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"people will question ALL the GOOD things they hear about you, but believe all the bad without a second thought."

So, it doesn't matter the mouth of the world; And I know you know that. We've been through a lot together and we've overcome them together, and, we've never stopped loving each other and being together, for better or worse. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and be happy, healthy, loved by all those you love and are with you, beside you, or close to your heart! This is what one of the sisters, wishes her, to the other, whom she loves as herself, who loves her children, her family, as her own person, even more!

Good morning, beautiful! To live long, to be long-lived, as well as the family you belong to, and to protect you, to guard you and to protect you and your loved ones! These are the greetings, made from the heart, not just on the anniversary of your birthday, but every day of our existence.

They've loved each other very much since the first day they met.

People will question ALL the GOOD things they hear about you, but believe all the bad without a second thought. But, he doesn't. Because he loved her from the first moment and, he knew who SHE IS, even though, it seemed different, in the light of the situation, entourage. He, a very strong, experienced man, she, a young, inexperienced, kind, good, naughty, amazing-beautiful, very intelligent and perspicacious.

They met by chance. He was there with friends, but he wasn't looking for fun, just like her. He seemed quite shy, despite the very high, imposing stature, and the manhood that he emanated.


Lumea pune la indoiala toate lucrurile bune pe care le aude despre tine, dar, crede toate lucrurile rele, fara sa se gandeasca si a doua oara.

Asa ca, NU conteaza gura lumii; si stiu ca stii bine asta. am trecut prin multe greutati impreuna si le-am invins, impreuna, si, nu am incetat niciodata sa ne iubim si sa fim impreuna, la bine si la greu. Asa ca, HAPPY BIRTHDAY si sa fii fericita, sanatoasa, iubita de toti cei pe care ii iubesti si sunt alaturi de tine, beside you, sau aproape de inima! Asta ii ureaza una dintre surori, celeilalte, pe care o iubeste ca si pe sine insasi, careia ii iubeste copiii, familia, mai mult decat propria-i persoana.

Buna dimineata, frumoasa! Sa traiesti mult, sa fii longeviva, ca si familia din care apartii, iar bunul Dumnezeu sa te ocroteasca, sa te pazeasca si sa te fereasca pe tine si cei dragi tie! Astea sunt urarile, facute din inima, nu doar la aniversarea zilei tale de nastere, ci in fiecare zi a existentei noastre.

Ei s-au iubit foarte mult, inca din prima zi cand s-au cunoscut.

Lumea pune la indoiala toate lucrurile bune pe care le aude despre tine, dar, crede toate lucrurile rele, fara sa se gandeasca si a doua oara.

Dar, el NU. Pentru ca a iubit-o din prima clipa si, stia cine este ea, chiar daca, parea altceva, in lumina situatiei, a anturajului. El, un barbat foarte puternic, experimentat, ea, o tanara, neexperimentata, buna, cuminte, naughty, uluitor de frumoasa si foarte inteligenta si perspicace.

S-au intalnit intamplator. El era acolo, cu prietenii, dar nu cauta distractie, exact ca si ea. Parea destul de timid, in pofida staturii foarte inalte, impunatoare, si a barbatiei pe care o emana.


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