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my vanilla store in a few pictures

There are blog posts, and other articles that also are in the works, but, you can see beautiful pictures and collections of clothing from fashion shows or from my stores, or/and, from those I had with my husband, in which we both worked enormously, starting from the arrangement of all the stores that belong to me as design, the actual work, put into practice because of the skill of my husband who is a specialist and very skilled in absolutely everything he does, whether it is his office job (which he practices), or, man, skilled at all. I give you an example: shops VANILLA, BAMBOLA (3 stores), BLOSSOM LUCK, everything is his work and mine: construction of false walls in storefronts, as decorative element, wallpaper put on walls, parquet in shops, installation of furniture, electrical installations, absolutely everything. I am the luckiest woman in the world because she loves me, respects me, loves him, respects and appreciates more than anyone can ever imagine and always has been, is and will be, the love of my life, the ideal partner and help in any situation; reciprocity, valid. Thank you for your unconditional support that I greatly appreciate.

I'll come back with other beautiful pictures and NEW articles.

Exista pe blog, si alte articole care, de asemenea, sunt in lucru, dar, puteti vedea poze frumoase si colectii de imbracaminte din prezentari de moda sau din magazinele mele, sau/si, din cele avute impreuna cu sotul meu, in care ambii am muncit enorm, incepand de la amenajarea tuturor magazinelor care imi apartine ca design, lucrul efectiv, pus in practica datorita indemanarii sotului meu care este un specialist si foarte indemanatic in absolut tot ceea ce face, indiferent daca este job ul lui de birou (pe care il practica), sau, de BARBAT, priceput la toate. Va dau un exemplu: magazinele VANILLA, BAMBOLA (3 magazine), BLOSSOM LUCK, totul este munca lui si a mea: constructia peretilor falsi din vitrine, ca element decorativ, tapetul pus pe pereti, parchetul din magazine, instalarea mobilierului, a instalatiilor electrice, absolut tot. Sunt cea mai norocoasa femeie din lume pentru ca ma iubeste, ma respecta, il iubesc, respect si apreciez mai mult decat isi poate imagina cineva vreodata si, intotdeauna a fost, este si va fi, iubirea vietii mele, partenerul si ajutorul ideal in orice situatie; reciprocitatea, valabila.

Va multumesc ca pentru sustinerea voastra neconditionata pe care o apreciez enorm.

O sa revin si cu alte poze, superbe, zic eu, si din insoritul NEW YORK si cu noi articole cu descrieri din viata reala, de zi cu zi.


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