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Romanian Noble Families, our origins


started, written, on December 23, 2020, update on February 6, 2021


all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.


also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.

Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.

Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.

The roots of my family. I quote from "Historical data concerning the NOBLE ROMANIANS FAMILIES" : "from the VLASSA family and its ancestors, there were several generations of priests. Thus, the first priest known as Vasile Hossu, followed by Stefan Hossu. From the Hossu family are the former BISHOP of Cluj, the FIRST CARDINAL of Romania, as the great physician IULIU HATIEGANU, from the Univerity of Cluj. They are prominent personalities of Romania.

The BISHOP Iuliu HOSSU attended the Confessional School in his native village; sent to Rome at the Urban College, he obtained a PHD in Philosophy and in Theology at Athenaeum de Propaganda Fide. Incardinated in Lugoj, he was sanctified priest in ROME. He had different position at the Curia in Lugoj, and during the First War he was a military captain. Then he was appointed Bishop of Gherla. A prominent figure during the events of the Transylvania Union with the Kingdom of Romania, was also renowned for his pastoral work. His Diocese became Cluj-Gherla, Bishop Hossu settled his residence in Cluj. He was made CARDINAL by POPE PAUL VI.

The VLASSA family was innobilated (made noble) in the year 1620. Here is the proof.

On the left, My great-grandmother, my great-grandfather JOSEPH and my grandfather EUGENE JOSEPH, baby (my mother's father) in their home, in my native town, the one you'll see in the pictures, built in 1921.

In the picture on the right, the First Cardinal of Romania, Bishop Iuliu Hossu and, Bishop Alexandru Rusu, both, my great-grandmother's cousins. My great-grandmother, on my mother's side, is the descendant of a noble family from Transylvania, of generations of priests and prominent figures of Romania, herself, the daughter of a priest. I will quote the actual documents in the Romanian language, which you see in this article; you will also see evidence of a relative of mine, the one who provided it to me.

The picture is taken in 1917.

My great-grandfather, Joseph, was a banker, a bank inspector.

MY GRANDFATHER, the FATHER of MY MOTHER, JUDGE and LAWYER EUGENE-JOSEPH S. (bunicul meu, tatal mamei mele, Judecator si Avocat EUGEN IOSIF S.)

And you'll see in the next article why I wrote in capital letters, the name of my grandfather, Joseph, the same as my great-grandfather, his father. ( si veti vedea in articolul urmator de ce am scris cu majuscule, numele bunicului, Iosif, acelasi cu al strabunicului meu, tatal lui )

my great-grandmother, (my grandfather's mother, the one in the picture on the left), me and my mother.

strabunica mea, mama bunicului meu, cel din poza din stanga, eu si mama mea

I give you a hint about WHY is IMPORTANT HIS NAME, JOSEPH (in the mind of psychopaths, of course), and no, it's not my imagination, but it's the imagination of those about whom you've all been informed by the Romanians of what they do with me and my family. As you all know, it wasn't just us who were numbered like the Jews, but they themselves assigned various numbers and roles. From the article about the so-called prophecy, who do you think is "the historian Flavius Josephus", if there really is a historian with this name, that is to say, plays this role? You guessed it: RF Constantinescu, which is also number 5, that is my nephew. What do you think my nephew's name is? I don't think it's a surprise to anyone (as we already know we're not dealing with coincidences anymore) that my nephew is called FLAVIUS and, he's JOSEPH's great-grandson.

And who do you think is called JOSEPH, and on top of that, Jr.? You guessed it this time: none other than the new future president of the United States, Mr. JOSEPH R. BIDEN Jr.!

I will write about it and other interpretations of their biblical prophecy, in detail, in a future article and, I will also post pictures. You will also understand WHY it is important (very great to them) to present the origins of my family in this article.

From the Hosu family comes the former BISHOP of Cluj, the first CARDINAL of Romania, (the one you see in the picture above), as well as the great doctor Iuliu Hateganu from the University of Cluj.

The Vlassa family (my great-grandmother's family) was ennobled in 1520. This proof can be found written here in this picture, the antepenultimate aligned.

The first Cardinal of Romania, Bishop Iuliu Hossu, Bishop Rusu of Satu Mare, as well as the renowned doctor Iuliu Hatieganu and the university professor doctor docent Rusu, Director of the Gynecology Clinic located on the street clinics in Cluj, whom I met personally on visits to his family, and his daughter, my aunt, is my good friend to whom I often lived, as she was hosted with us whenever she wanted;

they are all cousins with either my great-grandmother or my grandfather. Dr. Rusu has also published specialized books and, his name, is found written at the entrance to the above mentioned gynecology hospital. More detailed details can be found directly in the documents published here in this article.

I'll come back with their translation. Information about bishops can be found published in English, right here, in pictures.

Primul Cardinal al Romaniei, Episcopul Iuliu Hossu, Episcopul Rusu de Satu Mare, precum si renumitul doctor Iuliu Hatieganu si Profesorul universitar doctor docent Rusu, Directorul Clinicii de Ginecologie situata pe strada Clinicilor din Cluj, (pe care l-am cunoscut personal, in vizitele la familia lui, si fiica lui, matusa mea, este buna mea prietena la care am locuit deseori, asa cum si ea a fost gazduita la noi, oricand ea a dorit; toti sunt verisori ori cu strabunica mea, ori cu bunicul meu. De asemenea, doctorul Rusu a publicat si carti de specialitate si, numele lui, se gaseste scris la intrarea in spitalul de ginecologie mai sus mentionat. Amanunte mai detaliate gasiti direct in documentele publicate aici, in acest articol. Voi reveni cu traducerea lor. Date despre episcopi gasiti publicate in limba engleza, chiar aici, in poze.

So, we are part of a family of intellectuals, noble roots.

Also, my great-grandfather, JOSEPH, was a BANK INSPECTOR; HIS SON, JUDGE and LAWYER,

and HIS DAUGHTER, AUGUSTA, our aunt, a fact that were very rare at the time for a woman to go to higher education at a University, was a PROFESSOR of Geography-Geology and, DIRECTOR, at the high school of general culture, the most prestigious in our hometown, now college, the one where we studied.

The brother of my mother is an ENGINEER, was the DIRECTOR of the Steel Combination, the second largest from Romania, for many years, a prominent member of The LIBERAL PARTY of Romania, the party of which is the current President of Romania, also had the function of Deputy MAYOR of our hometown, then was the Director of the Water Company, also, the Director of Salina, salt mine recognized around the world.

In pozele urmatoare, o vedeti pe bunica, impreuna cu mama si fratele ei.

My grandmother with my mother and her brother, my uncle.

Deci, suntem parte a unei familii de intelectuali cu radacini nobile.

Stabunicul meu, Iosif, a fost Inspector de Banca; fiul lui, bunicul meu, Eugen Iosif, a fost avocat si judecator, iar fata lui, Augusta, fapt rarisim la acea vreme pentru o femeie sa faca studii superioare, la o universitate, a fost profesoara de geografie-geologie si, Director, la liceul de cultura generala, cel mai prestigios din orasul nostru natal, acum colegiu, cel la care ne-am facut si noi studiile.

Fratele mamei, de profesie inginer, a fost Directorul Combinatului Metalurgic, al doilea cel mai mare din Romania, un membru marcant al Partidului Liberal, partid din care face parte si actualul Presedinte al Romaniei, a avut de asemenea functia de VICEPRIMAR al orasului natal, tot pentru multi ani; a fost Directorul Companiei de Apa din oras, precum si Directorul Salinei, mina de sare recunoscuta in intreaga lume.

Pictures of the house, taken by me, as memory, before my departure to America.

Poze cu casa, facute de mine, ca amintire, inainte de plecarea in America.

Inside the house. Me, at the piano and in my family's house. And I'm going to publish some other interesting evidence and explanations about the piano.

Inauntru in casa. Eu, la pianul si in casa familiei mele.

Conversation with the gentleman who bought our piano.

In front of the house, where my mother and her brother were born, growing up and raised, we, our grandparents and where our great-grandparents lived, the ones who built it in 1921.

In fata casei, unde s-a nascut mama mea si fratele ei, copilarit si crescut, noi, bunicii nostri si unde au trait strabunicii, cei care au construit-o in 1921.

The wedding of my parents. My great-grandmother, my mother, my father and me.

The conversation I had with my relative from Bucharest about great-grandparents and furniture (you will see in screenshots below the post made on Facebook on the visit I made to her, in 2015 - what a coincidence, right, just then I met her, in reality), who now lives in France, and, SHE is the ONE who GAVE ME and SHOWD ME THESE DOCUMENTS.

Conversatia avut cu ruda mea from Bucuresti, despre strabunici si mobilier (veti vedea in screenshots de mai jos postarea facuta pe Facebook la vizita pe care i-am facut-o ei, in 2015 - ce coincidenta, nu-i asa, tocmai atunci am si cunoscut-o, in realitate), care acum locuieste in Franta, si, ea este cea care mi-a dat si aratat aceste documente.

With her at her home, in Bucharest, in 2015

Another aunt who is friend with her and she is the one who gave me the number of our relative from Bucharest.

In the picture on the left is the mother of my relative from Bucharest

I also have a video posted on Facebook in which she talks about my grandfather, grandmother and great-grandparents.

in poza din stanga e mama rudei mele din Bucuresti. Am si un video postat pe Facebook in care ea vorbeste despre bunicul, bunica si strabunicii mei.

My aunt with my grandmother

in the picture on the right is my grandmother, along with my aunt from Cluj, daughter of the Director of the Gynecology Clinic, University Professor Doctor Docent Rusu, primary cousin with my grandfather, judge and lawyer Eugene-Joseph S, husband of my grandmother from this photo.

in poza din dreapta este bunica mea, impreuna cu matusa mea din Cluj, fiica sefului Clinicii de Ginecologie, profesorul universitar doctor docent Rusu, verisor primar cu bunicul meu, judecatorul si avocatul Eugene-Joseph S, sotul bunicii mele din aceasta fotografie.

I will write the family tree from a certain priest (because there are many generations of priests in our family) rendered by this relative of ours from Bucharest; several explanations are written and can be read in the documents published in this article.



son daughter

TRAIAN ANA married to RUSU

The great-grandfather of the relative My Great-Great-Grandmother

who gave me the documents

son daughter son daughter daughter


Priest Doctor my great-grandmother

the grandfather of my aunt, you see it in pictures with me

the one from the picture with and my mom

my grandmother

daughter daughter son

FELICIA STELA MARIUS Octavian others Eugene-Joseph Augusta

the mother Doctor, Lawyer and Judge Professor

of our relative University Professor my grandfather my aunt the one you see the father of my aunt

in the picture above

the elderly lady

brothers sisters brothers

She, Marcel Tuti Anima My mother Her brother

Engineer University Professor Artist licensed in Philology About her Engineer

our relatives her brother my aunt my aunt you Former MAYOR

can read

on my articles

My Mother and


NOTE: An important update to this article; there will still be some translations of documents and posts from inside the article that you find inside the article. I have a great request to the Romanians:

I want to get back some of the goods that I sold in very, very difficult periods financially. They're family heirlooms of great sentimental value. I will enumerate them, but, those interested, please contact me privately on messanger or email:, to give you accurate start-up information, so you know how to find them.

About the piano, you read in this article and how I'm trying to get it back. First of all, as you read inside this article, my great-grandfather was a bank inspector, and my mother received several gifts from her family, so, I want to recover, a gold coin, (it was in perfect condition, intact, without any scratches); several silver coins, some were with King Michael of Romania, two silver rings with a coat of arms, and some insignia (silver coins and rings when I left Romania were in my house, when I asked to send them to me, for now they said they did not find them; let's see when my things will arrive here, if I find them among them); a gold bracelet filled with rubies, a necklace and bracelet, gold with diamonds, a medallion cross, Greek, gold with brilliant, a prayer book written in ancient Romanian, dressed in purple velvet, and two church objects like metal shapes in which they placed candles, inscribed on the bottom with the name Vlassa. I offer the reward. Thank you.

me, baby, my grandmother and one of my cousin, Claudia

Me and my beloved grandmother who was TORTURED and KILLED by them, by those PSYCHOPATHS.



CURSED to be WHO kill his fellow IN HIDING!

CURSED TO BE THE MAN WHO will not full ALL THE WORDS OF HIS LAW and will not follow it!"

DO YOU recognize YOURSELF, many of YOU? I'm SURE YOU DO!

In stanga, strabunica mea, strabunicul meu, si bunicul meu (tatal mamei mele), bebe, in casa lor din orasul meu natal, cea pe care o s-o vedeti in poze si care a fost construita in 1921.

In poza din dreapta, Primul Cardinal al Romaniei, episcopul Iuliu Hossu si, episcopul Alexandru Rusu, ambii, verisorii strabunicii mele. Strabunica mea, din partea mamei, este descendenta unei familii nobile din Transilvania, a unor generatii intregi de preoti si figuri marcante ale Romaniei, ea insasi, fiica de preot. Va voi cita documentele reale din limba romana, pe care le vedeti in acest articol; de asemenea, veti vedea dovezi despre o ruda de a mea, cea care mi le-a pus la dispozitie.

va dau un pont despre DE CE este important numele bunicului si a strabunicului meu, JOSEPH (in mintea nebunilor, desigur) si nu, NU e imaginatia mea, ci este imaginatia celor despre care, cu totii ati fost informati de catre Romani, de ceea ce ei fac cu mine si familia mea. Precum stiti cu totii, nu doar noi am fost numerotati ca si evreii, ci si chiar ei si-au atribuit diverse numere si roluri. Din articolul despre asa zisa profetie, cine credeti ca este istoricul Flavius Josephus, daca intr-adevar o exista in realitate un istoric cu numele acesta, adica joaca acest rol? Ati ghicit: RF Constantinescu, care, este si numarul 5, adica, nepotul meu. Cum credeti ca se numeste nepotul meu? NU cred ca e o surpriza pentru nimeni (ca deja stim ca nu mai avem de-a face cu coincidente) ca, nepotul meu se numeste FLAVIUS si, este stra-nepotul lui JOSEPH.

Si CINE credeti ca se numeste JOSEPH, si pe deasupra si Jr.? Ati ghicit si de data asta: nimeni altul decat NOUL viitor presedinte al USA, dl. JOSEPH R. BIDEN Jr.!

voi scrie despre asta si alte interpretari din profetia lor biblica, in amanunt, intr-un articol viitor si, voi posta si poze. Veti intelege si DE CE are importanta (foarte mare pentru ei) prezentarea originilor familiei mele din acest articol.

Din familia Hossu se trage fostul EPISCOP al Clujului, primul CARDINAL al Romaniei, cel pe care il vedeti in poza de mai sus), ca si marele medic Iuliu Hateganu de la Universitatea din Cluj. Familia Vlassa (familia strabunicii mele) a fost innobilata in anul 1520. Aceasta dovada se gaseste scrisa aici, in aceasta poza, antepenultimul aliniat.

Nota: Un important update la acest articol; vor mai fi inca niste traduceri ale unor documente si postari din interiorul articolului pe care le gasiti in interiorul articolului. Am o mare rugaminte catre Romani:

vreau sa imi recuperez niste bunuri pe care le-am vandut in perioade foarte, foarte grele din punct de vedere financiar. Sunt obiecte de familie, cu valoare sentimentala deosebita. Am sa le enumar, dar, cei interesati, va rog sa ma contactati in privat pe messanger sau email:, pentru a va da informatii exacte de pornire, ca sa stiti cum pot fi gasite.

Despre pian, ati citit in acest articol si cum incerc sa il recuperez. In primul rand, precum cititi in interiorul acestui articol, strabunicul meu a fost inspector de banca, iar mama mea a primit mai multe cadouri de la familia ei, asa ca, vreau sa recuperez, o moneda de aur, (era in stare perfecta, intacta, fara nicio zgarietura); mai multe monezi de argint, unele erau cu Regele Mihai al Romaniei, doua inele de argint cu un blazon, si ceva insemne (monezile de argint si inelele cand eu am plecat din Romania erau in casa mea, cand am cerut sa mi le trimita, deocamdata au spus ca nu le-au gasit; sa vedem cand vor ajunge lucrurile mele aici, daca o sa le gasesc printre ele); o bratara de aur plina cu rubine, un colier si o bratara cu diamante, o cruce medalion, greaca, din aur cu briliante, o carte de rugaciuni scrisa in limba romana veche, imbracata in catifea mov, si doua obiecte bisericesti ca niste forme din metal in care se puneau candele, inscriptionate pe fund cu numele Vlassa. Ofer recompensa.

Nota: toate pozele imi apartin si sunt facute de mine; screenshots care privesc viata mea si acest nedorit eveniment care s-a desfasurat si se desfasoara fara acordul meu, si au legatura directa cu ceea ce s-a intamplat, sunt facute de mine si, sunt mai mult decat indreptatita sa le folosesc, deoarece eu NU am fost nici intrebata, nici nu mi s-a cerut acordul pentru ca, o lume intreaga sa intre cu bocancii in viata mea privata.

de asemenea, toate textele de pe acest blog sunt scrise de mine, acolo unde am citat, am indicat sursa, autorul si chiar am pus link unde e cazul si am gasit asa ceva. Nu autorizez pe nimeni, nici sa publice aceste texte, decat distribuirea integrala a articolului de aici, de pe blogul meu, pe paginile de socializare, sau, cu acordul meu explicit; nici sa se inspire, nici sa faca filme sau sa scrie carti despre viata mea.

Cine face asta, fara acordul meu, va fi actionat in instanta, conform drepturilor legale.

Cine doreste sa publice o carte sau sa faca un film despre viata mea, este rugat sa ma contacteze la adresa de email: , aici, sau pe paginile de socializare care, toate sunt cu numele meu real.


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