"The moral values and principles of my family and my ancestors, deeply rooted and impregnated in my own consciousness, will NOT allow me to ever discount any interest, be it sentimental, material or otherwise."
by Oana Stavila
Excerpt from my upcoming book, from my future book:
Do you know when I wrote this text, to which it was addressed and for what purpose? you'll find out
And now, let me start with the translation of that conversation between me and my sister, proof of what RFConstantinescu and Maticiuc were preparing and, which I could NEVER imagine that it would be possible for me to become a victim of such psychopaths who use lies and staging to be able to enter the USA and do what they did. with the consent of someone very important, of course, as evidenced by other evidence expressed by people working in the FBI who have worked on this case.
This is a conversation from February 19, 2015, so at that time I was still living in Romania, and they were preparing access to the USA fooling someone, knowing that I will come here. quote:
"She: What are you doing? We woke up now... see what a dream I had.. that I was talking to President PUTIN here in D*****t and he invited me on holiday in Russia.. hahaha.. and I started to learning Russian.
I replied: Interesting.
She: Yes. hahaha. What does it mean?
Me: I do not know. read it, see what it means in a dream to learn foreign languages. and you can still looking for functions (what means), meeting a man with a high position. and holiday invitation. anyway, the man in the dream is a good sign. and then you put them together.”
Then she continues with another topic that interested them and that they promoted from the beginning, I will tell you why, after I will translate the following text: our uncle, my mother's brother.I quote below:She: It would be good to be well. OK. Did you talk to Sorin (mother's brother) in the morning?I answer: call me if you want. and she answers me: Bebe (that is, Flavius) has returned alone today!!! "and puts three signs of exclamation.
of course, now, in the light of all that has happened and lived, and I see every punctuation mark differently, as interpreted and invented by these psychopaths, then I could NOT even imagine such a thing, in any form and, in any case, with my family.
Si acum, sa incep cu traducerea acelei conversatii dintre mine si sora mea, dovada a ceea ce pregateau RFC si Maticiuc si, ceea ce eu nici NU imi puteam imagina vreodata ca ar fi posibil sa devin victima unor astfel de psihopati care sa se foloseasca de minciuni si inscenari pentru a putea intre in USA si a face ceea ce ei au facut. cu acordul cuiva foarte important, desigur, asa cum rezulta si din alte dovezi exprimate de oameni care lucreaza in FBI, care au lucrat la acest caz.
Este vorba despre o conversatie din data de 19 Februarie 2015, deci, atunci inca locuiam in Romania, iar ei, isi pregateau accesul in USA pacalind pe cineva, stiind ca eu voi veni aici. citez: "Ce faci? Noi acuma ne-am vezi ce vis eu am avut.. ca povesteam cu Presedintele Putin aici, in Duderstadt si el M a invitat in vacanta in am apucat sa invat ruseste.Eu i-am raspuns: Interesant.Ea: Da. hahaha. Oare ce inseamna?Eu: Nu stiu. citeste si tu, vezi ce inseamna in vis sa inveti limbi straine. si mai cauti la functii, intalnire cu un om cu functie inalta. si invitatie de vacanta. oricum, barbatul in vis e semn bun. si apoi, le pui cap la cap. Apoi ea continua cu un alt subiect care ii interesa pe ei si pe care ei l-au promovat de la inceput, am sa va spun si de ce, dupa ce voi traduce si urmatorul text: unchiul nostru, fratele mamei. citez in continuare: Ea: Ar fi bine sa fie bine. Ok. Ai vorbit cu Sorin (fratele mamei) dimineata?Eu ii raspund: suna-ma daca vrei. iar ea imi raspunde: Bebe (adica Flavius) s-a intors azi singur!!!" si pune si trei semne ale exclamarii.
desigur, acum, in lumina tuturor celor intamplate si traite, si fiecare semn de punctuatie il vad altfel, asa cum l-au interpretat si l-au inventat acesti psihopati. Atunci, NU puteam nici sa imi imaginez asa ceva, sub nicio forma si, in niciun caz cu familia mea.
Everything, absolutely everything my mother and sister wrote (and you will read because I will translate) or said (from what I know) about Sorin and Liana, (mother's brother and his wife), as well as about Claudia, her mother and Anca, IS TRUE.
The BIG REVEAL is coming.
Everything Maticiuc and/or Constantinescu have said about them (my mother and sister) is UNTRUE and is part of their great lie and manipulation, moreover, everything these people in the family have done, they(Communists Maticiuc and their acolytes)have attributed to us their deeds (Anca, Claudia and her mother).
Next comes the GREAT UNMASKING, as well as bringing them before the investigative bodies.
In this article you will see exactly all their lies debunked by me. No one will be able to challenge in front of the law what I will say.
This action, inhumane, unique in the world, the use of me and my family as slaves for psychopaths and the international public denigration of my family, as well as the crimes committed by these mentally ill who have been hiding for years under the protectorate of money they have made stealing or speculating, lying to others, which they use for crimes and to buy and control the organs of the state, through terror, will be avenged, as is normal, according to the law. It is these mentally ill people who for years have been using us for their personal purposes of power, who lie and spread rumors about us that we would have mental problems, when the truth is more than obvious and known to the whole world and, they try to commit other crimes, believing that this is how they will escape for the crimes committed.
NO, I'll let you know that YOU WON'T escape, none of the guilty ones, and I'll prove everything legal, no matter who I have to fight. Although you've known me for years and you know what strength and faith I have and what I've resisted from you, you still believe that, because you terrorized me day and night, you think it's weakened the power of my mind or body, my strength, and, of course, because you think you've accomplished your mission, after you've installed Biden in office and made your game of "coronavirus", now you can once again take advantage of the STATE POWER that you are NOT allowed to use, because it's ILLEGAL and IMMORAL, to hurt me or my family through the SAME DIRECTED SHOWS and "HABITS" as YOU DID in the OTHER CRIMES that YOU COMMITTED?
NO, "CO (COdin Maticiuc) from RO (Romania) NA VIRUS (YOUR VIRUS ACOLYTHES -from ILLEGAL computer intrusion SPY VIRUS) men" under NO circumstances does any scenario go any other way than THE LAW!
I've been UNMASKING YOU for years now here, but, the CRIMINALS, the ones who used me and my family in their personal war, Trump-Soros and the others involved that everyone knows, including killing innocent, pure and clean people, for NO reason other then THEIR VERY SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS, the HABIT of KILLING because THEY ENJOY to kill and HATE PEOPLE, the HUMANITY(while, on all the bitches of the "boy" artificially bloated physically to "look good with muscles", without a brain, and a malice of vipers and other spoiled "boys" raised on the money stolen by his father from the money of the Romanian people, who hides behind diapers and after the abuses of his father, the ordinary CRIMINAL of the COMMUNIST Security) and the ORDINARY WHORES who are protected by the SAME CRIMINALS and still alive, the specimens of my EXTENDED family, USED to denigrate us and, to present us, ME and MY FAMILY what we are NOT and have NEVER been.
"smart boys", in quotation marks of course, that God knows very clearly who these BEASTS are in REALITY, that is, the psychopathic murderers Maticiuc and Constantinescu, (protected now -by the BIG MANIPULATION and LYING of ordinary thieves and criminals who USE ME, US, to carry THEIR "FIGHT" that they are NOT able to take in the face with THEIR DIRECT OPPONENTS- because BEFORE THEY were NOT), by other great CRIMINALS of HUMANITY that YOU all KNOW and YOU WRITE about THEM in ALL SOCIAL MEDIA everyday that, because of them, people died and because of which you stayed in houses and you have absurd restrictions).
"Motivele" pentru care am fost aleasa de psihopatii infractori- militieni, vechea securitate a lui Ceausescu, si acolitii lor
Tot, absolut tot ceea ce mama si sora mea a scris (si veti citi, deoarece voi traduce) sau spus (din ceea ce eu stiu) despre Sorin si Liana, (fratele mamei si sotia lui), cat si despre Claudia, mama ei si Anca, este adevarat. Marea dezvaluire urmeaza.
Tot ceea ce Maticiuc si/sau Constantinescu au spus despre ei, este neadevarat si face parte din marea lor minciuna si manipulare, mai mult, tot ceea ce aceste persoane din familie au facut, ei (comunistii Maticiuc si acolitii lor) ne-au atribuit noua faptele lor. Urmeaza marea demascare, precum si aducerea lor in fata organelor de ancheta. In acest articol veti vedea exact toate minciunile lor demascate de catre mine. Nimeni NU va putea contesta in fata legii ceea ce eu voi spune. Aceasta actiune, inumana, unica in lume, de folosire a mea si a familiei mele ca sclavi pentru psihopati si de denigrare publica internationala a familiei mele, precum si crimele comise de catre acesti bolnavi mintali care se ascund de ani de zile sub protectoratul banilor pe care i-au facut furand sau speculand, mintindu-i pe altii, pe care ei ii folosesc pentru crime si pentru a cumpara si a tine sub control organele statului, prin teroare, va fi razbunata, asa cum e normal, conform legii.
Tocmai acesti bolnavi mintal care de ani de zile ne folosesc in scopurile lor personale de putere, sunt cei care mint si imprastie zvonuri despre noi ca noi am avea probleme de natura psihica, cand, adevarul este mai mult decat evident si stiut de intreaga lume si, incearca sa faca alte crime, crezand ca asa vor scapa pentru crimele comise.
NU, va anunt ca NU veti scapa, niciunul dintre cei vinovati, si voi dovedi totul legal, indiferent cu cine va trebui sa lupt.
Desi ma cunoasteti, de ani de zile si stiti ce forta si credinta am si la ce am rezistat din partea voastra, inca mai credeti ca, datorita faptului ca m-ati terorizat zi si noapte, credeti ca mi-a slabit puterea mintii sau a corpului, si, desigur, deoarece considerati ca v-ati indeplinit misiunea, dupa ce i-ati instalat pe Biden in functie si v-ati facut jocul de-a "CORONAVIRUS", acum puteti sa profitati inca o data de puterea statala de care NU aveti voie sa va folositi, deoarece e ILEGAL si IMORAL, pentru a-mi face rau mie sau familiei mele prin aceleasi show-uri regizate si "obiceiuri" cum ati mai procedat si in cazul celorlalte crime pe care le-ati comis?
NU, COVIZEILOR, (COdin Maticiuc) din RO (Romania) NAVIRUS (VIRUSII vostri ACOLITI) sub NICIO forma NU mai merge niciun fel de SCENARIU altul decat LEGEA!
"Valorile morale si principiile familiei mele si ale stramosilor mei, adanc inradacinate si impregnate in constiinta proprie, NU imi vor permite sa fac vreodata rabat pentru niciun fel de interes, fie el sentimental, material sau de alta natura."
text de Oana Stavila pe care il gasiti publicat, fragment din viitoarea mea carte: Dantele de dileme. Croset de dragoste.
Stiti cand am scris acest text, cui i-a fost adresat si in ce scop? veti afla
Eu tot cu DEMASCAREA VOASTRA sunt deja de ani de zile aici, dar, criminalii, cei care s-au folosit de mine si de familia mea in razboiul lor personal, Trump-Soros si ceilalti implicati pe care ii cunoaste toata lumea, inclusiv omorand oameni inocenti, puri si curati sufleteste, fara niciun motiv altul decat boala lor foarte grava mintala, obisnuinta de a ucide pentru ca le face placere si ura fata de oameni (in timp ce, pe toate bitches de "baietei" umflati artificial fizic ca sa "dea bine cu muschi", fara creier, si de o rautate de vipere si alti "baietei" rasfatati crescuti pe banii furati de his taica din banii poporului roman, care se ascunde dupa scutece si dupa abuzurile lui taica sau, ordinarul criminal al Securitatii comuniste) si curvele ordinare care sunt protejate si inca in viata, specimele din familia mea extinsa, folosite pentru a ne denigra si, pentru a ne prezenta pe mine si familia directa ceea ce NU suntem si NU am fost vreodata
"baietii destepti", in ghilimele desigur, ca Dumnezeu stie foarte clar cine sunt aceste bestii in realitate, adica psihopatii criminali Maticiuc si Constantinescu, (protejati acum, -prin marea manipulare si minciuna a unor hoti ordinari si criminali care se folosesc de mine, de noi, ca sa-si duca "lupta" care ei NU sunt in stare sa o duca the face cu adversarii lor directi-, deoarece inainte NU au fost), de alti mari criminali ai umanitatii pe care ii cunoasteti cu totii si voi scrieti despre ei in toata social media ca din cauza lor au murit oameni si din cauza carora ati stat in case si aveti restrictii absurde)