The Virgin Mary: my dream ABOUT ME, that came true
started, written, on December 27, 2020, update on February 6, 2021
The VIRGIN MARY: my dream ABOUT ME, that came true
There is a very big difference between a dream about a person (me, in this case, the dream with the Virgin Mary), and a dream about the world, in which I am the positive character who fights against the devil.
The VIRGIN MARY. And, no, it has nothing to do with anyone named Maria, NOT from my family, and, it was years ago. I realized that after many years, because I didn't know how to interpret it at the time.
This is a picture I took in St Patrick's Cathedral, but it has nothing to do with this dream.
Find out ALL the TRUTH and the FACTS, HERE, on MY BLOG:
all the pictures belong to me and are taken by me; screenshots which is related, that concern MY LIFE and this unwanted event that took place without my consent, and have direct connection to what happened, are made by me and, I am more than entitled to use them, because I have NOT being asked, nor have I been asked for consent for a whole world to enter with boots in MY PRIVATE LIFE.
also, all the texts on this blog are written by me, where I quoted, I indicated the source, the author and even I put the link where the case and I found something like this. I do not authorize anyone, nor to publish these texts, except the full distribution of the article from here, from my blog, on social media, or, with my explicit consent; neither to be inspired, nor to make films or to write books about my life.
Whoever does this, without my consent, will be sued, according to legal rights.
Anyone wishing to publish a book or make a film about my life is asked to contact me at the email address:, here, or on the social pages, all of which are with my real name.
I dreamed of myself, in a huge Catholic church from CLUJ, in front of the Statue of the Virgin Mary. I was praying to her, and all of a sudden, the Virgin Mary started crying in front of me.
First, one tear, then another, until her tears flowed, but, what became totally interesting is that, she became me, she would intertwine with me, I mean I saw her in me, like me, and then I saw her in front of me again, that several times, and, it seemed in my dream that it took a while.
Until, my grandfather, my father's father, the one who lived at the time, entered the church and talked to me. I don't remember exactly what it was, but, very clearly, the interpretation of the dream is this: the tears, the cry of the Virgin Mary meant her pain towards me, warned me about what was going to happen to the store that I had just opened, or was going to open it, and, surprisingly true, the tears started exactly in the year when, my grandfather, the one who appeared in my dream, he had a stroke and later died. So, that year, my grandfather had a stroke, was paralyzed for a few months; so I help him, I paid a woman to take care of him, etc., besides the fact that I took care of my father and grandmother.
Later, he passed away, and, also that year, my father had a stroke, he was paralyzed for several months, and only God knows how hard I fought to help him survive, initially, and then to get him back on his feet, as it is today, and it's been more than 15 years since then and it's good, thank God.
And, also that year, the problems started with the store, with the crook that had sublet the store. So, the very clear interpretation and the appearance of the Virgin Mary in my dream, a rare fact met (just like the appearance of God in someone's dream), and her tears that became mine, is exactly what happened.
In the dream of the apocalypse, I do not cry at all, on the contrary. Read also this dream:
Read the fanatical interpretations of the psychopaths who set up this whole scenario in this article, and, you'll understand what it's about and who you're dealing with, the whole world, all mankind.
According to the prophecy that they want to fulfill, also through me, after allocating, both to me and my family, the roles of various countries (Syria, Iran) and presidents (Putin, recently Trump, although, during the first implementation this role was assigned to Constantinescu), roles that they change, interpret them according to how they like, now they want to hurt me because he considers me to be "Babylon, a Queen among nations", "the lady of kingdoms", "the whore of Babylon" because, 'the Scripture often refer to Babylon as a woman, who sits atop water, has a golden cup in her right hand and a crown of seven rays on her head" and, "And the woman who who thou sawest in that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth. The United Nations, in theory "reigns" over all the "kings" of the Earth and is located in NEW YORK, the greatest city where you can see the Statue of Liberty. The statue is the most well-known landmark in the U.S., and the symbol of Babylon the prophets are referring to in their clues. So, why they're calling it the whore of Babylon?" the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty was Auguste Bertholdi, a Mason belonging to great Masonic Lodge in Paris. Before beginning the statue of liberty project, Bertholdi was seeking a commission to construct a giant statue of the goddess Ishtar. The Romans also adopted this fertility goddess but they changed the name to LIBERTAS in Latin, (Liberty, in English). LIBERTAS is the mystical equivalent of ISHTAR. Therefore, the Statue of Liberty is, in fact, a Statue of Ishtar, the Babylonian the GODDESS of FERTILITY, LOVE and SEX (just because they said so, psychopaths, public danger and Jewish spies, Maticiuc and Constantinescu, whom I denounced to the FBI in December 2020. Here, the proof in this article:
Here, the PROOF that THEY are JEWISH SPIES, in this Romanian article which I translated and give it to the FBI
more detailed information can be found in this article.
You will find extremely interesting information and practically, their entire action on me and my family, just to create the impression that, by abusing me, killing people, and allocating all those roles to me, through imaginary interpretations, (in the field of psychiatry, that's why I call them psychopaths, that's what they are), they create the actions for the fulfillment of all prophecies, one of which is realized, the one about moving the Embassy to Jerusalem. Here:
So, the dream with the Virgin Mary is very, very clear. The action happened in Cluj, and it's about what happened there, and nothing else.
Moreover, I can NOT be ALSO THE VIRGIN MARY (as clearly indicates this dream in which I became her, and she became me), and, at the same time, just because you want, the fanatical madness of your interpretation of the Statue of Liberty, as me, the so-called goddess Ishtar, the Babylonian the GODDESS of FERTILITY, LOVE and SEX. Why is that? SIMPLE. Explanation also for atheists, and for those who do not know how to read, or, read without understanding, logically, the logic that some are completely lacking: the Virgin Mary can NOT be confused with this goddess, under any circumstances and, nor does it come into question any comparison between the two and,
in other words, from the very words, I quote "the goddess of FERTILITY", I can't fit in from the start because I don't have children. Let's not confuse my nieces and nephews with my children. They are their mother's children, in the clearest and most normal way possible, that is, born and raised by her. They are like my children, of course, like any person who loves the children of his family, but in order to meet the condition of FERTILITY, I should have had my own children, to give birth to my own children. LOGICALLY. So, from the start, according to these two essential things, I can't be likened to that goddess in any way.
More information, in the article in which I will explain at length, in detail, every important paragraph (and their interpretation) of that prophecy.
About my store:
My company, DONNA I, was the FIRST COMPANY in Cluj County to IMPORT NEW clothes for women and men, furs and leather clothes, women's lingerie, accessories, purses, (including stainless steel furniture, stands and mannequins I imported from there, also legally, with documents that can be found anytime at the Customs Office in Cluj) from a country of the European Union, namely Italy, in 2002, autumn. The store I opened, inaugurated on October 26, 2002, and had a very successful and impact on the Cluj market and, not only, because many residents of the neighboring counties, throughout Transylvania, passed my store threshold, as customers.
I am very proud of this and of all that I have achieved and done in my life, alone, and with the help of my husband, (after getting married), always legal, with professionalism, fairness, seriousness and a lot of work, dedication and energy, both for the benefit of the people, the state, and for the benefit of the community, for raising the standard of living and for an openness to the new , access to the quality of Western European products (which were a mirage for Rumanian citizens, to which, only the rich who could obtain a visa for the EU, had access), as well as the education of good taste in clothing and the attempt to cultivate an elevated style, pleasing to the eye, elegant and refined.
Also, being an importing company, at the time, the legislation provided that for goods imported from the European community, the company had to pay in customs, i.e., in advance, value added tax (VAT), amounting to 19% of the value of the goods. So, I have also helped the Rumanian state in this regard and I have contributed to the budget, in addition to all other contributions and taxes always paid on time. And the documents don't lie. People can lie, invent and even falsify documents; and in this respect I'm going to reproduce another story, real, in which, someone, with the help of people who should have worked according to the law and defending the rights of citizens, committed some illegalities, forgeries and incredible abuses, which, although it shocked me and I could not believe that someone could lie and falsify all the way in court or in places where the law must be law and NOT a joke, were quickly annihilated by the decisions of normal judges, with their heads on their shoulders and incorruptibiles, who judged by evidence and not on political orders or according to the financial interests of some. I, along with my lawyer, a professor of civil and commercial law, won lawsuits, one after another, just like the bad guy invented them.
I, and my lawyer specialized in commercial and civil law (who did not represent anyone in lawsuits, criminal complaints, but made an exception in my case, knowing the truth), we beat in court one of the most famous criminal law lawyers (who do not know how he had the sense to represent such corrupt and forgery) in the first instance, from the first term. Nor did he have the courage to go further, because he knew that he would lose and I would also ask him for damages (or that he could go to prison, together with his client, according to the criminal law and forgery in evidence and statements), in addition to losing his prestige. And that's a real case and fact.
Read also these articles and see my real work:
So, the dream with the virgin Mary is very, very clear. The action happened in Cluj, and it's about what happened there, and nothing else.
The picture taken in St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York I put it only because it's a picture I took and, I want to present to my audience as much visual information as possible. Below, you have pictures of the church in Cluj. The people from Cluj recognize it, they know what it's about. For now, I don't write down details about the church, because everything I write, psychopaths interpret according to their sick minds and, I don't want any more ideas to come up with. I'm going to write an article about the churches I love, and I'm going to put those pictures, about the ones I have pictures of. Anyway, the most dear and important, to which I prayed a lot, very often and constantly, daily, is the one across the street from my old store on Bvd. Eroilor.
Moreover, according to this religious dream, as well as the others, the interpretations are extremely clear: God and the Virgin Mary are with me, even more, the Virgin Mary warned me in this dream about what happened in my life, and, whoever interprets otherwise, is a madman who will, by God's will, be punished as HE wants , THE GOD, not these false prophets or false people, mentally ill, who, besides believing themselves to be God, also interpret my dreams completely wrong and, abuse for years of me and my family, allocating roles of different political characters or Presidents, or countries, create daily news around the world and present history according to what I do every day or write, but at the same time, (what logically can be that everything is an absurdity and anomaly), they want to hurt us at the same time, just because they consider that we have done our "duty" (because in their ill mind that was the purpose, the duty) by which they have fulfilled their sick fantasies by putting in important functions who they want, considering this as a gift from God, through me.
Pictures of the CHURCH FROM CLUJ
Fecioara Maria: visul meu care s-a adeverit
Este o foarte mare diferenta intre un vis despre o persoana (me, in acest caz, visul cu Fecioara Maria), si un vis despre lume, in care eu sunt personajul pozitiv care lupta impotriva diavolului.
Si, NU, nu are nicio legatura cu nicio persoana care poarta numele Maria, NU din familia mea, si, s-a implinit acum multi ani. Am realizat asta dupa multi ani, deoarece nu am stiut la vremea respectiva sa il interpretez.
M-am visat singura, intr-o biserica catolica, imensa, din Cluj-Napoca, in fata Statuii Fecioarei Maria. Ma rugam la ea, si, dintr-o data, Fecioara Maria a inceput sa planga in fata mea. Mai intai o lacrima, apoi alta, pana cand ii curgeau siroaie de lacrimi, dar, ceea ce a devenit cu totul interesant e ca, EA DEVENEA EU, se intrepatrundea cu mine, adica o vedeam pe ea in mine, ca fiind eu, apoi iar o revedeam in fata mea, asta de mai multe ori, si, mi se parea in vis ca a durat ceva timp, pana cand, bunicul meu, tatal tatalui meu, cel care traia la acea la acea vreme, a intrat in biserica si a vorbit cu mine.
Nu-mi aduc aminte exact ce anume, dar, in mod foarte clar, interpretarea visului este aceasta: lacrimile, plansul Fecioarei Maria insemna durerea ei fata de mine, ma atentiona despre ceea ce urma sa se intample cu magazinul pe care tocmai il deschisesem, sau urma sa il deschid, si, surprinzator de adevarat, lacrimile au inceput exact in anul cand, bunicul meu, cel care mi-a aparut in vis, a facut accident cerebral si, ulterior a si murit.
Deci, in acel an, bunicul meu a facut accident cerebral, a fost paralizat cateva luni; l-am ajutat in toate acele luni cat a fost paralizat, am platit femeie ca sa il ingrijeasca, etc, pe langa faptul ca am avut grija si de tatal meu si de bunica. Ulterior, a decedat, si, tot in acel an, a facut tatal meu accident cerebral, a fost paralizat mai multe luni, si doar Dumnezeu stie cat m-am luptat sa il ajut sa supravietuiasca, initial, iar mai apoi sa il repun pe picioare, asa cum e azi, si au trecut de atunci mai bine de 15 ani si este bine, multumesc lui Dumnezeu.
Si, tot in acel an, au inceput problemele cu magazinul, cu excrocul care subinchiriase magazinul.
Deci, interpretarea foarte clara a visului si a aparitiei Fecioarei Maria in visul meu, un fapt rar intalnit (exact ca si aparitia lui Dumnezeu in visul cuiva), si lacrimile ei care deveneau ale mele, este exact ceea ce s-a intamplat.
In visul cu apocalipsa, eu NU plang deloc, din contra, alta e misiunea daruita de Dumnezeu. cititi si articolul DREAMS. am pus link mai sus, la varianta in limba engleza.
Compania mea, DONNA I, a fost prima firma din judetul Cluj care a facut import de haine noi pentru femei si barbati, blanuri si haine din piele, lenjerie pentru femei, accesorii, posete, (inclusiv mobilierul din inox, stativele si manechinii i-am importat de acolo, tot legal, cu documente care oricand pot fi gasite la Oficiul Vamal din Cluj) dintr-o tara a Uniunii Europene, si anume Italia, in anul 2002, toamna. Magazinul l-am deschis, inaugurat, pe data de October 26, 2002, si a avut un foarte mare succes si impact pe piata clujeana si, nu numai, deoarece multi locuitori din judetele invecinate, din intreaga Transilvanie, imi treceau pragul magazinului, ca si cumparatori. Eu sunt foarte mandra de acest lucru si de tot ceea ce am realizat si facut in viata mea, singura, si cu ajutorul sotului meu, (dupa ce get casatorit), intotdeauna legal, cu profesionalism, corectitudine, seriozitate si foarte multa munca, daruire si energie depusa, atat in folosul oamenilor, al statului, cat si in folosul comunitatii, pentru ridicarea nivelului de trai si pentru o deschidere spre nou, acces la calitatea produselor vest europene (care erau un miraj pentru cetatenii romani, la care, doar cei bogati care puteau obtine o viza pentru UE, aveau acces), cat si educarea bunului gust in materie de imbracaminte si incercarea de cultivare a unui stil elevat, placut ochiului, elegant si rafinat.
De asemenea, fiind o firma importatoare, la vremea respectiva, legislatia prevedea ca pentru marfa importata din comunitatea europeana, compania trebuia sa plateasca in vama, adica, in avans, taxa pe valoare adaugata (TVA), in valoare de 19% din valoarea marfurilor. Deci, eu am ajutat si statul roman in acest sens si am contribuit la buget, pe langa toate celelalte contributii si impozite platite intotdeauna la timp. Si documentele NU mint.
Oamenii pot sa minta, sa inventeze si chiar sa falsifice documente; si, in acest sens am sa reproduc o alta poveste, reala, in care, cineva, cu ajutorul unor persoane care ar fi trebuit sa lucreze conform legii si pentru apararea drepturilor cetatenilor, au comis niste ilegalitati, falsuri si abuzuri incredibile, care, desi it m-au socat si nu imi venea sa cred ca cineva poata sa minta si falsifice tocmai in instanta sau in locurile unde legea trebuie sa fie lege si NU o gluma, au fost repede anihilate prin deciziile unor judecatori normali, cu capul pe umeri si incoruptibili, care, au judecat dupa dovezi si nu la comenzi politice sau conform intereselor financiare ale unora.
Eu, impreuna cu avocatul meu, profesor universitar in drept civil si comercial, am castigat procese, unul dupa altul, asa cum le si inventa raufacatorul.
Eu, si avocatul meu specialized in drept comercial si civil (care nu reprezenta pe nimeni in procese, plangeri penale, dar a facut o exceptie in cazul meu, stiind adevarul), noi l-am batut in instanta pe unul dintre cei mai renumiti avocati de drept penal (care nu stiu cum a avut nesimtirea sa si reprezinte asemenea corupti si falsuri) din prima instanta, de la primul termen. Nici NU a mai avut curajul sa mearga mai departe, fiindca stia ca va pierde si ii voi cere si daune (sau ca poate face inchisoare, impreuna cu clientul sau, conform legii penale si a falsului in probe si in declaratii), pe langa faptul ca isi pierde prestigiul. si asta este un caz si fapt real.
deci, visul cu Fecioara Maria este foarte, foarte clar. Actiunea s-a petrecut in Cluj, si e despre ceea ce s-a intamplat acolo, si nimic altceva. Poza facuta in Catedrala St Patrick din New York am pus-o doar fiindca este o poza facuta de mine si, vreau sa prezint publicului meu cat mai multa informatie vizuala. Mai jos, aveti poze cu biserica din Cluj. clujenii o recunosc, stiu despre ce e vorba. Deocamdata nu scriu detalii despre biserica, deoarece tot ceea ce eu scriu, psihopatii interpreteaza dupa mintea lor bolnava si, nu vreau sa mai le vina si alte idei. O sa scriu un articol si despre bisericile dragi mie, si o sa pun si pozele respective, referitor la cele la care am poze. Oricum, cea mai draga si importanta, la care m-am rugat mult, foarte des si constant, zilnic, este cea de vis-a-vis de fostul meu magazin de pe Bvd. Eroilor, colt cu Babes-Boylai.
Aceasta este o poza facuta de mine in St Patrick's Cathedral, dar nu are nicio legatura sau relevanta cu acest vis (prima poza).,. Restul fotografiilor sunt facute tot de mine, intr-o alta biserica foarte veche din Cluj. O veti recunoaste din pozele facute in exteriorul bisericii.
Cititi interpretarile fanatice ale psihopatilor care au pus tot acest scenariu la cale in acest articol, si, veti intelege despre ce e vorba si cu cine aveti de-a face, dvs, intreaga lume, intreaga omenire.
Mai mult, conform acestui vis religios, precum si al celorlalte, interpretarile sunt extrem de clare: Dumnezeu si Fecioara Maria sunt alaturi de mine, chiar mai mult, Fecioara Maria m-a avertizat in acest vis despre ceea ce s-a si intamplat in viata mea, si, oricine interpreteaza altfel, este un nebun care va fi, prin voia lui Dumnezeu, pedepsit asa cum vrea EL, DUMNEZEU, nu acesti falsi profeti sau oameni falsi, bolnavi psihic, care, pe langa faptul ca se cred Dumnezei, mai si interpreteaza visele mele complet gresit si, abuzeaza de ani de zile de mine si familia mea, alocandu-ne roluri de diferite personaje politice sau Presedinti, creaza stirile zilnice din intreaga lume si istoria prezenta in functie de ceea ce fac eu zilnic sau scriu, dar, in acelasi timp, ceea ce in mod cat se poate de logic ca totul este o absurditate si anomalie, vor sa ne faca rau, in acelasi timp, doar fiindca considera ca "ne-am facut datoria" prin care ei si-au indeplinit fanteziile bolnave punand in functii importante pe cine vor ei, considerand asta ca fiind un dar de la Dumnezeu, prin mine.
Conform profetiei pe care ei vor s-o indeplineasca, tot prin mine, dupa ce mi-au alocat, atat mie, cat si familiei mele, rolurile de diverse tari (Siria, Iran) si presedinti (Putin, recent Trump, desi, in perioada primului impeachment acest rol ii era alocat lui Constantinescu), roluri pe care ei le schimba, le interpreteaza in functie de cum le convine, acum vor sa imi faca rau, deoarece ma considera a fi "Babylon, a Queen among nations", "the lady of kingdoms", "the whore of Babylon" deoarece, 'the Scripture often refers to Babylon as a woman, who sits atop water, has a golden cup in her right hand and a crown of seven rays on her head" si, "And the woman which thou sawest in that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. The United Nations, in theory “reigns” over all the “kings” of the Earth and is situated in NEW YORK, the greatest city where you can see the Statue of Liberty. The statue is the most well-known landmark in the U.S., and the symbol of Babylon the prophets are referring to in their clues. So, why then are they calling it the whore of Babylon?" because..." the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty was Auguste Bertholdi, a mason belonging to great Masonic Lodge in Paris. Before beginning the statue of liberty project, Bertholdi was seeking a commission to construct a giant statue of the goddess Ishtar. The Romans also adopted this fertility goddess but they changed the name to LIBERTAS in Latin, (Liberty, in English). LIBERTAS is the mythological equivalent of ISHTAR. Therefore, the Statue of Liberty is, in fact, a Statue of Ishtar, the Babylonian the GODDESS of FERTILITY, LOVE and SEX.
(doar fiindca asa au spus, psihopatii, pericol public si spioni evrei, Maticiuc si Constantinescu, pe care i-am denuntat la FBI in luna decembrie 2020)
mai multe informatii, detaliate, gasiti in acest articol. Veti gasi informatii extrem de interesante si, practic, intreaga lor actiune asupra me si a familiei mele, doar pentru a crea impresia ca, abuzandu-ma pe mine, omorand oameni, si alocandu-mi toate acele roluri, prin interpretari imaginare, (de domeniul psihiatriei, ca de aceea ii si numesc psihopati, ca ei asta sunt), ei creaza actiunile pentru indeplinirea tuturor profetiilor, una dintre ele fiind realizata, cea cu mutarea Ambasadei la Ierusalim. Aici, in acest articol.
Gasiti TOATE LINK urile mai sus, la varianta scrisa in limba engleza.
mai mult, eu NU pot fi si Fecioara Maria (asa cum clar indica acest vis in care eu deveneam ea, si ea devenea eu), si, in acelasi timp, doar fiindca asa vreti voi, nebunia fanatica a interpretarii voastre despre Statuia Libertatii, ca fiind eu, asa zisa zeita Ishtar, the Babylonian the GODDESS of FERTILITY, LOVE and SEX.
De ce? Simplu. Explicatie si pentru atei, si pentru cei care NU stiu sa citeasca, sau, citesc fara sa inteleaga, logic, logica care, unora le lipseste cu desavarsire: in primul rand, Fecioara Maria NU se poate confunda cu aceasta zeita, sub nicio forma si, nici nu intra in discutie nicio comparatie intre cele doua si, in alta ordine de idei, din chiar cuvintele, citez:" the goddess of FERTILITY", NU ma pot incadra din start, deoarece eu NU am copii. Sa NU confundam nepotii mei, cu copiii mei. Ei sunt copiii mamei lor, in modul cel mai clar si normal cu putinta, adica nascuti si crescuti de ea. Ei sunt ca si copiii mei, normal, ca orice persoana care iubeste copiii familiei sale, dar, ca sa indeplinesc conditia de FERTILITY, ar fi trebuit ca eu sa am propriii mei copii, to give birth to my own children. LOGIC. Deci, din start, conform acestor doua lucruri esentiale, NU pot fi asemanata in niciun caz cu acea zeita.
Mai multe informatii, in articolul in care voi explica pe larg, in amanunt, fiecare paragraf important (si interpretarea lor) al acelei profetii.
E o perioada frumoasa a vietii mele. Sunt fericita ca am familia langa mine si am o afacere care imi asigura un viitor.
Asa gandeam atunci in privinta afacerii mele.
Dar, visul avut are menirea de a ma preveni asupra a ceea ce se va intampla, doar ca atunci nu am stiut...
Din nou visez. Un alt vis religios. Demult nu am mai avut un astfel de vis. De la cele din adolescenta pe care nu le-am putut uita niciodata. Acesta e la fel ca importanta, desi inca nu ii cunosc insemnatatea.
Acum o stiu. Am aflat-o. Tardiv insa.
Am intrebat pe cei pe care poate i-am considerat in masura sa imi dea un ajutor in interpretarea lui, dar nu au stiut, sau poate nu au stiut nici ei...
Daca am sti intotdeauna sa interpretam corect ceea ce ni se transmite, poate nu ar mai fi greseli niciodata pe lumea asta; poate ca toti am fi perfecti...intr-o lume perfecta!
Intru in biserica. Sunt singura si ma indrept spre Fecioara Maria. Incep sa ma rog ei. Apoi imi ridic privirea si raman uimita.
Statuia incepe SA PLANGA. In fata mea.
Dar ma priveste cu o INFINITA DRAGOSTE si BUNATATE.
Raman uimita si o privesc. Nu imi vine sa cred. Pare IREAL, dar totusi SE INTAMPLA. Pare desprins dintr-un film, ma duce cu gandul la videoclipul Madonnei.
Fecioarei Maria ii curge intai o lacrima, apoi alta, incet, iar apoi tot mai tare ii curg siroaie de lacrimi, dar, cumva, la un moment dat ne intrepatrundem: eu devin EA, apoi revin si o vad din nou, si tot asa, pret de ceva timp. Practic, devenim una si aceeasi pentru o perioada, apoi eu revin in fata ei rugandu-ma, ea se opreste din plans si apare bunicul meu care traia la vremea respectiva.
Suntem doar noi doi in biserica si ma alina.
Un vis cutremurator de frumos, de adevarat (asa l-am simtit), impresionant si plin de semnificatii. Nu pot descrie acum tot ceea ce am simtit. Niciunul dintre visele religioase pe care le-am avut nu le pot descrie la adevarata lor intensitate de simturi, trairi, privelisti si in toata complexitatea lor. Dar sunt intotdeauna atat de vii in nu doar memoria mea, ci chiar in fata ochilor mei.
Si exista si alte aspecte pe care deocamdata nu le voi preciza.
Semnificatia acelui vis: in anul mortii bunicului meu, Dumnezeu sa il odihneasca!, incepe declinul afacerii mele; sunt atacata NEDREPT, miseleste si crunt de catre