What I have presented to you are the words of God in the Bible, I have also taken pictures; anyone can translate you and it is exactly this text. There is no way it is any foreign influence: the only foreign influence is the manipulation and lies of Maticiuc and Constantinescu, who have been working for the Rothschild family since 2014 and, with their help in the USA, with their consent, and yours, Mr. Soros, because you were tricked, and you, and the whole left wing, the Democrats.
The Bible says very clearly that they are false prophets, you have the text translated on the screen; like the one who wrote that prophecy of Satan. And, the Bible, DO NOT say it just once, but often. And obviously, the translated passage is about the fall of Jerusalem, and there are other texts about it; And not just about Jerusalem.
That text was written at the behest of Trump and those who support him, I mean the Rothschild family, the ones who imposed him in office, because they are religious fanatics who invented these, including with the riots and the idea that there will be no more police and, including the story of the so-called goddess Ishtar, which they lied to you about being about me, because the Bible does not say anywhere about it, that it is about any woman, in the form of a statue.
It doesn't even say Babylon is New York or America; on the contrary, I took the picture now with the map of the Bible and, you can see very clearly that Babylon is called a country, a region, and Babylon is a city of that country in the old East, namely, the current IRAQ.
This is the REAL Babylon presented in the Bible.
Photo from the BIBLE, my BIBLE: BABYLONIA is IRAQ
The story of the goddess Ishtar was invented by those who know history and antiquity and who believe in various phantasmagoria, and introduced in this text, which is not even a prophecy, but refers only to certain passages of the Bible, And it was written in red letters, just to denigrate me and, you, Mr. Soros, by cataloguing me as a whore, which is why, (after they took Trump out of office that they put him in, and the UK came out of the EU, Biden was put in office), to end this monstrous experiment in which they achieved their goal, except one: to destroy you and other left-wing centers of influence, I mean, you, the people who run the Democratic Party.
I quote again this excerpt:
"According to the ancient Babylonian rituals, one could only be purified of sin after INTERCOURSE with a TEMPLE PRIEST or PRIESTESS of ISHTAR.
In return for this salvation a "gift offering" was needed. ISHTAR was the "patron" of the temple priestesses and priests, of what we would call today "prostitution"."
So, first of all, you have to look for someone from IRAQ or another religion, for example Buddhist, Mohammedan, Israeli, who serves in the temple; because the temple does NOT mean the CHURCH, to analyze ad literam. In other news, those of you who have been fooled, and you let yourself be fooled by the idea that your sins have been cleansed, that you have purified yourself for abusing me, believing that you will be saved and purified, you are the laughing stock of the whole world as soon as they have mocked you, Constantinescu, Maticiuc and those for whom they work, because, as I wrote here long ago, without knowing of this interpretation of some passages of the Bible and written according to the will of some crazy people, that through me no one has been purified because I am NOT neither me nor my sister! and that, on the contrary, I am the one very clean and purified for all the suffering that I have endured unjustly for so many years and, by doing so, I have cleansed and
Question to ALL the psychopathic who think they are God and who think they have any right to do what they do: when Codin Maticiuc wanted at all costs to make me go with him and play the role of lover, and I was actually protected by the Secret Service and the Police, everywhere I went, including St. Patrick's Cathedral or upstate to friends, visiting, and when I was put to the test repeatedly in the summer of 2017 in this regard,
and men of all ages and typologies were sent, and various nationalities to try to buy me in exchange for sexual favors and, absolutely all of them, I REFUSED THEM ALL, and YOU KNOW that, because it was even Maticiuc himself who sent them all (me, without knowing the tests or your psychopathic prophecies), and then, I was in the "height of glory", to the attention of Hollywood, then I wasn't a prostitute, but I became so "overnight" in your imagination, just because I'm in the house all day and all night
and, the neurons in your brain are gone or, more precisely, you've got the wickedness and immense hatred that you have towards me, without even knowing me, just because now that's what the clown Maticiuc wants and because I demand that the culprits be punished, because I'm asking for my legal rights?
another question: FBI or "experts" Constantinescu and Maticiuc, have provided you with my writings from 2018, 2019 and 2020, the very conclusive ones in which I told the story about my advertising contract and that Miss contest? but other extremely important writings that, it seems very clear, not only that you have forgotten or ignored but, none of those who should do their duty to inform you correctly do not, but, on the contrary, they serve you with intentional daily misinformation?!
Parents, and especially real mothers like my sister and my mother, are very good parents and, always take home their children from the Zoo, children intentionally exposed (by psychopaths already known around the world), some since birth, because, although it was and is their legal right to receive German citizenship, I repeat, according to the law and the status of his parents, has been deprived of this right, it has been taken away from it, by the criminals of humanity, those who, without neurons and eager only for power, those religious fanatics both Zionist, and not only, who claim to be human rights fighters, when in reality they are the ones who kill and sell their own Jewish people, without any remorse, as author Roger Garaudy writes in the book sold in millions of copies and, as HITLER himself declares about them in the chapter RIGHT to SELF-DEFENSE, I quote: "If only once, at the beginning or during the war, they had been exposed to toxic gases ten or fifteen thousand of these Jews, CORRUPTERS OF THE PEOPLE, -that is, those criminal Zionist leaders- treatment that hundreds of thousands of the best of our German workers, of all origins and professions, had to endure it at the front, the sacrifice of millions of people would not have been in vain.
On the contrary, IF IN TIME had been produced to get rid of these tens of thousands of wretched, knave, scoundrel, villains, it could have saved the lives of a million good and brave Germans who had before them the future.
If the JEWISH INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MEDIA inside and outside Europe were to succeed in once again throwing the peoples into a world war, the result would not be the Bolshevism of the land, which has as its corollary the victory of Judaism, but the destruction (VERNICHTUNG) of the Jewish race in Europe. For the time has passed when the other peoples were abandoned defenseless in the face of Jewish propaganda. National Socialist Germany and Fascist Italy now have the institutions that allow, whenever necessary, to enlighten the world on all the details of problems that many peoples instinctively feel, but cannot explain.
Jews can follow their harassment campaign in certain states, protected as they are by the monopoly they exercise over the press, cinema, radio propaganda, theatres, literature, and so on.
However, if this people will once again succeed in throwing millions of people into a totally absurd conflict for them, even if this conflict could be profitable for Jewish interests, then it will prove the effectiveness of an explanation work that allowed in a few years, only in Germany, the total downing (restlos erlegen) of Judaism."
and Hitler also declares: "But I did not let there be any doubt in this regard, if these INTERNATIONAL PLOTTERS of the world of MONEY and FINANCE will begin to treat the peoples of Europe in stock packages, this people, who ARE the TRUE RESPONSIBLE for this destructive conflict, will answer: the Jews! DAS JUDENTUM! We have left no one in uncertainty about the fate that awaits the one that causes millions of children of the Aryan peoples of Europe to starve, millions of adult men should perish and hundreds of thousands of women and children would be burned or die in their cities under bombardment. Even if this must be done with more human means, the culprit -the criminals of humanity- must atone for their guilt) by primates with serious PSYCHOLOGICAL DEFICIENCY and zero morality.
I quote from the same book: " which shows that, in reality, Zionist rulers, despite their internal rivalries, pursue the same racist objective: the banishment from Palestine, through terror, expropriation or expulsion, of all Arab natives, in order to remain them, the only masters.
At Eichmann's trial in Jerusalem, Attorney General Haim Cohen reminded the judges: 'If that doesn't coincide with your philosophy, you can criticize Kastner. But what does that have to do with collaboration? It has always been in our Zionist tradition to select an elite for the organization of immigration to Palestine. Kastner didn't do anything else.'
This high magistrate really invokes a constant doctrine of the Zionist movement: it was not intended to save Jews, but to build a powerful Jewish state.
on 2 May 1948, Rabbi Klaussner, in charge of the transferred persons presented a report to the American Jewish Conference: 'I am convinced that people should be forced to go to Palestine. For them, a U.S. dollar appears to them as the most important of their goals. By the word "force" I suggest a program. He's already been helpful, and still very recently. He served to evacuate jews from Poland, and in the story of "Exodus." In order to apply this program we must, instead of providing comfort to 'transferred persons', create them as much discomfort as possible. In a second stage, let's resort to a procedure that appeals to Haganah to harass the Jews.'
The variants of this method of incitement and even coercion were multiple.
In 1940, to provoke outrage against the English who had decided to save the Jews threatened by Hitler, receiving them on the island of Mauritius, the Zionist rulers of 'HAGANAH' (whose chief was Ben Gourion) did not hesitate to blow up, on 25 December 1940, the French cargo ship Patria carrying them and who had made a stopover in the port of Haiffa, thus causing the death of 252 Jews and English crew members.
Another example, Iraq: the Jewish community (110,000 people in 1948) was well-rooted in this country. The Great Rabbi of Iraq, Khedouri Sassoon, had declared: 'Jews and Arabs have enjoyed the same rights and privileges for a thousand years and do not consider themselves as separate elements in this nation.'
Then, in 1950, Israeli terrorist activities began in Baghdad. In the face of the reluctance of Iraqi Jews to join the immigration lists to Israel, The Israeli secret services did not hesitate to convince the Jews that they were in danger to drop bombs on them. The attack on the Shem-Tov synagogue killed several people and injured dozens. Thus began the exodus christened 'Operation Ali Baba.'
This is a method that has been applied consistently since Theodore Herzl replaced the definition of the Jew by religion with that of his race.
Article 4b of the Basic Law of the State of Israel (which does not have the Constitution), which defines the 'law of return' (5710 of 1950), stipulates: "is considered a Jew who was born of the Jewish mother, or the converted mother." (Racial criterion or confessional criterion)
This so-called horrible "artwork", exposed in the foyer of one of the Capital Town Halls, which has produced disgust on Facebook, next to other equally ugly "works of art" some kitsch that, in fact, want to represent the image of my family in various forms), wants to represent, in reality, the embodiment of Constantinescu's wife, (even if you see her painted in purple, my color), because the idea belongs to him, he puts his wife in a bathtub, as picture for the book for the book Uncensored. And, we have to admit, the shape of the breasts (even if with an implant) is still hers. You can see that image below.
Also, note, again, the gray color, "artwork" being put in a gray tub, i.e., I think you already know who they associate this color: FED, Wall Street, bankers.
Which is very interesting, you see in the next picture, just from 2018, the same representation of a woman in a bathtub, this time she dressed in gray and everything gray around her, including some fish, that they still use and fish in many pictures, as another 'code' besides cats, cherries, dogs and others.
So, a scenario that was written and done on the same line drawn by Constantinescu and Maticiuc and others, you'll see who it is.
In reality, Uncensored arrived in Hollywood, you already know what this is about and, I'll publish evidence.
Aceasta asa zisa "opera de arta" oribila, expusa in foaierul uneia din Primariile Capitalei, care a produs dezgust pe Facebook, langa alte "opere de arta" la fel de urate niste kitschuri care, de fapt, vor sa reprezinte imaginea familiei mele in diverse forme), vrea sa reprezinte, in realitate, intruchiparea nevestei lui Constantinescu, (chiar daca o vedeti vopsita in mov, culoarea mea), deoarece ideea ii apartine, el punand-o pe nevasta-sa intr-o cada, ca imagine pentru cartea Necenzurat. Si, trebuie sa recunoastem, si forma sanilor (chiar daca cu implant), este tot a ei. Imaginea respectiva o puteti vedea mai jos.
de asemenea, de remarcat, din nou, culoarea gri, "opera de arta" fiind bagata intr-o cada gri, adica, cred ca deja stiti cui ei asociaza aceasta culoare: FED, Wall Street, bancherii. ceea ce este foarte interesant, vedeti si in imaginea alaturata, tocmai din 2018, aceeasi reprezentare a unei femei intr-o cada, de data asta ea imbracata in gri si totul gri in jurul ei, inclusiv ceva pestisori, ca tot folosesc ei si pestii in multe imagini, ca fiind un alt 'cod' pe langa pisici, cirese, caini si altele.
Deci, un scenariu ticluit si realizat pe aceeasi linie trasata de Constantinescu si Maticiuc si altii, veti vedea despre cine e vorba.
In realitate, Necenzurat ajunsa la Hollywood, stiti deja despre ce e vorba si, voi publica si dovezi.
all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.
also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.
Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.
Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.
Ceea ce eu v-am prezentat sunt cuvintele lui Dumnezeu din Biblie, am facut si poze; oricine poate sa va traduca si este exact acest text. In niciun caz NU este vorba despre nicio influenta straina: singura influenta straina este manipularea si minciunile lui Maticiuc si Constantinescu, care lucreaza pentru familia Rothschild, inca din 2014 si, au patruns cu ajutorul lor in USA, cu acordul lor, si al dvs, domnule Soros, deoarece ati fost pacalit, si dvs, si toata aripa de stanga, Democratii. Biblia spune foarte clar ca sunt profeti mincinosi, aveti textul tradus pe ecran; ca si cel care a scris acea profetie a lui Satan. Si, Biblia, NU o spune doar o data, ci de multe ori. Si, in mod evident, in pasajul tradus este vorba despre caderea Ierusalimului, si mai sunt si alte texte despre acest lucru; si nu doar despre Ierusalim.
Textul respectiv a fost scris la comanda lui Trump si a celor care il sprijina, adica familia Rothschild, cei care l-au si impus in functie, deoarece ei sunt fanatici religiosi care au inventat astea, inclusiv cu riots si cu ideea ca nu va mai fi politie si, inclusiv despre povestea cu asa zisa zeita Ishtar, despre care ei v-au mintit ca ar fi vorba despre mine, deoarece in Biblie NU scrie nicaieri despre asta, ca ar fi vorba despre vreo femeie, sub forma unei statui. Nici macar NU scrie ca Babilonul este New York sau America; din contra, am facut poza acum cu harta din Biblie si, puteti vedea foarte clar ca Babilonia este denumita o tara, o regiune,
iar Babilon este un oras din acea tara din vechiul Orient, si anume, actualul IRAQ.
Asta este adevaratul Babilon prezentat in Biblie. Povestea cu zeita Ishtar a fost inventata de catre cei care cunosc istorie si antichitate si care cred in diverse fantasmagorii, si introdusa in acest text, care nici macar NU e o profetie, ci se refera doar la anumite pasaje din Biblie, si a fost scrisa cu litere rosii, doar pentru a ma denigra pe mine si, pe dvs, domnule Soros, prin a ma cataloga pe mine drept curva, motiv ca (dupa ce l-au scos pe Trump din functia in care ei l-au pus, si UK a iesit din UE, Biden a fost pus in functie) sa incheie acest experiment monstruos in care si-au atins scopul, mai putin unul: acela de a va distruge pe dvs si alte centre de influenta de stanga, adica, pe dvs, cei care conduceti partidul Democrat.
Citez din nou acest fragment:
"According to the ancient Babylonian rituals, one could only be purified of sin after INTERCOURSE with a TEMPLE PRIEST or PRIESTESS of ISHTAR.
In return for this salvation a “gift offering” was needed. ISHTAR was the “patron” of the temple priestesses and priests, of what we would call today ‘prostitution’."
Deci, in primul rand, trebuie sa cautati pe cineva din IRAQ sau o alta religie, de exemplu budista, mahomedana, israeliana, care serveste in templu; deoarece templu NU inseamna biserica, ca sa analizam ad literam. In alta ordine de idei, cei care ati fost prostiti, si you let yourself to be prostiti de ideea ca vi s-au curatit pacatele, ca v-ati purificat pentru ca m-ati abuzat pe mine, crezand ca va veti mantui si veti fi purificati, sunteti de rasul lumii intregi de cum si-au batut joc de dvs, Constantinescu, Maticiuc si cei pentru care ei lucreaza, deoarece, asa cum am scris aici demult, fara sa stiu de aceasta interpretare a unor pasaje din Biblie si puse in scris dupa voia unor crazy people, ca, prin mine NU s-a purificat nimeni deoarece eu NU sunt si NU am fost prostituata niciodata; nici eu, nici sora mea! si ca, din contra, eu sunt cea foarte curata si purificata pentru toata suferinta pe care am indurat-o pe nedrept atatia ani si, prin asta, mi-am curatit si am