The fact that I publish the roots of my family is my right and no one is allowed to judge any of this, just as the madness of "prophecy" is null. This was invented by psychopaths (not the prophecy itself, but the interpretations, to make a very clear difference between these two essential aspects). Interpretations were created, as you know, to fool, to TRICK some, for the 2016 elections, and now it has been revealed, along with the lies of the clan of criminals Maticiuc and Constantinescu, to get rid of the FBI investigation and, to change the perception of law enforcement in the world, as well as some heads of state, about the so-called "danger" represented by the psychopathic interpretations of someone as far as I'm concerned.
A very clear tactic, used by spies, to distract from reality, from them, as murderers, and to scare the whole world that, a war is triggered, if they do not agree to do as Maticiuc, Constantinescu and, of course, Israel which, clearly, knows for what sent these psychopaths to spy and interfere in the elections in America.
So THE STORY is NOT ABOUT ME, NOT about my family, but about their fear of getting where they need to be for crimes committed, that is, in prison. they are helped from the beginning by others.
So they create a diversion, to distract real attention from their criminal deeds, like dictators and tyrants as we know only from the history books, some of us; to change the perception of the world to frighten them and to induce in the minds of some, as they have done all these years, playing with your mind and convincing you to do what they want, by launching this so-called "prophecy", which in reality is very lying and in no way has anything to do with me or my family. Obviously this is the "thing" done by a certain information system, those who helped, and, in return, they did some services for those interests.
I don't want to publish my entire theory, but I will give a hint about EVERYTHING, because I'm NOT afraid, because NOTHING is true, and I'm completely INNOCENT!
so, That's, in short, their strategy. Of course, whoever believes them, as before, is the biggest fool and harms himself. I want to make one more point, before moving on to the analysis of the prophecy and their psychopathic and lying interpretations, which they invented. I read, likewise, published by someone on twitter, because absolutely all the news I read from social media or TV, that some important family are the ones who started the war in Syria, in 2014, the YEAR WHEN Radu Constantinescu STARTED to SPYING illegally ON ME through my Facebook account, and, then, through internet, in my own life, house and business, so, obviously the malicious interpretations about me, they clearly originate there, although, I am neither Syrian nor anything with Syria.
Instead, what's obvious, someone is trying to interpret the legal contract that my firm had with a Syrian businessman in 2000 (please read the article MISS FREEDOM 2000), as the starting point in harming, probably Syria and, the whole world.
Truth. Simple. Stay calm and don't be scared, and don't believe all the made-up lies!
There will be no war, because I am NOT, I have not been and never will be, neither "prostitute", nor "goddess Ishtar" from their prophecy. It's just about the fantasy of some, the oppression of others and, very, very much, a lot of abuse by some who believed lies and falsehoods created by these false "Romanian patriots", to which they, some of them, helped and contributed, through unorthodox methods.
When they saw how things really were and that, I'm NOT a prostitute either, and you know, I was put to the test by them, here in New York, in 2016 and 2017, several times and, they convinced themselves that I'm NOT! They've tried with some people's real proposals, to be my lovers, going so far as sending men to offer me money, if I do them "favors".
I TURNED THEM ALL DOWN, and THEY KNOW IT; And, moreover, I didn't even know what it was about, I didn't even know that, illegally, the Romanian Intelligence Service was spying on me, or that I was being subjected to various tests.
In the following, although I do not enjoy it at all and I do not want to expose my life in public, I am forced by these monsters to do it. Simple; as you all know, that you have been informed, after these human scums have used me and terrorized me from 2018 to the present, now they want to hurt me even more. Why is that? Ask them: I am convinced that they do not know and have no answer, other than their deep hatred of people, towards a woman who, has NOT wronged them with anything.
I have introduced here a few lines written by the counterintelligence officer and former head of the FBI, Peter Strzok, who, proving the reality of corruption to those who lead the world, themselves have claimed these "rights", without anyone naming them and who, they believe themselves above the law, but who have the absurd claim to consider themselves "judges" of the world and, in this particular case, of mine. It is a piece of advice (read, a reality) that someone gave him. Quote:
"Understood that we don’t have a truly equal system of justice, he said. Some CRIME is too complex, and with enough money and political clout, the BAD GUY can bury us, or just wait us out. Worse, he continued, with ENOUGH POWER, THEY CAN FIND WAYS TO MAKE THE INJUSTICE LEGAL. Don’t forget that.”
Before I describe any other extremely important details of my life, I want to quote what it says on the New York police website, the police station I went to to report these Romanians, as I did to the FBI. And if I quote what the FBI website says about what they're investigating and what no one's allowed to do because it's illegal, then you'll all know that these masquerades who abuse innocent people should have been in jail long ago.
But everything that is written, both on the FBI and NYPD's websites is law, is the law and order that no one can get over; of course, some still dream that they are invincible or they are amazed, believing that no one knows what is really going on. They are wrong: you all know, and you are NOT few, on the contrary, there are many and you will not be silent. It is NOT exhorted to any "revenge", but it is about inalienable rights and freedoms and, about their observance and the Constitution. Who does NOT comply with the law, will suffer consequences, because, so they said that, quote: "in America NO ONE is above THE LAW."; as a result, NO ONE is above the LAW, no matter how much money it has or what name it bears. quote from the NYPD website:" FREEDOM OF SPEECH vs. HATE CRIME
In accordance with the NEW YORK STATE PENAL LAW, the NEW YORK CITY Police Department uses the following guideline to identify HATE CRIME and bias incidents: A bias incident is ANY OFFENSE or unlawful act that is motivated in whole or substantial part BY A PERSON'S, a GROUP'S, or a place's identification with a PARTICULAR RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, ETHNICITY, GENDER, AGE, DISABILITY, ANCESTRY, NATIONAL ORIGIN or SEXUAL ORIENTATION (including gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgender) as determined by the commanding officer of the HATE CRIME TASK FORCE.
HATE CRIMES may have CONSEQUENCES FAR BEYOND the CRIMINAL ACT ITSELF. Becoming the VICTIM of a CRIME, is TRAUMATIC, but IF the ACT was COMMITTED BECAUSE of WHO YOU ARE or WHAT YOU BELIEVE, the VIOLATION is even more hurtful and may cause deep emotional impacts.
ALL HATE CRIMES are SERIOUS INCIDENTS and ARE TREATED as such by the Police Department. CRIMES that are motivated BY HATE are vigorously INVESTIGATED by the NYPD Crime Task Force.
A HATE CRIME is a CRIMINAL ACT that is motivated in whole or substantial part by the PERCEIVED identify of the victim. For example, when a person calls another person an insulting name, it is just a name and not a crime, even if the name is hateful and offensive. This kind of name calling is generally protected as FREE SPEECH.
In contrast, if someone calls a person a hateful name because of THEIR IDENTITY ALONE, and ALSO ASSAULTS THEM, THE ASSAULT is a CRIME, and the motivation makes the ACT a HATE CRIME as well. THE HATE CRIME designation can also apply to other crimes, such as CRIMINAL MISCHIEF, or others, associated with PARTICULAR RELIGIOUS or RACIAL GROUPS. Free speech protection END with THE COMMISSION of a CRIMINAL ACT, and HATEFUL SPEECH or WRITING in CONJUNCTION WITH A CRIME is a HATE CRIME."