Mr. Soros, the Romanians have written very clearly about you, and I quote one of them, proof that everyone knows about this experiment. And today, I posted from a lot of people, not just the ones I've quoted.
He says:
'Soros's financing in Romania is acts of corruption and violates human rights.'
And he says he's always right, I mean, he knows what he's talking about.
I quote a Roman lawyer: "The unilateral decision of someone, person or state entity, to take the life of one or more human beings, followed by the passage to the act, is called murder. Point. And yes, it should be punished following a trial. It doesn't matter who the perpetrator is and it doesn't matter who the victim is. It doesn't matter why. (the reason invoked) It doesn't matter, not even the alleged atrocities committed by the person/people killed. It doesn't even matter if the people killed committed crimes against humanity or systematically violated human rights. At one monstrosity you can't answer with another monstrosity! You can't respond to barbarism with barbarism unless you're barbaric! In a world where wars and "revolutions" are beginning to defend "human rights" and "democracy", people cannot be killed in violation of the most fundamental human rights and with the violation of the right to a fair trial. at least NOT by those who pose in defenders of human rights and democracy. It is the reason why the civilized world has established since 2002 the International Criminal Court, based in The Hague. And they gave the right and power of the court to judge and punish individuals guilty of committing particularly serious crimes that harm the interests of mankind. The abusers of the citizens are the very ones who are supposed to protect them: the judges and the prosecutors. How many abusers against citizens have been prosecuted and convicted? All this is real evidence that there's unauthorized interference and control over me. And no one can dispute that.
So, he also knows what they are capable of, so he writes articles of law in the Criminal Code that say so, quote: "Misleading the judicial bodies. The criminal complaint, made by denunciation or complaint, concerning the existence of an act stipulated by the criminal law or in connection with the commission of such an act by a certain person, knowing that it is unreal, is punishable by imprisonment from 6 months to 3 years or a fine. The production or arranged of non-real evidence, in order to prove the existence of an act stipulated by criminal law or, committed to it by a certain person, is punishable by imprisonment from one to five years. the person who has committed the deception of the judicial bodies shall not be punished if he declares, before the detention, arrest or initiation of the criminal action against the person against whom the denunciation or complaint has been made or the evidence has occurred, that the denunciation, complaint or evidence is not real.' So, what do you, those of you who know what you've done? What do you think of all these laws? come back, with very important evidence. Think carefully and don't be fooled by these criminals. Maticiuc, he is capable of anything.
this is an indisputable proof before the law that Romania allows itself to argue and hold America accountable, regarding me and my family who have been for so many years and we are trafficked by these psychopaths to you, for your personal purposes, of a sociopath group who, interprets my normal life, as "biblical prophecies" after which to realize their fanaticism.
Domnule Soros, romanii au scris foarte clar despre dvs, citez pe unul dintre ei, dovada ca toti stiu despre acest experiment. Iar astazi, am postat de la foarte multa lume, nu doar de la cei despre care am mai citat. El zice asa:
' Finantarile lui Soros in Romania sunt acte de coruptie si incalca drepturile omului."
Si mai zice el are dreptate intodeauna, adica, stie ce vorbeste.
Citez un avocat roman:"Decizia unilaterala a cuiva, persoana sau entitate statala, de a lua viata uneia sau mai multor fiinte umane, urmata de trecerea la act, se numeste crima. punct. Si da, it ar trebui pedepsita in urma unui proces. NU conteaza CINE e faptuitorul si nu conteaza cine e victima. NU conteaza motivul invocat. (the reason invoked) NU conteaza nimic, nici macar atrocitatile presupus comise de persoana/ persoanele ucise. NU conteaza nici macar daca persoanele ucise ar fi comis crime impotriva umanitatii sau ar fi incalcat sistematic drepturile omului. At o monstruozitate NU se poate raspunde cu alta monstruozitate! La barbarism NU poti raspunde cu barbarism, decat daca esti barbar! Intr-o lume in care se pornesc razboaie si "revolutii" pentru apararea "drepturilor omului" si a "democratiei", NU pot fi ucisi oameni cu incalcarea celor mai fundamentale drepturi ale omului si with the incalcarea dreptului la un proces echitabil. macar NU de catre cei care pozeaza in aparatori ai drepturilor omului si ai democratiei. E motivul pentru care lumea civilizata a instituit incepand cu anul 2002 Curtea Penala Internationala, cu sediul la Haga. Si au dat dreptul si puterea Curtii de a judeca si pedepsi persoanele fizice vinovate de comiterea unor infractiuni deosebit de grave, care aduc atingere intereselor omenirii. Abuzatorii cetatenilor, sunt chiar cei care ar trebui sa ii protejeze: judecatorii si procurorii. Cati abuzatori impotriva cetatenilor au fost trimisi in judecata si condamnati? Toate astea sunt dovezi reale ca exista o interventie si control neautorizat asupra mea. Si nimeni NU poate contesta asta. deci, stie si de ce anume ei sunt in stare, asa ca scrie articole de lege din Codul penal care zice asa, citez:"Inducerea in eroare a organelor judiciare. Sesizarea penala, facuta prin denunt sau plangere, cu privire la existenta unei fapte prevazute de legea penala ori in legatura cu savarsirea unei asemenea fapte de catre o anumita persoana, cunoscand ca aceasta este nereala, se pedepseste cu inchisoare de la 6 luni la 3 ani sau cu amenda. Producerea sau arranged de probe nereale, in scopul de a dovedi existenta unei fapte prevazute de legea penala ori, committed acesteia de catre o anumita persoana, se pedepseste cu inchisoarea de la unu la 5 ani. nu se pedepseste persoana care a savarsit inducerea in eroare a organelor judiciare, daca declara, inainte de retinerea, arestarea sau de punerea in miscare a actiunii penale impotriva celui fata de care s-a facut denuntul sau plangerea ori s-au produs probele, ca denuntul, plangerea sau probele sunt nereale." Deci, ce parere aveti, voi, cei care stiti ce ati facut? Ce parere aveti despre toate aceste legi? revin, cu dovezi foarte importante. ganditi-va bine si NU va mai lasati pacaliti de acesti criminali. Maticiuc, he is capable de orice, si fata de oricine.
aceasta reprezinta o proba indubitabila in fata legii, ca Romania isi permite sa certe si sa traga la raspundere America, in privinta mea si a familiei mele care am fost de atatia ani si suntem traficati de catre acesti psihopati catre dvs, pentru scopurile dvs personale, ale unui grup, sociopat care, interpreteaza viata normala a mea, ca fiind "profetii biblice" dupa care sa-si realizeze fanatismul.
Abuzatorii cetatenilor, sunt chiar cei care ar trebui sa ii protejeze: judecatorii si procurorii. Cati abuzatori impotriva cetatenilor au fost trimisi in judecata si condamnati?
aceasta reprezinta o proba indubitabila in fata legii ca, Romania isi permite sa certe si sa traga la raspundere America, in privinta mea si a familiei mele care am fost de atatia ani si suntem traficati de catre acesti psihopati catre dvs, pentru scopurile dvs personale, ale unui grup sociopat care, interpreteaza viata normala a mea, ca fiind "profetii biblice" dupa care sa-si realizeze fanatismul.