intelligence Service, both American, FBI, CIA, as well as Romanian ones, SRI, who were the initiators (through some people who do not hold any function in the state apparatus in Romania, are not even psychologists, doctors or anything of this nature), this trafficking of people I mean me and my family. It's about a world-renowned experiment that you've certainly heard of. I searched your professional page so that I could contact you and, to my surprise, I found out that you had studied at the University of Gottingen, where my family lives, where my sister and her children, German citizens, my sister had been legally resident for almost 20 years.
My case is very complex, so I'm going to send you information that I've written over the years, even before I knew the true purpose of this experiment, of slavery to which I'm subjected illegally and without my consent, but, more seriously, I'm threatened and terrorized by the death of my family, constantly, from 2018 to the present, and, more recently, they threaten me with prison, although I have never committed any illegality, everything being a big fake to get them out of prison for what they themselves committed premeditated and in continuous-form, but also updated.
So, in my writing, addressed to you, you will also find repetitions of the same elements, but also words like psychopaths, with which I catalog these people, which, normally, and given what they have done, no one can call them people, because they are not. I think I am and have been far too patient and Have given them countless chances to correct their behavior towards me, as well as far too gentle in using these epithets, compared to the monstrosity that they have shown during these years. I am a very tolerable person, of a calm rarely met, with a very good heart, altruistic, who has always put others above personal comfort, with a strength of character, strong, besides other characterizations, but I do not want to sound to praise the self at all but, I try to make a portrait to understand why I was chosen, in addition to other reasons related to my family's origins or events in my family's or my personal life. I made a blog where, relatively recently, I started writing about everything that happened, as well as about details of private life that, normally, me being a very discreet person in this regard, I never disclosed and, I never imagined that I would have to write about it, especially since, in this case, we are talking about a FAKE of so-called "judgment", a kind of, inappropriately said, social media justice, the front after which they hide and try to hide their abuses and crimes, because yes, we are also talking about premeditated crimes committed by these devils, monsters with human face, on three members of my family: my grandmother, the father of my nephew and my niece's uncle.
From 2018 I beg them on my knees every day, without understanding why I am spied on, followed and, especially threatened and gassed in my own home; I have tried absolutely all the communication options, going from kneeling pleas, and asking me to explain who they are and why they do this with me, and to curse them, and use offensive words like psychopaths, monsters, but real related to them, all being written exclusively on my blog or on my Facebook page. I have tried including through a proposal, an idea of mine, of national and international interest, I think, to get out of this situation and get into a normality with those who are even my abusers, idea that you can read about on my blog. You will find below a complete list of my articles that I ask you to read, although some are neither finished nor in the most perfect form, but, given the conditions given by super stress, terror, harassment and daily threats, I think they are well enough, done, to give you an idea and understand accurately, what's it all about. However, there are still very important undisclosed elements.
Counselor, I'm going to quote from the posts of some who know what this is about and who have been writing about this subject for many years, and that helps to understand as clearly as possible the reality of what has happened and is really happening, and no, as, I am convinced, they have already told you completely untrue things, just because these criminals, the abusers, the Constantinescu and Maticiuc families are the ones who, besides weaving a completely untrue story, using the power of the state, with the help of the intelligence services (although, I repeat, they do not hold any office in the state and are only families of upstarts, security militia who sold Ceausescu and Romania, as well as the other family of psychopathic upstarts who for 7 years have built a false public life abusing my family), have used my extended family and deficient family relationships, using all the corruptibles, the envious and the liars who in the past have done the same and destroyed my father's life. The example is identical, these communist criminals using exactly the same methods and exactly the same people, of course, in this case, going much, much further. After quoting from their writings, I will explain at length the family relationships and actions of these people in relation to my family.
"Beyond simulation and fantasy, the factual reality of neo feudalism is in plain sight; it's about Masons and semi-secret clubs of exclusive elites. Internet bubbles and communities of "values" (the word "values" in quotation marks of course, put even by the author of the writing) were formed and emphasized on the social pages, which cultivate incredible phobias, typical of the Middle Ages: xenophobia (fear of strangers), those obsessed with immigrants (example: the Trump system), anthropophobia (fear of human touch), the clear example being the exaggerated measures taken last year, fear of the crowd, hypochondria, as well as others.
Everything is put under the control of the secret services, they themselves ranked and polarized by the spheres of influence of sovereign powers. The reality in the novels about the Middle Ages is far beyond the age we live like a lucid dream.'
The author of the text asks an extremely lucid and real question: "Who protects children from the blindness of adults who believe in all the "scientific" exaggerations of Big Pharma according to the medieval principle "believe (what they tell you) and do not seek to inform yourself, to investigate"?
Next, he makes a comparison, more specifically describing the characters of a novel by the writer Veronica ROTH and then a Hollywood blockbuster of the Series Divergent. The subject of the film is psychological, chemical-pharmaceutical and genetic control of the population of Chicago, a population composed of survivors of an apocalyptic war.
Control is carried out in several ways: the separation of the population by "factions", the stings with unknown serums and the placement of video cameras or plug receptors, indistinguishable from the naked eye. It is a social and psychological experiment, an evil game created by screenwriters who call themselves "well-intentioned" (in reality NO), who want to keep the population safe from the temptation of a new war and the danger of over-popularity. Violence and murder are insidiously encouraged and even generated by game makers, so that the social experiment is as natural and credible as possible. The game console, the script, as well as the button workers, belong to a U.S. government agency called the Bureau for Genetic Welfare.
People are separated from their families, i.e. they try to separate them, (concrete case succeeded by criminals in the case of the killing of Tudi, and there are other very real examples in which my family is NOT allowed to talk to me and is made to write me messages, including untruths for the interests of daily news according to the agenda of psychopaths) and they try to manipulate and lie , treating them as children, i.e. a mass infantilization, an alchemical work of human reshaping, of dispossession of any selves and attributes, other than those allocated with the 'choice of faction'. society is divided into 5 social factions:
1. ABNEGATION- altruism, austerity, 'natural' obedience to the system (in this case, after their numbering, it's my father)
2. DAUNTLESS- fearlessness, courage; members of this faction are powerful, unpredictable, but dedicated to the system, as disciplined and trained people (my mother)
3. ERUDITE- intelligence, selfishness; the people of this faction are people in white robes, doctors, pharmacists, technocrats dedicated to the purpose-never clear and known to the system, masking their concern for people, they trigger a war of annihilation of the other 'factions' (my sister, aka the real wife of Constantinescu)
4. AMITY- those peaceful, nonviolent, friendly, but conformist, unwilling to defy the system (child, my niece)
5. CANDOR- sincere, candid, incapable of lying (minor child, my nephew)
Apart from these 5 factions, there are divergences, a hybrid category and RARE population, which has the ability to meet several attributes of factions, in fact, has the ability TO BE all these 5 attributes, ABNEGATION, DAUNTLESS, ERUDITE, AMITY, CANDOR, as any normal person has. Banned and fought in society, the divergent is the 'enemy' of service, the official enemy, everywhere haunted, but it is an essential element of simulation, a way of controlling typical of any human society. When there is the "enemy" (in quotation marks, of course, because in reality they are their enemies, they are among themselves, the two political and interest camps, profiteers, liars, manipulators and creators of the whole situation), the so-called saviors appear, in reality, they are the criminals and the enemies of those they manipulate and lie to them for years.
I was personally at the FBI on October 2, 2020 to denounce my abusers and my family’s abusers, Radu F Constantinescu and his wife, Ramona Constantinescu, Maticiuc family, Ioan Maticiuc (Jewish spy and former intelligence officer from the time of Ceausescu, who worked in Arab countries) and his son, Codin Maticiuc, as well as, most importantly, the one for whom they work and knows the whole of Romania, GEORGE SOROS, the one who runs Romania, the one who created the parallel state in Romania, the synonym of the American Deep State.
These are the murderers and abusers, of mine and my family (my father, mother, sister, niece and nephew, my husband), the ones who killed two members of my family: my grandmother, in Romania, and my nephew's father, in a prison in Germany, after they set him up; And I was given a form that I filled out, and on December 17, 2021, I filed the complaint, at you, at the FBI headquarters in New York.
Also, before i went to your headquarters in New York, where I live, I sent another complaint to you, online, through TIPS, in August 2020. I also have a lot of evidence that I've made countless calls to the FBI, including FBI headquarters in Washington, I've sent online messages to the Department of Justice, on September 24, 2020, to NYC Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams, other lawyers (Solomon Wisenberg) and prestigious law firms -Cohen Milstein- (at a firm I was in person, at The GRIGOROPOULOS LAW GROUP where I spoke with managing attorney CHRISSY Grigoropoulos), phone calls to all of them, as well as direct messages on twitter to Soros, calls to the Romanian consulate, email to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, emails to the German BND (because my mother, sister and her children live in Germany), calls to the Republican Party to whom I have exposed the situation, email to the British Embassy to seek political asylum, because they constantly started threatening me with prison, and, from the beginning, since 2014 they have committed illegalities in Romania, (including they entered our apartment there illegally, in 2016, without a warrant) to secure their own back in case I understand what is really going on and reveal the truth and I will denounce them to the FBI and all the competent bodies (as the whole of Romania knows, and I hold screenshots of articles that write very clearly how they abuse and frame false files to all those who "disturb" them telling the truth) in what was to be for them international espionage, CORRUPT activities in states, governments or in law enforcement, computer crimes with INTRUSIONS into computer networks, particularly those associated with NATIONAL SECURITY that involve FOREIGN POWERS, HATE CRIMES, HUMAN TRAFFICKING (in which I, mainly, but also my family, were trafficked by these people from the Deep Romanian State, with the consent of the Romanian State, the Romanian Intelligence Service, with the consent of the President in office K. Iohannis, Soros' puppet, -to whom I wrote messages directly on Instagram and Facebook and I did not receive any reply, although SRI, the Romanian Intelligence Service has the obligation and duty to protect the citizens, especially since I asked them for help.
Since space does not allow me to describe in detail what has happened all these years, I will ask you to visit my personal blog
http: //, I wrote much of what happened, presenting evidence and, where I will fill in daily, (until you contact me directly) with new details.
I want to make one more very important statement; date that I have been terrorized a lot in these years, especially since 2018, and because I've been able to understand the real reason behind these abuses and murders only last year, I was overwhelmed by the task of putting it into a succinct and coherent storyline for you, the FBI, so, the form of the complaint filed at you, I also said that I will complete it later, so, I also send you this complaint in which I give you much more information and, I invite you to read my blog for a clear picture of this real story of slavery in the form of an involuntary servitude under the threat and terrorism of these people who have violated all international human rights to use me and my family as an experiment-surrogate for various political characters, to quote Soros, who, with the "power of imagination", "fights against dictatorship".
I would also like to mention that It is President Trump who obstructed Justice, along with others, of course, to protect those guilty of organized crime, terrorism, human trafficking, public corruption, international human rights violations, the Maticiuc family, the Constantinescu family and others. It is a real, incredible, unique story in the world, in which, the criminals named above, invented this story, using a so-called CODEWORDS (and there are many examples published in my articles, on my personal blog), and not only by words, but also by graphics, pictures, as well as through any and anyone who has come into contact with me, TO MASK the ILLEGALITY of their actions, on me and on my family and, in order to be able to forge everything as they want, so as not to be credible, that after the end of the live experiment, (when they want, after they have achieved their goals of power and, implicitly those of domination, financial and political), seen by the whole population (both those who know us, real or virtual, because it all started virtually, through Facebook, and then expanded, both on other social media platforms, Instagram, Twitter, and, very seriously, in our real life, completely influencing it after the madness in their minds and according to the political-social events both national and international), as well as those around the world informed by them, to try to present me as a person with mental problems, as, in many cases, the Jewish mafia that runs the world, used.
How did I really learn about those who rule the world and, by implication, all the events in the world? From Roger Garaudy's book known and sold worldwide in millions of copies, The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics, in which he explains everything that ordinary people didn't know about what was really going on in the world, who makes the decisions in reality and, i.e. from the book itself, "We know very well WHO COMMANDS and WHO is teleguiding the Presidents of Republics, Parliaments, Parties, Newschiefs, Churches!", the Israeli Mafia, which, author Roger Garaudy had the extraordinary courage to REVEAL (as I do now, by publishing the truth on my blog and on Facebook) and, who was threatened, terrorized, both he and those who supported him, a victim of them who did NOT want the truth to be known to the whole world, comparable to me, but still different, even if they put real obstacles, however, his abusers did not stand behind him, in his house, real, with the means and techniques of interception of today, as they stand, even in the present, my abusers, read everything I write, and, extremely seriously, clear proof of their mental illness and monstrosity of which they give evidence of, interpret everything that I write, (only they know in what manner), and then, command decisions and impose on the world their own ideas that destroy the world, me being, for them, a predecessor-experiment on a personal and family level, as a level of terror to stay in the house and to convince my family to stay home, forced by death threats, what they did with this virus around the world.
Please with all my heart, help me and my entire family, who have been more than abused, terrorized (DEPRIVE of rights, including medical)
exact date you find it published on my blog
when I personally deposited it at the
In the relationship with the person that I DENOUNCE here, Radu F Constantinescu whom I met personally in June 2014 when he came to Cluj, the city where I lived at the time, as well as with the other person that I denounced to the FBI, Codin Maticiuc, there are some messages on the Messanger in which we communicated. You can read them all on my blog; are already exposed and I will translate them.
Good morning! This is an unusual type of complaint, because I am in a unique situation in the world, unprecedented; there is also a similar case that was made public by himself, ROGER GARAUDY, author of a book called The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics, oppressed, terrorized and threatened with death, carried by lawsuits, all because he published sweeping truths about the Israeli mafia, as he calls it in the book; however, his situation is incomparably less serious than mine, because, on me, they abuse me in reality, interfering in my real life, and not only mine, but also in the life of my family, spying on me illegally and being connected through the Internet to all that means communication: mobile phones, social media pages, and, including in the house, through cameras, through and with the help of the American Government led by them, without them holding public office.
You understand, it's about the so-called Shadow Government, that DEEP STATE - corrupt, illegal and vilain- that Mr. Trump was saying publicly. It's about Mr. George Soros, the one who's funding you, the founder of the Open Society and yours. Why do I write directly to you? Because I want you to let him know this (there will be others, and not only to you, but also to those who want to destroy George Soros for the illegal acts and corruption that he has committed over the years), as well as the fact that I have reported him to the FBI and I will do it internationally, by acting in court at the Higher Courts of Justice and at all international for in the world.
I give him a choice, even though he didn't give me a choice, he has NOT asked my consent for all the abuses committed against me and my family all these years, he has NOT asked my consent to make public my story, both the unreal one, told by my abusers, the Romanians psychopaths, and the real one, (which, constrained by this situation in which I am put without my consent, I have to publish it), and to expose it to the whole world, "elites", to all those who wanted to know: either he contacts me through you and he will come to the FBI to prove his innocence, if he considers himself innocent, which means that the law will say its word, without anyone's intervention, because the case will be revealed to the general public, not only to the very many who already know it, and, his accomplices, the initiators of this "project-experiment" of the Jews, of abusing an individual, (i.e. mine and my family), will be blamed for all that they have done, or, however I will bring him before the law, with the help of his enemies who want him in prison, where all the criminals of humanity belong, all the more so that they think they are superior, 'above any international law', to quote Garaudy, while praising ridicule, raising in glory the lie and falsehood, posing publicly in philanthropists and defenders of fundamental human rights and freedoms. If they live in lies, falsehood and in their sick imagination, unchecked by no one, it is their problem, but to do it at home, in particular, in front of the television, or with their own families, but, not to allow themselves, without any right that they believe themselves gods on earth, with the right of life and death on the population, endangering lives and healthy people, abusing them for no reason, destroying their lives, killing people for no reason, controlling them day and night and terrorizing them.
So, I want to make a complaint that includes, I think, all violations of human rights, and I want you to help me, real, if you really exist legally and real for people, even though you will get orders and you will be told a lie, that I have mental problems, do not believe such a thing, because, you are lied to, as the entire population of the globe is lied to in many respects, but, and as are lied to all those who know about my case become world notoriety at a certain level, at the command of George Soros and The Democrats. If there really are laws in America and the one who sponsors you is a man of judgment, in particular, I tell you that it is NOT, (because he is able to do such a thing), but, let's see how he presents himself in front of his employees and the world, because my case will be publicized real.
I sent emails last year to several famous publications, famous newspapers, which, proof of astonishing corruption, were NOT allowed to act.
I denounced Mr. George Soros to the FBI on December 17, 2020, along with some Romanians who have been working for him for years because he abuses me and my family in the most inhumane and unimaginable way. If you can believe it, what I repeat, it is unimaginable that it can exist in a so-called democratic society, in America, here we are already talking about dictatorship, the establishment of a dictatorship unprecedented in human history as, only in the former communist states where Mr. Soros comes from, Hungary, and, the neighboring country from which I come, Romania, where you probably heard of the dictator Ceausescu, was there.
Of course, there are others involved, and Trump is the main culprit in America, who, instead of doing justice and let justice do its job, OBSTRUCTED the entire complaint and action I've taken to the F.B.I., where, I've also sent TIPS, but I've also been filed the complaint myself, this, after seeing that all my real actions for getting out of this situation where I am, me and my family, of slavery, in the most famous city in the world, New York, (where people should be free, in all respects), and NOT just slavery, but also terrorized and, gassed in their own dwelling, as only Jews were, even by these Jews, because Mr. Soros is Jewish, if you can believe so.
It's obviously about mental illness that these people have developed over time, as a result of the traumas of their own lives or probably inherited. I urgently need help, because it's about the life of my family, my father who lives in Romania, in a nursing home where he is very well cared for, but, they also tried to kill him by poisoning with various substances, as they did with my grandmother, a fact described in the complaint to the FBI; it is about the life of my family living in Germany, my mother, my sister and her children, terrorized also by these beasts with the face of human, and, by my own life and my husband. They also threaten me with prison, even though I have never done anything,
just because I had and have the courage, to DENOUNCES THEM and to ask that my rights and freedoms be respected.
Also, in addition to the evidence I have with all the actual actions I have taken: complaint to the FBI, and telephone, several times, via the Internet, TIPS, as well as real, in person, at the New York headquarters; complaint to BND GERMANY, the German Intelligence Service, sent from Apple headquarters in the Mall in Queens, with WI FI APPLE, complaint to the U.S. Department of Justice, and online, and by phone, complaint to NYPD, Ridgewood Police, where they were NOT allowed to receive the official complaint, also at Trump's command, but I have proof that I was there, because I asked for a paper and they gave me, with their data, the New York Police and, I gave it, for identification and to remain in the police server, proof that I was there, my permanent residency document; direct complaint, telephone to the Republican Party, online complaint to the New York Lawyer, complaint to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, direct messages via WhatsApp to Romanian news televisions, to Romanian journalists, to the Judge of the Supreme Court of Justice of Romania, to lawyers, including to the famous lawyer Solomon Wisenberg who, he was the only one who had the courage to tell me, in a telephone conversation, SUBSEQUENT sending an email by me, that, he can't represent me because it's a case involving the Government of the United States, that is, corruption at that level and, that the company doesn't allow him to sue the Government, but, there are many lawyers who work on this and sue Governments and corrupt people no matter what they're called and at what level. What I'm telling you is at the highest possible level as a social level, because it's about those who rule the world, about the old and known families, about the Israeli mafia that rules the world and imposes presidents, governments, those who think they're above any human law that they don't respect, because they think they're intangible in their madness and because they're cold-blooded criminals of humanity, who kill people as a sport, as usual and, by what they have done with me all these years, thanks exclusively to the psychopathic criminals Romanians Constantinescu and Jew, because a Romanian family named Maticiuc, are Jewish spies and they run Romania from the shadows in complicity with George Soros, but in reality with other Jews with famous names, like Rothschild, who, they know my situation very well, just like everyone else involved around the world. Moreover,
I asked for political asylum in England, by email, and they responded, positively, encouragingly.
All the conversations I've written about have obviously been recorded, so
although they had to, and should, especially since it's LAW ENFORCEMENT that has to protect people's lives, and famous newspapers (The NEW YORK TIMES, POLITICO, WASHINGTON POST, NEW YORK POST, etc) that, at any event, are obliged to make journalistic investigations and, usually, they fight and pay colossal sums for the uniqueness of an event of such an AMPLITUDE, FAR-REACHING or, act immediately and send journalists and, are obliged, I believe, by LAW, to notify the police when they are notified that someone's life is in danger (although it was and is about extremely serious things regarding the lives of innocent people and children, abused by some terrorist criminals who sit in their chairs and torment and kill people as they feel like and, in particular they have fixation with the figures, numbers, seems a reminiscence or revenge on the whole world, those who are NOT of Jewish origin), EXCEPT to that email sent to the EMBASSY of ENGLAND and, by telephone, Lawyer Solomon Wisenberg, very, very clear evidence of the Israeli mafia's intervention and the involvement of the U.S. Government, in my case, I mean, as real as possible, my case is REAL, and they try to hide their facts, because, besides the fact that I can leave them without budgets, both the individual and the Government, to obtain sentences on hundreds of millions or billions of dollars, because it is 7 years of incredible abuses, crimes and murders and to bankrupt both the budget of Romania and that of America, Great Britain and ISRAEL.
Because the situation is a special one, as I told you, it cannot be described in a few words and it is not a common crime. The ones I wrote above, they use the Intelligence Services, both Romanian and American, so specialized professionals to do good to humanity, who chose that profession to serve the people and the State, who, should protect citizens and NOT allow psychopaths, mentally decompensated and fanatical criminals, to command and use them to torment citizens for years! What you've seen happen to President Trump and how he's been treated publicly and harassed, as well as election fraud, is the action of this "committee" of organized crime that's also acting on me and, everything that happens to me, has close and direct connection to American, international politics and the American presidential election. That is why I have also sought political asylum, and another reason is that the agreement between America and Romania according to the laws, in force, effect, which, through these persons, Maticiuc and Constantinescu (although they do not hold any official quality in the state apparatus, have done exactly as Mr. Soros and his accomplices do, illegally, abusing and hiding behind the Governments they profit from, which is obviously the definition of terrorism)
Of course, the limits no longer exist, for them human lives are zero compared to their political interests and games and especially profits. I'm caught in the traps, put by others, since 2014 since I lived in Romania, my native country, and, later, here in the USA. I've overcome many humiliations caused by these demons, which, they started with online bullying and gaslighting, in addition to their real actions, which, at first glance, seemed coincidental, that's because they were and are made in the way that spies work, because the main culprit, Maticiuc Ioan, father of Codin Maticiuc, one of those I denounced at the FBI, is of Jewish origin and former spy for Israel, that's from what I read in the press, an online public article that I make available to you in full and translated, if you want, article that I also filed with the FBI. But even that doesn't matter anymore, but now it's all about our lives, as well as the fact that we're gassed in our own home, right now, at the moment when I write to you and, you will understand the 'reason' invoked by them, (which goes far beyond the mysteries of psychiatry by the scale and monstrosity of individual and group madness, and I put in quotation marks the reason, because in reality there is no reason other than the madness and infringement of the law, of those who are more than ordinary criminals, which is why the world calls them devils) of my articles from my personal blog, to which I provide the links below:
the REAL NAME of the next article is: HOW TO DESTROY a ‘PIECE” or, SOCIOPATHS from ROMANIA CONSTITUED in an ORGANIZED CRIMINAL GROUP, NOT my loving husband 1
With respect, I look forward to your reply. Please read the new complaint that will be sent to the FBI, the one in the article entitled FBI.
Parents, and especially real mothers like my sister and my mother, are very good parents and, always take home their children from the Zoo, children intentionally exposed (by psychopaths already known around the world), some since birth, because, although it was and is their legal right to receive German citizenship, I repeat, according to the law and the status of his parents, has been deprived of this right, it has been taken away from it, by the criminals of humanity, those who, without neurons and eager only for power, those religious fanatics both Zionist, and not only, who claim to be human rights fighters, when in reality they are the ones who kill and sell their own Jewish people, without any remorse, as author Roger Garaudy writes in the book sold in millions of copies and, as HITLER himself declares about them in the chapter Right to self-defense, I quote: "If only once, at the beginning or during the war, they had been exposed to toxic gases ten or fifteen thousand of these Jews, corrupters of the people, -that is, those criminal Zionist leaders- treatment that hundreds of thousands of the best of our German workers, of all origins and professions, had to endure it at the front, the sacrifice of millions of people would not have been in vain. On the contrary, if IN TIME had been produced to get rid of these tens of thousands of wretched, knave, scoundrel, VILE, it could have saved the lives of a million good and brave Germans who had before them the future. If the Jewish averages of international finances inside and outside Europe were to succeed in once again throwing the peoples into a world war, the result would not be the Bolshevism of the land, which has as its corollary the victory of Judaism, but the destruction (VERNICHTUNG) of the Jewish race in Europe. For the time has passed when the other peoples were abandoned defenseless in the face of Jewish propaganda. National Socialist Germany and Fascist Italy now have the institutions that allow, whenever necessary, to enlighten the world on all the details of problems that many peoples instinctively feel, but cannot explain. Jews can follow their harassment campaign in certain states, protected as they are by the monopoly they exercise over the press, cinema, radio propaganda, theatres, literature, and so on. However, if this people will once again succeed in throwing millions of people into a totally absurd conflict for them, even if this conflict could be profitable for Jewish interests, then it will prove the effectiveness of an explanation work that allowed in a few years, only in Germany, the total downing (restlos erlegen) of Judaism." and Hitler also declares: "But I did not let there be any doubt in this regard , if these international plotters of the world of money and finance will begin to treat the peoples of Europe in stock packages, this people, who are the true responsible for this destructive conflict, will answer: the Jews! DAS JUDENTUM! We have left no one in uncertainty about the fate that awaits the one that causes millions of children of the Aryan peoples of Europe to starve, millions of adult men should perish and hundreds of thousands of women and children would be burned or die in their cities under bombardment. Even if this must be done with more human means, the culprit -the criminals of humanity - must atone for their guilt) by primates with serious PSYCHOLOGICAL DEFICIENCY and zero morality.
I quote from the same book: " which shows that, in reality, Zionist rulers, despite their internal rivalries, pursue the same racist objective: the banishment from Palestine, through terror, expropriation or expulsion, of all Arab natives, in order to remain them, the only masters.
At Eichmann's trial in Jerusalem, Attorney General Haim Cohen reminded the judges: 'If that doesn't coincide with your philosophy, you can criticize Kastner. But what does that have to do with collaboration? It has always been in our Zionist tradition to select an elite for the organization of immigration to Palestine. Kastner didn't do anything else.'
This high magistrate really invokes a constant doctrine of the Zionist movement: it was not intended to save Jews, but to build a powerful Jewish state. on 2 May 1948, Rabbi Klaussner, in charge of the transferred persons presented a report to the American Jewish Conference: 'I am convinced that people should be forced to go to Palestine. For them, a U.S. dollar appears to them as the most important of their goals. By the word "force" I suggest a program. He's already been helpful, and still very recently. He served to evacuate jews from Poland, and in the story of "Exodus." In order to apply this program we must, instead of providing comfort to 'transferred persons', create them as much discomfort as possible. In a second stage, let's resort to a procedure that appeals to Haganah to harass the Jews.'
The variants of this method of incitement and even coercion were multiple.
In 1940, to provoke outrage against the English who had decided to save the Jews threatened by Hitler, receiving them on the island of Mauritius, the Zionist rulers of 'HAGANAH' (whose chief was Ben Gourion) did not hesitate to blow up, on 25 December 1940, the French cargo ship Patria carrying them and who had made a stopover in the port of Haiffa, thus causing the death of 252 Jews and English crew members.
Another example, Iraq: the Jewish community (110,000 people in 1948) was well-rooted in this country. The Great Rabbi of Iraq, Khedouri Sassoon, had declared: 'Jews and Arabs have enjoyed the same rights and privileges for a thousand years and do not consider themselves as separate elements in this nation.'
Then, in 1950, Israeli terrorist activities began in Baghdad. In the face of the reluctance of Iraqi Jews to join the immigration lists to Israel, The Israeli secret services did not hesitate to convince the Jews that they were in danger to drop bombs on them. The attack on the Shem-Tov synagogue killed several people and injured dozens. Thus began the exodus christened 'Operation Ali Baba.'
This is a method that has been applied consistently since Theodore Herzl replaced the definition of the Jew by religion with that of his race.
Article 4b of the Basic Law of the State of Israel (which does not have the Constitution), which defines the 'law of return' (5710 of 1950), stipulates: "is considered a Jew who was born of the Jewish mother, or the converted mother." Racial criterion or confessional criterion)
Politicians or not, I am not responsible for your policies, let alone the election of the president.
I don't know how anyone can believe these great liars who, now I understand how they arranged all things to "match" them with these "prophecies". It's about a charlatanism, like it's never been seen before, and some about religious fanatics who interpret the Bible as they want, using people (as a role of various countries) who, have nothing to do with these "prophecies", in fact, seem to want the destruction of mankind. It is useless to address those very crazy who believed in this from the beginning, because the Romanian servants in security, have made the liking of the masters, arranging things, although they are NOT at all real (and here I mean me and my family, and you, those with normal judgment know that). I also want to laugh at such a "match" that they made with the most malicious idea of destroying our country, America, and you believed them and fell into their net; And at the same time I want to howl in pain, for what We had to endure because of these, there is no word in the dictionary to catalog them, and catalog their facts. I implore you, President Trump, you, the FBI and the NYPD, to put an end to this madness, and NOT by doing us even more harm, but by helping me demonstrate what is to be demonstrated and to protect us from this immense harm that they have done deliberately
vanduta ca si sclava pe post de experiment-surogat psihologic si social si, sursa de inspiratie pentru evreii sionisti, George Soros, (evreu ungur care conduce Romania, care a creat acolo statul paralel, corespondent al Deep State-ului American) si altii, care folosesc tot ceea ce eu fac, scriu si traiesc, din 2014 (cand inca eram in Romania) si pana in prezent, in scopuri politice si fanatico-religioase, cu interferente foarte grave in viata mea si a familiei mele, totul, sub "bagheta" Serviciilor Secrete de inteligenta, atat Americane, FBI, CIA, cat si cele romanesti, SRI, care au fost initiatorii (prin niste persoane care NU detin nicio functie in aparatul de stat in Romania, NU sunt nici macar psihologi, medici sau orice altceva de aceasta natura), acestui trafic de persoane, adica eu si familia mea. Este vorba despre un experiment recunoscut in intreaga lume, de care, cu siguranta si dvs ati auzit. Am cautat pagina dvs profesionala ca sa va pot contacta si, spre surprinderea mea, am aflat ca v-ati facut studiile la Universitatea din Gottingen, localitate in care locuieste familia mea, unde lucreaza si studiaza sora mea si copiii ei, cetateni germani, sora mea fiind rezident legal deja de aproape 20 de ani.
Cazul meu este foarte complex, asa ca o sa va trimit informatii pe care le-am scris de-a lungul timpului, - chiar inainte sa stiu adevaratul scop al acestui experiment, de sclavagism la care sunt supusa ilegal si fara consimtamantul meu, dar, mai grav, sunt amenintata si terorizata cu moartea familiei mele, constant, din 2018 si pana in prezent, si, mai nou, ei ma ameninta cu inchisoarea, desi eu NU am comis niciodata nicio ilegalitate, totul fiind un mare fals pentru a scapa ei de inchisoare pentru ceea ce ei insisi au comis cu premeditare si in forma continuata-, dar si actualizate.
Deci, in scrierea mea, adresata dvs, veti gasi si repetitii ale acelorasi elemente, dar si cuvinte gen psihopati, cu care ii cataloghez pe acesti oameni, pe care, in mod normal, si avand in vedere ceea ce ei au facut, nimeni NU ii poate numi oameni, deoarece nu sunt. Consider ca sunt si am fost mult prea rabdatoare si le-am dat nenumarate sanse sa isi corecteze comportamentul fata de mine, precum si mult prea blanda in folosirea acestor epitete, comparativ cu monstuozitatea de care ei au dat dovada in decursul acestor ani. Eu sunt o persoana foarte tolerabila, de un calm rar intalnit, cu o inima foarte buna, altruista, care intotdeauna i-a pus pe altii deasupra confortului personal, cu o tarie de caracter, puternica, pe langa alte caracterizari, dar NU doresc sa sune a lauda de sine absolut deloc ci, incerc sa va fac un portret pentru a intelege de ce am fost aleasa, pe langa alte motive care tin de originile familiei mele sau de evenimente din viata familiei mele sau a mea personala. Mi-am facut un blog unde, relativ recent, am inceput sa scriu despre tot ceea ce s-a intamplat, precum si despre amanunte din viata particulara pe care, in mod normal, eu fiind o persoana foarte discreta in acest sens, niciodata NU le-am divulgat si, nici nu mi-am imaginat vreodata ca voi fi nevoita sa scriu despre asta, cu atat mai mult ca, in acest caz, vorbim despre un FAKE de asa zisa "judecata", un fel de, impropriu spus, social media justice, paravan dupa care ei se ascund si incearca sa isi ascunda abuzurile si crimele, deoarece da, vorbim si despre crime cu premeditare comise de catre acesti diavoli, monstri cu chip uman, asupra a trei membri ai familiei mele: bunica mea, tatal nepotului meu si unchiul nepoatei mele.
Din 2018 ii implor in genunchi zi de zi, fara sa inteleg de ce sunt spionata, urmarita si, mai ales amenintata si gazata in propria locuinta; am incercat absolut toate variantele de comunicare, trecand de la rugamintile in genunchi, si cererea de a mi se explica cine ei sunt si de ce ei fac asta cu mine, si pana la a-i blestema, si folosi cuvinte jignitoare gen psihopati, monstri, dar reale referitoare la ei, totul fiind scris exclusiv pe blogul meu sau pe pagina mea de Facebook. eu am incercat inclusiv printr-o propunere, o idee a mea, de interes national si international, consider eu, de a iesi din aceasta situatie si a intra intr-o normalitate cu cei care sunt chiar abuzatorii mei, idee despre care puteti citi pe blogul meu. Veti gasi mai jos o lista intreaga cu articolele mele pe care va rog sa le cititi, desi unele nu sunt nici terminate, nici in forma cea mai perfecta, dar, avand in vedere conditiile date de super stres, terorizare, haituire si amenintari zilnice, cred ca sunt suficient de bine, realizate, pentru a va face o idee si a intelege cu exactitate, despre ce e vorba. Totusi, sunt inca elemente foarte importante nedezvaluite.
Parintii, si, in special mamele adevarate ca si sora mea si mama mea, sunt parinti foarte buni si, intotdeauna isi duc acasa copiii de la Zoo, copii expusi intentionat (de catre psihopatii cunoscuti deja in lumea intreaga), unii inca de la nastere, deoarece, desi era si este dreptul lor LEGAL de a primi cetatenie germana, repet, conform legii si a statutului parintilor lui, a fost privat de acest drept, i s-a luat acest drept, de catre criminalii umanitatii, cei care, fara neuroni si dornici doar de putere, acei fanatici religiosi atat zionisti, si nu numai, care pretind ca sunt luptatori ai drepturilor omului, cand, in realitate, ei sunt cei care ucid si isi vand propriul popor evreu, fara nicio remuscare, asa cum autorul Roger Garaudy scrie in cartea vanduta in milioane de exemplare si, cum insusi HITLER declara despre ei in capitolul Dreptul la legitima aparare, citez: "Daca o singura data, la inceputul sau in cursul razboiului, ar fi fost expusi gazelor toxice zece sau cinsprezece mii din acesti evrei, corupatori ai poporului, -adica acei conducatori zionisti criminali- tratament pe care sute de mii dintre cei mai buni din muncitorii nostri germani, de toate originile si de toate profesiile, a trebuit sa-l indure pe front, sacrificiul milioanelor de oameni nu ar fi fost zadarnic. Din contra, daca s-ar fi produs I N TIME to get rid of de aceste cateva zeci de mii de wretched, knave, scoundrel, VILE, s-ar fi putut salva viata unui milion de buni si bravi germani ce aveau in fata viitorul. Daca mediile evreiesti ale finantelor internationale din interiorul, si din exteriorul Europei ar reusi sa arunce inca o data popoarele intr-un razboi mondial, rezultatul nu va fi bolsevizarea pamantului, ce are drept corolar victoria iudaismului, ci nimicirea (VERNICHTUNG) rasei evreiesti in Europa. Caci a trecut vremea cand celelalte popoare erau abandonate fara aparare in fata propagandei evreiesti. Germania national-socialista si Italia fascista dispun acum de institutiile care permit, de fiecare data cand este necesar, sa lamureasca lumea asupra tuturor detaliilor unor probleme pe care numeroase popoare le presimt in mod instinctiv, dar nu le pot explica. Evreii pot sa-si urmeze campania lor de hartuire in anumite state, protejati cum sunt de monopolul pe care il exercita asupra presei, cinematografului, propagandei radiofonice, teatrelor, literaturii, si asa mai departe. Totusi, daca acest popor va reusi inca o data sa azvarle milioane de oameni intr-un conflict total absurd pentru acestia, chiar daca acest conflict ar putea fi profitabil pentru interesele evreiesti, atunci se va dovedi eficacitatea unei munci de explicare care a permis in cativa ani, numai in Germania, doborarea totala (restlos erlegen) a iudaismului." si tot Hitler declara:" Dar nu am lasat sa existe nicio indoiala in aceasta privinta, daca acesti complotisti internationali ai lumii banului si ai finantelor vor reincepe sa trateze popoarele Europei in pachete de actiuni, acest popor, care este adevaratul responsabil al acestui conflict distrugator, va da socoteala: evreii! DAS JUDENTUM! Nu am lasat pe nimeni in incertitudine in ceea ce priveste soarta ce il asteapta pe cel din cauza caruia milioane de copii ai popoarelor ariene din Europa ar trebui sa moara de foame, milioane de barbati adulti ar trebui sa piara si sute de mii de femei si copii ar fi arsi sau ar muri in orasele lor sub bombardamente. Chiar daca acest lucru trebuie sa se faca cu mijloace mai umane, vinovatul -criminalii umanitatii- trebuie sa-si ispaseasca vina) de catre primatele cu grave DEFICIENCY PSYCHICAL si de o moralitate zero.
Citez din aceeasi carte: " ceea ce arata ca, in realitate, conducatorii sionisti, in ciuda rivalitatilor lor interne, urmaresc acelasi obiectiv rasist: alungarea din Palestina, prin teroare, expropiere sau expulzare, a tuturor autohtonilor arabi, pentru a ramane ei, the only stapani.
La procesul lui Eichmann de la Ierusalim, Procurorul General Haim Cohen reamintea judecatorilor: 'Daca asta nu coincide cu filozofia voastra, puteti sa-l criticati pe Kastner. Dar ce are de-a face asta cu colaborarea? Intotdeauna a fost in traditia noastra sionista selectionarea unei elite pentru organizarea imigratiei in Palestina. Kastner n-a facut nimic altceva.'
Acest inalt magistrat invoca intr-adevar o doctrina constanta a miscarii sioniste: ea nu avea drept obiectiv sa salveze evrei, ci sa construiasca un stat evreu puternic. la 2 Mai 1948, Rabbin Klaussner, insarcinat cu persoanele transferate prezenta un raport in fata Conferintei evreiesti americane: 'sunt convins ca oamenii trebuie fortati sa mearga in Palestina. Pentru ei, un dolar american le apare drept cel mai de seama dintre obiective. Prin cuvantul "forta" sugerez un program. El a fost deja de folos, si inca foarte recent. El a servit la evacuarea evreilor din Polonia, si in povestea "Exodului". Pentru a aplica acest program trebuie, in loc sa asiguram confort 'persoanelor transferate', sa le creem cat mai mult inconfort posibil. Intr-o a doua etapa, sa recurgem la o procedura care sa faca apel la Haganah pentru a-i hartui pe evrei.'
Variantele acestei metode de incitare si chiar de coercitie au fost multiple.
In 1940, pentru a provoca indignare impotriva englezilor care decisesera sa-i salveze pe evreii amenintati de Hitler, primindu-i in insula Mauritius, conducatorii sionisti ai 'HAGANAH' (al carei sef era Ben Gourion) nu au ezitat sa arunce in aer, la 25 Decembrie 1940, cargoul francez Patria care ii transporta si care facuse escala in portul Haiffa, provocand astfel moartea a 252 de Evrei si a membrilor englezi ai echipajului.
Alt exemplu, Irakul: comunitatea evreiasca (110.000 de persoane in 1948) era bine iinradacinata in aceasta tara. Marele Rabin din Irak, Khedouri Sassoon, declarase: 'evreii si arabii se bucura de aceleasi drepturi si privilegii de o mie de ani si nu se considera drept elemente separate in aceasta natiune.'
Atunci, in 1950, au inceput actiunile teroriste israeliene la Bagdad. In fata reticentelor evreilor irakieni de a se inscrie pe listele de imigrare catre Israel, serviciile secrete israeliene nu au ezitat, pentru a-i convinge pe evrei ca erau in pericol, sa arunce asupra lor bombe. Atacul impotriva sinagogii Shem-Tov a ucis cateva persoane si a ranit cateva zeci. Astfel a inceput exodul botezat 'Operatiunea Ali Baba.' Este vorba aici de o metoda aplicata constant de cand Theodore Herzl a inlocuit definirea prin religie a evreului, cu cea prin rasa acestuia.
Articolul 4b al legii fundamentale a statului Israel (care NU are Constitutie), care defineste 'legea reintoarcerii' (5710 din 1950), stipuleaza:" este considerat evreu cel nascut din mama evreica, sau mama convertita." Criteriul rasial sau criteriu confesional)
Cum functioneaza manipulations la Romanians comandati de piticul psihopat, fiu de spion, criminal, vanzator de tara si tradator de tara, Codin Maticiuc si, deja binecunoscutul psihopat Constantinescu, ambii niste paraziti care traiesc din falsuri si ilegalitati, pupatorii in cur ai lui Trump, cei care l-au instalat pe Trump in functie nenorocindu-mi mie viata si folosindu-se de familia mea, omorand oameni nevinovati: priviti cu atentie postarea anterioara. E aceeasi, am postat-o intentionat ca sa va demonstrez cum sunteti manipulati de niste gunoaie, specimene de cea mai joasa speta, care se folosesc de tehnici de criminali comunisti pentru a ma baga pe mine, ca intotdeauna, pentru a atrage ura acestor familii, care NU ma cunosc si cu care NU am nimic de impartit si, NU i-am denigrat niciodata, in timp ce ei ii pupa in cur, pe fata, dar, in realitate, se folosesc de mine si familia mea de 7 ani de zile, ca niste lasi ce sunt, exact ca "alesul" lor din America! Am vrut sa va arat de unde provine toata aceasta situatie si cum au procedat ei intotdeauna jucandu-i pe degete pe toti, mintind, manipuland, inseland, terorizand, chinuind si omorand oaeni nevinovati. Aceasta este adevarata si unica lor "arta": criminalitatea si infractionalitatea organizata reala pentru si in favoarea lui Trump, restul, adica aceste familii numite in acest articol, fiind 'accesorii' numai bune pe care ei sa le minta si sa ii manipuleze. Deci, ei i-au trasat sarcina jurnalistului Republican sau simpatizant Republican, ce sa posteze, stiind ca eu ii citesc pagina, pentru a ma "convinge" sa repostez acest articol despre Van Damme. Am postat intentionat, doar ca sa vad reactia deja binecunoscuta pentru mine, dar, in principal, pentru a va demonstra ceea ce eu stiu si vad demult. In timp ce unii romanians, americani si alte natii, sunt mintiti chiar de catre acesti diavoli, ca ei ar fi "salvatorii" impreuna cu Trump, at aceste planete, de sub "imperiul raului" al acestor familii care conduc lumea, in realitate, ei sunt niste lasi parsivi si con 'men' mai fricosi decat orice femeie, cum rar s-a vazut in istorie, care, se folosesc de mine si familia mea, de femei, copii si batrani, pentru a-l instala in functie pe Trump, pentru distractia lor, pentru banii si faima falsa (deoarece orice MAN normal ii condamna) pe care au obtinut-o prin criminalitatea lor dusa la extrem, totul, sub ochii legii, a celor care ar trebui sa protejeze oamenii si NU sa-i ucida in propriile locuinte prin gazare, la ordinul unor senili nebuni, fara niciun motiv, altul decat grava boala psihica a acestor familii criminale, Maticiuc si Constantinescu, pe care, in loc sa ii controlati si sa ii duceti in fata judecatii, inca le mai credeti minciunile, desi adevarul este deja mai mult decat evident si, mai urmeaza noi dezvaluiri foarte importante! Aceasta crasa manipulare din partea lor, pe care am postat-o intentionat pentru a va arata cum functioneaza, si cum intotdeauna a functionat, (fara ca eu sa stiu ca sunt spionata ilegal si ca, tot ceea ce eu scriu sau fac, cineva interpreteaza si judeca foarte gresit, pe "baza" de presupuneri, adica pe nimic real), este urmare a succesului pe care l-am avut ieri, in care dvs, cei cu judecata, ati oprit gazarea si, ati decis, din nou, sa ne protejati, asa cum e perfect normal, data fiind situatia in care am fost pusi fara acordul nostru.
Am fost personal la FBI in data de 2 Octombrie 2020 pentru a-i denunta pe abuzatorii mei si pe abuzatorii familiei mele Radu F. Constantinescu, familia Maticiuc, Ioan Maticiuc (spion evreu si fost ofiter de informatii de pe vremea lui Ceausescu, care a lucrat in tari arabe) si fiul lui, Codin Maticiuc, precum si, cel mai important, cel pentru care ei lucreaza si stie intreaga Romanie, GEORGE SOROS, cel care conduce Romania, cel care a creat statul paralel in Romania, sinonimul Deep State-ului American. Acestia sunt criminalii si abuzatorii, ai mei si ai familiei mele (tata, mama, sora mea, nepoata si nepotul meu, sotul meu), cei care mi-au ucis 2 membri ai familiei: pe bunica mea, in romania, si pe tatal nepotului meu, intr-o inchisoare din Germania, asta dupa ce ei i-au inscenat ceva; si mi s-a dat un formular pe care l-am completat si, in data de 17 Decembrie 2021, am depus plangerea, at dvs, la sediul FBI din New York.
De asemenea, inainte de a merge la sediul dvs din New York, oras in care locuiesc, am trimis alta plangere catre dvs, online, prin TIPS, in luna august 2020. De asemenea, am foarte multe dovezi ca am dat nenumarate telefoane catre FBI, inclusiv sediul FBI din Washington, am trimis mesaje on line catre Departamentul de Justitie, in September 24, 2020, catre NYC Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams, alti avocati (Solomon Wisenberg) si firme de avocatura prestigioase -Cohen Milstein- (la o firma am fost in persoana,
), telefoane catre toti acestia, precum si mesaje directe pe twitter catre Soros, telefoane la consulatul Romaniei, email catre Ministerul Romanian de Externe, emailuri catre BND Germania (deoarece mama mea, sora si copii ei traiesc in Germania), telefoane catre Partidul Republican caruia i-am expus situatia, email catre Ambasada Marii Britanii pentru a cere azil politic, deoarece ei constant au inceput sa ma ameninte cu inchisoarea, si, inca de la inceput, din anul 2014 au comis ilegalitati in Romania, (inclusiv au intrat ilegal in apartamentul nostru de acolo, in 2016, fara mandat) pentru a-si asigura propriul lor spate in cazul in care eu voi intelege ceea ce se intampla cu adevarat si deconspira adevarul si ii voi denunta la FBI si la toate organele competente (asa cum stie intreaga Romanie, si detin screenshot uri ale unor articole in care se scrie foarte clar cum ei abuzeaza si insceneaza dosare false tuturor celor care ii "deranjeaza" spunand adevarul) in ceea ce urma a fi pentru ei spionaj international, CORRUPT activities in state, governments or in law enforcement, computer crimes with INTRUSIONS into computer networks, particularly those associated with NATIONAL SECURITY that involve FOREIGN POWERS, HATE CRIMES, HUMAN TRAFFICKING (in care eu, in principal, dar si familia mea, am fost traficati de catte aceste persoane din Deep State ul Romanesc, cu acordul Statului Roman, al Serviciul Roman de Informatii, cu consimtamantul Presedintelui lui in functie K. Iohannis, marioneta lui Soros, -carora le-am scris si lor mesaje direct pe Instagram si pe Facebook si NU am primit niciun raspuns, desi atat SRI, Serviciul Roman de Informatii are obligatia si datoria sa protejeze cetatenii, mai ales ca le-am cerut ajutorul-). Deoarece spatiul nu imi permite sa va descriu in amanuntime ceea ce s-a intamplat in toti acesti ani, am sa va rog sa accesati blogul meu personal, http://
unde, am scris mare parte din ceea ce s-a intamplat, prezentand dovezi si, unde voi completa zilnic, (pana cand ma veti contacta direct, sper, saptamana viitoare) cu noi detalii. Vreau sa mai fac o precizare foarte importanta; datorita faptului ca am fost terorizata foarte mult in acesti ani, in special din anul 2018, precum si datorita faptului ca am reusit sa inteleg care e adevaratul motiv care se ascunde in spatele acestor abuzuri si crime abia anul trecut, I was overwhelmed by the task of putting it into a succint and coherent storyline for you, the FBI, asa ca, forma plangerii depusa, at dvs, am si spus ca o voi completa ulterior, drept pentru care, va trimit si acest complaint in care va dau mult mai multe informatii si, va invit sa citit blogul meu pentru o imagine cat se poate de clara a acestei povesti reale de sclavie sub forma unei involuntary servitude sub amenintarea si terorismul acestor persoane care au incalcat toate drepturile umane internationale pentru a se folosi de mine si de familia mea pe post de experiment-surogate pentru diverse personaje politice, ca sa-l citez pe Soros, care, cu "puterea imaginatiei, lupta impotriva dictaturii".
De asemenea, tin sa mentionez ca presedintele Trump este cel care a obstructionat Justitia, impreuna cu altii, desigur, pentru a-i proteja pe vinovatii de crima organizata, terorism, human trafficking, public corruption, international human rights violations, familia Maticiuc, familia Constantinescu si altii. Este o poveste reala, incredibila, unica in lume, in care, criminalii numiti mai sus, au inventat aceasta poveste, folosind un asa numit CODEWORDS (si sunt foarte multe exemple publicate in articolele mele, pe blogul meu personal), si nu doar prin cuvinte, ci si prin grafica, poze, cat si prin orice si oricine care a intrat in contact cu mine, pentru a masca ilegalitatea actiunilor lor, asupra mea si asupra familiei mele si, pentru a putea falsifica totul dupa cum vor ei, pentru a nu fi eu credibila, ca, dupa terminarea experimentului viu, (atunci cand ei vor, dupa ce si-au realizat obiectivele de putere si, implicit cele de dominatie, financiare si politice), vazut de toata populatia (atat cei care ne cunosc, real sau virtual, deoarece totul a inceput virtual, prin intermediul Facebook, iar apoi s-a extins, atat pe alte platforme de socializare, Instagram, Twitter, si, foarte grav, in viata noastra reala, influentand-o complet dupa nebunia din mintea lor si in functie de evenimentele politico-sociale atat nationale, cat si internationale), cat si de cei din lumea intreaga informati de ei, sa incerce sa ma prezinte ca fiind o persoana cu probleme de natura psihica, asa cum, in multe cazuri, mafia evreiasca care conduce lumea, a folosit.
De unde am aflat cu adevarat despre cei care conduc lumea si, implicit, toate evenimentele din lume? Din cartea cunoscuta si vanduta in toata lumea in milioane de exemplare a lui Roger Garaudy, The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics, in care el explica tot ceea ce oamenii obisnuiti nu stiau despre ceea ce se petrece cu adevarat in lume, cine ia deciziile in realitate si, citez chiar din carte, "We know very well WHO COMMANDS and WHO is teleguiding the Presidents of Republics, Parliaments, Parties, Newschiefs, Churches!", Mafia Israeliana, pe care, autorul Roger Garaudy a avut extraordinarul curaj sa o REVEAL (asa cum fac si eu acum si pana acum, prin publicarea adevarului pe blogul meu si pe Facebook) si, care a fost amenintat, terorizat, atat el, cat si cei care l-au sustinut, o victima a acestora care NU doreau ca adevarul sa fie cunoscut lumii intregi, comparabil cu mine, dar totusi diferit, chiar daca lui i-au pus piedici reale, totusi, abuzatorii lui NU stateau in spatele lui, in casa lui, real, cu mijloacele si tehnicile de interceptare din ziua de azi, asa cum stau si in prezent abuzatorii mei, citesc tot ceea ce eu scriu, si, extrem de grav, dovada clara a bolii lor psihice si a monstruozitatii de care ei dau dovada of, interpreteaza tot ceea ce eu scriu, (doar ei stiu in ce maniera), iar mai apoi, comanda decizii si impun lumii propriile lor idei care distrug lumea, eu fiind, pentru ei, un predecesor-experiment la nivel personal si familial, ca nivel de teroare pentru a sta in casa, si pentru a-mi convinge familia sa stea acasa, fortata de amenintarile cu moartea, al ceea ce ei au facut cu acest virus in lumea intreaga.
Va rog din tot sufletul meu, ajutati-ma real pe mine si intreaga mea familie, care au fost mai mult decat abuzati, terorizati ( DEPRIVE de drepturi, inclusiv medicale)
data exacta o gasiti publicata pe blogul meu
atunci cand am depus-o personal la sediul
In relatia cu persoana pe care I o DENOUNCE aici, Radu F Constantinescu pe care l-am cunoscut personal in iunie 2014 cand a venit la Cluj, orasul unde locuiam la acea vreme, cat si cu cealalta persoana pe care eu am denuntat-o la FBI, Codin Maticiuc, exista niste mesaje pe messanger in care noi am comunicat. Le puteti citi tot pe blogul meu; sunt deja expuse si, le voi traduce.
Domnule avocat, am sa citez din postarile unora care stiu despre ce e vorba si care scriu despre acest subiect de multi ani, si, care ajuta la intelegerea cat mai clara a realityatii, a ceea ce s-a intamplat si se intampla cu adevarat si nu, asa cum sunt convinsa, deja ei v-au spus lucruri complet neadevarate, doar fiindca acesti criminali, abuzatorii, familiile Constantinescu si Maticiuc sunt cei care, pe langa faptul ca ei au tesut o poveste complet neadevarata, folosindu-se de puterea statului, cu ajutorul serviciilor de informatii (desi, repet, ei NU detin nicio functie in stat si sunt doar familii de parveniti, securisti militia care l-au vandut pe Ceausescu si Romania, precum si cealalta familie de parveniti psihopati care de sapte ani de zile si-au construit o viata falsa publica abuzand de familia mea), s-au folosit de familia mea extinsa si de relatiile deficitare familiale, folosindu-i pe toti coruptibilii, invidiosii si mincinosii care in trecut au procedat in aceeasi maniera si au distrus viata tatalui meu.
Exemplul este identic, acesti criminali comunisti folosind exact aceleasi metode si exact aceleasi persoane, bineinteles, in acest caz, mergand mult, mult mai departe. Dupa ce voi cita din scrierile lor, va voi explica pe larg relatiile familiale si actiunile acestor persoane in raport cu familia mea.
"Dincolo de simulatie si fantezie, realitatea factuala a neo feudalismului este la vedere; este vorba despre masoni si cluburi semi-secrete de elite exclusiviste. S-au format si accentuat bule de internet si comunitati de "valori" (cuvantul "valori" in ghilimele desigur, puse chiar de catre autorul scrierii) pe paginile de socializare, care cultiva incredibile fobii, tipice Evului Mediu: xenofobia (teama de straini), cei obsedati cu imigrantii (exemplu: sistemul Trump), antropofobia (teama de atingerea umana), exemplul clar fiind masurile exagerate luate anul trecut, teama de multime, ipohondria, precum si altele.
Totul este pus sub controlul serviciilor secrete, ele insele ierarhizate si polarizate dupa sferele de influenta ale puterilor suverane. Realitatea din romanele despre Evul Mediu este cu mult depasita de era pe care o traim ca intr-un vis lucid.'
Tot autorul textului pune o intrebare extrem de lucida si reala:" Pe copii cine ii protejeaza de orbirea adultilor care cred in toate exagerarile "stiintifice" ale Big Pharma dupa principiul medieval "crede (ceea ce iti spun ei) si nu cauta sa te informezi, sa cercetezi"?
Mai departe, face o comparatie, mai exact descrie personajele unui roman al scriitoarei Veronica ROTH dupa care s-a facut si un blockbuster hollywoodian seria Divergent. Subiectul filmului este controlul psihologic, chimico-farmaceutic si genetic al populatiei orasului Chicago, populatie compusa din supravietuitori ai unui razboi apocaliptic.
Controlul se realizeaza pe mai multe cai: separarea populatiei pe "factiuni", inteparea cu necunoscute seruri si plasarea de camere video sau de receptori ubicuri, insesizabili ochiului liber. Este vorba despre un experiment social si psihologic, un joc malefic creat de scenaristi care se numesc ei insisi "bine intentionati" (in realitate NU), care vor sa tina populatia la adapost de tentatia unui nou razboi si de pericolul supra-popularii. Violemtele si crimele sunt in mod insidios incurajate si chiar generate de catre creatorii de joc, in asa fel incat experimentul social sa fie cat mai natural si credibil. Consola de joc, scenariul, precum si lucratorii de la butoane, apartin unei agentii a guvernului SUA, denumita Biroul pentru Bunastarea Genetica.
Oamenii sunt separati de familii, adica se incearca separarea lor, (caz concret reusit de catre criminali in cazul omorarii luiTudi, si mai sunt si alte exemple foarte reale in care familia mea NU este lasata sa vorbeasca cu mine si este pusa sa imi scrie mesaje, inclusiv neadevaruri pentru interesele stirilor zilnice conform agendei psihopatilor) si se incearca manipularea si mintirea lor, tratarea lor ca niste copii, adica o infantilizare in masa, o opera alchimica de remodelare a omului, de deposedare de orice insusiri si atribute, altele decat cele alocate odata cu 'alegerea factiunii'. societatea este impartita in 5 factiuni sociale:
1. ABNEGATION- altruism, austeritate, supunere 'naturala' fata de sistem (in cazul de fata, dupa numerotarea lor, e vorba de tatal meu)
2. DAUNTLESS- neinfricare, curaj; membri acestei factiuni sunt puternici, imprevizibili, dar dedicati sistemului, in calitate de oameni disciplinati si instruiti (mama mea)
3. ERUDITE- inteligenta, egoism; oamenii din aceasta factiune sunt oameni in halate albe, medici, farmacisti, tehnocrati dedicati scopului-niciodata clar si cunoscut sistemului, mascandu-si preocuparea pentru oameni, acestia declanseaza un razboi de anihilare a celorlalte 'factiuni' (sora mea, aka nevasta reala a lui Constantinescu)
4. AMITY- cei pasnici, nonviolenti, prietenosi, dar conformisti, nedoritori sa sfideze sistemul (copil, nepoata mea)
5. CANDOR- cei sinceri, candizi, incapabili de minciuna (copil minor, nepotul meu)
In afara de aceste 5 factiuni, exista divergentii, o categorie hibrida si RARE de populatie, care are capacitatea de a intruni mai multe atribute ale factiunilor, de fapt, are capacitatea TO BE toate aceste 5 atribute, ABNEGATION, DAUNTLESS, ERUDITE, AMITY, CANDOR, asa cum are orice persoana normala. Interzis si combatut in societate, divergentul este 'dusmanul' de serviciu, inamicul oficial, peste tot haituit, dar este un element esential al simulatiei, o modalitate de control tipica oricarei societati umane. Cand exista "dusmanul" (in ghilimele, desigur, deoarece in realitate ei sunt dusmanii lor, ei intre ei, cele doua tabere politice si de interese, profitorii, mincinosii, manipulatorii si creatorii intregii situatii), apar si asa zisii salvatori, in realitate, ei fiind criminalii si dusmanii celor pe care ii manipuleaza si ii mint de ani de zile.